I Disco Badger at Baitthoo.

5pm 3am. £5 (£3). \Veekl). .\ itigltt that hill hring together guextx l'rom all m er the (ilaxgotx cltih landxcape. Stih (‘ltrh. Sole. tlte rtotx deceaxed Volcano artd a pletltora ol' other eltihx \\ ill he dortating xpinrterx iit tlte coming lltottlltx.

I Dream at Strzmhert‘} l-‘ieldx. It).3()pm 3am. U5. \Veekl}. l‘ilteen quid to get in‘.’ You're ‘a\ in' a lauglt. ain’t _\;i'.’ But wait: the bar ix completel} tree all night, xo xtop moaning arid get drunk.

I Hard Wired at Barll} llttl'lllL‘l‘l} the 13th .\'ote (‘luht 9pm 3am. I-"ree. \Veek'l). .\ night xo rockiti' it \till ha\e lx'urt \Vixhing he hadn’t heett quite xo raxh. llappil) molding 35-}ear—oldx irt xhortx \\ ith a xlxetch} lxtto\\ ledge ol' rap ttto ttii metali arid l.'()real-ahuxirig poodlerx. llard \Vired \xill pla} tunex lt'om kit of tlte middle hig hitterx xuch ax Wee/er. I-"oo I-"ighterx. Red Hot ('hili l’eppet'x and llundi'ed Reaxonx in tlte do“ nxtait'x area.

Life’s a Drag at tlte .\ler‘cur} l.ounge. Sptti 3am. l‘ree. \Veekl}. .\ itiglit ot' muxie l‘rom 1)] ('olin I)a\e_\ pltix regular drag perltirritancex.

I Liquid COOI at Baha/a. 9pm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. :\J. Krix Keegan and Ian 'I‘hompxon pla} top-notch \ocal garage and houxe to a cluh packed \\ itlt h} per» liedonixtic tuent} xometliing re\el|erx. all ol \xhom xeetn to hate lorgottett that the} haxe \tork iii the morning. It qualit) tunex and glaritoroux anticx are )ottt' hag. Sun at Baha/a ix unriiixxahle.

I One Sunday at the Tunnel.

llptti 3am. £4 (L‘l l. \Veekl). The Rth continuex “ith the Tunnel etc“ on thix xinlul Sahhath celehration. \Vear nice clothex l'or adntixxion. pleaxe.

I Optimo at tlte Stih (‘ltih. llpiii 3am. £thc. \Veekl}. Welcome ltorne. ho}x. ()ptirito xa) a might) homl} doo to their xpiritual home. \\ itlt thix rtigltt electronic. I Streaker at Shack.

l()..‘\()pnt 3.30am. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. l).l Jarttex ‘the Boy (iardner xpitix the trackx tor thoxe enjo} irig iritittature anticx aitd naked lilttt. 'l‘ltix xottttdx like a good lauglt. eh'.’

I Sunday Surgery at ('uhe.

llpiit 3am. £5 tUl. \\'eekl_\. ('ameron ('raig dixpenxex xome xal\e lor )ottt' xotil irt thix di\erting \\ iitdei‘-do\\rier \\ itlt a medical tlteme.

I Sunday Best at the Shed.

l().3()pm 3am. £3 it'll. \Veekl}. The Right Re\erend lint l)a Bext lll}pC. ('uhei plit}x \xhate\ er the hell he \xantx each arid e\ei'} Sahhatlt tor the hungmet‘

I Transistor at tlte l’olo Lounge.

I lpiit Sam. 95. \Veek'l}. Real pop tor real people \xillt I)lx \iall .\lc.\lurra_\ and “tone l)l\ott.

Glasgow Mondays


I Hector Monday’s Quiz at .\‘ieu‘x. ()pm midnight. l‘r‘ee. \Veekl). ()r. to gi\e it itx full title. ‘llector .\londa} 'x (Jim on a Stiri e\er} .\londay. l’ri/ex galore. pri/ex lor the \xorxt drexxed. dixaxtroux hairctitx. xltittixh anticx arid general mixheha\ iour make thix a remarkahle pr'e—cluh xpectacle.

I Salsa for Beginners at ('uha Norte. 7pm midnight. H tL'M. \Veekl). (‘an )titi learn the xalxa'.’ (ii\ e it a rigltt good go at thix high-claxx night ol lotttloolet'}.

I Salsa Vida at lla\atia. Ll. \Vcckl}. l"ee| the rh}thni. 'I'hix ix a re|a\ed attd l'riendl} xalxa claxx m itlt teacher .\nd) Baird) l'or tltoxe \\ ixhirig to dip their toex iii the xalxa \xater.

I Cul De Sac at ('iil l)e Sac.

()pm midnight. l‘ree. \Veekl}. \Vatcli )oti don‘t hurn )(ltlt' lingerx on Dr l’atil‘x ()ui/ ol' Iiire.


I Burn at .\l.»\S. l lpm 3am. l-ree l'ot' xtal'l' iii an} ptih or cluh; U to e\er}one elxe. \Veekl). I).lx \tii‘titrtii and [em prexide o\ er the higgext and longext

Dave Clarke guests at Pressure, Fri 27 Dec

running xtall night ottt iit hixtor). l’reedom lot' the \xorkcrx. arid tlterex alxo a guext appearance e\et'} nou and again.

I Passionality at (‘uhe

l lfitlpnt 3am. l-‘ree. \\'eekl_\. 1).] Shaun L'ttxtlt'L‘S lltttl the \\ L‘L‘lxetttl lx xla} lllg illl\L' \\lllt thix poxt-ueekend night ol pleaxiitg chartixtr}.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Disco - The X Factor Hogmanay at Bar Ill, 0pm latit. l’r‘ee. llogiiiana}. Spanned X and Big l)add} are the xpitinerx at the heautil'ttl har up the lane ax he get jigg} \\ itlt letlfi.

I Doctor Salsa at lla\ana. S Itipm. l‘i‘ce. \Veekl}. .\ xalxa claxx l'oi‘ heginnei‘x \\ ith l)octor Salxa. l.et the good doctor' check _\our xalxa pulxe at tltix popular 'l‘ue claxx.

I Rueda de Casino at (‘uha .\‘orte. 7.30pm midnight. L31. \\'eekl_\. ll laxt mo\ ittg ('uhan xti'eet dancing ix _\out‘ thing. then itot otil} are _\ou an intriguing human hcitig. htit _\ott xltotild alxo drop in lot” thix night. l)ancc ittxti'uctorx are l'rotti the .'\L‘;ltlL‘Illl;l de Salxa. xo )iiti‘t‘e in \tllt‘. \e\_\ ltatttlx.


I Bendy Toy at the .\i‘cltex. ‘lprii 3am. L'thc. I." l)ec onl}. Bend} lo} take iit all thingx clectronica. artd ha\e created quite a xtit' in muxical cii'clex til late. 'l'hix ix a good chance lo clteck out their xotllttl ttl tltix gig~cum cltih night.

I Cuba Norte Christmas Eve at ('uhe .\'ot'tc. 0pm late. l’t‘ee. (‘ltr'ixtriiax li\e. .\li‘ l’eachex ol' Barrio atid the Stih 'l‘i'opic radio xlttm pla) x otit claxxic arid contentporar) l atiit and hi'eakx on tliix hig night.

I Campus at the .\lei'cur'} lounge. Spin Rant. [3 hel'oi'e l lpm; H alter. \Veckl} ttiot llogtttatia) i. Student night at thix ga} \enite iii the coiiipan} ol Barhat‘a l.a Bttxlt \ihich prontixcx gamex arid lauglitei'. l).l .\licltelle xetx the tone upxtairx.

I Club 69 Hogmanay Special at ('luh (i‘). lllpm -lam. L'll). llogitt;trta_\.

'l'lie might} ('Iuh (i‘) techrto maxxi\e are joined on the deckx h_\ a \ci'} xpecial gucxt l'rom Detroit. llllx \\ ill he a hit good.

I Colours Subliminal Sessions NYE 2002 at the lttltltel. 0pm 5am. £351£IIII. llogiitana}. (’onxtipated .\lottke} .loxc \unex joinx \Vho l)a l‘unk at the deckx oii tltix night ol' .\Y madrtexx. 'l‘he r'ext ol’ the (‘olourx cre\x

\\ ill he oit ltattd to tnake xurc the night gtie‘x \\lll] it llilllg'. (.llt't'k (i/tHg‘Ult Hoe/iiimm xii/i/ilt’nit'nl tor more t/t'ltii/x. I Disco Juice at .\l.-\S. llprii 3am. Ll it'll. \Veekl} titot llogriiaita) l. l)oex e\actl} \xhat it xa}x on the tin. \\lllt loadx ol' liink} dixco madnexx aimed xtraight at _\oiir lace. .'\| Kent ix the ittaiti man.

I End of the Year Club at 13th .\'ote ('ale. 0pm laiit. l-iree. llogiiiana}. 'l'he land ol the Month cltih tearti count dou ii to the hellx \\lllI a cultural laxt loruard through the people. muxic. xouttdx. xiglitx and e\entx that ntade lelll xo xpecial. l‘eaturirig hoxtx Bo/illa and a plethora ol xpecial guextx including the lantaxtic clectropop ol .\lotoi'mai'k aitd packed \\ itlt hootlch. pat'odiex tk competitionx thix night ix guaranteed to he interacti\e. anttixing. uplil'ting and domiright ltink} tor )our' entrance mone) hack).

I FUN at (‘uhe. llfillpm 3am. l‘rec. \Veckl} tnot llogntaita} I. l'tmk} unique and \er} naught} packed \\ ith pleaxing pop muxic. l'rom Shaun and (ieor'ge) Bo}.

I Hogmanay Northern Soul Special at Sti‘auhert'} l‘ieldx.

lllprii -laitt. L'lll. llogiiiaita}. ('heck otit the ne\\ \tooden dancelloor .\lartin

(lax iii and .\ndreu l)i\ inc are the xpecial guextx. \ihilxt .\like} ('ollinx. l’attl .\lollo} arid l)a\} ()ttirin at'e. ax e\ei'. the ahle i'exidentx. \Vltat tttrte \\ ill the} pla}


Thursday 2 January Preview of the year

listings Clubs

ill-[Cl lllL‘ lk‘llY' I Inside out at the :\t'cltex. l Ipni- lfitlriiii. £33. llogmarta}. lnxide ()tit hriiig iii xotiie ol' their hard ltoiixe l).l matex to ttiakc xtire that _\otir New Year part) goex ol'l' hig tinte. Y\ex l)c Rti}ter. ('or\ iii l)alek arid .lohn Johnxon are the gtrcxtx. Simon l‘o} arid :\lan Belxhau are tlte t‘exitleltlx. I Juicy Tuesdays at the \‘elxet Roomx.l lptii 3am. Lil tl'reei. \Veekl) ttiot llogiiiatia} l. Bill} .\lilligan xpitix xltltlcttl claxxicx ill tltc ttpxtalt'x xtllte \xhile Scott .\lc.\lillait pla}x Rth arid hip hop iii the dtmnxtairx lounge. I Melting Pot at Rherxide ('hih. 13.45am late. fill). llogmana}. Simon (‘ordiner and Billl} \Vootlx rock a xet to ring in the next .\eai‘. 'l'ech hotixe and dixco are the llaxoitrx ol the month. I Mish Mash at liquid Lounge. llprn 3am. L'thc. llogiitana}. .\Iixh .\laxlt. .loxeph .\lalik. Ill—Karate and h.ding are the muxical gettii at tltix New Year celeht‘atioti. I Old Skool Spectacular at :\rchaox. Spin-4am. [the llogiiiana). l-ull on old xckool \ ihex and iii )oiii' lace dance l'i'ont l’tthlic Domain. ()I’X. l‘ltraxonic. .loe Deacon attd ittati} more act‘oxx li\e le\elx. (link (i/ttxemt' Hue/nullity \u/i/i/t'ntt'iil [or more delta/x. Optimo Hogmanay Party at (ilaxgtm School ot’.r\rt. lllpm 'till \er} late. £33. llogntaiia). .limi 'lt'llol'. I).l .\lingo go. 'l‘uitcli. \Vilkex. Roland. .\lac. l)ixco I)om attd l).l l-ingerxpotx'.’ It tittixt he the lourth annual ()ptimo ilixpacioi Ne“ Year part}? \Vith e\er}thing including lil'tiex x\\ing and hard techno heiitg tltrtmn ittto the mix. tltix ix the place to he “hen the xhit goex do“ n at tlte cloxe ol' llllll, I Papacool Hogmanay Party at .\d l.ih. ltlpm 5am. L'S. llogttiana}. 'l'he ttxual mix ol' lunk} xltit lt‘om paxt arid prexent. htit \\ itlt cocktailx. lixe handx arid pri/ex on tltix xpecial night. I Subculture at the Suh ('hih tltt axxociation “ith Bacardi Bhari. l lpm- late. £23. llogiiiana}. ‘I’he Suh'x .\'e\\ Year pai‘tiex are notor'iotix. hoth hecauxc ol' their thunderouxl} good xoundtrackx and the i'apturoux \ the. 'I'Itix time the) ’\e eiilixtcd the help ol' Bacardi to make e\tra xtire that the patronx cart cttjo} the deep houxe xouiidx ol Ilat'i'i arid l)om \xhilxt xipping a litre glaxx.



I Fluid at the Polo lounge.

ltlpm lattt. l‘rce. lS l)ec. l).l “ante I)i\on mi\ex tip claxxic lunk. xoul attd dixco \\ itlt a daxh ol' conteiiiporat'} tuneage. atid there are hall-price cocktailx to make xtire thingx go \\ itlt a x\\ iitg.

I Mark Robb at the (‘ul de Sac. 0pm midnight. l-rcc. IS I)ec. .\lat'k Rohh ol' Bull ('luh lame pi'o\ idex the retro l'unk attd xoul groo\ ex to the \Vext lirid Iitaxxi\e.

I Moda at .\loda. Spin larit. l-‘ree. IS l)ec. Smooth arid xoull’ul RSB \iith l).l .\tall. at one ol the x\\attkiext lookirtg \cnuex lll lt)\\ll.

I Russell’s at Ruxxell‘x. () llprti. l’ree. IS |)cc. D] Van hritigx ltix \xorld muxic e\tra\agan/a to the _\uppie

I Salsa Fuente at lla\ana.

Spiti midnight tell. \Veekl}. Salxa claxx I'olloxi ed h} xalxa l).l .lot'_iito througlt 'til cloxiiig little.

I Samba with Thaissa! at (‘itha .\'orte. "pm midnight. [5. IS l)ec. Another good alternati\e to the liotixe. techno arid cheex_\ nightx that dominate (ilaxgtm ~x niglttlil'e. learn xamha cartii\al xt_\le ax \xell ax chilling otit to xatiiha reggae heatx. ()r tito\c upxtairx to the tapax har arid get a hit anthicnt.

I Tango Bar at liltlt‘lxll'lttl'x.

7.30pm ll..illpttt. l‘i'ec. IS |)ec. .-\t'gentinian mtixic and dattce. iii the moxt eclectic haxenient iit Io\\tt. 'l‘hix \\ ill he a xuhlirite xexxion.