She was only 17 when chosen to star in Real Women have Curves, but AMERICA FERRARA’s no rebel without a cause. Words: Kaleem Aftab mcrica l"errara has a lot in common with Ana. her character in /\’('(1/ ll'mm'u lmw'

('uri't's. a touching tale ol‘ a young girl's growing pains and struggles with her mother in a

l.atin-American community. America is the child of

Honduran immigrants. ret'used to speak Spanish as a child and continttally fought with her mother oyer

her lil‘estyle. She‘s nothing like the popular image ol

spoilt. l’at American teenagers. When we meet to discuss the film that unusually -- celebrates liig girls. she comes across as articttlate. funny and wise beyond her years.

The List llaye you got a rebellious nature‘.’

America Ferrara I think so. I guess my mother didn‘t want me to he an actor.

TL Did you light'.’

AF Yes. there was a strttggle there. It‘s a way (it. trying to take your own course and tnake your own mistakes. At one point in life eyeryone has to become independent. and it‘s dil‘licult.

TL Were you worried that you did not hayc a classic lilm slat' look‘.’

AF Yes. that was hard. But fortunately l was yery lucky and got a part that allowed me to he mysell'. .\'ot that I would have had a problem with changing phstcally because I helieye as an artist and actor. one should haye the prerogatiye to transt‘orm. especially as female actors. Male actors are allowed to transform. gain and lose weight. and no one eycr says a word about it. Women should hayc that same right. TL \Vlto do you look up lo'.’

AF Lupe ()ntiycros. the lady who plays my mum in the lilm. is a ycteran actress and has been around l'oreyer. She‘s so talented. and I‘d ncyer heard ot her

26 THE LIST )4" ‘2 F «:t, .' "-

America Ferrara takes the lead in Real Women have Curves, a film that - unusually - celebrates big girls

hel‘ore. ll. l’d haye known who she was a year ago. a talented Latin actress working in the industry. that would haye giyen me a lot ol’ motiyation. I look at J- Lo and think she's successful. but also she is an image and it‘s that that’s selling. It is important to haye some inspiration. because there was yery little of it ayailahle to me when l was younger. There wasn’t eyen a .l—l.o or Salma llayek. l neyer saw people who looked like me. TL What attracted you to Ana‘.’ AF l was really jealous ol‘ her strength. Her ability to tell people where to go. I don’t know how many people are strong enough to make a decision like moying across the country whether she gets her parents' consent or not. It‘s easier said then done. Altltough. Ana was very angry all the time. I guess I didn’t like that yery much. he led a me where l hayen‘t heen sheltered. yet I hold no resentment.

‘l’ve a TL How did you not lead a where I haven’t been Sheltered, on. When my parents were yet I hold no resentment’

sheltered lil‘e'.’ AF 1 always knew what was going

separating they neyer tried to stay togetlicrjust for us. I was expected to know what was going on and get oycr it. \Vc lived in a lot ol‘ working class neighhourhoods. My parents didn’t try to hide the fact that they themselyes were working people. that ottr lil‘c consisted of a lot ol~ hard work.

TL What do you do for lun'.’

AF 1 loye to dance in limit of my mirror. Turn on the radio and pretend to he a superstar. l loye liminem. although I don‘t pretend to he him. I loye watching tahloid trash on the li-channel. especially 'l'rm' llu/lyti‘um/ Stories.

TL So when will you he on True l/()//_\'ti'()()(/ Stories"?

AF Neyer! ll‘ you’re hot. you tune ('v/v/n'ily Profile. A True /I()//_\'lt‘()()(/ Story means you haye a washed tip career. I don't want that eyen when I‘m six feet under.

Real Women have Curves is on selected release from Fri 31 Jan. See review, page 29.

@Ii‘stfiofll‘ V

Rough cuts

Lights, camera, act/on . . .

SKlNl lrtiZCORDS COME TO Scotland to showcase ty-xo evenings of their nest 'nusic \.’l(l(}()f‘). Sktnt founder Darnien llarris 'ZtKEt Mzdtrezd Generals {t'til ‘.’l(l(}() commissioner John Hams ‘.'.':ll provide a Eight hearted commentary and ansy'xer (lllUfSilOllS apout me making of every thing; from Fathoy's Sam's award «.vrrinrng Spike Jon/e directed "Praise You and Win/caper: ot’ (Elio;(:e' to Videos 'so had they never got sl‘own'. lhe eyents take piace at

l. di'i'purdri's l 'lrnnouse Saturda, to l-<:-l)ruarj,' and Ice Glasdou'; lalm Theatre Sunday iii

l eliruary.

THE MAN WITH NO Suitcase returns to Glasgow as DJ Killerwatt presents Peachy Keen, a once yearly celebration of all things David Lynch. The pre-club event takes place on Sunday 2 February at the Griffiny and includes Lynchian visuals, Badalamenti beats, a Miss Twin Peaks competition, a sing-a-long-a Frank Booth, free doughnuts for fancy dressers and Killerwatt’s new mini-movie, Bodholland Drive.

THE EXPRESSIONIST HORROR classic. The Cap/net of Dr Cal/gar/ pictured. wrll premiere at the Glasgow Fr m. Theatre on ‘l'uesday t February ‘.'.’|7.ll a new soundtrack composed and performed live by (Jeon' Srnttn. Silllll‘ composed the score for the tale of a murderous somnambulist 0." three prototype havi‘n‘ered (lt.l:‘,m‘-::-rs «It's; a cross petwec-n a Z§Iltt3t‘ and VIDC‘S yOu'll have heard its eerie sound used Ill many memes from the (SOS. ll‘CiliUl'lg Dirty Harry/n.

THE CONSULATE GENERAL of Japan, no less, has announced a season of free Japanese films, four addressing the theme of family and playing throughout February at the Royal Society of Edinburgh and three looking at youth and showing at the Glasgow University Japanese Society in March. For further info contact the consulate on 0131 225 4777.