Trio AAB will undertake a major UK tour for the Contemporary Music Network in February, including dates in Scotland, and they will issue a new album to coincide with the tour, which they share with Northern Lights. In the meantime, though, the trio saxophonist Phil Bancroft, guitarist Kevin MacKenzie and drummer Tom Bancroft - continue their series of wild and wacky reinterpretations of the great musicals at Henry’s. The guys have already given The Sound of Music and My Fair Lady the treatment, but haven’t quite decided for sure what this month’s musical will be. The Wizard of 02 was a frontrunner, but Tom reckons it falls short on usable tunes, so maybe it’ll be a double bill. Expect thematic dressing up on stage, competitions and general mayhem alongside highly creative music. (Kenny Mathieson)

I Trio AAB are (it Henry's Jax/ Cellar. Edinburgh. Sun 22 Dec.


I Hung Drawn Quartet llenr} \ .la/I (‘ellatz S .\lort'i\on Street. 467' 53lll). Spin. £5. 'l‘hix \a\ophone quartet led h} Ra} mond .\lael)ona|d pla} imaginath e original\ and intriguing arrangements ol' _i;t// \tandat'dx.

I Food for Thought the Beat .la/l Baxetnenl. l (‘hamherx Street. lllpm 5am. £5. l’lea\e note all e\ent\ at thix \enue are \eheduled to ehange or eaneellation. (‘all MW 355‘) for more information. l.i\ e ia/l meetx danee meetx ltettl\ ;t\ Bertie llt)\l\ l‘ood l'or 'l'hought. \\ ilh \peeial guexlx

l.i\ e Seieneex \ttppot'ted h} Batt) l,o\ e l'or some hip hop attitttde.

I Bootybliss ('aharel Voltaire. 5t» 58 Blair Street. 2]) (ul‘h. llpm 5am. £4 tL'l donated to eharit) l'or e\er} \llltlelll entr} l. :\ three deek ll'ettlmllo“ ol' Rtkli aeeapellax eut up and \eralehed o\ er hip hop hreakx lrom Riehie Rut'ltone. and

I.) le_\. |.i\e garll' \exxionx in room No.

Thursday 19


I Cathie Rae Quintet llenr}\ .la// (’ellar. 3 .\lorri\on Street. --l(i.~ 53””. 3.30pm. £5. (‘laxxieal _ia// \oeal repertoire \ung h} one ol' Seotland\ moxt perxonal \tltgeH.

I Out of the Bedroom \\'a\erle_\ Bar. I St .\l;ii‘}\ Street. 557' “)5”.

‘in11 midnight. l‘ree. See ’l‘hti l3.

Edinburgh I Becc Sanderson ('aharet Voltaire. 36 3S Blaii' Street. Ill) (il7h. 5pm. l‘t'ee. ('laxxie rh}thm and hluex lrom .'\tl\ll';tll;tll \oealixt Sandei‘xon.

Thursday 2 January

Preview of the year

I Colin Steele Quintet lleni-_\\ .la// ('ellar. S .\lort‘i\on Street. 467' 5200. H.3llpm. £3. (‘olin Steele and hi\ e\eellent quintet ha\ e a linal ehattee to run do“ n the trumpeter\ latext hateh ol eottlpoxitionx hel'ore the hand go into the \lttdio to eut hix ne\t album.

I Melting Pot llenr) '\ .la// (‘ellar. S .\lorri\on Street. 40" 53W). Midnight. £5. Steele ix \traight haek on the handxtand llet'x hope hix lip ix in good \hapei to turn up the heat \\ ith hix \i\--pieee in a daneelloorminded ja/I \et. \\ ith the emphaxix on the lunk.

I Trouble at the Blue Note the Beat .la// Baxement. l (’hamherx Street. lllpm 5am. £3 hel'ore midnight: L11 alter. l’lea\e note all e\enl\ at thix \enue are \eheduled to ehange or eaneellation. (all 407' 255‘) lot more intormation.

lmpro\ ixed lit/l jam \potl\ttl'etl h} the legendar} Blue Note Reeot'd\. 'liiltlglll ltttx Kaxhah taka Benlweula. tllxt) lormerl} part ol pt'odttetion duo (ilx'l tor a DJ \el \\ ilh .\l(. (‘het (ioltl\leilt laka l’ert‘ier Bexl Nt‘\\eiiitiei‘ auard \\ inner (iarth (‘ruiekxhank l.


I Rumba Caliente .\l;iel<olwrt. l'ni\er\it_\ ol Stirling. lllTSo ltmtitio. lllfillpm. it‘ll. \eu \i\ pieee hand lead h} Salxa ('eltiea trumpeter 'l‘oh} Shippe}. prmiding the linext in hot rauneh} l.atin \Utllltlx.


I George McGowan and his Orchestra .\lerehanl\ (‘ornetz IS John Street. 553 RSlll. 2.30 5.50pm. l‘ree. See Sat l‘l.


I Todd Gordon Quartet llenr} \ .l;l// (‘elltlll .S \ltit‘l‘ixtill Street. ll)? Slot). S..§l)piti. U). Suing meals in the \t}|e ol' Sinatra. leaturing \ongx l'rom lll\ alhum ’Yott‘re (ionua lleat‘ lt'om Me".

I The Flow the Beat .la// Baxentetll. l (‘hamherx Street. to? 253‘).

Illpm 5am. £2 £5. l’leaxe note all

e\ elll\ ttl lltl\ \enue are \L‘lletlllletl lt) ehange or eaneellation. ('all 467 255‘) lul‘ more int’ormation. .\'e\\ti\hl night lor the heat \xith l'reext) le masterx Dan and ()h in eontrol. and dropping h) l'or \ome li\ e aetion it‘s Monoxapianx l'or \Ullle funk} hreakheat aetion.

I Tony King Collective llent'} \ .ltt/l (‘elltttl S Mot't‘ixtm Street. 467 5200. Midnight. £5. See Sat l—l.


I Xmas at Cossachok (‘al'e ('oxxaehok. Rll\\ittll ('ultural ('entre. 10 King Street. 553 0753. 3.30pm. £5 lUi. Seasonal CL‘lL‘lH‘ttlltHh \\ ith luxionx ol~ l‘olk. elasxieal and ja/l. leaturing l.e\ Atlax on \ iolin.


I Blues’n’Trouble and Fake Snow The Venue. 17 2| (‘alton Road. 557 3075. l’leaxe note ehange ol' \enue l'rom |.a Belle .-\ngele. Spin. U). llard roekin‘ hluex aetion l'rom Seotland'x anxu er to the Bltie\ Brothers returning tor their annttal (‘hrixtmax gig.

I Trio AAB llenr} '\ .la// ('ellar. S’ Morrison Street. 467 .5200. S.5l)pttt. £5. Phil and Tom Banerolt tau and drums rexpeethel) l and guitarixt Ke\ in \ltlL‘KL‘ll/le lilL'l'le‘ 'I-llr' llifill'r/ rift)? in their inimitahle laxhion. eotnplete \\ ilh drexxing up. See panel.

I The Goat Stew World Jazz Party The Beat .la// Baxemenl. l ('hamherx Street. lllpm. L5. l’leaxe note all e\ent\ at llttx \enue are \eheduled to ehange or eaneellation. (‘all .107 253‘) for tnore inl'ormation. See Stm l5.


I Carol Kidd’s Christmas Cracker Queen‘s llall. ('lerk Street. ()(iiS llll‘). S5llpltl. fl: £3”.

jazz listings Music


Stefon Harris Stefon Harris has laid down his credentials as a highly gifted and remarkably mature improviser on his chosen instrument. the Vibraphone. This engagement is his Edinburgh debut. but he also performed here with bassist Buster Williams at the Glasgow Jaxx Festival in 1997. He replicates Buster's choice of vibes and piano as his frontline in a New York quartet that features Xavier Davis lpianor Tarus Mateen (bass) and Terreon Gully (drums). Henry's Jazz Cel/a/i Edinburgh, Thu 72 Dec.

Colin Steele Quintet Colin Steele's debut album. Fax/light Dreams. made the London jazz press sit up and take notice when it was released early this year. The trumpeter has written a whole new set of strong material for the follow—up. which he and his excellent band will record over Christmas. Catch a sneak preview here. Henry Jazz Cellar: Edinburgh, Fri 20 Dec.

Trio AAB See panel left. Henry Ja// Ce/lar. Edinburgh. Sun 22 Dec.

Seotland'x tirxt lad} Uljtt/l \inging pull\ a hig one for ('hrixtmax.


I The Kings of Swing Big Band 'I‘olhooth ’l'heatre. Jail \V) ltd. (ll 780 3740i)”. 7.30pm. L'l5 (filth. ('laxxie wing t'rom thix he“ enxeinhle teaturing memherx ol' the RS.\‘(). pl;i}iiig muxie h) ('ount Baxie. Duke lillington. (ilenn Miller and more \\ ith a (‘hrixtmax and

\\ inter theme. featuring Nina 'l‘ilhur} on \oealx.

Christmas Eve


I Retro Xmas The Beat Ja// Baxement. l ('hamherx Street. lllpm 5am. £3 hel'ore midnight: £4 alter. l’leaxe note all e\ent\ at thix \enue are \ehedtiled to ehange or eaneellation. ('all 467 25.“) tor more inl'ormation. lirik da Viking and gue\t\ pla} ing the hext in soul. funk and lit/l \\ith a health} tltixe ollrotthle . . . t'a\ourite\ all to get )ou \et tor Xmas.

Boxing Day


I Big Vern and the Shootahs ('ottiet' 'l‘heatt‘e. 95 95 ll} tidland Street. Ill-l 5l5l. .S’pm. L'l5. Soul and Rth \tomperx from (il;t\go\\ '\ anm er lo the Blue\ Brotherx.

\ .‘ .4 THE LIST 65