lormiila to turn huinanx into lixh. l.o' and bchold our junior hcrocx arc xoon xxximmiiig with thc lixhcx. tr_\ing to lind an antidotc and doing battlc \\ ith an c\ il pilot- lixli t\ illainotix Rickmani. Yoiiiigcr childi'cn xhould cnio} it. btit il' )ou'rc looking tor huinoiir or an} i'cal momcntx of hiin drama. _\ou'll bc dixappointcd. (‘(‘;\. (ilaxgou. Hey Arnold! the Movie it‘i i't'uck ’l‘iickci'. l’S. letlli \‘oiccx ol' Spcnccr chin. Jcnnilcr Jaxon l.cigh. l’aul Sorxiiio. 70min. .-\nothcr \icklcodcon cablc 'l'\' cartoon mach it to thc big xcrccn. But \xhci'c thc 'l‘\' xci'icx dcalt \\lllt iloixn to carth mattci‘x. thc ino\ ic hax bolicd on to it an o\ ci'blouii xtor} about a riithlcxx propci't) dc\ clopcr intcnt on commcrcial gain ox ci' i'cxidcntial xpacc. ()l' courxc. .-\mcrican t‘ootball-hcadcd Arnold and hix palx arc ha\ ing uonc ot' thix. And hircd hpr and tnct'ccnat‘} babc Bridgct. thc tilm ix pt‘o\ idcd \\ iili xomc high xpccd ttL‘liUlt \thlcticcx. SL‘lL‘L‘lCtl I‘ClL'axL‘.

I was a Slave Labourer .\lin lliL‘. ()\L‘l' tcn million pcoplc. .lcxxx and noii—Jc\\x from throughout occupicd liuropc. \\ ct'c l’orccd to \xoi'k loi' thc 'l‘hird Rcich. 'l‘hix ix thcir xtor_\. l‘ilinhouxc. lidinburgh.

Ice Age ll'l .. 1(‘ltt'ix \Vt‘tlgt‘ «V ('arlox Saldanha. IN. 3002) Voiccx ol John l.cgui/aino. (ioi'an \'ixii_iic. Jack Black.

8 l min. 'l‘hci'c‘x a taint air ol' c}nicixm in thix xtor_\ ol~ a inoi'oxc mammoth. a bumbling xloth and a \\ il} tigcr \\ ho join l'iit'L‘L‘x. tlcxpilc all lltL‘it‘ bcttcr inxtinctx. lo rcturn a human bab} to hix lathcr. :\x thc planct gctx coldcr. thc} hcad in thc oppoxitc dircction of thc animal migration. to battlc xiioudi'iltx. \olcaniicx. icc ca\cx and prcdatorx. c\cntuall} dclncring thcii‘ chargc. 'l‘hc aniinatoi‘x tr} dcxpcratcl} to makc _\oii tall in lo\ c with thix unlikcl} band ol L‘t'L‘ulllt‘L‘x to tthGC )Ult \CC lllL' gtmtl hcartx bcucath thc l'roxt} c\tcrioi'x. but thc} don't dcli\cr that all important charm. \xit. flair and imagination. Sclcctcd rclcaxc.

The Importance of Being Earnest it.) .0. i()|i\cr l’arkci‘. l'K/l ‘S.-\. 2003i Rupci't li\ci'ctt. (‘olin l-‘irth. .liidi Dcnch. ‘Viniii. lianx ol' ( )xcai' \Vildc‘x

‘trix ial coincd} for whom pcoplc' \\ ill bc morc than lamiliar \\ itli thc plot. Rural gcnt Jack \Vortliing il'ii‘thi imcntx an crrant brothci' callcd liarncxt ax a mcanx ol cxcaping thc inundaniticx ol' a lilc in thc counti'}. Jack. or rathcr liarncxt'x pai‘tncr-in ci'imc. tiic \xil) .'\lg.\ .\loncricl'l'ipla}cd to pcrlcctioii to li\crctti alxo hax a inadc-up lricnd \\ ho lic \ixitx in thc coiinti'} to outrun thc dcbt collcctorx \\ ho piii'xuc him in thc cit). 'lhix doublc diialit} comcx a ci'oppcr. though. \xhcn both mcn go courting \xixcx i\\'ithcrxpoon and ()'(‘onnori. 'l'hc cnxuing l-ill'k‘L'. L‘olttlttclcd \ ia \Vlltlt“\ lit‘illtitttll}

\xitt) cpigrainmatic xt}lc i‘.-\uxtralia‘.’ I‘d xiiottct' dicl‘ t. l\ a tlL‘liglll to hatch

although coininiitcd Wildcanx \x ill lind that thc) l’oi'cxcc thc punchlincx bcl'oi'c thc} happcn. l'('l. lidinbiii'gh.

Innocence t l3:\l it’aul (xix. .'\tt\lt'ali;t. Ititltli Julia lilakc. Krixticn \'an l’cllicom. min. ’l'_\picall_\ thoughtl'iil drama l'rom :\tixti'alia'x bcxt kcpt xcci‘ct ('o\. :\l-lcr inorc “‘1‘” “"1.‘ )t‘iirx al‘art. :\ndrcax and ('lairc cmbark on an ttlltlll' ax rccldcxx and intcnxc ax \xhcn thc} \xcrc _\ottng lo\ct'x. l'(i(‘ RL‘ltlt'L‘“ Sll't‘t'l. (ilttxgtm.

Into the Deep (1') i\'arioux, [8, Jill)! i .\lin tbct all) l.\l:\.\ prcxcntation. li\lx\X. (ilaxgou.

The Iron Giantit‘i 0.00 ittrait Bird. [3. WW)! Voiccx ol Jt‘llllllt‘t' .-\nixton. llat'l') (‘onick .lr. Vin l)icxc|. 80min. ln thix animatcd lilm adaptation ol 'l'cd llughcx‘x claxxic childi'cn'x xtoi‘} about a ho} “ho bcl'i'icndx a Stilt. robot lrom outci' xpacc. thc action ix ti'anxportcd l'i‘om riiral lingland to xmall toxxn :\mcrica in thc latc l‘lStlx. 'l‘hc i‘cxulting lilm ix a taxt-iiim ing thrilll'cxl lt‘ttllll‘lttg‘ bongo-bcating bcatnikx. a gi'cat t'ockabill} xoundti'ack and c\ploxi\ c dcxtructioii on a grand xcalc. 'l'lux bcing a kidx lilm. through. it'x \iolciicc\\it|1a cotixctcttcc. ('( ‘.»\. (ilaxgou.

I Spy t l3.’\l O tllclt} 'l'hoinax. l'S. 3003i liddic \liii'pli}. ()\\ cn \Vilxon. l‘amkc .Ianxxcn. ‘)(»min. / S/n \xith in} littlc c\ c. xoincthing bcgmning with l‘. l"lop_’ (lot it in onc. 'l'hc odd-coiiplc pairing of cockxiii'c .\lui‘ph_\ and laidback \Vilxon in thix

I’L‘\\ot'l\tttg Ul- th' l‘)(i(lx TV Aldu‘ltltlt‘t‘ \Ct‘lL‘\ \\ax a pitch \\ itli a lot ol potcntial. l'nl'ortunatcl}. thc clcmcntx crucial to a budd) xp) capcr - humour. tight action xcqucnccx. xharp bantcr bctnccn thc principalx - ai‘c pi'ctt} much abxciit \\ ithoiit lca\ c hci'c. \Vilxon pla}x a xccond-ralc xccrct agcnt \\ ho ix lorccd to tcam up \\ itli \Hil'ltl champion bo\ci' Murph} ax cm cr for a mixxion to lludapcxt to rctric\ c a tcrribl} hi-tcch xtcalth lightci' planc. xtolcn b} Malcolm .\lcl)o\\cll'x t}picall} ncl'arioux. l‘orcign tto Amcricai ai'inx dcalcr. Budapcxt lookx prctt} and thci‘c a l‘c“ xl} digx at Jamcx Bond and .lli'ui'o/i: lin/nmi/i/i'. but lltL‘I'c ix pt‘cciottx littlc clxc to t'L‘L‘ottttthttd lltL‘ tno\ lC. SL‘L‘ t‘C\ tL‘\\. (iL‘ttCt'ttl t'L‘lC;t\L‘. The Last Waltz ill 0... i.\lartin Scorxcxc. l-SA. l‘lj‘b') l l7tttitt. Scot'xt‘xc\ lilin ol' 'l‘hc Band‘x liiial conccrt pci'l‘orniancc inakcx hax bccoiuc thc bcnchinark b} \xhicli rockumcntar} itiakcix incaxurc thcmxcl\cx iand ll\ll;lll} lind thcinxchcx \tanting. lixcr)onc'x hci‘c. l'i'om Robbic Robcrtxon and thc bo}x to l)} laii. (’lapton. Van .\lorrixon. .loni .\litchcll. limin}|ou llarrix. Nliidd) \Vatci'x. .\'cil Young. thc Iixt go on . . (’(‘.I\. (ilaxgim. Like Mike il’(}i O iJohn Schulu. l‘S. 2002i l.il Bo“ \Vou. .\lorrix (‘hcxtnuL ('rixpin (ilo\ cr. ltltlmin. .\ halt-hcartcd baxkctball ('indcrclla. .'\ pair ot' \xcathci‘cd \llk‘ilbL‘l\ lwttt'llig lltL‘ iconic baxkctball lcgcnd'x initialx. ‘.\lJ' lcad thc littlc orphan (‘al\ in to l‘cign xkillx on thc court at a Kniglitx baxkctball gainc. Rccruitcd l'or thc xtruggling NBA tcain. ('a|\ iii lcadx thc tcain lo xttcccxx. .-\cting xkillx ltCt‘c itt‘c qucxlionablc and dcpth ot' chai‘actcr limitcd. l'nimaginatn c dialoguc lallx toul “lllllll thc Pl‘L‘tliL‘lttlilL‘. L‘liL‘L‘x} pliil. \Viit'u‘. lltL‘ baxlxctball xcilucnccx arc l’oi'niulaic. “ltllL‘ catnco appcat‘auccx ol' NBA xlat'x and a l'air}ta|c cnding do not iinpi'cxx. Sclcctcd rclcaxc.

Lilo & Stitch il'i 0.. il)can l)cbloix and (’hrix Sandcrx. l'S. Itltlli Voiccx ol l)a\ cigh (’Itaxc. ('ltt'ix Silllklt‘l’M 'l‘ia ('arrci'c. 85min. 'l'hix ix all about bcing bad. lt‘x a l)ixnc_\ cartoon that pitx a \xilt'iil toddlcr. l.ilo ipronounccd l.cc~|o\\ i. againxt a gcncticall} cnginccrcd xpacc crcatui‘c tStitchi progi'ainmcd tor ma\iinum mixchicl. 'l‘hux thc mankixh roiitc bclm cd of l)ixnc} animatorx ix \\c|l and trul_\ blockcd. ()K. xo it‘x a minor mo\ic it docxn't ha\ c thc budch or \ ixion ol' a .llmixli'rx. /m and um bccauxc it'x got \\;tlL'l'--L‘Ul0llt‘ backdropx docxn‘t iiiakc ll Hum/m but \\ hat it docx. it docx \\ith lrcxhncxx and in\ cnti\cncxx. not to incntion gagx l'oi' thc grimn upx. Sici' (‘t-iitiii'). lidinburgh; ('arlton. Stirling.

Little Prince’s Rap Against the Wicked Souls t 15» t.\larcia HcrraiUSimplo \cto. lli‘a/il. Itltltii 70min. SCI agilitth lllk‘ backdrop (ll. lllL‘ \ IUlL‘llL‘C plaguing lira/il‘x main citicx. thix doctimcntar} t'ollo“ x l\\o inuxicianx. onc “ho hax coiiimittcd murdci' man) timcx to protcct hix nciglibourhood turl. thc othcr an actix ixt coinincntating on \\ hat gocx on around him. (il’l‘. (ilaxgon.

The Little Vampire it» .0. it'li lidcl. l'K. ltltim Rollo \\'cckx. Richard li. (Brant. Jonathan l.ipnicki. 05min. 'l‘on} llillilllt‘lxl i. l'rcxh l'i'om thc orangc grox cx ol (‘alil’oi'nia. inmcx \xith hix tainil} to bcautit'ul Scotland. llc quickl} bccoincx thc moxt unpopular kid in hix claxx. but lindx a pla} maic \xhcn a tcn-yuu old \ampirc com cnicntl) lallx dimn hix chimnc}. ('an 'l‘on} join in thc qucxt lor thc mixxing amulct and hpr thc langcd Rudolph and hix lamil} bccomc huinaii'.’ l)cxpitc itx lloll}\\ood rcwamp. :\ngcla Sommci' litltlt‘llhlll'g‘.\ \\ L‘ll vlo\ Cd titi\ cl cincrgcx \\ tlll itx xcnxc ol' lun intact. llo\\c\ cr. \xhilc thix lilni ccrtainl} docxn‘t xiick. ultimatcl}. it lackx rcal bilc. (‘incnorld l‘alkirk.

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