Music jazz listings


Returning in a blaze of glory (with as little similarity to Bon Jovi as is humanly possible, let us promise you) Felsons frontman and renowned solo songwriter Owens corrals in a few pals in for a full-on festive hootnanny. Shetland born singer/songwriter Sheila Henderson comes out in support while his new backing band the Significant Others comprises drummer Mattie Foulds, Malinky’s Karine Polwart on guitars and backing vocals, Marianne Campbell from Deaf Shepherd on fiddle and Felsons man Kev McGuire on double bass. They will be followed by the first live performance in Edinburgh by the Felsons in over two years with ‘the odd guest joining in too’ Owens assures. (Mark Robertson)

I OOH/l Out/ens. the Felsons and friends p/(it the ()1 men's Hail. [ftfi'Iri/‘t/rg/‘i. 25) Dec.

The Queen’s Hall Edinburgh 55°57'N, 3°21'W


66 THE LIST '3‘ Ira-AL '.’ I? a‘a'


I Gavin Murray The Beat .la// Baxeiiient. l (’liainherx Street.

lllpni 5am. £3. l’leaxe note all e\ent\ at [lil\ \eniie are \L‘liL‘tltllL‘tl to change or cancellation. ('all 4(37 25.“) lor more inlorination. Bo\ing da} \pecial \xith Murra} \pinning an eclectic \election ol

ja/x. \Ulll. lttnk and noxelt} tt\\tll‘llllL‘lll\.


I The Goat Stew World Jazz Party llL‘ltl‘} \ .la// ('ellar. S Morrixon Street. 4(i7 5300. Midnight. £5. \Voi'ld rootx. alro heat and Latin lla\otired jal/ l'roin ’l‘oh) Shippe) \ ne\t \l\ piece hand.

I Alex Yellowlees’ Hot Club llenr} ‘\ .la// ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 520i). 8.30pm. £5. l5ortner|_\ knoun \lltlpl} ax the Hot ('ltih. \iolinixt .v\le\ Yello“ leex‘ trio \er\ e tip \\\ ing iii the claxxic Reitiliardt-(irappelli \t}le.

I Trouble at the Blue Note the Beat .la// Baxeinent. l ('haniherx Street. ltlpin 5am. £2 hel'ore midnight: £4 alter. l’leaxe note all e\ent\ at [MS \entie are \cliedtiled to change or cancellation. (‘all 407 253‘) tor inore inl'orination. linpro\ ixed ia// jain \pttllxtil'ctl h_\ the legendar} Blue Note Recordx. 'l'oiiight .ltixtanothahrttilia

pla) ing hack to hack l'oi' \e\ en hourx

\\ ith rexident llohhex land M(' (‘het (itlltlSIL‘llll tor a \et ol‘ deep llUtlSL‘. ia//. \Utll. l‘ttnk and dixco.

Saturday 28


I George McGowan and his Orchestra Merchantx (‘orneiz lS’

John Street. 552 .iSlll. 3.30 5.30pm. l'lL'C SL‘L‘ Sat l4.


I Melting Pot llenr} \ .la// ('ellar. S Morrixon Street. 407 5200. Midiiigltt. £5. See l‘ri It).

I The Glenn Miller Orchestra [Slicl' llttll. l.titliitiii Road. 233 ll55. 7.30pm. £7.50 £l‘).5tl. ’l'rihute to the \\\ inging Miller haiid \\ illi claxxicx \llcll ax ‘ln the Mooth ‘Moonliglit Serenade‘ and ‘l’enii\} l\ania (6000'.

I New York Jazz Quartet the Bridge .la// Bar. SI Sotitlt Bridge. 47S 25“). S lll..5(l|llll. £o. l’leaxc note thix L‘\cllt i\ \et l0 he rc\clicdtilcd. (.UllSUll \\\\\\.li\ tor niore inl'orniation. Bringing a touch ol' \eu York \t) le to lidinhtirgh'x ia/I cltihx. top Big Apple pla} L‘l'\ teani tip \\ itli Scotland‘x linext iii an e\er-e\patiding hand. 'l‘onight Sle\ e Slagle on \a\ and Mark Soxkin on piano join lidinhttrgh-lxixed Brian Shielx on haw and Bill K} le on drttinx. I Fionna Duncan llt-ni'}\ .la// ('ellai'. S Morriwn Street. 40" 530i). Shillptn. £(i. Renouned tia/x \tk‘;tll\l Duncan. \\litl\L‘ \ei'\;itilit) atid talent ll;l\ led to her l‘ronting the Iltlltl \L‘SSlUllS at (ilaxgtm \ ia// lextnal. prexentx a \ai'ied repertoire \\ itli \otiietlting l'or all llillSlL‘ul taxtex.

I Orchestra Dinamite the Beat .la// Baxenient. l (‘liatnherx Street. llpiii Iain. £(t. l’lea\e ttote all L‘\L‘lll\ at llll\ \enue are \cliedtiled to change or caticellaiion. ('all 4o? 353‘) l‘oi‘ tnore int'orination. llot l.atin-tingcd ia// led h_\ legendar) New York Salxa pianixt Roland l’errin taking _\ou l'roin Salxa to

When The List spoke to the band SIX months ago they sounded bemused but Cheerful. Now they sound cheerfully insane.

James Smart on Royksopp, see Clubs, page 84.

hreak-hcal Inn to get )oti into tlial part} tiiood.


I The Glenn Miller Orchestra Ro}al ('oncerl Hall. 2 Saticliiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £8.75 £20. See Sat ZS. lidinhttrgh.


I New York Jazz Quintet “the Bridge .la/x Bar. SI Sotitli Bridge. 4".\' :5 ll). 3 lilplii. U). l’leaxc note llll\ L‘\Clll ix due to he i‘exclieduled. (‘onxtilt

\\\\ \\.lt\t.L‘U.lll\ lot‘ more iiil‘orination. Bringing a totich ol .\'e\i York \t} Ie to lidinhurgli'x ria/x eltihx. top Big Apple pla_\er\ team tip with Scotland\ line\t in an exer-e\panding hand. Tonight the .\'e\\ York—lidinhurgli lthltill ix joined h} (’olin Steele on trumpet.

I Fionna Duncan llenr}\ .la/l (t‘llat‘. N \lttl'l‘ivtn Street. 407' 5200. 3.501111]. £(i. See Sat IS.

I Orchestra Dinamite the Beat .la// Baxenient. | (‘liainhei'x Street. llptii lain. £o. l’leaxe note all e\ent\ at llll\ name are \cliedtiled to change or cancellation. (’all 4o~ 253‘) l'or inore inloriiiatioit. Sce Sat 3S.

Monday 30


I New York Jazz Sextet the Bridge .la// Bar. S3 Sotttli Bridge. 4"S 25 It). S ltlpni. £o. l’leaxe note thix e\ent i\ tltlc [ti he l'L‘\L'liL‘tltllL‘tl. ('ttlhlllt

\\ \\ \\.lt\l.L‘U.tlk lot‘ more inlorniation. Bringing a toticli ol' .\'e\\ York \t) le to lidinhtirgli’x ria// cltihx. top Big .-\pple play‘n teain tip \\ itli Scotland\ linext iii ati exer-e\panding hand. Tonight the _\'e\\ York-lidinhtirgh lthltilt i\ melled \\ ith the addition til lil'lttll Kt‘tltllc tilt ll'tillll‘tlllk‘. I The Explosion llit‘ Beat Jal/ Baxeinent. l (‘lianiherx Street.

llpiii Iain. £0. l’leaxe note all e\ent\ at llil\ name are xclieduled to cltange or cancellation. ('all 4o~ 253‘) lot' more inlorination. .\‘e\\ York drummer and \tlc;tll\t l’attl .\llll\ lctlth llil\ \L‘\ eii-piece litilid \xhoxe glut“ c ha\ed \tttll and Rtkll \liotild L‘lhtll'L‘ a \llitttillt ride into lloginana} retelx.


I Beat Hogmanay the Beat .la// Baxeinent. l ('ltainhei'x Street. 4b- 353‘). lllpiii 5am. £4 hct'ore midnight: £8 alter. l’leaxe note all e\ent\ at llll\ \eniie are \cliedtiled to change or cancellation. ('all to“ 353‘) Mr ntore inlortiiation. \Yli \pecial a\ Boh ('airn\ \\;tl'lll\ it tip \Utll- _l;l// \l} lL‘. til-tt‘l‘ the l‘L‘llS Bt‘l'llL‘ lillxk‘\ ll tip a itotclt \\ itli tier} \Ulll and tank


New Year’s Day


I Music and Art for New Year’s Day (’it} .-\i't (‘t-iiti'e. 2 Market Street. 53‘) 3003. l 5pm. l’ree. \tii‘xe _\otir near) \Utll \\ itlt an al'tei'noon ol' init\ic l't‘oni the Scotlixli (itiitar ()uai‘tel accoinpan} iiig the .loan liardle} e\liihition at the (it) .«\rt (’enlre and .'\l}lll .\lc(‘ortnack and l‘riendx accoiiipan}ing Yixionx lor the l‘titiire l\' at the l’rtiitniarket.

I Music and Art for New Year’s Day l’rtiitinarket (idllt‘l'). 45 Market Stl'ct‘l. :35 3535. l 5pm. l‘i'cc. SL‘L‘

aho\ c.

I Food for Thought lllc lit-at .la// Baxeinent. l ('hainherx Street. 40“ 35.“). ltlpni 5am. £3 hel'ore midnight; £4 alter. l’leaxe note all e\ent\ at llll\ \enue are \cliedtiled to change or cancellation. (all lo" 353‘) l'or niore inl'orination. l.i\e ia// tllcctS dance Ilit‘t‘l\ l‘c;ll\ ;I\ llt'l'llc lit\\t\ l'tttttl litil‘ 'lhlititlgltl. \\ llll \pL'L‘ldl gllc\t\ the l,ondon (ioxpel \e\en piece \Utll iax/ otitl'it San/.