DRAMA IRREVERSIBLE (18) 97min 0...

Irreversible is one of a number of recent French films that lives up to its bad press. ‘Is it art or filth?’ run the sensational headlines. Who really cares, as long as no one was hurt or exploited in its making, and the ideas contained within are open to debate despite the oppressive mood and graphic content of the film itself?

Irreversible is the story of the vicious rape of Alex (Monica Bellucci) and the revenge taken by her boyfriend Marcus (Vincent Cassel) and her ex boyfriend Pierre (Albert Dupontel). It’s a revenge drama as old and banal as the hills. Except it’s not, you see; the first of many stylistic tricks that director Casper Noé pulls on his audience is to tell his tale in reverse. So we start confused and disorientated in the heat of retribution and work backwards to a slim glimpse of happiness that precedes future tragedies. It’s a juvenile trick that’s been whistled by everyone from Martin Amis to Christopher Nolan, from Harold Pinter to Kurt Vonnegut. Anyone who saw Noé’s ugly, dyspeptic debut feature I Stand Alone, however, will know that he is an unusual filmmaker who is far from being above the flim-flammery of style over content, and positively revels in upping the ante of every cinematic taboo.

Time, no doubt, will prove Noé to be little more than the louche wine-bar crooner who always ends his act by pissing inside his piano, but for now his vision, and the sheer breadth of talent he gets to work with, is impressive. Bellucci is stunning as the apex of the movie’s fractured timeline. To fall into cliche for a moment, her performance is genuinely brave beyond the call of duty. Benoit Debie‘s (along with Noé’s) cinematography is remarkably fluid, appropriately sordid and, above all, anarchistic. This film would, however, be nothing without the soundscape work of Jean Luc Audy and others, plus composer Thomas Bangalter. Their work borders on the criminal. Subliminal and nausea- inducing (a sound technique allegedly pioneered by the LA police during the 1992 riots in order to quell protesters) but also deeply affecting, it may account for an impressive number of auditorium faintings during festival screenings of this movie.

Flawed and clumsy, but technically brilliant and often truly repellent, you are unlikely to see the like of Irreversible again in a lifetime of trawling cinema’s gutter. Which is a shame because at its dark heart there is a sweet boy sitting in a sun-kissed meadow reading JW Dunne’s An Experiment in Time and pondering how he can really piss off the cineastes and critics the world over. For Noe, at least, this is the comedy of the year. (Paul Dale)

I Selected re/ease from Fri 37 Jan.

Technically brilliant and truly repellent

You CAN film follox'xs Abagnale's lr‘ul‘, lhe casing; o" L-::-c"a"<:c l) (law :1 - €le’lOl’ClIlthl“. ex )loit5‘ durino the as /\i>a<ir"‘ie is date 'zsz;i"-::-:i.

(12A)141mrn0000 C l > " ., "< years Hilda—(>5). beginning '.'.’!t". ll'fl‘ young; outiav.’ {lot are; at“ so

With its crazy cartoon and zany running ax'ra‘,’ from a broken none rr‘uch for so i::"o. t"-:2 tax. Jazz-inflected scere. the Opening aged 17 and ending '.'.’l’.l‘. his arrest al‘.'.ai,'s on his tar. r." r'ar litiiléltifS-I: credits introduce Catch me lfyou in France b1. the FBI. lr‘ between. (1"‘rs'nnate<:?‘ar's'r‘a t"-::- ‘-:;-r*‘a-:

Can as BOs-style comedy caper. Think Charade. think It a Mad. Mad. Mad. Mad World. and Steven Spielberg's enjoyable. stylish ron‘p contains elements of both those films: a series of rnasquerades and a Cross c0untry chase respectively

‘Insprred'. as Spielberg says. by the life and autobiographical book of one Frank W Abagnale Jr. the

Abagnale got by passan lllll‘fSOl‘ oil as a teacher, amine pilot. doctor and la‘.'.d.'er. all the '.'.’llil(} Iii. ind an increasing; high ate by cashing millions of dollars ‘.'.’orth of fraudulent cl‘iedues. And. all? ouoh the details of Abagnale's story were no doubt embellished upon b1. Spielberg and screenx-rriter Jeff Nathanson. it is. incredibly. all true.

Enjoyable, stylish romp

iv I“ :H’V“ "‘t‘ ’2 "NW ; ' ml". '1‘“ “(1' '< l(, 't, .), x; {,Xd ..'\, '., U,”

bus. lit-"(l’itl.t(:71:(lli.Al;::.ll‘;lt: < cneck his cr‘edties (:lcsel‘. aha onscreer‘ (:na" s'r‘a .s some!" "(i

DrCz‘ip'ic water‘s l"-:;- (Iéifllll‘t; :2' ion Hanks as Apagyuife‘s new-:35; s co'r‘--surr'coate latne'. the dodged. litinitxir'ltsss FBI agent (Zar' l-lanr'att1.. ‘s eduai imp-red. t not. see .'.'l‘.at l rr‘ear‘.

The ll‘()l“.£t'.l()". A::ag;nale

attributed to ":s :t' 'r‘es r ‘;.". .nitiall‘, the“ a co, s .:-:.-s'-::' reunite ME; r>ar’e"ts allegas Sp~elberg tc str'aj. into "‘xs f; '.:>u"-:;-:l

serrt=rr‘e.".ta| tewrto'y. llo.'.e‘.e'. a nappy dorr‘estic er‘:li"g; Abao'x‘i e did not get and the p'<:-se"<:<,- of Christophe" \.'.’ai«er‘,. '.'."io prays Abao'laie sen or ‘.'.llll great pathos.

steers the frin‘ a'.'.a, "our :;;:""alt.'.

Oill(}l‘.'."t;(}. Carri“ 't‘e /‘ '.;:_. (1'1" rs a enor'n‘oiisl‘, enterta.“ "g; ::::r'.‘ <‘ adxentur‘e. l3; Tar Slxebe'gr'ti lies. lrln‘ in yea's. iMiIes l imam

I (renew release "on I' n, .I.:'.



A.“ art—neuse Atlill“ Sar‘dle" ‘ilii" is hox'.’ the precoc cuslg. biracial Al“(}."|(2£l." '.'.""ter'-<lirector Paul Tnorr‘as Anderson Robot," .'\-.’,;lr"7.'s. i'xi'agr‘vor'a' has .lescrzbed rxs l. \.".'r:tten spectica ‘. ‘0" the losxnron.’ corr‘edan Sandler. and the

Br tish actress En‘ilj, \."'.’atson. it";(l p":::og;"aphed in. '.'.’|(l(3§3(3l'(}(}'l l)‘, Robert Eissxit. -t's a l)(‘:‘.'.'l|(l(3" 'iglg, oft-killer "(:"i'irttic ::er“<:-d{.. set ll‘ Anderson's fa‘.c;.";te (Il7‘(}l“£l7i'(l territory Cal:fomra's San l-er‘nando Va 1e}.

Smaller p ays Barr“, Loan. a luckless r:..si,'i<:-ss'r‘ac who wholesales novelty :zati'irooi" sapb'ies iron at ‘.'.%ir'(3h()u5;(3 c“r::e and use, .n "is spare tirr‘e. obsessmc-i; collects air n‘:ies fren‘ s;t.'r>er"“ar'i<et dessert tns. Er77()1r()!izlli‘;. 12:.."eo'a"o ;.n<i-::-rrr‘ neo b3. his brood ol sexer‘ sisters .'.*‘r‘.o tatrnt r‘irr‘ as a 'giagboy'. is a socail‘, .'.'it'ndra‘.'.'n {trill .onezg, flame prone to bursts of flt’333'.";.(1'.!‘.-Z3 rage a'ro fits of uncontrcrar:le smog. Al‘tl then one tops; tun“, "‘<>r'r‘..rig;. a narn‘oniurr‘ .s l7“},f3°.(}l'l{)tifil", (iepos'ted ()dlSlClO 'lIS ‘.'.o"»<blace and a beautiful E'lt/ll shuz'orr‘an. Lena i\.'i.’atso' i. '.'.’£MES nto his ate. lone looks set to blossom oet'.'.eer> the couple. on}; for Barn. to ‘:r‘d itrrr‘sei" blackn‘azleo b, a phone-sex cc'r‘parr, to ‘.'.’.'l()ll‘ he entrusted his credit card detazrs . . .

Andersen an‘brticssl'y throws euerjfln no into the l“'X "i a b :l to cont-:33. t“e Sandler characters tarp-t. e'it. "‘él."..(3 oepressnxe state ot’ ’l‘!ll(l. There‘s lots o" slaps? ck =both ‘ore and l);i(iK§l"()L;tT(l . l)f§‘,(?.’l€§(l(2l!(3 interludes ‘r‘or“ tr‘e a'tst Jerer", Biane. discordant "as c. agreed eoitv‘io. sudden bursts of c se. com c sir p coiotu's él'lfl all "‘anr‘er' of' strange occurrences. sacii as the speeding trucks that appear from.

A ‘.'.’:(l(} eg.e:i \‘Jatson ;s irr‘r_>r‘essi\.'e?§. (ssur'eo as the ‘ain'tale ‘igure of Lena. .-::- :".e hue-sailed Sa":i‘e" e‘t’ectixely ::o".‘.e;.s Barri, 's disabling .nar'ticulacy. 'i-z><:<l:'><>:;:; and inner fix). Clocking; in at ,ist so iri'xites. /-);."‘;.‘"-f)".."a 13.0 (Niki; t"‘e grandiose steep and ervot ona; potenc‘. o" and sucr‘ talented actors as l iris (id/mic >Se{,r“oi.r llof":r‘a". can ll‘élKC ‘lff'é? cl the." ur‘:ler‘.'.r':ter‘ t§;il}l)t)lt.!7(} toes. Yet Pu’Yff‘ Darin l (7.0. unith .Is

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lor" Lawson»

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titii‘ 'a‘ E at .‘ .u‘ THE LIST 27