Music rock & pop listings

December Sat 14 Sun 15 Mon 16 Wed 18 Thur19

46 THE LIST 2?“. No‘:

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David Holmes has packed into ten years what most would happily A stretch out for a lifetime. As a DJ, soundtrack scorer and producer, he has enjoyed success internationally and made friends in high places '* but staunchly refuses to rest on his sizable Iaurels. Now as daddy of a ten-piece live funk outfit he and his partners in painfully funky crime prove that there are a million ways to scramble a beat and a million ways to make a dancfloor shake, as their eponymous debut so deftl illustrates. (Mark Robertson) I The Free Association play QMU, Glasgow. Wed 4Dec.


(I [19.15, ,.


ABERDEEN Exhibition Centre EDINBURGH Usher Hall EDINBURGH Usher Hall GLASGOW Clyde Auditorium GLASGOW Clyde Auditorium

Bootleg Beatles 24hr Ticket Hotline: 0870 906 3797 \vabuutlegbeaflssmm


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01224 620 011 0131 228 1155 0131 228 1155 0141 587 6073 0141 587 6073

with mm“? ClUdFZ


I Scout Niblett, Ali Roberts and June Panic \Vexl l3lll. l3

Kelx inhaugh Street. 576 5013. Split. £4. A Secretl} ('anadian Recot'dx night. lllSl to clear up an} potentiall} emlxirraxxing gender conl'uxion. Scout .\'iblett i\ a girl) and June l’auic ix a bloke.

I Five, Knut and Johnny Truant Strauberr} l‘ields. 5o ()\\\;lltl Street. 22| 78H. 7.30pm. £5. including entr} to poxl-gig club. (irind/eureme metal. l'rom l-'i\e'.’ ()h. it\ not that l‘i\c. Shame. \Ve

\\ ere looking l‘or\\ard to their rendition ol‘

‘Baby When The lights (it) (hit (I like Nothing Better Than To Run Amok \\ ith a ('hainxav. l'.

I Abba Tribute Bourbon Street. 10S (ieol‘ge Street. 5.52 (ll-l l. 7pm. £7.50 (£24.50 \\ ith dinnerl.

I High Roller and Kiness ('ellat' Bar. Ramada Jar\ is tlngraml Hotel. 100 Miller Street. 553 25l5. H.30pm. l-‘ree.

I Open Mic lchai ()\ na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘lie Scotia.

l l: ll—l Smele ell Street. 552 (SOSI. 9pm. Free. Popular co\er\.

I Jam Session Samuel l)o\\ \_ ()7 ()1 \itli\t|a|e Road. 423 0107. S.30pm. l'ree.


I The Relatives and Ferrel 'l‘lie Soundgarden. Starka. 352 Brandon Street, (lloUS 270 044. 0pm. £2. Sell- xt} led Scouxe \cumrockerx \\ ho haxe \llppol‘letl the \Vildheartx and Reel" and releaxed a debut album .er or liver in their ongoing campaign lor uorld domination.


I Stiff Little Fingers the liquid Room. ‘lt‘ Victoria Sll‘t‘t‘l. 2.2.5 3504. 7pm. £l3. lreland\ l‘amurite delinquent punk \on\. still doing the rounds to a rouxing reception.

I Ed Harcourt and Nada Surf La Belle Angt‘le. llaxlie'x ('one. 225 7530. 7.30pm. £10. Juxt coming oil a tour like minded muxician Beth Orton. e\pect \\i\tlul indie meanderingx. See pre\ie\\.

O Lambchop Quartet Queen's Hall. (‘let'k‘ Street. 668 20l‘). 8.30pm.

£ l 3 £15. ()ne ol‘ the leaders ol‘ the altcounty mmement stripped doun to a Quartet (but with live members) lead by Kurt Wagner. See preview.

I Full on Nights The (‘zmonx’ (iait. 232 ('anongate. 556 4481. ()pm. £2.'l'he Angel ('omerxation. the lips and Sangretti pla_\ llll\ open mic night.

I Neil Dixon and Amy Duncan iron. ‘) Hunter Square. 8.30pm. £3.50. I Out of the Bedroom Waxerley Bar. 1 St .\lai"\\ St. 557 1050.

()pm midnight. liree. See Thu 2%.


I Jools Holland ('l)de .-\uditorium. Sli('('. l5innieston Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 7pm. S()l.l) ()l'l. .\lr .\lu\ic 'I‘V brings lli\ Rlntlun'n'Bluex ()rchextra and a handlul of guest \t)L’;lli\l.\ back tip north lot a blue\} big hand knees-up.

I Groove Armada and Dirty Vegas Barrouland. 244 (iallougate. 552 400]. S.30pm lam. S()l.I) ()l'l. See previeu lor the Armada \\ ho are \llppot‘lctl by a trio \\ ho have pulled oil comparable notoriet) in the States \\ here their polite 'l)tl}x (io B}' single \(iltl b} the truckload alter being ll\L‘tl in a car ad.

I Telstar Ponies and Mirror (‘(‘A. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4000. 7.30pm. £8. Dark. arant-lolk :lllllthpllt‘l'lt‘x l‘rom 'l‘elxtar l’UlllC\ \\ ith support from ambient experimental duo Mirror.

0 Glassjaw The (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 1 I20. 7.30pm. £9. ()\er- l4\ Slit)“. See panel for thexe nexx hardcore kltlx on the block.

I Pretty Girls Make Graves, Your Enemies, Ten Percenter and Laconic King 'I‘ut'x \Vah Walt llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22| 527‘). 8pm. £6.

I Nerve, the Gherrykicks and 8 Page Pullout 'l‘he ('athouse. l5 l'nion Street. 248 (1606. 7.30pm. £5. ()xer- l-l\ \hou. linergetic punk pop/rock.

I Dustpuppet Nice'it'Sleal}. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 9037. 9pm.

I The Big Figures, Fubb and Spyer l-"ur_\ .\llll‘l"\"\. 06 .\la\\\ ell Street. 22| (i5l I. 0pm. £4. including entry to pint-gig L'llll‘.

I Abba Tribute Bourbon Street. I08 (ieorge Street. 552 0l4l. 7pm. £7.50 t£27.50 \\ ith dinner).

I Daniel B Shenkin (‘al’e Hula. l23 llope Street. 353 loot). Spin. l‘ree. Acou~tic rock rexidenc}.

I Furz .\lacSorle_\\. 42 Jamaica Street. :43 3531. 9pm. l'il‘L‘C.

I Thunderstruck Samuel l)o\\ 'x.

(37 0| \ithxdale Road. 423 0l07. 8.30pm. l'il'CL‘.

I The Usual Suspects ()'.\'eill\. 71 Albion Street. Merchant Square. 552 0822. 0pm. Free. (‘oxerx band.


I Empire Windrush, Alfonzo and Nine Miles High The Venue. 17 2| (‘alton Road. 557' 3073. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). 'I‘riple bill of local indie t}pe\ at the (iig. I Degrassi and Driven to Reason The iron. 0 Hunter Square. High Street. 220 003 l. 9pm. £3. Sl. records ploughing a melodic angxt) rock lurrou.


I Elton John Sli('('. l'inniexton Qua). 0870 040 4000. SOLD ()l’l‘. Auld Reggie rock\ it tip around his piano. belting out hix rollicking numbers and hix \t‘llllltllll) ballads in the popular pub \inger \ernacular.

I Jools Holland (‘l_\de Auditorium. Sli('('. l’innieston Qua). 0370 040 4000. "pm. £22.50. See Fri 0.

I Groove Armada and Dirty Vegas Barrouland. 244 (iallougate. 552 4(i0l. S.30pm lam. £lo.50. See Fri (1.

I [spunge], Farse and Spankboy Queen Margaret l'nion. 22 l'ni\er\it} (iardenx. 33‘) 0784. 7.30pm. £3. ()\et‘- l4\