Clubs listings

Edinburgh Wednesdays continued

I Luvely :il lhc Liquid R0011]. lllpni 3am. U3 it'll) invinhcrw. 4 Doc. Monthly :\ unit) \uii‘cc. gczircd l()\\£ll'(l\ u gu} /ini\cd L‘I'U“ d and lbuluring :l nimic polic} nl' lull-0n. dri\ ing hnuw lrnin i't‘xidcnlx 'l'nnnn) K. (BP and .lrircd.

I Opal Lounge at ()pul Loungc. lllpin 3am. [3. Wall}. Midncck \csxiun lrnin .lc/ Hill and hix iniwd hug nl' dixcrx Rrkli. lunk and hnuxc. I Opium :il ()piuin. l lpin 3am. l'iliL‘L‘. \VL‘L‘l'xl). NC“ lllll'd ;l\\ fuck and


I l l l llUPL‘ Sll‘L‘L‘l. 34306-15. I Air Organic 30 Kch ingrmc Slrccl. 504 530i.

I Archaos 3.5 QllL'L‘ll Sll'L‘L‘l. 3(l-l .5liS‘). I The Arches Midland Sll‘CL‘l lUll .lumuicu Slrccll. ll‘)lll ()33 ll3l)ll.

I Asylum "0 (1m cuddcm Rudd. 333 (MS l.

I Babaza 35 Rinul liu‘hungc Square. 304 (Hill.

I Bennet’s Sll (ilgixxlin'd Slrccl. 552 570 I.

I Blackfriars 2h licll Slrccl. 552 5‘)34.

I Bonkers (i? llnpc Si. 243 5334.

I Brel 3‘) .'\\lll0ll lune. 343 4mm.

I Budda I43 SI \‘inccnl Slrccl. 33l 5(i(i(l,

I The Cathouse l5 l‘ninn Sll‘L‘L‘l. 34S (ihllh.

I CCA 350 Siiuchichull Slrccl. 353 4900.

I The Cran Infxx .r\rg_\lc Slrccl. 24x (iSS l.

I Cuba Norte l7 .lnllll Sll'L‘L‘l. .553 3505.

I Cube 34 ()llL‘L‘ll Sll'CL‘l. 330 SW)“. I Cul De Sac .r\\hlnn l.;inc. 334 474‘).

I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King Sl. 553 033.".

I Fury Murry’s ()(l .\l;i\\\c|l Slrccl. 33! (i5l l.

I The Garage 4% Suuclllcllllll Sirch 333 1 I30.

I Glasgow School of Art In? RL‘llll'L‘\\ SII‘CCI. 533 (l()‘)l.

I Glasgow University Union 32 linixcrxil} .chnuc. 33‘) 8097.

I The Griffiny 2m lluili SII‘L‘L‘l. Ml .' 7 l.

5 I


WCMCCW. WVMCCM try-Look. a «:an SWup 1:915 Mammaliach in wow armpagh

inclul night l'rmn loud D] of ill rcpnlc ('luirc .\lnl'l';il und lhc udd glint.

I Players :1! l’ullcrrmx Sludcnl l'ninn. lllpin 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. lidinhnrgh l'niwrxil) Spurlx I'ninn nighl. _\uu knmx the drill. Plil} \pnrl. drink. lull mcr. chczil nn :1 null) hgixix.

I Rubberneck ul lllL‘ Bout Jar/l anincnl. lllpin. £3. 3() .\'m. hunk hip hnp lrmn lhix chwuxllc crcu. ini\ing up Inrnluhlixni. hnninn hcnlhrn and \umph‘x l'nr wing in! sound»

I Salsa . . . Salsita! at lil Burr-in. Illpin 3am. l-‘rcc. World). Scc Hi.

I Groucho St Judes mi) Hulll Slrccl. 33l 5l3l.

I 92 434 Sziuchichgill Si lhchind lhc (inrugcl. 353 3] l l.

I Havana 5U llnpc SII'L‘L‘I. 343 4~l(i(\.

I Life lhuwmcnl nl(‘nrinlhi;inl. I‘ll Ingram Slrccl. 553 lllll.

I The Lighthouse 5h \liii‘lu-ll Slrccl. 331 (r303

I The Living Room 5 “WIN Rimrl. .m as: l. '

I MAS 3‘) Rn};il liwhungc Squzirc. 33| ‘nxn.

I The Medicine Room 3032 (Kilhcdral Squurc. 553 351‘).

I Mercury Lounge l42 Halli l.;inc. 34.\' 1"".

I Moloco I33- .-\rg_\lc Slrccl. 334 4Sl3. I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 42l Smu-liicliull Sll'L‘L‘l. 333 W33“

I O’Henry’s l4 l)rnr} Slrccl. 348 3‘5 l. I Pivo Pivo, l5 \VillL'l'lmi SII‘L'cl. 504 xlnn

I Polo Lounge 84 Wilmii Slrccl.

553 l22l.

I Queen Margaret Student Union 33 liniwrxil} (i;ll'tlL‘ll\. 33‘) 0‘84. I Reds. 3‘5 Sunrhichull Slrccl. 331 l(i35.

I Riverside Club l-‘m Sll'L‘L‘l. 50‘) "337'.

I Rocksy’s Basement 40 .\‘c\\ SllL‘ddUll Sll'L‘cl. l’;li\lr‘_\. 5.53 5“”.

I The Shack l0} l’ln Sl. 332 "522.

I Soba ll \lllL‘llL‘ll Sll'L‘L‘l l.;lllL'. 3H4 3404.

I Soundhaus 4" ll}llL‘Pill'l\ Sll'ccl. 22l 465‘).

I Spy Bar I53 lluili Sin-cl. 22l 7,”! l. I Tchai-Ovna 43 ()lngu lune. 355 4524.

I Tempus ('(‘.'\. 35ll Suuchichull Slrccl. \CL' :lllmc.

I 13th Note 3N) (lch Sll'L‘L‘l. 34.5 2|.“

I The Tunnel x4 \linhcll Slrccl. 3ll4 lllllll.

I Variety Bar 4(ll SlillL‘lliL‘llnll Slrccl. 333 444‘).

I The Velvet Rooms 520 Sauchichull

Slrccl. 333 “‘55.




I Slap and Tickle (ll Maw: ll‘nrnicrl} ('Iuh Mercado). lllpin 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. Slcwn lull} di\pcn\c\ lhc funk} grnmw :ind damccllrmr L‘lzixxiLN at [his l-l‘c\ll \ludcnl nighl.

Chan & Party

I Angel Delight :il l’cppcrininl Loungc. llpni 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. Purl} illilllL‘lllS ill llllx lzidim‘ night lnnl In he cnnl'uwd \\ ilh lhc umncn on!) club liL‘ld ill lllL‘ \L‘llllL‘l.

I Enigma ill lixpinnngc. 9pm 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl). (’ruck lhc cudc and

I The Woodside Social Club 32‘) \iith \Vnndxidc Road. 337 l(i43. I Yang 33 ()nccn Slrccl. 348 8484.


I Babylon IVS (ircul .lunclinn Slrccl. 555 3703.

I Bam 800001)— Stilllll lil'ldgr‘. 5.50 0300.

I Bann UK 5 lllllllL‘l' Squurc. 33h lll3. I Baracoa \iclurlu Sll'ccl. 225 5846. I Bar Union 253/255 (1m gulc. 55" 3_.\'().

I The Beat Jazz Basement In (‘hgimhcrx Slrccl. 335 530‘).

I La Belle Angele ll lluxlim (‘llmz 335 "536.

I Beluga 30:1 (’huinhcrx Slrccl. (i34


I Berlin. 3 ()iicciixlbi‘i'} Slrccl Lune. 4(i' 7l3(i.

I The Bongo Club l4 .\'c\\ Slrccl. 55h 53ll4.

I Cavendish Wm 'l‘ullcrrm. 22s 3252. I C.C. Blooms 3.3 3i (il'L‘L‘IhldL‘ l’lllx‘L‘. 55!» 033 l.

I The Citrus (ll'lllkllil) Sirch (r22 .‘nxn. I The City Cafe lllulr Sin-ct. 22n lll25.

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), l’icurd} l’lucc. 4"S "434.

I The Commplex ('nmlncrciul Sll'ccl. l.cil|i. 555 5033.

I Cuba Norte lll2 \lnrriwn Sircci. 22l H400,

I Ego l’icul'd) Marc. 4‘.\ “434.

I eh1 l‘r lllgll Sll‘L‘Cl. 33H 53".

I El Barrio |ll4 Wm Poll. 22*) $505. I The Establishment .l Scniplc Sum. 22‘) ""33.

I Flashback Ufl l llnpc Slrccl. 220 (Will.

I Gaia King Sluth Rmid. 33‘) “)S‘h.

I Gilded Saloon 233 ('imgulc. 22‘) 3033,

I The Honeycomb I5 I" lelkll'} Sll'L‘L‘l. .53” .5540.

I The Human Be-In 2/\‘ \chi ('i'nxxczuiwim}. (m2 SSW).

I Iguana 4l l.nlhi;in Sim-l. 33ll 425‘s.

WW} .4ng

mxd-bricbétwh‘kaarpm BchGaHeriav - lath AW

band-boy wwwcmnpetazow W616}: btbueddowwmdjy WWICA LO‘L‘LO'MOW

l‘L‘L‘L‘l\L‘ a “TC gill 34 l~llll34l on l‘ullxx il uin‘l that hard.

I Smooch :il Suhnn} \le lind. 7pm 3am. £3 ltl l. Wall}. Slndcnl wiroc \\ ilh luxl} drinkx prmnm :ill nighl lung.

I Traffic Light Night at (inin. lllpni 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. .\ nighl nl~ unnlnn l'lirling l'ur lhc \ludcnlx. lixcryinc gclx :i \llk‘lxk‘l' nn urriml rcd lllL‘illh no \\;i_\ (in \\high czixc \xh) urc _\nu lhcrcI’l: :nnhcr lllL‘lllh ‘nignhc' and grccn lllL‘lllh lunking inln cuch ulhcr'x C) m the nml morning and uning: ‘\\'h;il \xux _\nur nznnc again."

I The Liquid Room W \‘icinriu Slrccl. 225 2504.

I Loca 335 (‘migulu 335 54l3.

I Magoo’s Basement 2‘ Wm l’url. 22l I448.

I The Mambo Club \chl 'l‘nllcm“. 447 339i.

I Massa (formerly Club Mercado) 3!» 3‘) \lurlwl Sllu‘l. 226 4224.

I The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) lillL‘L'lL‘llg‘ll .Sll‘L‘L‘l. ()(i-fi' (Nil-5.

I Opal Lounge 5l (icurgc Sin-cl. 22h 33"fi

I Opium Tl ('imgailc. 225 X383.

I The Outhouse liruugliiun Sirch l.;lllL‘. .557 ()(iS.

I Oxygen 3 5 lnlirinnr} Slrccl. 553 0007.

I Peppermint Lounge Blair Slrccl. ()33 (iSl |

I Pivo 3 (i (Killnn Rnnd. 55." 3935.

I Po Na Na 20 l-‘mlcrick Slrccl. 220


I The Pond 33 34 Bath Rudd. 4(3‘,‘ 3325.

I PopRokit 3 l’icnrd} l’luu‘. 55h

I The Potterrow Brim» Squurc. (r50 ‘)l‘)5.

I 0 Bar 5” l l.L‘llll Sll'L‘L‘l. 5.5-3 .5330. I Revolution .ll l.Ullli;Ill Road. 22‘) "hall.

I RUSh 3 Rulk‘l'l\0ll\ ('lUu‘. .55.— 3363. I Studio 24 ('gillnn Rudd. 553 3358. I The Subway ('irugulc. 225 (PM. I The Subway West End lulliirm Rmid. 33‘) 0W7.

I The Union llcriul \Vull liniwrxil}. Riwurlun. 45] 5333.

I The Venue (‘ulinn Ruml. 55" 307%. I The Wash ‘l'hc \lrilind. 335 (il‘l3. I The Watershed 44 SI Slcphcn Sll'ccl. 33l) 3,".‘4.

I The Wee Red Bar l-’.dlnlmrgli (‘nllcgc ()l'.v\rl. l.;iuri\lnn l’luu'. 33‘) I443.

I Time 24:1 l'rcdcrir‘k Sum. 22H I220. I NOt? l-l (iL‘Ul'gC Sll‘k‘L‘l. “34 .\'3I l.

I Yo Below ()0 Raw Sll‘ccl. 33ll mun.

Comedic set-aside since 2001 Copyrigh? 2002 D J ockson M Collin

84 THE LIST ‘-'- 'l