EDINBURGH (continued)

V I saw you gorgcous boy tl-‘rcnch‘.’) at South Bridgc hus slop. Sal 3() .\'o\‘. \\'c madc cyc- contact scycral times. You gayc mc that knowing smilc. Wish I'd had thc ncryc to spcak to you. Saw you again on thc 37 bus. Do you liyc ncar I’cnicuik'.’ You. black hair. rcd pul'l’a jackct. candy-stripcd trouscrs. .\Ic dark spikcy hair. hlack lcathcrjackct. jcans. llopc you gct in touch. [7457/37

V I saw you chccky chccrl’ul coy clcycr chcrishcd ('hris'tiua in (‘ity (are. (‘omc cclchratc (‘hristmas in thc (‘apital‘s cohhlcd city chill or complctc (licranium. challcngc with ('alcdonian charm of clan ('amcron. (‘hancc complicity in candid camcra carnal capcrs or commit casual cuddlcs'.’ (‘onsultant.s ('ri dc cocur. [7457/38

V I saw you I'm Danny. You arc Katc from Rugby studying (‘hcmistry at Iidinhurgh [hi I mct you at Mcdina (Sat 23rd .\'o\' ).just as your I‘ricnd draggcd you away. Wanna mcct mc'.’ [7457/39

V I saw you cating chickcn pic and chips onc lazy Sunday in thc Barony. l loyc you chccky girl. It's possihlc for mc‘.’ [7457/40 V I saw you l)an - gonc hut ncycr l'orgottcn. llopc Santa's good to you my oncly. Scc you in March for thc (‘hili's gig. l.o\‘c yotl loads. xx [7457/44

V I saw you ncarly lour ycars ago in Rohhics. I still scc you. (ilad wcc matcy hoy turncd out to hc a li/ard. Stanlcy xxx [7457/5!

V I saw you in thc Tray bar. You lardcyhoy in lincn suit. .\Ic rolly lamhchop wcaring pink shocs and Iloppy hat. I.ct's gct up close and pcrsonal and loosc wcight togcthcr. [7457/54

V I saw you liiona. starggcring about hcing loud and spcaking you mind almost 3 ycars ago I I‘cll in loyc and i'yc hccn hookcd cycr sincc. Your hcautit‘ul. scxy. funny and don't hold a fart hack (cycn thought thcy smcll ot' roscs! ) (‘ould wc work things out hccuasc i miss you so ycry much. then maybe wc could staggcr homc togcthcr haycing a laught watching out for that roll bin in costcuttcrsl 2) Lots & lots of low .\‘Iit‘ror- ham man who gcts thc l‘anta and Spacc inyadcrs xxxxxxxxx [7457/56

V I saw you running around Iikc a hcadlcss chickcn you had your car Iockcd in thc car park I had to gct thc train homc. [7457/47

V I saw you lidinhurgh ('ahhic ()lll - and you saw mc. solitary. sohcr I‘cmalc. 2.45am Saturday. Bucclcuch St. You pickcd up thc gang of girls lil'ty yards hchind mc instcad. II‘ I cycr got in your cah I'll lcayc you a tip in thc shapc of a stcaming donut on your back scat. [7457/57

MEN SEEKING MEN I Gay male, 37, slim. lit.

scnsitiyc hut I'ricndly and con- sidcratc. largcly non-sccnc sccks similar for good timcs. hopcl‘ully morc. (ilasgow-hascd but can traycl. Box no. l’/457/I.


I New transfer from .\'cw York to lidinhurgh. Acadcmic. southcrn liuropcan. malc. 3‘). handsomc and intclligcnt. wcll traycllcd sccks intclligcnt liast Asian I'cmalc. 30‘s for lricnd- ship. possihly morc. lntcrcsts includc art gallcrics. cat‘cs. tray- cl. music. cooking. Box no. l’/457/2.

I Fun-loving, tender, rich 40's guy sc‘cks attractiyc. slim 30’s girl {or gcntlc. casy timcs togcthct'. l’lcasc rcply with a photo. Box no. l’/45(i/l

I Extremer unattractive Glasgow man with no S.().ll.. complctcly unculturcd quasimo- do lookalikc who hatcs dining- out. thcatrc. cincma and gal- lcrics. ()ld 4()-somcthing sccks similar t‘cmalc rcycrsc psychol- ogist. PS. Skim tool

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