Film index

George Washington t lli .0000 (David (iordon (it‘ccn. [8, Still] i Donald lloldcn. (.tllltlélL‘L‘ li\;tlttil'\l\i. litldit‘ Rottw. 89min. In a humid. hrokcn .\'orth (‘arolina hackuoodx hunt a group ol~ angxt}. litcratc and ahm c all \crhoxc tccnagcrx talk and pla}. (irccn \xax a mci'c 24-}carx-old ulicn lic inadc thi~ haunting lilm. poxxihl} thc lit‘\l lo lk‘ iltxlilittl‘l} L‘Ultlpat'cd lo 'lt‘t't‘ltcc .\la|ick\ [hm of llcuwn. l‘rotn ll\ lll\il. clcgiac photograph}. i'cmarkahlc pcrt'ormanccx from a group of non-actotN and lilL' dL‘L‘Dl} \L'll\lll\L' Cdilttlg. lllix l\ an inxtant clasxic. l.ikc l.)ttttc Ranixc} \ Rulcu/r/u'r it dcalx \\ ith thc \ut‘l'ocating guilt )t‘l ultimatc poxx L‘t'lL‘xxttL‘\\ ol- childhood. ('amco. lidinhurgh.

Ghost Ship t lit 0. tStc\ c lit-ck. l'S. 2003i (iahricl B)rnc. Julianna \largulic» Ron lildard. 01min. .\lorc formulaic ‘hauntcd houxc‘ horror l'rom iii/Ill'lt't'll (illnxh tllt't‘L‘lUl‘ BCL‘k. lllL' Ulll} innovation hcing thc marinc \ctting. an Italian lu\ur) lincr l'ound drilling oll' tlic coast of Labrador tort) )L‘;tl'\ al‘tcr it

in} \tcriouxl} dixappcarcd. \thn thc crcu ol' lhc \al\agc tughoat Arctic \Varrior hoard thc \pook}. \lttt’it‘ ('L‘lLNlC‘likc \L'\\L'l lllt‘} lintl a l'ortunc in unmarkcd gold bullion. l'nl'ortunatcl}. il'x guardcd h} thc unquicl spirits. ’l‘hc onc c_\ c-catching \cqucncc occur\ in thc lil'xl to c tttittulcx. hut. thcrc'x nothing clxc to grab onc‘x attcnlion. lcaxt of all the unspcakahlc dialoguc utlcrcd h} \alragc captain By'nc. and thc ('(il imagc\ arc l'u/l}. thc plot logic l'ti/Iicr \till. Scc

rc\ icu. (icnct'al t‘clcaw.

0 The Good Girl ( is. 0000

t.\li:—‘ucl Artcta. I'S. 2002i Jcnnilcr :\tti\loll. John ('. Rcill}. ’l‘im Blakc .\'cl\on. 03min .-\tti\lott hrcakx aua} l'rom hcr \alc imagc a\ ‘that kook) actrcxx from I-"ri'mrlx' h} making a film u ith dircctor :\t‘tcla and \ct'ihc .\likc \Vltitc. “ho lirxt niadc thcir mark \\ ith the mar\ cllouxl} cdg} ('liut'k and limit. llcrc thc} caxt :\tti\lon ax doud} \upcrmarkct girl JthllllL‘ l,a\t. a prom quccn \\ lio\ lo\l licr

cromr and “how paintcr huhh} l’hil tRcill) i \pctidx morc timc \\ ith hix hcxt l'ricnd Btihha t.\'cl\oni than lic docx \\ ith hcr. llci' chancc tor a grcat cxcapc comcx in thc xhapc lloldcn i.lakc (i) llcnhaal l. thc StlllllgL'l'~Ul\\C\\L‘tl L‘llL‘L‘lelll ho} “ho lttll\ l‘or hcr. \Vith lc“ l'ocux on hct' imagc. Anixton gi\c\ a \ ulncrahlc atid

accoinplixhcd pcrl'ormancc. And though I‘lu’

(inm/ (ii/'l lackx thc anarchic cnci'g} ol (limit and Buck. it i~ ncwrthclcxx indic llllllllltlklltg‘ ttl ll\ hL'\l. SL‘lL‘t‘lL‘tl t'L‘lL‘;l\L‘. GoodFellas 1 Is» .0000 (Martin SCUI'NL‘\L‘. l8. l‘Nllt Rolict'l DC \it'o. Ra} l.iotta. Joc l’cwi. Lorrainc Braco. l’aul Sorxino. 145mm. l.iotta pla_\\ llcnt'} Hill. a i'cal-Iilc mu/imu. \\ llll l)c .\'iro ax hix mcntor in crimc. :\nd \xliilc tltc hullctx. lixtx and caning knin ll}. Scorxcxc hring\ u\ back to that unaxoidahlc qucxtion glamoroux and lucrati\ c to |i\ c thix \xa}. but can att}ottc rcall) li\ c \\ ith thc con\cthicnccx'.’ \Vinncr ol' ll.-\l-‘l‘:\ anardx l'or hcxt lilm. dircctor and \ci'ccnpla). and a cht Supporting :\ctor ()xcar tor .loc l’cxci. ('(':\. (ilaxgou.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets tl’( ii 0... t(‘hri~ (‘olumhux l‘S/I’K. ltltlli Danicl Radclillc. Kctincth Branaglt. RUN‘IC (‘olti‘ancn l(i()min. lt'x tlic ho} -\\ i/ard'x \ccond )car at lloguut‘h School of \Vitclici'alt and \Vi/ardr} uhcrc L'\ ll l'Ul'CLN ll;l\t' t'L‘lL‘at\t‘tl a \ lL‘lUlh \L‘l‘pclll into tlic L‘Ul'l'ltltll‘\. \Vho'x to lilamc'.’ lx ll llarr} \ ri\al pupil Draco .\lall'o_\. tlic

lo\ cahlc giant llagrid iRohhic ('olti'anci or a in} \lct'iolh l'ornicr pupil \\ll0 comtnumcatcx through thc pagcx ol' a magical diar} 1’ “lion cr it ix. thc} ‘rc pcti‘il'} ing lltc pupil\ and \ctting lomc an arm) ol‘ \curr}ing \pltlt'h. ()ncc again l'aillil'til to thc original no\cl. llll\ film i\ darkcr than thc lirxt and gctx morc quickl} into thc tncat of thc \tor}. :\nd \\ ith thc \atuc l'anlaxtic caxt ol' Bl'lll\ll cliaractcr actorx. il'x anothcr \ui'c-lirc hit. (icncral


)c\. il'x

Seriously, this is what Divine Intervention looks like

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not ill! 0.. il.actitia (‘olomhanL l-iancc. lellli .v\udrc} lattlott. Sainucl l.c Bilian. Ulimn. Watching cllin hcaut} Audi'c} ‘l‘autou cmcrgc limit a licld ol' 'l'cchnicoloi' l'loucrx during thc opcnmg \cqucncc. )ou'd hc l'orgncn I’m thinking )ou‘rc \xatching .lmv/ir 3. And tlic lirxt hall ol'('olomlxtni\ \xi'iting dirccting dcliut pla) \ a\ a \acchai'mc romancc lll ulticli lattlottK Bordcm art collcgc \tudcnt x\ngcliquc lallx for an oldct‘ man. cardiologixt |.oic tllilian I. But ax it hccotncx clcar l.oic ixn‘t lltc loxci' lic \ccntx (‘oloniliant‘x lilin takcx a dark turn. quitc at odd\ \\ ith \ucct. \“cct .llllt'llt'. (‘olomham citc\ among lict'

inllucnccx tlic lilmx ol' Hitchcock and I’tllélll\l\l.‘1.ilill ltt‘t’ lllttt \Ciltltll [llc\l\ c\amincd inadncxx Ill cincma ought to point _\t\lt Ill lhc tlll‘t't‘llotl l/t' /.iiit'\ .l/c’. Hr l.iIl('\ .llt‘ .\'oi\ initiall} “\ch i'oniancc takcx. (Enrico. lidinhurgli; \lacRohcrl. Stirling. Help! I’m a Fish tt‘. .0. t.\licltacl llcgnct'. Stclan l'icldmark.

l)cnmai'k/( icrinaii)/li'cland. letll i \‘oiccx ol' .r\lan Rickman. 'lci't‘} Joncx. 'l'cr}l Rotlicr}. ~73min. 'l'hh chccrl'ul ol'l'cring lll\tll\L'\ thrcc kld\i pc\k_\ l'il}. llix \\\L‘cl illllL' \l\lt‘t' Slt‘lltt and thcii‘ gcck) L‘tllhlll ('liuck. .v\l‘tcr \Itt‘aklltg Uttl (ll, lllL‘ ltmlu‘ lllL‘} L‘tttllc tlL‘t‘tixx a ~ccrct tunncl Ii} thc \ca. in \xhich |i\c\ a pi'olcxxor ixoiccd h} .loncxi \xlioK ct'calcd a

dundee overgate centre

aberdeen mucombies court

edinburgh COCkbum street & rose street

glasgow union street & byres road‘ "

28 THE LIST 1"; ‘L’J ~Ja' thit’rfa