Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Glasgow Thursdays


L.I.E. (ll-“II I3 Roxe Street. 333 Sl3S. lit 3 'l’htt ‘) .Ian. 3.30pm tnot Sttiii: 4.45pm tk (r45 tI‘ri Sun tk 'I'tiei: S.45piii. £4.‘)tl t£3.5llt. .\lo\ ie eltat'ting the li‘tetitlxliip hetneen an .v\ineriean teenage ho} and a loeal paedophile. pla_\etl h} Brian ('ox. See prex ie\\.


Booty .\lerettr} lounge. I43 Hath I.aiie. 34S I777. llptii 511111. £5. \Veekl}. .lo l.i\el_\ takex I).l tlllllL‘S ttpxtairx.


Giggle .\let'etti'_\ l.ounge. I43 Bath I.atie. 34S I7"? Spin I lptit. £4. \Veekl). .r\l;tlt .'\|lth‘I'\Ull eottipet'ex the eekI} eoinetl} eltth.

Glasgow Fridays

Cinema L.I.E. I‘ri 3 Hut ‘4 .Iatt. See 'I'htt.


Thank God .\let'etti‘} l.outtge. I43 Bath l.ane. 34S I".". Sptit .lain. l‘ree hel'ore l lpiii: £5 alter. \Veekl}. l).I llthltpllpp}. tIi‘ag perl'orritaneex aiitl t'L‘Sitleltl l).l .lott l’leaSetl.

Girls on TOP Bennet‘x. (ilaxxt'ot'tl Street. .553 57(il. hit 5 lat).

llptii 3.30am. £3 £(r t£3 £5r. .\Ionthl_\. Betinet'x itiotithl} girI\-onl_\ /one \iith tunex eottrtex} ol' l).l Sara.

Burly The Big .loitit. Sotttlt Street. 954 (NW). I'i'i 3 .Ian. ltlptit 3am. £S. \Iotitlil). the He“ titeti-onl_\ eluh \\ ith a i'uhher/unil'ortn/leathet' tll'L‘SS eotle. Death Disco 'I'lte .'\relte\. 253 .'\i‘g} le Street. (I‘HII ()33 (Hill). l‘ri Ill .lan.

llptii 4am. £l3 t£lllt. .\Ionthl_\. Rolling


Bennet’s ‘lll (il;t\\littt‘tl Street. .553 Saltl. I lptit .5..5ll;tltt. £3 £(t t£3 £5i. Ii\eellent tlanee aetion “ed to Sttit and a \llltlL‘Ill nigltt on Thu.

Cube .14 Queen Street. 32h S‘Ntl.

I l.5ll]\ltt 3am. £3 t£3 \iith their. (‘hee\_\ ehart ga} nightx oti .\loti tl’;t\\ioti;tlit} t and line tI-l‘.\' I.

Mercury Lounge 142 Bath l.atte. 34S V". liar open trotn 5pm; (‘Itth

I Iptit .5ttltt. l'ree. (‘Itth riightx llll\l;tii'\ e\et‘} night e\eept Sttti antI .\Ioti leatui'iiig t'e\itlettt I).I\ .Ioti I’Iea\etl oti lit and Sat and \ltehelle t.Io} l oit 'I’tie and “ed. l)rag [tel'lttl'lltel’S up the glamour \taltex on l‘l'l. Sat and Sun \\hile tltere\ a \tutleiit night. ('atiipu\. on 'l‘tie. a liltllL‘S ttight. l3i\a. on Wed atitl eotnetl} on 'l'htt.

Polo Lounge S4 \Vilxon Street. 55* I33I. lllptit 5am. £5. (‘luh nightx l-re\h.\lt antl (‘arr'\ on l’olo. III to Sun.


Candle Bar 3” (‘antlleriggx 5(i4 I3S5. Upttt. I't'ee. l.t\eI} har \ihteh IS a \lISL't) tleltght oti \Vetl. l't'l and Sat. .\itgie() limb ait outrageoux eaharet karaoke oti Sitit \\llllL' (‘hrt\ .\Itl|et‘ t;tI\e\ tlte I'L'lltx ott 'I'htt. Court Bar (t‘) llutehemn Street. 553 340‘. (t. it) lllpitt. l't'ee, 'l'ratltttonal hat: Delmonica’s (rS \‘irgtnta Street. 553 4Stil. ‘Iptii. l'i'ee. l).lx on lit. Sat. .\lon. lite and “MI. tllll/ oit Hill and karaoke on Sun.

LGBT Centre I l |)t\on Street. 33I "3th. I Iatii tnttlnight. l'tee. (ale/liar \\llll kaiaoke lrotit l‘l'l to Stttt.

Mercury Lounge 143 Halli latte. 34S


I‘L‘SltletIIS the l’t'eelanee llelll‘IIISL‘l'. l).l .\lingo-(io and (mm X tliixi litte ttp tor a nigltt ol~ tratixulitit‘o e\ee\\.

Glasgow Saturdays

Cinema L.I.E. I‘ri 3 'l'htt ‘) .Ian. See 'Ihtt.


Lifebuoy .\Ieretti‘) I.otiiige. I43 Bath Latte. 34S l777. Sptti .‘iatn. l’t'ee hel’ore llptit; £S alter. \Veelxl). l‘pxtaii'x .lon l’lL‘tlSL‘tll tlt)\\ll\l1llI'S tli‘ag aetx.

Glasgow Sundays

Cinema L.I.E. Hi 3 Thu I) .lati. See llttl.


Life’s a Drag .\lereui‘} lounge. I43 Bath I.atie. 34S 1777'. Spttt Iain. I‘ree. \VeekI}. .\ night ol~ tnuxie t'rotit I).I (‘oliti l)a\e_\ \\ itlt .\Iatlatne (iillexpie hoxtitig regular tIrag perlortttaneex.

Glasgow Mondays

Cinema L.I.E. l-‘ri 3 Thu 0 .Ian. See 'l‘hu.

Glasgow Tuesdays

Cinema L.|.E. lit 3 'I'hu ‘) .Iati. See 'I'htt. Psycho Sttii 5 N the 5 Jan. See Sun.


Campus \let‘eur) lounge. I43 Bath lane. 34S I‘M. Spin Sam. the lielore I Iptit; £3 alter. \Veeltl}. Stutletit night iti tlte eoittpatt} ol llat'liat‘a la littxlt. l).l .\Iiehe|le \etx the llIllSIt‘dl totie ll]t\l;tlt'\.

Glasgow Wednesdays

Cinema L.I.E. l‘ri 5 lhu I) .lati. See ’l‘htt.


Biva \It‘t‘ettt‘} lounge. I43 Hath lane. 34S Iv". Spin Rain. I'ree het'ore I Iptn‘. £5 alter. \VeekI}. I).I .\Iiehelle \ihip\ up a ttieati \ountlti'aek to thix lattiex’ night leatttring tIt'ag king pel'lttl'tttttllet‘S.


lIar opeti ti'otti 5pin. l't'ee. See ('ltllIS.

Polo Lounge S4 \\’il\oti Street. 553 I33]. lllpttt Iattt. I'ree. l'.lIlet'l;tllIltIelII Irotn Mon to 'lhti.

Revolver (ta .ltrlrrr Street. 55.1 3.150. -\..5ll[tttt. I‘ree. \Veekl}, I’opular har \\lllI I).I\ oit tlte lir~.t l‘l't ol the tttotitlt. a tree ittkt‘lirt\ eratttntetl \\ ttlt tt\ er "III III top lllltt'S. a \\ ell prteetl pool tahle and popular tllll/ on Sat atternrrrrn.

Sadie Frosts S In \Vext (ieorge Street. 333 SIIII5. \tron ttiitlntglil. l'i'ee. I).l\ ll‘t'l and Salt. karaoke t‘I'htti antI t|lll/ t\\'etl r. 'Itte eotnex tip \\ tth tltti/oke.

Waterloo \Vaterloo Street. 22‘) SWI. \ooit tititlntght. I).I\ 'l’htt Stttt.


Clone Zone 45 \irginta Street. 553 3(ioo. .\Ion Sat IIain ‘lpni: Sttti

\oott l)pnt. ('Iothtttg. \ ttlem atitl iitagx.


Beyond Barriers l.(‘rlt’t'. l)t\oti Street. 5‘4 (I343. ('haIIengtng hottiopholiia. \\\\\\.|ie}ontlhatiterxorgttk.

Body Positive t l’ark ()trattrarrt. H3 5IIIII. Support Ior lltoxe allet‘tetl h} lII\'/.\|I)S.

Centre for Women’s Health 3 Sattthtot'tl I’lat'e, 3I I (iqllll. Intorniatton Ior written and \peeitie \er\ it'ex tor leSl‘IUIIS.

Glasgow Lesbian Line l’t) Ho\ trStr, (ii all. 553 “55. .\tI\ tee and \upport. Glasgow Women’s Library ltttt 'I'rongale. 553 S ;45. ()pen 'lue l'l'l | opttt; Sat 3 5pm. \\otiteti\ literature and the lt'Sltlall ateht\e.


COT The Stand. 555 \Vootllatitlx Roatl. ()STI) (itlll (r()55. \Vetl l5 .lan. 3.5llplll. £(i t£5t. Monthly ('oinpei'e (‘raig lIiIl introtlueex ’l‘ina (‘ and Paul lioot \xhile .liIl l’eaeoek UM‘I'SL‘L‘S the ‘(‘atttpe\t link' eoinpetition.


The Karen Dunbar Show ltln‘l. \\L‘L‘l\l_\ lt'otn \Vetl S .lan. ll).35pin. ‘I'Iie (‘ltetr'r'rt ' the l'tll regular \tepx ottt iii her t)\\ It L'Ulttetl) \ehiele.

Edinburgh Fridays


8 Women l’iltiihottxe. SS I.othian Roatl. 33S 3(rSS. Hi It) ’I'hu Io .Iatt. 3.30 tk Sfillpni tttot .\lont; (rptn t.\lont.

£3.50 £5.50 (£3 £4i. I’retieh ga_\

\\ lllltlt‘l'l'xltl l'i‘atieoix ()/ott tlireetx a tla/lliiig eaxt ol' great (iallie aeti‘exxex iit llIIS eatiip nturtler-itt} \tei'} IIIIISIL‘ul.


Woman’s Own (‘lttti .la\a. (‘Uttllttei't‘lttl Street. l.eith. .5033. l‘bl'l 3 Ian. IIIptn 3am. £5 helore tiiitItiigltt; £" alter. .\Ionthl_\. \\'ttriteti-~otil} eluh \\ ith t‘exitlettt l).l Riv. .r\\ ati atltletl honux ta\i tarex oI tip to £5 ean he elaiiitetl haek h} group\ ol‘ li\ e \\ ith a \alitl reeeipt. Velvet Chains laughing Duek. 34 llou e Street. 33” 35550. l'it‘i I” la”.

Spttt lain. £3 t£I I. l-'.\er_\ \i\ \xeelw. l‘or gothx. ga_\ SNXI and leather hear»

Edinburgh Saturdays

Cinema 8 Women I'ri Ill 'l’htt lo .Iatt. See l'ri.


Eye Candy .\la\\a. 50 5‘) Market Street. 33o 4334. IIpiti .‘atn. £Itl t£St. \Veekl}. ('rlatn houxe part}.

Men Only (‘IaretnottL I.“ I35 Izaxt ('Iaretitoiit Street. 550 5(r(r3. Sat 4 Ian. Sptit. l't‘ee. l'tti'ttiiglitl}. .\IS(‘ and the Heai'x ot'galtixt‘ the iiteti-onl} tiiglit. Mingin’ Stutlio 34 ltlpSlttll'Sl. (‘alton Roatl. 55S .V5S. Sat l I .lait.

lll.5ll[tlll 3am. £5 hel'ore tititlnight; £(r alter. I‘ortnightl}. Rt'SltlL‘lIlS Brian lletitpxter atttl .\lait .lo_\.

Phace West 4*) Hath Street. 3 ‘3 RS :x. l‘ttt' tho\e atleetetl l\_\ lll\' .\ll).S.

Steve Retson Project 2 S;rrrtl_\tortl I’laee. 3] I Sotll. ()pen 'l‘tte tk lhu

5.3M N5llltlll. Se\tta| Itealth atl\tee antl eounxelltng loi‘ ga_\ inen.

Strathclyde Lesbian & Gay Switchboard l’() Hm 3x. (i3 joii. .13: S353. ()peti " ltlptn tlatl_\. .\tl\ tee.



CC Blooms 35 34 (ireenxttle l’laee. 55o 933 I. lllfitlptn .lIIIIt that ti'otn (iptiit. I‘ree. .\ har atitl eluh \\ ttli a p|a_\ |t\t ol high eatiip antl \lISL'U elavtex.


Blue Moon Cafe I l’raron} Street. 55“ It‘ll l. .\lon I‘ri I Iatit |l..§llptii. Sat Stttt ‘Ipttt I3..lll;tiri. l'ree. Iztltnhtti‘gh\ Iottgext running ga} eale.

Nexus (ill Ih'oughton Street. 4"S "Holt.

I Iaiii I Ipttt. l'ree. lhe l.( ili (‘etitre'x eale.

CC Blooms 3.; 34 (il't‘t‘IISItle I’laee. 55o ‘4 i l I. III, zIlptit iatii that lt'ottt optttt. l'ree. See (.ltll‘S.

Habana (ireettxttle l’lat'e. ll—‘ll. \oon l;tlll. l'ree. l’opular thinking and tttittgltttg \pot \\Illl l).I\ e\et'} III and Sat and tittt/ttkt' oti 'I'htt.

Flashback tt llope Street. 33h titttrt, ‘lltlll l.llll. “(ix aiitl Sttx teel it ttlt eheexi tlt\eo and pop .\lott to Sttti.

Frenchies Rme Street. 335 "(61.

Ipiit l;tltl. l'ree. I’opulat elitll'n'ehat \pot. The Laughing Duck 34 ll(t\\\' Street. 33“ 3 Vtr. .\lon 'l'hu I lattt I Ipttt. l'tl .\ Sat lIain Iaiti. Stiti I I‘llatn I lpnt.

Luvely the liquid Rooin. ‘le Vietoria Street. 335 35(i4. Sat 4 .latt. Ill..5ll]tltt 5am. £(i. .\Ioiitlil_\. l.i\el} lttttISC part}. Wiggle ligo. l’ieartl} I’Iaee. 47S "434. Sat 4 .Ian. I Ipiti 3am. £0. .\Ionthl_\. .\'e\\ night l't'oin Maggie and .-\Ian. the teaiii hehintl .Io_\. 'l‘rentl} \Veiitl) ix toinetl h} .loti I’leaxetl iii the main Itall “here a tiii\ ol eatnp and the eutting etlge iS pl’ttIIIISt‘tl. \\ltlle tlo\\tt\l;tlr\ Still) I" and .\liehelle eoiieoet a tni\ ol' Rtkll. hip hop. ehart. inrlie antl lottttge. See ('llllk.

Edinburgh Sundays

Cinema 8 Women l'i‘i It) 'I‘hu I(r .lait. See l‘ri.


Taste The|tlltl RHUIII. ‘le \ietoi'ia Street. 335 35(r4. llpttt 3am. £It) t £Si. \Veekl}. 'I‘axt} lire“ ol' Iiouxe and garage.

Edinburgh Mondays '

Cinema 8 Women l‘i'i Ill 'l‘htt lo .Iati. See l’ri.

Edinburgh Tuesdays

Cinema 8 Women I’ri ll) 'l‘hu Io .latt. See I‘t'i.


Vibe ligo. l’ieartl} l’laee. 4"S "434. I lptit 5:111]. £3. \Veelxl}. l’opular. \parlxI}. ehart) part}.


COT lhe Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55S "3‘3. ‘I'tte I4 .latt. ‘Iptit. £(r l £5t. .\loitthl_\. (‘raig IliIl iiilrotlueex 'Iitta (‘ and Paul loot \xliile .Iill l’eaeoek o\ei\ee\ the ‘(lititpext tint“ eotttpetition.

Edinburgh Wednesdays

Cinema 8 Women l'ri It) lhu Io .laii. See l'ri.


The Karen Dunbar Show titu‘l. \\eeI\I} trottt \Vetl S .lati. Ill.35ptit. See (ilaxgtm.

St}lt\h. ettltll} har. eontiuen e lo ehattittg antl inert} ltt;ll\Itt_L‘. lio\t\ the goth'n'Sthl night. \'el\et ('hainx. e\ei‘_\ \l\ \teeltx. New Town Bar llttl‘ltlt Street. Six ""5, Mon 'l'htt \oon Iattt. l't'l Sat \oon 3am. Stttt I3..‘t|pnt l;tIII. (ra_\ el'tIISL‘ hat‘ attraettng a \ltghtl_\ oltler eroxxtl. Planet Out (ireermtle l’laee. 534 two]. .\Ion l‘rt 4ptn Iatit. Sat Stttt 3pm Iattt. l’t‘ee. l‘tite hat \\llll l).l\ e\et'} _\Iott tttgltt. a trim on lite and 'l’rentl} \VentI} t'laeltnor tloiiig her \tull' e\et'_\ \eeontl \lott antl hingo ltmtetl h} litia lloot'e e\er} \\etI.


Out of the Blue llaron} Street. 4'.\ "INS. .\loti l'l'l Ilattt "put. Sat

llatii (ipnt. Sttti l3ptn (ipnt, Hookx. ttt.lf_'\. lll'\\ .tlttl \ItlettS.

Bobbie’s Bookshop 33H .\lorrt\oit Street. 5.1S "UNI. .\lott Sat Illatii 5.3llpttt. Stoeltx a \\ itle \eIeetioti ot ga) ttt;tg‘.I/tlte\.


AD (’otitaet 55o 4lI4‘l. lot lt‘Sl‘IJIIS met 4”. .\leet\ tnotithl_\ to plan \ttetal e\ettt\. Dykes Night Out l’t) Hm Io‘l. l‘lll ill. Soetal e\etttt‘.g~ tot \\oniett. Lesbian Line 55" (PSI. \lttll t\ llttt 5. ill Itlptii, llelpline.

LGBT Police Link l.(}l% ('errtre. (ill liroughton Street. .\lott it "put. “with. (Ltll o3ll 5| iS (i3ll 5I~ltl it _\ott \\.ttil .t ehat \\Illl _\ottt eottitiitttttti oltteet.

Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 550 Ill-I‘l. 7 1H lllpttr met} tIa). Helpline.

Stonewall Youth Project (‘oittaet (‘33 33(i(i t( )lllt't‘l tit‘ “54.5 ll5ll lIll_i t\outh|tnet. l'\elll\ lot I (ilil untlet 3o.