Burns at the Gallery Art (iallcry 8c Muscum. Kclyingroyc. Argylc Strch 287 269‘). 7.30pm. £10 (£5). In aid of thc Kclyingroyc Rcfurbishmcnt Appeal cclcbratc Burns' Night in thc Muscum's grand (‘cntral Hall with rcadcrs. actors. singcrs and musicians.

Fire Walk & Ceilidh (ilasgow Scicncc (‘cntrc. 50 Pacific Quay. 420 5000. 8pm. l-‘irc Walk £150 sponsorship; ('cilidh £7 (£5). Raisc funds for thc R.\'ll) and facc your fcars by walking across 20 fcct of burning cmbcrs. l‘or thc brayc firc w alkcrs and othcrs thch is a ccilidh to cclcbratc thc launch of thc R.\'ll)‘s scason of awarcncss raising actiy'itics. l-'or inorc information and to book your placc on thc firc walk contact Ann Brown 0131 478 7802 or Linda Young 0141 554 0053.


Gordon Matta-Clark: Food v Tempus (CA. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. .\'oon 4pm. ('l'cmpus' (‘afc Bar). For onc day only 'l‘cmpus fcaturcs a menu inspircd by Food. thc artist-run rcstaurant opcncd by (iordon Malta— (’lai'k iii Sollo. .\'cw York. Part of (chic ('onncctions.

Other events

The Life of Mammals (iliisgow Scicncc (‘cntrc. 50 Pacific Quay. 420 5000. £5.50 £14 (£4 £10). Scc Thu 23. 3D/2D Craft 8. Design Fair Royal (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 10am 5pm. l-‘rcc. (‘ontcmporary craftwork sold dircct by thc makcrs. Doubtally or Enemy Rciri‘icltl St Stcphcn’s (‘hurch (‘cntrc. 260 Bath Strcct. 332 282(r. 7pm. lircc. ’l‘akc part iii the monthly lloly (‘ity day and Use thc timc to contcmplatc faith in city lifc today.

Sun Seekers If you fancy having a bit of a holiday or taking time out to travel then this is the show for you. With over 800 exhibitors such as airlines, travel agents and tourist information organisations representing more than 100 countries around the world you’ll have everything you need under one roof. Once you’ve got all your info you can book your holiday or try your luck and have a go at winning one.

I Holiday 8. Travel Show. SECC, Finnieston Ouay, 0870 040 4000. Fri 17—Sun 19 Jan. 10am—5pm Fri 8. Sun, lOam—Bpm Sat. £6 (£4); family ticket £20.


University of Strathclyde Talk Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. (rpm. l’rcc. An informatiyc talk as part of (chic ('onncctions.

Other events

Film Quiz (ilasgow l-‘ilin 'l‘hcatt'c. l2 Rosc Strcct. 332 8128. 8.30pm. £ l . Join quiz. mastcrs liric and l-ci'gtis and tcst your film know lcdgc at this popular qui/ night.

Tuesday 28


University of Strathclyde Talk Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. (rpm. l’rcc. Scc Mon 27.

Wednesday 29


University of Strathclyde Talk Royal (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. (rpm. l'rcc. Scc Mon 27. Discussion Group (iliisgori l-‘iliir 'I’hcatrc. l2 Rosc Strcct. 332 8128. 7pm. £2 (£1 ). Join in this discussion on Day id (‘roncnbcrg's film Spit/ti and l’crnando Mcircllcs' (‘rry~ alum].

Book events

Waterstone’s Scottish Book of the Month The Archcs. 253 Arg.‘ 1“ Strcct. 0901 022 0300. (rpm. l‘rcc from \Vatcrstonc's .-\rgy lc St or The Arches. Annc Donoyan discusscs hcr ncw no\ cl. Build/m Du. (’hcck out our rcy icw of thc book in thc (itiotls scctiirn pagc ()0.


University of Strathclyde Talk Royal (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Slrcct. 353 8000. (rpm. lircc. Scc Mon 27.


Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to edinburgh©list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Other events

100 Nights ('cntral Library. (icoi'gc l\' Bridgc. 225 5584. 10am 8pm. l’rcc. (‘omc atid witness oitc of thc most coldly orchcstratcd acts of gcnocidc sincc the holocaust. as Acgis' mobilc c\hibition pi'cscnts [0!) Nights: (;('II()('f(/(' in Rri'umlu. I‘M—l.

Other events

100 Nights ('cntral Library. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 225 5584. Fri 10am 5pm. l-"rcc. Scc 'l‘hu 1(r.

Moving Conversations: Games on Film, Film on Games Royal .\luscuni. 2 (‘hainbcrs Strcct. 247 421‘). (r.30 l0pm. £5 (£4). Mining (‘onycrsations brings togcthcr Scottish

\ idcogaiiic cnthusiasts to look at thc growing appcal of gamcs in our culturc. follow cd by a gamcs rclatcd moy ic. It’s in the Stars Royal ()bscryatory Visitor (‘cntrc. Blackford Hill. ()08 8404. 7 0pm. £3.50 (£2.50). (‘onic along and prcparc to bc da/Ilcd by this incrcdiblc rooftop \‘icwing cycry l'ri night. .\'o booking ncccssary.

Saturday 18


Young Scottish Talent (‘iilriirct \trltairc. 3(r 38 Blair Strcct. 555 2797. 8 10pm. £5 (£3.50). (’omc along and bc cntcrtaincd as ('abarct Voltairc showcascs sonic of thc bcst young talcnt pcrfoi'rning in Scotland today. l-‘caturing dithering comic dcity Dcs (‘larkc. harpist l’hainic (iow, pcrformancc poct Jcnny Lindsay and musician Rilcy. ('all to rcscryc tickcts. or cmail

_lCllit't)lls(fl bigword.fsnct.co.uk.

Other events

100 Nights ('cntral Library. (icot'gc l\' Bridgc. 225 5584.1)am lpm. lircc. Scc 'l'hu l(r.

3D/2D Craft & Design Fair Assembly Rooms. 54 (icorgc Strcct. 220 434‘). l0aiii 4.30pm. ()(lp ((r0p). Managcd to rcyiyc yotirsclycs aftcr thc onslaught of thc January salcs'.’ llcad down and chcck otit somc grcat contcniporary craftwork sold dircct by thc makcrs.

Performance Family Storytelling Royal Botanic (iardcn. lnycrlcith Row. 552 7171.

2 3pm. l‘rcc. Join thc RBUli story tcllcrs for talcs of trccs and tray cl in thc Royal Botanics' l‘tri'cst Room.

Monday 20

Other events

100 Nights ('cnti‘al Library. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 225 5584. 10am 8pm. lircc. Scc 'l'hu l(r.


Planets and Life Outside the Solar System Royal ()bscryatory Visitor (’cntrc. Blackford Hill. ()08 8404. 7.30pm. l-‘rcc. Starry. starry nights arc calling. ln thc last fcw ycars oycr I00 plancts hayc bccn found around ncarby stars. ('ould it bc that cy cry star has a planct‘.’ And if so. could thcy harbour lifc'.’ ('omc along and bc ama/cd as Bill l)cnt considcrs thc contcntious issuc of cxtra-tcrrcstrial lifc.

Other events

100 Nights ('cntral Library. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 225 5584. 10am 8pm. l‘rcc. Scc 'l‘hu 1(r.

Wednesday 22

Book events

Anne Donovan Wittcrstoiic‘s. 128 l’rinccs Strcct. 22(r 2(r(r(r. (rpm. l‘rcc. l)ono\‘an discusses her new [toy cl. But/(Ilia Dr: in collaboration with \Vatcrslonc‘s Scottish Book of tlic Month. ('hcck otit our rcyicw of thc book in tlic (ioods scclion pagc ()0. Gerry Cambridge and Chris Agee Scottish l’octry Library. 5 (‘richton's (‘losc. (‘anongatc. 557 2876. 7.30pm. The Sl’l. plays host to obscryations of the world courtesy of two \‘cry diffcrcnt pocts.


Volunteering in Scotland Morningsidc Justicc and Peace (iroup. 420 Morningsidc Road. 10.30am. £1. Judc Wilson. tcam lcadcr at thc ccnlrc gives a talk about the fincr ptriiits of yoluntccring.

Other events

100 Nights ('cntral Library. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 225 5584. l0am~8pm. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 16.

Book events

Poetry Reading Group Scottish l’octry Library. 5 (‘richton’s (‘losc. (‘anongatc. 557 2876. l-‘rcc. Start thc ncw ycar off with a creative stcp in thc right dircction with this pilot session for ncw wcckly mcctings lcd by (icrry Loosc. Bring along a pocm to talk about or a collection to rccomincnd. All

w clcomc.

Museum of Transport Kelvin Hall. 1 Burnhouse Road. 287 2720. Mon—Thu & Sat 10am—5pm; Fri 8 Sun

lain—Spin. Free. A indseum crammed With buses. trams. fire erigines. ships and other paraphernalia. devoted to the history of transport. People’s Palace & Winter Garden Glasgow Green. 5:34 0223. Mon—Thu 8. Sat ‘i0aiii—5pin; Fri 8. Sun

‘. ‘iarn Spin. Free. Glasgow's best-loved institution has recently undergone a major laceiilt to celebrate its centenary year. I

Scotland Street School Museum Museum of Education 22:3 Scotland Street. 287 0500. Mon—Thu 8 Sat 10am—5pm; Fri 8 Sun

1 1am—5pm. Free. DeSigned in 1904 by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and now home to archive material on education in Scotland from 1872 onwards. Reconstructed classrooms give a flavour of Victorian, Edwardian. World War II and 1000s school days.

Pollok House

Pollok Country Park. 2000 Pollokshaws Road. 010 (3410. Mon~Sun

10am-—:'rpm_ 5‘1") 473.75,); family ticket $718.50. One of the most elegant 18th century buildings ll‘. the country. this historic house ‘eatures sortie of the finest Spanish pa ntings in Britain trom the collection of Sir Wil'iam Stirling Maxwell.

The Tall Ship At Glasgow Harbour

100 Stobcross Roao. 15:10 00131. Daily 10airr~5piii

5‘ 1.130

60.25) accoiiipanieu cixldren ‘reer. Find out about Glasgo'.'.i's maritime heritage on-boaru the SV. (filenlee. the cm, C",(1(:- built sailing snip still afloat in the UK,

attractions ~i

Brass Rubbing Centre

Chalmers Close. Royal Mile. 1350 4304. Mon-Sat 10aiir‘f’rpm. Free. but there is a charge for making a rubbing. Situated in the apse of a Gothic church dating back to 1-400. the centre houses a selection of church brasses and ancient Pictish replicas. Camera Obscura

Castlehill, Royal Mile. 226 3709. Mon-Fri 0.1%0arii—(3pm, Sat 8. Sun 10am—6pm. 534.013— £14 15‘2.5()--S:3.S)ir). Pick up a pedestrian in your hand at this attraction. which gives visitors a real-tune, 300 image of the city. The most recent addition to the venue is the Magic Gallery, giving hands-on experiences of the art of visual trickery. Craigmillar Castle Craigiirillar Castle Road. (301 (1/1/15. Daily 0.1%0arrrt3prn. £1.80 i/frp). For a real taste of history. take a drive out

to this ramshackle old castle. which although not qurte as intact as Edinburgh Castle. is far more atmospheric and the scene of much plotting during the reign of Mary. Queen of Scots.

Dynamic Earth Holyrood Road. 550 f800. Daily 10am-0pm. £7.05 ($74.50). With volcanoes erupting beneath your feet. a tropical rainstoirii pouring down and earthquakes and tidal waves at eyery turn, the history of the earth has never been more interesting.

10-30 Jan 2003 THE LIST 87