Film index

ET - the Extra-Terrestrial it'i O... lSteieri Spielherg. l'S. “NZ/3002i l)ee \Vallaee—Slnne. llenr} 'l‘hnmax. l’eler (‘n_\nte. 130mm. l‘nr the l\\ellllelll anniierxar} nt' thix l’ahle ahnul a peaeelul alien marnnned nn liarth. Spielherg hax dllxted nl'l hix helm ed nriginal and re- releaxed il in a He“ and imprni ed lnrm featuring digital tinkering lii'l"x e) ex. lnr emrnPle. hai e heen 'erihaireed‘ tn make him appear innre alieni and ne\ er hel’nre xereened xeenex xueh ax Ii'l‘ liai irig a hath. But mnxl iriterexliiig ix the e\eixinn nl all the lirearmx the .v\meriean autlinriliex ehaxing li'l~ and hix human t'rierid lillint are nnii armed ii itlr tinthing innre threatening than mnhile phnriex. 'l‘here'x xlillleilliltg a hit preeinux ahnul thix kind nl' eleanxiiig iii the film. Still. ax a lantax} adienltll'e lnr kidx and ‘adult kidx' alike. lz'l' remainx xnme kind nl rnndern elaxxie. MaeRnherl. Stirling.

Everest il'i (Varinux. [S 3003! Hill the. I.\l:\.\ hig xereen prexenlaltnii. l.\l.-\.\. (ilaxgnii.

The Eye l l5i .0. ll);tllll_\ and (hide l’ang. ‘l‘hailand. 3WD) Sin-Jie. l.a\\renee (‘hnii. Sn Yul 00min. ’l'liix ehiller lrnrn the l’arig hrntherx ili’imekuk Dunevmuii reiinrkx an nld hnrrnr mni ie idea: Ile\\l_\ gratted hnd_\ partx e\|iihitirig traitx nt’ the deeeaxed dnnnr. Here. a enrriea lranxplaiit hax the liiiiiarrted elleet nl allniiing a tnrriierl) hlmd inlirig iinman In xee dead penple. Blurred imagex. xln mn earneraiinrk and an ni er xaturatinn nl ltglil and enlnilr tiiake I'lu' l',\l' a \ ixlial treat. quite xlrited tn the mirrk} tiiilight Intre nl the x\xian hnrrnr lilm. But \\ here. xa}. li’r'ne had iridiieed hair-raixing hnrrni‘. "I’lu' I',\l’ lallx xhnrt \\ illi a xlnii hurlding xenxe nl uneaxe arid dennuemenl that nllet'x tin xurprixex. l‘nderiihelrnmg. (‘('.r\. (ilaxgnii. Family ieert the) iSamr Martin Sail and l’hie .'\lltl\tt-\L'il\()tt. Denmark. 2003i ()(imm. 'l‘he prntagnnixl nl thrx dneumeritar} ix direelnr Sami \lartin‘x lather. \ihn ahandniied the lamil} \\ hen xhe iiax )Ullllg. l’rinr tn the making nt thix lilin. Sami'x hrnlher enriimitled xureide and her mntliei' died. .'\n eiiintinnal inxighl iritn the dlreelnr and her lamil}. l-ilmhnirxe. lidirihiirgli. Freaks l l5! 0.... l‘l‘ndd Brniinmg. l'S. 1933! Hair) ltarlex, ()lga Baelaunia. \Vallaee l‘nr‘d. (ilmin. Brniiiimg'x inlarnnux and lnrig harmed I‘HI elaxxie. I'L“i\\llL‘tl lnr itx With aiirii\erxar_\. ll‘x the xlnl'} nl a grniip nt' traielliiig eiretix ‘treakx' Halt Bu}, Bearded I.ad_\. l.i\ ing 'l'nrxn. Armlexx \Vnmaii. ele iihn \ ixrl a terrible reierige nn the heairtrtiil trape/e arlixl ('lenpatra l'nr' arr erime enriiriiitted agaian nlie nl their niiii. 'I‘he prexx arid puhlie reaeted \iilh dixgiixl tn Brniimng‘x eaxtiiig nl real eireux l'r'eakx. The terrible irnri_\ ix that Brniining ehariipinnx the det'nrrned ni er the xupertieiall} heaulitul. I'ri'ulii ix ax \\U|ltlL‘l'lllll'\ \\ elrd ax rt ix \\ arm arid humane. alternatel} limit}. creep) and genumel} xhnekmg. ll'x been much riiixunderxlnnd hut reriiamx ultei'l} unique. (amen. ladiiihirrgh.

Gosford Park t 15» 0000 iRntiei-l Altman. l'S/l 'K. 300] i .\liehael (iamhnn.

Kt‘ixtin Sentl 'l'hnriiax. Kelli .\laedniiald. lg-‘llllll. lhe .r\gatha (‘hrrxtte exqiie murder mixter} at tile eenlre nl (I'm/(ml l’urk ix lhe leaxl enmpelliiig part nl .-\lliiiari\ nlheriiixe tinel} -nhxer\ ed perrnd pieee. Set in \iiieirihei' l‘) *2 n\ er a leii da}x during a xlinntiiig part} at the epnr1_\mniix L‘Ullttll'} extate nl Sir \Villrarn .\le( 'nrdle i( iamhnrii and Lilli} S_\l\ra .\le(‘nrdle iSenll 'l'hniiiaxi. (iitilul‘r/ “Ir/x tlelttllx the l'ellllliitlxltlp helueen the li|t|i_\ rreh upper elaxx arid their put upnii xeriantx. .'\Htl ixlial detail the lilrn llexhex nirt all 35 memherx nl the e\eel|ent enxemhle eaxt. alnng \iith their tndrirdiral xtnriex, \n eax} li‘iek in l\\U hnurx. \laeRnhert. Stirling.

The Grinch ll’(ii .O. ann llniial'd. l'S. Zlitilii .lirn (‘arre}. '|"a'\lnr .\Inmxeii. .let'lre} ‘l‘amhnr. IHSmm. SurprixingI). I’lii’ (irun /r ix the lirxt ll\ e aetinii tealure tn be adapted lrnni the milk iii the iinrld'x hex! xellmg ehrldreii'x aulhnr. l)r Seuxx. .v\nd heriealh xl\ magieian Riek Baker'x green enxtirme (‘arre} the \inrld‘x lughexl paid enrliedian \ireekx glnrinlrx haine nn hix elnyng xiieet lieiglihnirrx. the \thi iarix nl \VllU-\ tlle. llimal'il lit) \ the lmuldx mnral ('hrixtmax ix alinul lamil) iinl prexeritx arid the xiek|_\ \\\eel xentirneril nn prell_\ thiek. 'Im Sluri _‘ gnt lhe ernxx generatlnnal appeal right; gnll} gnxh llniiard'x (il‘llli‘ll haxii'l. (ante) '\ great lltUllglt. Seleeled r'eleaxe.

La Haine l IS) 0... (Matthieu

Kaxxniill. l'ranee. NUS) \ineeril ('axxel. liuhert Kniriide. Said 'ltt‘tllllllilltlll. 85mm. 'l‘hix edg}. hlaek arid-“hue pnrtrail nt raeial

teiixinii and pnliee hrulalil} nri a run dniin extate nutxide l’arix \inii liit‘iilixiiriii‘lliiiig Kaxxni it/ the l)treetnr'x l’ri/e at the I005 (Iiiiiiex l‘ilm l‘e\ll\;ll. 'l'hree ethniealli mi\ed ladx eniiie up againxl llie enpx iihen nne Hi the” [ttllx Ix hnxpllaltxetl alter it find. l‘rgeril. enmpelliiig liliirmakrng tliat'x ax puiieh} ax a lilnii tn the head. (il’l'. (ilaxgnu.

The Hairdresser’s Husband l lfii ll’att'lee l.eennle. l'ranee. l‘Nlll .lean Rnehelnrt. .'\lllt;l (ialieiia. ‘Mmin. 'I'he rnrnanlre tale nl a _\nimg hn} iilrn i'exnliex tn marr} a harrdrexxer. and m eeeentrre middle age dnex iuxl that. .r\eenrdmg tn direetnr l.eenrile. the lilm ‘rx iinl aiitnhiiigraphieal. allliniigh it reth HHL’III tn hai e heeli‘. xmee the hn} ‘x rexnlutinn ix nne

lie himxell made. but larled tn keep. .\ \iitl}.

xe\_\ aiid eeeeiilrte mni ie \\ illi dark uridet‘eurreiilx lrnm the drreetnr nl' .llunin'm- Ilmz Iidiiihurgli l‘ilm (iliild. izdrrihurgh. Happy Ever Afterll’Ui i l‘)‘)_'| “5min. l’rltnii \‘iden prexent thix lnii hudgel leallire lilin featuring a eaxt nl’ tirxl lime aetnrx ahnlrl lni e m the Mix, .\'nrth lzdirihurgli .'\rlx (‘eiiti'e. lidmhurgh.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets it’( it 0.00 it‘lii-ix ('nliiinhux. l’S/l'lx'. Illllli Hamel Radelille. Kenneth Braiiagh. Rnlihre ('nltraiie. l(i()mm. lt'x the hn} iii/ard'x xeennil )ear at llngiiartx Sehnnl nl \Vrleherall arid \Vr/ardt'} \ihere ei il lnl'eex hai e releaxed a \ reinlix xerpenl mln llie enrridnrx. \\'hn'x tn hlame',’ lx it llar'r} 'x riial plipll |)raen .\ialln_\. the lnieahle giant llagrrd anhhie (‘nllrariei nr a ll]_\ xlerinux tnrrner pupil iihn enmtiiiirueatex lhrnugh the pagex lit a magieal drar} fi’ \\‘hne\ er ll ix. the) ‘i‘e petril} ing the piipilx and xeltrng lnnxe an arm} nl xelrrr}irig xprderx. ()nee again laithlul tn the nrrgmal rrniel. lhrx lilm ix darker llrari the MN and gelx innre quiekl} iriln the meat nl the xtni'}. .v\rrd “till the xame lanlaxtre eaxt nl lii'rtixh eharaelei aelnrx. il'x annlher xure lire llll. (ieiier'al [Clk'il\k..

He Loves Me . . . he Loves Me Not I II) .C. ll.aelllla (‘nlnrnhanr I'ranee. 2002i ./\udre_\ 'l'aulnu. Samuel l.e liilian. ‘Hmm. \\alehmg elliri lieaut} .r\trdre_\ 'l‘airlnii emerge trnrri a lield nl ‘Ieelinienlnr llniierx during the npenmg xequenee. _\nu'd he tnrgiien lnr thinking _\nu'i'e \ialehrng .lllll'llt' 3. .\nd the liixl hall nl ('nlniiiharii’x \irrlrng dri'eetrng dehirl [tl;l}\ ax a xaeeharme rnriianee iii \iliieh 'l'airtnii'x linideiu art enllege xtiideiil Angelique lallx lnr an nldei‘ man. eardinlngrxl lnre ililhani, Bill ax rt heenmex elear l.nie rxri'l the liner lie xeemx.

Want to see a horror movie die on it’s feet? See Deathwatch

(‘nlnmham‘x liliii takex a dark turn. quite at mltlx \\llli x\\ eel. x\\ eel .lHIi'lIi'. (.(‘litllll‘illll eltex arnnng her mlliierieex the lilmx nl llrtehenek and l’nlarixki. 'l'hat her lilrn xehnnl tliexix e\ammed riiadriexx iii emema nughl tn pnrnt inu m the direetrnn Ili' l.lll( \ .l/i'. Ill /.rIt¢'\ _l]t' .\'rll'x iltlllall}. xueel l'lnllatlee ltlkex. Seleelell r'eleaxe.

Heist l 15) C... ll)a\ rd Mantel. [-5. It")! i(iei1e llaekiiian. Darin} [)e Vitn. Reheeea l’lilgenll. lll-fllllll. \llhlel' llllel .llK‘ \lnnre lllaekniaili deeidex it‘x time in Llllll arid xeek retirement tllt\\ll Snirlli \\ illi hix )nlmg \\ ile l’l'dll ll’idgenrii. llnii ei er. hrx lenee Bergman ll)e \‘rtni hlaekmallx him lrrtn ear'r) itig nut nne linal xenre. .'\ltei' the pateh} lilinmakmg xalire .Vliili' (HUI .l/um. .\lamet ix haek nri hnme tlirl. nll'eririg tip a rinirtxh iinrld nl eniix arid xeamx. iihile hix trademark eharged dtalnglie ix xlill inlael. Yet. .\larnel ix alxn attempting tn mllxele in nu aetinn-mni re enmenlinnx lnr' \\ hieh he laekx the reiluixile \ ixlial panaelre. and he'x rinii iiritmg ln a ‘nnlliing ix \xhal ll \L‘ellh. lnrmula. Sler (‘enttir_\. lidmhui‘gh.

High Society it: 00.0 i(‘Ii;u-lex \Valterx. l'S. WSW Bing ('i'nxli}. (iraee Kell}. l‘l‘ullk Sinatra. (’elexte llnlm. lllqilllll, (‘laxxie muxieal enlerlarrrment lrnm the .\l(i.\l \IlltlliH.ill\\l1lL'l];ll'lelll‘tlellltl.t}\ hard tn gel \Hlll a xlrmg nl xiritnr‘x lhe plnl nl l’llllllt/(‘ll’lllll Sluri gnex nut the \\ milnii. hut \Hlll xtai'x like thexe. xl} le ix eier_\lhiiig MaeRnher't. Stirling

Hijack Stories leell iliei it “Her Sehmill. (ier'rii;irr'\,S.v\/l ‘lx', lllltlh inn} Kgnrnge. Ratrlana Seiphamn and l’ere} .\lalxemela. ‘Hrmn. leading Snuth :\lrreaii direelnr‘. ()lii er Si‘liriiilx. tellx the tale nl an axptr‘ant aetnr “llU ille;llll\ Ul xel'een gangxtei xtatux. But rexeareh in Sniietn Iauneliex him. lllt\\ illmgl}. nitn the real thing, (‘('.\. (ilaxgnii.

The Importance of Being Earnest ill... i()|iiei l’alkel'. IR 1 S\. IlilL‘i Riipsrl l:\elelt. ('nlln l’llll]. .ludi l)eiieh. ‘Vnim. l'anx nl ()xear \\ ilde'x

'll'l\ l;ll eitllleil} lUl \ellltllx penplei \\ Ill he innre than lamrllai \\llll llie plnl. Rural gent .laek \\nlllimg ll'll'llll mieritx an errant hinthei called liarnext ax a meanx nl exeapuig the mundariitiex nt a lrle in the enunlr}. .laek. nr rallier l-,.iiriext'x partner in elime. lhe \\ll_\ .v\|g.\ \lnneriell rimmed ln pelleelinn tn l-ieielli alxn liax a made tip ttierid \ihn lie \ ixitx m the enuiitii ln nirtiim the ilshl enllei'lnlx \ihn pilrxtre him m the ell}. 'l'hrx dniihle dualil) enmex a einppei. llini.g|t. \ilien hnlh men gn enurlrrig \iiiex i\\ ilherxpnnn and (H ‘nnrrnr I. [he enxuing laree. enndueled \ ia \\ rlili"x hrillrantl}

ii ill) epigrariiinalie xli le l \iixlialia ' I'd