Clubs listings

Glasgow Fridays continued


I Aerodynamico at Ad l.ih.

llptn 4am. (i l)ec. Monthl). Aerodynamico ((iax'in Brown and Paul lltighexi have heen together .xince l‘)‘).\’ hringing )Ull the linext xoundx in electronic muxic. and lime recentl) taken to llVC perlormancex tixitig a hlend ol liie drumming. xamplex. deckx and l-'.\. ('heck them otit at thix. their llagxhip night.

I Afterglow at .Ad l.ih. l lpm 3.30am. £5 t£-li. 13 Dec. Monthl}. lixxential mod. Hammond tan and northern xotil lrom the l‘rida} Street regularx. 'l'hix month‘x guext ix DJ Vic Ranger lrom the Shotgun and New l'ntouchahlex cltihx in l.ondon.

I Axis at Sotintlhaux. l lpm 5am. £thc. l3 Dec. Monthl}. With [an Void ax occaxional rexident. along with regularx Nik ('raig. Mr Borg and DJ 'lrace. thix ix a claxx techno tttid electronic experimentation night. In the har. there’x ('arol (‘hakra. and in the main room. 'I‘hierry lrom (‘annex. Brilliant.

I Bebado at Rii'erxide (’Iuh.

Midnight 3am. £8 (UN. 3‘) .\'o\. Monthl). Rocking Bra/illian tlat'otirx the way onl} the} know how. the Behado crew take tix to the next lunk} letel. l.iie xamha and ('apoeira ix the order ol the da}. l'or I/ltx t/tllt' (III/i '.'l-[.l.\llt'(ll'(l IIU/(lt'l'x get {I tiff door price all night.

I Bogota! at ('tiha .\'orte. ‘)pm 3am. l-‘ree. \VeekI). Barrio and Radio Magnetic main man Mr peachex entertainx the troopx. I The Cathouse at the (‘athouxe lt).3()pm Ram. £1 helore llpm; £4 t£3i alter. \Veekl}. Riding high on the nu metal ware. thix ix one ol the htixiext nightx iii tow-n. Rock. grunge. indie and a daxh ol hreakheat acroxx three lloorx at (ilaxgow ‘x top Venue lor rockerx and alteriiateenx.

I Coded at Vault. l lpm 3am. £5 t£-li. \Veekl}. They're lrom a record xtore. xo the ttmex are going to he lrexh and highl} lllnk}. aren't the) 1’ A rotating roxter ol l).lx alliliated to 23rd Precinct xtlppl} houxe-led grotwex at the new cltrh. Stet en Mc('reer_\ ix the main man. htit the pool ol talent inclutlex Bill) Kilkie. Bill) Woodx and .Atiianda l’rice.

I Crash at the Shed. ltlfitlpm 2am. £3 (£2). \Veekl). (’raxh itito the w eekendx with thix hugel} popular mght with the Sotithxide xet. (iarage l)J (ierr_\ l.}tilix lioxtx the main hall with the ultimate eclectic part} xottndtrack and 1)] Dave Mulholland t('tihei takex the helm in the l.olt tipxtairx with a night ol claxxic Rtkli. I Death Disco at the .-\rchex.

llpm 4am. £l2 i£lt)i. 13 Dec. Monthl}. Alter the xticcexx ol the inaugural Death l)ixco laxt month. the} return w ith a lull compliment ol high-claxx gtiextx. litienne l)e ('ree) and Jacqtiex l.e (‘ont are in the twixted houxe lor a tiiglit ol ‘llead on Human |.eagtier_\'. ll it xotindx like a right good laugh. that'x hecatixe it ix.

I Electroluxe at the (ilaxgow School ol Art. l().3(lpni-3aiii. £(i t£~l £5i. A head} mix ol pop. punk. hair rock. xltit traxli electro and other had axx tunex. All


Barrowland, Glasgow, Sat 30 Nov

If you feel that house is for lightweights and Detroit techno is for your gran, perhaps you need a large portion of hard techno, hardcore and gabba madness to put the ‘hard’ back into hard dance music. Well established hardcore and gabba gurus, Twisted/Resistance, together with M8 magazine present European Techno Heaven at Glasgow’s Barrowland, a nosebleedingly good night of hard dance ranging from the funkier side of techno in the second room to brain-haemorrhaging gabba in the main room.

‘Hopefully this will breathe some fresh air into the stagnant Scottish techno scene,’ says promoter Al lnnes. ‘A lot of these old skool techno

nights have been milking it a bit and this will give the scene a kick up the arse.’ With reputations preceding them, the line-up has been gathered from the hardest havens of Europe and beyond for a sonic onslaught that will not be easily forgotten. The Horrorist , aka Oliver Chesler (best known for his ‘One Night in New York’ horror-track), comes hot from the US , making his UK debut and dishing up his own brand of techno-torture. Holland’s DJ Misjah also hits the north to add a Dutch flavour to this techno platter while Italy’s Gabry Fassano is sure to challenge perceptions of what Mediterranean DJs are about. Of course it would be wrong to forget about the UK talent and local lads. With well established Brit-bangers such as DJ Smurf, renowned for his work under the bloody banner of the Geordie Gabba Mafia, and others including John Wright, the Rookie and Chris M, these lads should give the outlanders a run for their money and, of course, give the

crowd what they want.

The Horrorist: Hardcore, you know the score

So light the blue touch-paper and hold on to your aneurysm as European Techno Heaven kicks off. (Dave Allen)

courtex} ol )ttttl‘ hoxix l).l l‘elix. [Ill Boxom atid xpecial gtiext Silicon Scall} iak‘a (’arl l‘iiilow l tor a lull li\e xct ol the ll'thcxl electro. plllx the Sleeplexx (’rew making their ll\ e dehtit.

I Fresh at the Polo Lounge. 1 lprii 3am.

£5. \VeekI}. Michelle and And} take charge

ol the mtixical dutiex in tltix deliciotix Merchant (it) mi\ed cltih. \Vhether _\ou're iii the 'l‘roph} Rootii or oti the dancelloor. the tunex w ill ltiel )our happinexx.

I Funhouse at liarll}. 'I'iiiiex thc. £thc. Weekly A night ol w ixed tip ptiiik traxh and cathartic nonxenxe pop. dexigned to clear all ol the xliit ottt ol )otir carx. Radio ()ne‘x charming \ic (iallowa) and Mr Paul .\'eedlex are in charge ol the muxic.

I FUNK Room til the s\l‘L'liL‘x. .\'c\t date 3” Dec.

I Gavin Pearson and Adrian Coll at Media. l lpm 3am. £thc. \Veekl}. the two l)Jx who adorn the top ol thix lixting. in axxociation with ('lxde l. at thix new I} re\amped \eiiue. l’utiipin' tunex and all drinkx lor £3. Not had.

I Gigantic at liai‘ll} tlormerl} the l.‘~th .\'ote ('luhi. ‘)pm 3am. £4 i£.ii. \Veekl}. lake on the perxona ol tour choxen indie heroex. From the le_\ Morrixxe}. the hagg} lltipp) \ltilttl;t_\x and the too cool lot’ xkool Strokex. (iigantic p|a_\x all ol the xongx _\ou need to hear it itliotit iiixulting the

68 THE LIST 26’, No. 12 DOC 71,7


Offers '

intelligence ol the xchiitindie connoixxetii'. tit‘ heing (on elm er.

I Glasgow House Theory at the Renlrew l‘t‘t‘l’}. \c\l date 3“ Dec.

I Archaos at Archaox. l lptn 3am. £5 i£3.5tli. \Veckl}. .\lainxtream chart dance. xoul and checxe at one ol the htixiext l‘ri nighterx in town.

I Hustle and Bustle at llah‘a/a.

(ipm 3am tl),lx lrom l lpmi. l‘ree helorc

l lpm: £5 alter. \Veckl}. l’aul ‘l'ra_\nor and Stewart .\lc(‘alltiin rip it tip with xotne highl} charged Rah and hip hop mi\cd with lunk_\ and ltmkier trackx.

I In at the Deep End at Ad l.ih. llprti 3am. £5. \\'eekl_\. Ad l.ih clear the tahlcx awa} once again ax Richard and Indica take control. .lackin' heatx and xolid groo\cx dominate while lligloot Monke} prot idex the tinext titialit} lite pci'ctixxion. I LiVCVEViI ‘.tl (il;l\:_'tt\\ Sclititil Ul .\l'l. llpm 3am. £lll. l3 l)cc. Montlil}. Big tiiglit tor thix drum tk haxx cluh ax the} dralt in lid Rttxh and .\l(' Rimc lyme trom Vii'tix Recordingx, \Vith thexe two gtiextx llanked h} the cltth‘x tantaxtic rexidcntx. thix ix going to rock xo hard.

I Keeping it Sound at the Medicine Room Bar. hpm lam. l’rcc. \Veekl}. loin (‘hurchill and Matthew K prexcnt an exciting ol non dancelloor mttxic. co\cring :Ill xl}lt‘\ it] their l).l xel. li\pect to heat' amhient. dow ntempo and electronica along with xotil. tau and reggae and anithing clu‘ the) led like.

I Jackin’ at MAS. ‘in11 3am. £(i. \Veekl}. Marcello Della (‘roce. Hill} \Voodx. Darin} Sharkc} are the hoxtx at thix claxx l‘ri houxe xcxxioii.

I National Pop League at \Voodxide Social (’luh. 3.45pm 3am. £3 t£2 I. 2‘) NM. Monthl}. An eclectic llil\ ot poxt ptiitk. ('No and indie pop. p|a_\ed otit h} people that ll‘lll} lo\e the guitar underground.

I The N00 Groove at Ad l.ih lililll‘lll ~lam. £5 t£~li. 3‘) \m. .\lonthl_\. the Non (it‘titn c lmAx tNIck l’ctlcttck and Brian \Villiamxotii return w rtli a genei'all} g‘tititl ttlllllltlt‘ l0 lllt‘ tilitl it loud} llil\ lll

ia//. xotil. l.atin and hotixe. old and nu.

I Offset at (‘tihe. lllpiii 3am. £" \Vk‘k‘l’xl} lllUl 3‘) \ti\. xce helow I. .\ tltlalll} hleiid ol garage and liouxe in ('tihe H w ith hrand new rexidcntx (iar) (title) and the inlatnotix Michael Kilkie. Rtkll. xoul and ltiiik ix in ('uhe -l~l with Martin llexketh and .lohii |.}ttrix. coiiiplcttng a regular ltiie


tip ol the higgcxt guext l).l'x that hax tiiade ()llxet the higgcxt l’ri night in (ilaxgow. I Colours with Offset at time. lllpm 5am. £lt). 2‘) \m onl_\. Big night tor hoth trihtitar} cltihx. ax Roger Satiche/ takex to the deckx iii thix more intimate \etitie. Rarel_\ will )oti xce a DJ ot thix irolile in xtich a w cc place. xti tr} it. Pressure Fourth Birthday Party at the Archex. lllpm ~lttlll. £lh. 3‘) Not. Monthl}. lhe hig one. Silicone Soul. Jon (‘arteiu l’ete long. Alt‘fJClllt‘!‘ aka lhomax ltaiigalter and DJ l'alcon. Slam. ('hrixtian Smith. \italic. (‘Iirix Blue and loin Middleton are the line-up at thix lotti'th hirthda} part} lor l’rexxure. Nothing more liet‘tlx to he xttltl here. I Public Spirit at litidda. llpm 3am. Li" t£5t \\eekl_\. .lon l)a Stha ix one ol lhttxc l).lx who \\ Ill. lot' the text til lilx d;t_\x. l‘llltl lllL' \\til‘tl\ 'thc lt'gk‘lltlill'}. lttckt‘tl till iii the xlttt’l til hix name. He and the Adorphiliacx are ha\ ing their w cekl} part} at thix might} \entie. xo he in ellect. I Pure at the \‘elxet Roomx. ltlpiii 3am. £3 helorc midnight; i U! alter. Weekly Mtixic lor adultx. Rotational rexidcntx pla} Rtklt and hip hop iii the tipxtairx arena while the downxtairx lounge gctx the ttink} xottl treatment li'om Bill} Milligan. \ote: don't conttixe thix w tilt the legendar} lidinhtirgli techno iitght oi the xame name. lhat'd he xtttpid. I Rockit at littllllttttt. 5pm .ialll. L‘" \Veekl}. \ew cltth and har \enttire that hrmgx xomc ot the iiioxt worth} rexidcntx iii (ilaxgow together lor ltmk_\ hotixe and Rtkll xexxronx. (icolt Montlot‘d and _\l.ti‘t}ii .letigahead take care ot the hunter. while l’atil l-'o\ dcalx with the latter. god dammit I Syntax at the Soundhaux, llpm late. £.\ rift. (i llec. S}iita\ continue their reign with another (ilaxgow \ lxdmhurgli e\curxton with rexidcntx .lacc and ten} tl’l'SSil’thlth taking on the might) \eil 'l'cmplar tl)ogmat and tiiitlerlmg Re\erh tSottiidhaiiki lit a re match to xce who ctitx the mtixtard iii the tield ol tech hotixe and electro itianipttlation. \Vliti g‘ttt‘x )ttll tlt'cltlc. I Tantra at 'l‘raxh. Illpiii ‘ain. £5 t£-lt. \Veckl}. \\'all to wall drunk people: wahe_\7 l.ixa l.ittlewood and lain lhomxon pla} tiplront hotixe to a packed dance floor. w ith l).l Rohert pla}ing ttmk} hotixe. dixco arid indie in room two.

I Thank God at the Mcrctir) lounge.
