Clubs listings

Edinburgh Wednesday continued

I Food for Thought at the Heat .lal/ Baxentent. ltlpttt 5am. £3. \Veekl} tttot ('herax l)a} I. lit e ia/I tneetx dattee mL‘eIS heat~ ;t\ Bertie ltttSIS l'itltltl i’itlli Thought. \Vith \peeial guexh l.i\ e Seieneex Supported h} Ball} [m e l'or \otne ltip hop attitude t IS l)eet arid l.ondon (ittxlk‘l Seten pieee Soul-iaz/ otitlit San/ tNeu Year‘x l)a} l I High Society at l’aith tl'ormerl} \Vilkie llttlle‘l. ltlpnt 3am. [3. IS l)ee. liortnightl}. An) Student \oeiet} that hringS at leaxt 2t) tnemherx “ill ha\ e the entiret) ol their entr} leeS tlttllaletl it) their \oeiet}. Stet ie (i. loll} Saltonxtall and .le/ llill tlrop Rt\ll atttl

: Clubs


I Ad-Lib I ll llope Street. 243 004.5. I Air Organic 30 Kel\ ittgt'm e Street. .504 520 l.

I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 318‘). I The Arches .\lidland Street toll Jatttaiea Street l. (l‘)t)l ()22 ()3t)t).

I Asylum 7t) ('oueatltlenx Road. 332 008 l.

I Babaza 25 Roytl l‘.\ehange Sqttare. 2t)4 (lltll.

I Bennet’s St) (ilttSSlttl‘tl Street. .552 570 l.

I Blackfriars 20 Bell Street. 552 5024.

I BOHKGI'S 07 llope .Sl. 243 SSS—l.

I Brel 3‘) :\\lllttlt lune. .342 4900.

I Budda l42 St \ineent Street. 22l 5000.

I The Cathouse l5 t‘nion Street. 24Stfldflr

I CCA 350 Sauehiehall Street. 352 4900.

I The Cran ltl3S .'\t‘g'\le Street. 24S 0SS I.

I Cuba Norte l7 .lohn Street. 552 3505.

I Cube 34 Queen Street. 220 S‘)‘)t). I Cul De Sac .'\\ltton lane. 334 474‘).

I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King St. 552 9227.

I Fury Murry's ()0 .\l;t\\\ ell Street.


I The Garage 4‘)(l Sauehiehall Street.

332 1 I20.

I Glasgow School of Art It»? Renl're“ Street. 3.32 l)0‘)l.

I Glasgow University Union 32 l'nixerxit) :\\L‘tllle. 33‘) S007.

I The Griffiny 200 Bath Street. 33]



I'm a Geezer,

got a small lady-pleaser,

going down Butlins. Knobbly-knees-ahll

elaxxiex ;t|ottg\itle an uplront nti\ ol' ehart llllS.

I LOW ;tl llte|tlttl Rtlttlll. ll).3llpnt 3am. £3 1L2; tree to Suhlinte tnetnherxi. lS‘ l)ee. .\'e\\ itigltt geared toxxartlx turning the lllltl-\\L‘L‘l\ Inexx} \\itlt llll-Sktltll ltrealu and eheap hoo/e. lt'x a head} eontho and it eotnex eourtext ol' l"elix and Bean}. tlte ltaek room ho.“ ll'ttlll Suhlinte. And no“ there are l\\tl ne“ atltlitionx to tlte lanttl} ax Sil\ er Stone and (im .'\lltlk‘l'\t)ll join tlte l‘eSltleIIIS roxtet‘.

I Mothergnoove Christmas Party at Berlin lilt‘l'llitllx. ltl.3tlpin 5am. {S tUtl. ('hrixttnax l)a_\. \lotlterltutk and l'ltragrom e ioin loreex ottee again l'ot‘ tlti\ Xtttax

I Groucho St Judes tut) Bath Street. 33 l .5 l 7 l.

I 92 474 Satiehieltall St thehintl the (iaragei. .‘53 3| l l.

I Havana fill llope Street. 243 4400. I Life thaxentent ol ('orinthiani. l‘)l Ingram Street. 552 llttl.

I The Lighthouse 50 .\litehell Street. 22l 0302

I The Living Room 5 li)re\ Road. 33‘) S5l l.

I MAS 2‘) l{o_\al li\eltange Sqttare. 22l "llSll.

I The Medicine Room 30.32 (‘athetlral Sqttare. 552 35l‘).

I Mercury Lounge I42 Hath latte. 24S I777.

I MOIOCO l2\'7 .-\l‘f_‘) le Street. 334 43 l .3.

I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy ~l2l Saueltteltall Street. 3.3.3 90.37

I O’Henry’s l4 l)rur_\ Street. 24S 375l. I Pivo Pivo, I5 Waterloo Street. 504 Slllll

I Polo Lounge S4 \Vilxott Street.

553 l22l.

I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 l'ttiterxit} (iat‘tleitx. 33‘) ‘)7S4. I Reds. 375 Satteltieltall Street. 33l I035.

I Riverside Club l-‘ox Street. 50‘) "2S7.

I Rocksy’s Basement 40 \L‘“ .Slletltlttll Street. l’atxle}. 552 57‘”.

I The Shack l‘)3 Pitt St. 332 "522.

I Soba ll \liteltell Street lane. NH 2404.

I Soundhaus 47 ll_\tlepark Street. 22l 405‘),

I Spy Bar I53 Bath Street. 22! "I l. I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago l.atte. 35'~ 4524.

I Tempus (‘(‘.«\. 350 Sauehiehall Street.

See alto\ e.

I 13th Note .20“ (‘l_\tle .Sll'L‘L‘l. 24.3 2t“?

I The Tunnel S4 _\litehell Street. 204 ltltlt).

I Variety Bar 4ttlSauehiehall Street. 332 444‘).

I The Velvet Rooms 520 Sauehiehall

Street. 332 0755.


Got a mate who's black,

the back.

.lainhoree. .\'o1 onl} the hext in lllllk hut alxo the IaSIiexl ltouxe around as these to legentlar} loeal nightx pttt the eraelting itt _\our (‘hrixtntax eraeker.

I Progression New Year’s Day Party at (‘aharet Voltaire. lllpin 5am. fill). Ne“ Yearx Du). 'lt'atlittonal Seol'x Ne“ Year‘x l)a_\ part} ax the l’rogrexxion rexidentx and a Seleeliott ol the ltext loeal Seoltixh l).l\ take )ott througlt that \Yli hangm er.

I Soul Dance New Year’s Day Special at .\la\\a llttl‘lllel'l} (‘ltth \lereadot. ‘)pnt 3am. ES (It). Ne“ Year'x l)a_\. l’orget the hangoterx and get on down to the ltext elaxxie ’l'atnala. northern \ttlll and modern l'ttnlt.

I The Woodside Social Club 32‘) North \Vootlxitle Road. 337 I043. I Yang 3.3 Queen Street. 243 S484.


I Babylon l‘).\‘ (ireat .lttnetion Street. 555 27‘)3.

I Bam Bou 00/07 Stttllll lll'ltlL‘L‘. 5.20 tl2tltl.

I Bann UK 5 Hunter Square. 220 lll2. I Baracoa " \‘ietorta Street. 225 5540. I Bar Union 253/25S (‘o\\g;tle. 557 27M).

I The Beat Jazz Basement la ('ltatttlterx Street. 225 520‘).

I La Belle Angele ll llaxltex ('ltue. 225 7530.

I Beluga 3lla (‘hantlteix Street. 024 4545.

I Berlin. 3 ()ueenxlerr} Street lane. 407 7l20.

I The Bongo Club l4 Next Street. 550 520.1.

I Cavendish \Vext ‘l‘ollero\\. 225 3252. I 0.6. Blooms 23 24 (ireettxttle l’laee. 550 ‘)33l.

I The Citrus (il'ttltlla) Street. 022 "tixti. I The City Cafe Blair Street. 220 lll25.

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), l’teartl} l’laee. 47S 7434.

I The Commplex (‘ontnteretal Street. l.eith. 555 5022.

I Cuba Norte l‘)2 .\lorri\on Street. 22l l)-l‘)‘).

I Ego l’ieartl} l’laee. 47S 7434.

I eh1 l‘)" lliglt Street. 220 5277.

I El Barrio ltl4 \Vext Port. 22‘) 3305. I The Establishment 3 Semple Street. 22‘) 77.3.3.

I Flashback ‘)/l I Hope Street. 220 ll‘)lll.

I Gaia King Stahlex Road. 22‘) 7‘).\0.

I Gilded Saloon 233 ('ougate. 22‘) 303.3.

I The Honeycomb I5 I" \lkltll'} Street. 5.3” 554”.

I The Human Be-ln 2/S Wed ('t'oxxeattxeua}. 002 SS0“.

I Iguana 4| l.olltian Street. 220 42SS.

Shouts a bit, you know the shit,


Recently misrepresented by trendy grandad-mag

96 THE LIST '3 :,-:’ .V

I Taste and Space Face present Save the Turkey! at ligo. ‘)pnt 5am. (It) tL‘S’ lllellllk‘l‘Sl. ('hrixttnax l)a_\. 'l‘he perl'eet e\eu\e to get _\ou aua) lront another helping ol (‘hrixtinax pudding attd [/itu I\’HIIIIit'\ repeat\. The Spaee l'iilL'C

ho} \ and girl\ hoxt the (‘oeteau Lounge \xhile l‘iSlter aitd l’riee talxe eare ol' the up lront danee heat\ in the main room.

I The Very Best of Taste and Luvely at the liquid Room.

ltl.3tlptn 3am. L'the. Next Year'\ l)a). .'\x the name Stiggext the \er} hext tune\ that _\ou heard through 2002 lront the 'l‘axte artd l.ll\el) l)l\. to ease _\ou ittto 2tltl3.\'enue\

I The Liquid Room ‘)e Vietoria Street. 2.25 2.504.

I Loca 235 (‘ougutex 225 54l3.

I Magoo’s Basement 27 \Vest l’ort. 22l I44S.

I The MBMDO Club \VeSl 'l'ollet'ttxx. 447 33‘)l.

I Massa (formerly Club Mercado) 30 3‘) Market Street. 220 4224.

I The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) llueeletteh Street. 007 0‘)(l7.

I Opal Lounge 51 (ieorge Street. 220 3375

I Opium 7t ('ougate. 225 S382.

I The Outhouse Bt'ottghton Street l.ane. 5.57 008.

I Oxygen 3—5 lnlirtnar} Street. 557 ‘)‘)‘)7.

I Peppermint Lounge Blair Street. 022 0Sl l

I Pivo 2 0 ('ulton Road. 557 2‘)25.

I PO Na Na 20 l5retleriek Street. 220


I The Pond 22 24 Bath Road. 407 3S25.

I PopRokit 2 l’ieartl} l’laee. 550 4272.

I The Potterrow Bl'lSlt) Square. 0.5” ‘)l‘)5.

I 0 Bar 5/1 I l.eitli Street. 557 5330. I Revolution 3| l.othian Road. 22‘) 7070.

I Rush 3 Robertxon'x (low. 557 370S. I Studio 24 ('alton Road. 558 3758. I The Subway (‘ougatefi 22.5 0700. I The Subway West End l_othian Road. 22‘) ‘)l‘)7.

I The Union lleriot Watt Litiu‘t‘xit}. Rieeat‘ton. 45l 53.3.3.

I The Venue ('alton Road. 557 3073. I The Wash 'l‘he Mound. 225 0l‘)3. I The Watershed 44 St Stephen Street. 220 3774.

I The Wee Red Bar litlinhurgh (‘ollege ()l':\rt. l.illll'l\lt)ll Place. 22‘) l442.

I Time 24;! liretleriek Street. 220 l220. I Why Not? l4 (ieorge Street. 024 S3l l.

I Yo Below or» Rose Street. 220 (i040.



Ee makes me look street. Sweeet.

And ee makes me look street.