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0 regular presents _. .7? .

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Edinburgh Corn Exchange Glasgow Bar#fls 16 December 17 Decem er

Credit card 0870 90 33 444

YOUR MOBILE is .Youmtigxmfhjr

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E g i 3 i g E- i 2‘. a

Wednesday 15th January 2003, Glasgow Barrawlands Ticket Hofline: 0870 90 33 444

Glasgow Barrowlands Tuesday 1 1 fh February

1 .. .m - ponCllliS all“

.59 oyciJ-‘Ysoki Z

33’”: with: 39 ' I,

a? ; .. Edinburgh, Liquid Ro

22nd March 2003

l l EDINBuRéH, Royal Concert Hall Usher‘Hall 2nd March SOLD our 3rd_,x”Marcfl -O1 41. 353 8000 O1 31 228 1 1 55 0 All tickets available from email card 0870 90 33 444, on-lino oi . and from Ticket Scotland Argyle St Glasgow, Rose St Edinburgh 8. Ripping. I 62 THE LIST :2 m, 251,12 2 Ja! t


I Open Mic 'l'chai ()\ na. 43 ()tago l.anc. 55." 4534. 3pm. l‘rcc.

I The Vagabonds ’l‘hc Scotia.

ll3 ll4 Stoclmcll Strcct. 553 Xhh’l. 9pm. i‘t'CL‘. i’ttptlitlt' co\ Ch.

I Jam Session Saniucl l)o\\ 'x, ()7 7| .\'ith\dalc Road. 435 0|07. 8.50pm. l'i‘cc.


I Playtone, Time Bomb Soldiers, Rococo, Emergency Red and Tin Rokit 'l‘hc \‘cnuc. l7 3] ('alton Road. 557 5075. 8pm. £5 i£5i. 'l‘hc l.i\ c Sc‘xxinli pi‘cxcntx anothcr linc-up ol' qualit} local tlc‘lx

I Portland, Enki, Chocyamo and Terrapins Found Us Bannci'man'x.

3 l3 (‘oxtgatca 55o 5354. 8.45pm. £5. 'l'hcc l’ndcmorld prcxcnt anothcr mi\cd bag ol’ li\ c indic xi} lingx toppcd b} thc latcxt incarnation lo ;\nnic ('hrixlian. l’ortland. I Out of the Bedroom \thci‘lc} Bar. 1 St .\i;ii'}\ St. 557 1050. 9pm midnight. i'i‘c‘c‘. SL‘L‘ iiill '3.

I Mystery Juice Bongo ('lub. l4 .\'c\\ Strcct. 558 "(104. lllpni. £7 (£5). liclcctic and clcctril'} ing; bc prcparcd lor (‘alcdonia'x Ill;i\lc‘l‘\ ol~ brcakbcat blucx and \iit)\\lttttli\iiip ini\ing_' (‘cltic and funk rock \\ ith cqtial abandon. l’crl'orming ax part of Kombi alongxidc I).l Stilhixl'ti and Big i)a\\


I Status Quo (‘hdc .-\uditoriuni. Si':(‘(‘. i'htlttticxlott Qua}, 08—50 040 4000. "pm. £30.50. Boogic rock liixoiii'itc‘x lroni _\c‘\lt‘l'} car. .v\\k )cr dad.

I MeNdEeD, the Strand, Jaded and Silver Lining Smash 'l‘lic (iaragc. 400 Satichichall Sti‘cct. 553 l I30. (i.5l)piii. £0.50. ()xcr- i4\ \hoxx. .\ictal and rock linc-un hcadcd b} thc twograpliicall} L'Uliill\L‘ti localx MUN-dirt).

I Pet Project, Dreampowder and Workshy Kian 'Iiit'x \Vah \Vah lltit. 3-3a St \inccnt Strcct. 33l 53"). 8pm. £45”. I We Still Believe in Father Christmas Barl'l} litil'lilt‘l'i} thc l5th Nolc ('hibi. 3(i0 (‘|'\dc Slt'cct. 0350 90" ll‘N‘). 8.l5pin. Scaxonal co\cr \crxiom bonan/a li'oin all )iitii‘ lamuritc local indic and altcrnatix c band\.

I Malcolm Middleton and Jenny Reeve Nicc'n‘Slcal}. 43l Sauchichall Slt‘ccl. 555 905". 0pm. £5.50. Middlcton pl'tilttl\c'\ 'luncral carolx' in hix acouxtic \ct. Support li'oin li\a \ocalixt .lcnn} RL'C\L‘.

I AB/CD 'l‘hc ('athouw. l5 l'nion Slrcct. 34X (i(i0(i, £4, ‘l‘hc iii'\[ of l\\o conxccutn c iii:N li‘oni thc .'\(‘/l)(‘ tribtitc act ix a club \iiti“ l'or o\cr l.\'\ onl}.

I The Jars, Deadline and Full Circle Straubci'r} i‘icldx. 5o ()\\\;liti SII'L‘L‘I. 33' "Kai. 7.50pm. £4. liltiic‘ fuck. I Texas Express (irand ()lc- ()pi‘). l’;ii\lc_\ Road loll. 43‘) 55‘)(i. ".50pm. £4 t£5 incmbcrxi. ('otinti'}.

I Abba Tribute Bourbon Strcct. lilh’ (icorgc Sli'cct. 553 lll4l. 7pm. £7.50 i£3‘).5() \\ ith dinncri.

I The Tremors .\tc('huill\. 40 High Strcct. 553 3155. Illpm. l‘rcc. Roll up l‘or \onic rockin' around thc ('hrixtinax trcc. I Daniel B Shenkin (‘alc Hula. l25 llopc Strcct. 555 loot). 8pm. l‘rcc. .'\cou\tic rock rcxidcnc}.

I Black Dog \lacSoi‘lc} \. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 348 8554. 0pm. l'i‘cc.

I Rush Hour Samucl l)o\\\. h" 7| .\'ith\da|c Road. 435 0|(l7. 8.50pm. l't'cc.


I The Big Big Christmas Party (‘orn li\chang_'c. .\'c\\ .\larl\ct Road. (iorgic. 445 345,". "pm. £59, Scc l'i‘i I5. I The Ruffness, Live Sciences and Moth 'l‘hc \‘cntic. l7 3| (‘alton Road. 55.~ 5035. l’lcaxc notc changc ol \cnuc li‘oiii l.a licllc .r\ng_'clc. Spin. £4. 'l'riplc bill ol' li\ c dancc actx taking in hip hop. drum tk baxx and niorc. linti‘} illc‘illdc\ pmt club.

I V9 Hanncrman‘x. 3l3 (\mgatc. 550 5354. 3.45pm. £5. \\'ith \upport \Iill to bc announccd.


I The Almighty aitd the Pedestrians 'l‘hc (iaragc. 400 Sauchichall Strch 553 H30. 7.50pm. £10. ()\L‘l'- i4\ \iitt\\. \ctcran Scottixh hca\) rock act can't gct cnough of that loot-on- nionitor action.

I AB/CD 'l‘hc (‘athouxc. l5 l'nion Strch 348 («inn £4. .\'o agc rcxtriction on thix \ccond li‘oni thc .v\(',/l)(~ tributc band.

I The Freelance Journalist 'l‘hc l5th .\'otc ('alc. 50 (it) King Strcct. 555 l(i5t\’. 9pm. £5. Aka (ii'ahant l’ccl uhoxc lillhic‘ ix dcxci'ibcd ax ‘cclccticalh inxanc'. I Broken Sticks, Indigo, the Few and Mydas Straubcrr} l-‘icldx. 5o ()\\\;liti Strcct. 33| 787i. 7.50pm. £4. lndic.

I Nevada (irand ()lc ()pr}. l’aidc} Road loll. 43‘) 5596. 7.50pm. £4 (£5 lIiL‘IiibL‘l'U. (‘ountry

I Abba Tribute Bourbon Sli'cct. lllh’ (icorgc Sli'cct. 553 “Hi. ."pm. £7.50 i£3‘).5l) \\ ith dinncri.

I Open Stage 'I‘hc Hall Bar. Inn \Voodlandx Road. 5(i4 I53“. 4 8pm. l‘i‘cc. \Vcckl} \cxxion for local lilll\ic'itlli\.

I Toys out the Pram 'l'hc Halt Bar. loll \Voodlandx Road. 5(i4 I533. 0pm. i'i‘L‘C.

I Dogs Die in Hot Cars .\1c(‘huill\. 4() High Slrcct. 553 3l55. lllpni. l'i‘cc. lndic rock pcculiariticx.

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise .\lacSorlc) \. 43 Jamaica Strch 348 8554. (rpm. l’i'cc. chidcnc} l‘or Ihc Rklt \ctci'an.

I Roost MacSorlc} 'x. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 34.\' .\'5M. 9.50pm. l-‘i'cc.

I ltchycoo Park Saniucl l)o\\\.

(C "l Xitlixdalc Road. 43.5 till)". .\‘.5llpni. l'i‘cc. ()(i\ an ci‘x and original»

I Johnny Henderson 'I‘hc Bola”) Bar. l5l3 .\lar_\ hill Road. 046 8834. 8.50pm. \Vidc \arict} ol' cabarct-xnlc coxcr \crxionx.

I Open Stage Blues Jam \icc‘n'Slca/y 43l Sauchichall Strcct. 555 005". 3pm. I'i'cc. \Vccld} blticx-baxcd \C\\itili.


I Status Ouo l'xhcr Hall. l,olhian Road. 335' 1 I55. £30.50. SL‘L‘ Hi 30.

I The Big Big Christmas Party ('orn li\changc. .\'c\\ .\larkct Road. (iot‘i-‘ic. 445 345". "pm. £50. Scc l‘ri I5. I Rough Country, Drop Kick and Crazy Vincent Subua}. (i‘) (‘ougatu 335 (firm. “.5llnm. £4. .-\nothcr linc-up ol' local actx l'roin thc \anic tcani \tho brought ion thc .\lcrcat night\.

I Rayne, Midnight Swimmer and Dovetail Banncrinan'x. 3l3 (’ougatc. 55o 5354. 8.45pm. £5. 'l'riplc bill ol' local indic ttc‘lx


I Snow Patrol and Odeon Beat Club King 'l'ut‘x “ah “ah lhit. 3"3a St \inccnt Strcct. 33l 53“). 8.50pm. £.\'. Slum i’alt‘til bid [0 i‘L‘ liiL‘ littl‘tic‘fl “tithing band in \houbi/ Illi\ i-L‘\ii\L‘ \C;l\t\lt. \\ilit gigx ii} liic‘il' tlilc‘l' 0:30 iiiL' Rc‘ilitic‘t‘l‘ Scction and l’atrol li‘ontman (Ear) lightbod} ah‘cad} undcr thcir bcltx.

I Monstarz of Roc 't‘lic ('athotixc. IS l'nion SlI'L‘L'l. 348 (i(i0(i. “~50an ()\ci'< |4\ \hou. ('Ittxxic l'oc‘ix L‘U\t‘l'\ pcrlormcd b) incn drcxxcd ax liltilhlc‘h. (‘otild lil'c bc an} morc l'tin'.’

I Christmas Eva \icc‘n‘SIca/y ill Sauchichall Strcct. 555 005”. 0pm. l’iagilc indic poppcrx [in arc pla} in; a dim“) i‘L‘l'UI'L‘ (‘hl‘i\llii;t\. (it‘dtiilfl’

I Single Point of Light, Hex and LiberB ’l'hc 15th Notc‘ ('al'c, 50 (iii King; Strcct. 555 M58. 0pm. £5. liino hca\ incxx. I Buzzer, Minicholer, Pylot and Gopherwood Slt'aubcl‘t') i‘tcldx. 5h ()\\\;I|ti Sti'cct. 33l “N‘l. ".5llpin. £4. \iiil't‘ ClilU.

I Sunrise (irand ()lc ()pi'}. l’aixlc} Road loll. 43‘) 55W». ".50pin. £4 i£5 nicmbcrxi. (‘ountr_\.