Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Thursday 28

Book events

Gavin Menzies i-‘exuxal 'l‘heatre. l3 2‘) Nicolxoli Street. 53‘) (3000. lpttt. £4. Historian (1a\ in Men/iex talks about his book [43/ The Year ('limu Dist‘m‘t'rt'il Illl' World \xhieh tell\ ol ho“ the ('hinexe dixcmered America 70 _\ear\ bet'ore ('olumbux and reached Australia 350 )car\ ahead o1'(‘aptain ('oolt.

Alan Titchmarsh .-\\\etttbl} Roomx. 54 (ieorge Street. 330 434‘). 7 9pm. £4. TV gardener 'l‘itchmarxh talkx about his lttle\l book. li‘rtti't‘l (lltt/ [fr/hr.


Ronnie Forbes 'l‘ra\er\e Bar (are. 'l'raxerxe 'I'heatre. l0 ('ambridge Street. 338 5383. 3 4pm. Free. Scottixlt ttt'llxl Ronnie Forbes launches his nexx book Rirltllm um! I’ttfflt's. an antholog} o1 hix most recent work.

Other events

German Market Opening Princes Street (iardenx l'ittxt. Princes Street. 47.5 3000. 5.30pm. Official opening o1~ lltlx popular traditional market. See ('apital (‘ltt'ixtlttax (‘lteelxlixt

Capital Christmas Light Night Princes Street (iardens liaxt. l’rincex Street. 473 3000. 5.30pm. Free. (‘apital (‘hristmax opens \xith the annual snitch on of the ('hristmax ltgltlx. See (’apital ('hristmax ('hecklixt.

Book events

David Attenborough ()ttakar'x. 57 (ieorge Street. 3354495. 5 0pm. 1‘ree. The nature guru \li—‘ttx copies o1" lttx neu work.

Other events

The Present Event llopctoun llotlxe. Shore Road. South Queenxl‘err}. 331 3451. 10am 4.30pm. £5. llopetoun llouxe‘x (’hristmax \ltopping fair. no“ in its tourth _\ear. teaturcx a range ol' unusual presents and decorations.

Arts and Crafts Fair :\\\eltibl} Rooms. 54 George Street. 330 434‘).

.\'oon 5pm. £3 l£1.501.(iet )ourselt' \ome contemporar} crattx with o\ er ltll) exhibitors to choose lrom.

Public Observation Nights Rt)_\ill ()bxenator) Visitor (‘entre. Blackt'ord Hill. 008 8404. 7pm. £3.50 (£1.35). (’ome along to the \ ixitor centre and appreciate the beam) ot outside \tith the uarmth inside. Booking recommended.

Festival of St Andrew llarr} Miller Hall. Kirk ()‘l-‘ield('1nirch. . 33 3758. 7.30 10pm. £1.51). :\ traditional Scottish e\ening l'eaturing traditional song. 1'ood and \pettlx’et‘x.


the Mattie ()allery, {ji‘JI'tt} hantif; on experiences of the art of visual

Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour Beeline Inn. (il'tl\\ltt;tl‘l\el. 7.30pm. £7 l£5 1. Take part in llti\ entertaining romp through the nork and Me 01 write of Scotland\ greatest poet\ and no\eli\t\.

Saturday 30

Other events

Open Day lidinburgh ('axtle. Ro}al .\lile. 335 9840. 0.30am 5pm. l‘rec. litijo} tree entr} to the castle courtex} o1 St Andre“ \ Ma}.

The Present Event llopctoun llouxc. Shore Road. South Queenxterr}. 331 3451. 10am 4.30pm. £5. See Hi 3‘).

Arts and Crafts Fair :\\\elitltl_\ RUUIIIS. 54 (ieorge Street. 331) 454‘).

10am 5pm. £3 t£l.50i. See Fri 3‘). Distillers’ Fair Scotch What) lleritage (’entre. 354(‘;t\tlelii1|.'l'1te Ro}a| .\li|e. 330 0441. 1 lam 4pm. £0.05

(£3.40 £4.75). :\ unique attnttal e\ent that let\ the public \arane a range o1 brand\ and talk to the whisk} e\pert\.

Georgian House (ieorgian llotzxc. 7 ('harlotte Square. 335 3100. 11am 4pm. £5 t£3.75i. (io along and see the houxe decorated traditionth l'or ('hrixtmax. ax co\tunied characterx \xauder throughout the building re\ealing all about their lixex in the 18th centur}.

Capital Christmas Launch (’axtlehill. Ro}al .\1i1c. 473 3010. 11am. liitid out about all the l'extixe ma}hem “ith the launch ol the ol'licial ('apital (‘hrixtutm programme. See (’apital ('hrixttum (’heclxlixt.

The Switch-on! (‘axtlehiIL Royil .\lile. 473 3010. 4.30 5pm. 1‘o||o\\ing exentx throughout the da}. rugb} \tar (im in llztxlittgx liglth (‘axtlelttll ill celebration 01' Saint .v\ndre\\\ l)a} and (‘axtlehill ('hrixtmax. .-\x it" that celeb injection isn't enough. there\ also a taxhion parade ol' kiltx throughout the ages. ax \\ ell ax an arra} of street theatre.

Other events

World AIDS Day \arioux Venuex. 001 0083. (Set _\our red ribbon on lot thix annual da} in recognition o1 HIV and AIDS ;t\\ill'L‘llL‘\\. (heck out \\\\ \\.\\orld aid\da}| l'or tnore llllttl'ltlillltttt. Festive Food Sampling Scotch Whisk) Heritage ('cntre. 354 ('axtlehill. ’l‘he Ro}al .\lile. 330 0441. I0 11.30am. liree. ('ome and get a taxte l'or (‘hrixttnax l'rom thix "laxte ol Scotland' restaurant. The Present Event llopctoun llouxe. Shore Road. Sottth Queenxl'err). 331 3451. 10am 4.30pm. £5. See Hi 3‘).

Santa’s Breakfast Jennerx. l’l'lllL‘CS Street. 335 3443. llatn noon. £5. Santa (’laux ix coming tor lunch and _\ou're all in\ ited. ('heck out the 401i ('hrixtmax tree uhile _\ou‘re there?

The Tale of Burke and Hare lidinburgh ('axtlc. l<tt)ttl .\1ilc. 335 ‘)S40. 1pm. 3pm it 3pm. £3 t£3 £01.'1‘he 'l'rabboch l’|a.\ct\‘ 1i\ mg lttxlot') demonstration ol' the inlamoux bodynatclter» Ii’urkt' (Illtl l/urt'.

Edinburgh Castle

City of the Dead’s

Haunted Graveyard

Tours Camera Obscura Castlehill, Royal Mile. 220 3709. Mon- 1n 0.1%0arn- (3pm, Sat 8. Sun 1()atn- (3pm. $71.95) faintly l|(2l‘<(}t S‘l/i 157.5)0 58.95). Pick up a pedestrian in your hanti at this; attraction. whieh (JP/(3f) Visatorf; a real tune. 300 image of the (:tty. 1'ne most recent £t(l(llt|()tt to the venue It;

92 THE LIST 7?“) N0: ':’/ [)w. 701:?

Meet 1)ySt (-‘nlet; Cathedral, Royal Mile. 44 /' 212130. l)£i|l\' 8.3mm] & 10pm. 5618311. .Join llllfi spooky tour ll you dare, anti you'll he guaranteed all manner of paranormal liltjltlf}. 111(Lll1(l111t]ll1(:llti{t111()tlf; MeKerme l)()li(}1'(_)(?|‘;l. You have heen \Hétlllt:(l. Craigmillar Castle Craigmillar Castle Hoatl.

Waverley Station Christmas Tree Switch On the \therle}. St .\1ar_\ '\ Street. 557 1050. 3pm. l‘ree. 'l'he \talion is lit up in aid of St ('olumba‘x lloxpice.

Grand Fantastical Christmas Parade (it) (‘entre. 5pm. l’rce. 'l‘hix imprevh e parade pl'ttltti\c‘\ to be bigger and better than e\ er belore \\ ith \pectacular theatre. 11oatx and marching band\. culminating in a grand linale in l-extnal Square.


Autism Conference lnxtilttl lirancaix tl‘lieoxxcfi l5 Randolph ('rexcent. 335 5400. 0pm. l‘ree. ('o1\\_\n 'I're\arthen chairx thix debate on the theme ol' art therap}.


Nosing Workshops Scotch mild.) Heritage Centre. .554 (';t\lleltlll. 'l'he Rtt);tl .\lile. 330 0441. 1 lam. l‘ree. Match the meryla§ aroma to a common \\llt\l\} characterixtic \\ itlt thexc ad\enturou\ \\til'l\\ltt)p\.

Other events

St Columba’s Hospice Light a Light (‘harlotte Square (iardenx. (’harlolte Square. 034 5050. 0.30pm. 1‘ree. (‘ome and we the tree ltgltlx being \\\ itched on in ttld o1 St (‘oluniba'x hoqiice.

Tuesday 3

Book events

Murray Walker in Conversation :\\\etitl‘l} Room\. 54 (ieorge Street. 330 434‘). 7pm. £4 a\ailable l'rom \Vaterxtonex. 13 14 l’t'incex St. The tnotor racing commentator \\ lto\ become a national inxtilutiott tallu abottt hix career and \th1\ copiex o1 (in/cu I'm li'n .1/m‘lil/ixlrtkcrt.


The Magnetic Sun and Stars Rina! ()bxerxatot‘} Vixilor ('cnlre. lilacklord llill. 00S S404. 3.30pm. £3.00. .\larl\ (‘a\aIi e\p1ain\ the magnetic pull in our g;t|;t\}.

Saturday Write Fever Using drawings. song titles and by putting a pair of glasses on a potato, David Greig (pictured) introduces his guide to rough writing. A workshop for anybody who wants to write plays. I Traverse Theatre, 228 3223. Sat 7Dec. 11am- 4pm. £6 (£3).

Wednesday 4 Talks

Lecture: Robert Chambers Museum o1 l'.dittbttt'glt. llorttterl) lluntl} llouxel. 143 (‘anongato 53‘) 4143. 13.30pm. l’rce. l’rol'exsor .v\li\tair .\1c(‘1eer) ol' Napier 1'ni\er\it_\ \‘tillllltt‘llttil'ulL‘S the bicentenar} ol' the unter. publisher. plttl;tttlltt‘opi\t and brother o1 lord l’l‘tnoxl \Villiam ('haniberx.


Christmas is Coming l.‘.ttll'l\lttlt (Ktxtle. 3a ('ratnond Road South. 330 3000. 10am 4pm. £". .r\d\ance booking required. .-\n adttlt \xorkxhop to make a ream centrepiece tor the (‘hrixtmax table.

Other events

Christmas Country Crafts (iorgie ('it_\ l‘arm. 51 (iorgie Road. 337 4303.

1.30 3.30pm. £3 £5. ('iorgie prcxent thix ('hrixtmax cralt l'un tor a \econd _\ear. Carols for Christmas (ii~t‘}l'i'i;ii'\ Kirk. (ire) triarx Place. 008 3111‘). 0.30pm. £30. The lidinburgh children‘s choir and \ariottx L‘eleltl’lltLN perlorm \\ ell-lo\ ed \L‘thtmal readings. 1'ollo\\ ed b_\ mince pie\ and \\ inc.


Reflections on Home (it) :\rt (‘entrc. 3 Market Street. 53‘) 599.“. l3.5llpltl. l'rce. 'l'he .\lt)\l Rewrend \litt'itt .l ('onti. archbidtop o1'(i|a\go\\_ chair oi the Scottidt (‘atltolic Ilcrilage (.ttltttlllwltttt ttlttl it littt‘lttet' \lttdent at the Settlx (iollcge Rome gncx a talk.


Christmas Collage l.auri\lon t‘aale. 3a (’ramond Road South. 330 3000.

10am 4pm. £3. \d\ance booking required. \lakc a 31) lramed collage picture at tlnx adult \\til'l\\lltt[t.

Other events

The Tales and Traditions of Christmas lidinburgh (axtle. Royal .\lile. 335 0540. 11am. noon. 3pm & 3pm. £S t£3 £01. (‘ome and get in the lcxtne

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Edinburgh Castle

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