Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

0 About Schmidt i is. «so t:\lc.\andcr l’a)ttc. l'S. SUM) Jack Nicholxon. Kath} Batcx. llopc l)a\ix. l24min. l’titting axidc all \aiiit). and cxchcu ing hix killcr xinilc and c) chrott arching. \icliolxon dominatcx c\cr) l'ramc ol‘ thix hlcak conicd) ahout a rcccntl} rctircd inxtirancc adniinixtrator on a L't‘oxx-c‘outtlt'} ml} xxc}. .-\\ ltc t'L‘\ ixllx lllC plach Ol' hix t‘ltlltlltootl. Warrcn Sc‘ltttlltll dixcmcrx that thc tttap ol hix l'ro/cn human hcart ix comprixcd. likc hix nati\ c .\'chraxka. nioxtl} of flat. cmpt} xpaccx. ‘l‘hix ix .\'icholxon'x lilm. hut kudox ix alxo doc to thc controllcd dircction and xuhtl} comic

ohxcnationx of Pa} tic and hix xcripting partncr

Jim Ta} lor. \tho prc\ iottxl) collahot’alcd on lhc xatirical high xchool comcd) li/t't Iron. (icncral rclcaxc.

All or Nothing l 1M 0... t.\likc l.ctgh. l'l'x'. 2003i 'l'imoth} Spall. l,cxlc} .\lan\il|c. :\lixon (iarland. |2.\’min. l’hil Baxxct tSpallI ix a donn-at-hccl mini cah dri\cr ll\ll1:_‘ on a Sotitli London cxtatc. “Illl \Hlt‘ l’cnn}

(Manx ilch and childrcn. .\loiic) ix a conxtant ixxltc'. ax ix llic‘ ill\t't‘\pccl lltc‘ pct'llottxl} oxcnxcight Ror} xhth l’cnn}. .'\\ alcoholixin. dcprcxxion and \ariotix lorinx ot’ xocial and .xcxual d}xl'tintionalit} run rilc on lhc cxtatc. cach ol' thc lilni'x multiplicit} ol characlcrx rcachcx for thc tcu unhcalth} cxcapcx mailahlc. 'l'hcrc'x lcxx humour than l.cigh'x prc\ ioux nork. and thc piccc xlov. I} axxumcx thc poucr ot’ a litigcnc ()'.\'cill ti‘agcd}. hut \tith unpalronixcd “orkitig claxx charactcrx. :\t tinicx thc tonc inakcx tlic tilm a ghaxt|_\ \\;llc‘ll. htit thcrc'x an tmqucxtionahlc xtrcnglh in l.cigh'x the ol' cloxc-up. \thilc thc pcrl‘orinanccx lroin lhc ccntral cnxcmhlc arc xupcrh. ['(l. lidinhtirgh; l’l‘ll (‘mcma. l‘alkirk. Amelie t 151 so... than-l’icrrc qunct. l‘rancc. 200] i :\udrc} 'l‘atitou. .\lathicu Kaxxmitl. Scrgc .\lcrlin. llllmin. .'\x \\lllt hix l\\0 prc\ iottx l‘rcnch lantaxicx. lh'limrt'xxm and The (in o/ (illl/(Il‘t'll. .lcttncl crcatcx a lantaxtical \\t)t'ltl. hcrc i'cimagining l’arix' oldcxl quartcr. Montmartrc. Within it thc

ccccntric adwnturcx ol' hix cpon} moux hcromc

tpla) cd h} captixating cllin ncncomcr 'lautoui unfold in a manncr ax complc\ ax a S“ ixx tinicpiccc \xhcn Aniclic dccidcx to hrmg happincxx to dcxcrx ing pcoplc h} p|a_\ mg clahoratc practical iokcx on lhcm. (‘onipoxcd of man} inoincntx ol' ahxolutc \xondcr. thix ix a lilm \thich cclcht'alcx all lhc littlc. grcat thingx in lil’c. .\lacRohcrt. Stirling.

Angela’s Ashes t IS» oooo t:\l;ttl l’arkcr. l‘lx’. WWI Rohcrt ('ai'l}lc. limil} \Vatxon. Joc Brccn. l-lSnnn. l'rank .\lc('ourt'x Pulit/cr l’i'i/c-mnning childhood mcmoir ol’ Linicrick in thc 30x ix a puhlixhing phcnomcnon. lox cd aci‘oxx lhc \xorld h) llltixL‘ \xith no conncction to thc hook'x thrcc dclining clcmcntx - lrcland. ('atholicixm and


Falkirk Town Hall

Monday 3rd Feb Donnie Darko (15) 7 30pm Wednesday 5th Jan All or Nothing (18) 7 30;)m Mon 77th, Wed 79th, Thurs 20th

Harry Potter and

The Chamber of Secrets (PG) 7 '00pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

30 THE LIST i-i’, .Jar‘ Tfi l (:1, 7.3-,

ptHCl‘l}. l’ut'lxt‘l‘ (tilt‘l c\ltil‘llxli lllt‘ \tilIlt‘ lt‘\ L'l ol' cngagcnicnt ax .\lc("ourt docx. hut hc can train hix lcnx on thc l'accx ol' liix rcmai'kahlc caxt to xhou a tc\turc ot' cmotionx. Scntimcnt hcrc ix a natural ingrcdicnt. not a xaccliarinc additn c. Stcr (‘cntur_\. lidmhurgh.

Avalon ill 0. iBarr) l.c\ lllxtn]. t'S. 100m :\l'lttlti \lticllcr-Stahl. lili/ahcth l’crkinx. Joan l’louright. .'\ltl;tll ()umii. llltimm. .lapancxc ammc \xi/ 0th Million/11hr

.llm lllllt’l makcx a lora} into thc ll\ c action arcna \\ itli thix xci-li thrillcr t't'\ol\ mg around a \ irtual rcalil} gatnc natncd :\\a|on. Sct in an unnamcd liaxtcrn lauropcan countr} land tilmcd in l’olixhi at art tinxpccilicd l'uttirc datc. lhc action rctolxcx around a grotip ol )oting pcoplc uho arc addicch to thc gamc in ulncli lhc} doti hod} armour and Iii-tcch \icaponr} to do hattlc \\ ith atitomatcd opponcntx. .-\x toti‘d c\pcct. ()xhii cnginccrx xoinc prctt) xtunmng \ixtialx. nu\mg rctro communixt liaxlcrn littropc xctx and propx \\ ith contcmporar} digital cl'lcctx innoxationx.

lltm L'\ t‘l'. lllL‘ \lttt'} ix .ix Ultl ,t\ .\l;ll'\ll.tll Ililltl’\ lillllL‘l'.\ gl'alttltliitl. \Vot‘xt‘. llittllglt. Ix lltt‘ gt‘t‘k l'actor: trom rclcrcnccx to rolc pla} mg gamcx through muddlcd .'\l'llltll'l;tlt lcgcndx to xoullcxx (iotlt hci‘ocx and hcroincx. .lm/un ix dccidcdl) .‘ttltilt‘\c‘t‘ltl. (il'iwli. (ilaxgmx.

The Banger Sisters i IS» 000 dint» l)olman. l'S.31lll3i(ioldicllaxxn.Suxan Sarandon. ‘Vmin, Sackcd lrom hcr ioh. all drcxxcd tip hut \\ ith no onc to hlou. lornicr groupic Sir/cttc «Man in xlic cmharkx oti a road trip to l’hocni\ to track doun hcr old hudd} Vinnic iSarandoni. ()n llic \ta} xhc pickx up Hair} l’lumhcr tRuxhi. an olixcxxnc- compulxh c xcrccimritcr. and \xhcn xlic docx tiiid hcr tcllo“ ‘Bangcr Sixtci”. xlic. likc llarr}. ix tiptiglit and in dirc nccd ol looxcmng up. ()n cuc. lla\\ n rcprixcx lhc rolc ol lhc lowahlc lrcc~xpiril. oncc again xhou ing olt hcr grcat axx in a likcahlc comic drama. Scc rc\ icxt. (icticral rclcaxc.

The BelieverilS. coco tllt‘ltt'} Bcaii. l'S. Itllll i R}an (ioxlmg. ‘l'hcrcxa Rtixxcll. Bill} lanc. ‘lStnin. .-\ )oimg .\'c\\ York Jcmxh kid \xlio'x alxo a nco-.\'a/i ix aliout ax protocatix c ax xuhicct mattci‘ gctx. lhc xtor) of Harm} Blmt rcicctmg Iiix )t'xlii\.i xttidicx to adopt a xkinhcad tinil'orm and tiiidcrtakc actx ol tcrrorixm. might ha\ c hccn mcrc clicap xcnxationalixm \\ct'c ll not [or lhc thought- proxokmg manncr in \thich \\ritcr-dircctor llcnr) Bcan 1m cxtigalcx lhc xlot'_\. and lhc lact that hix xcript ix haxcd on a rcal caxc lrom thc l‘)(itix. l'nxurprixmgl}. Bcati ta .lc\\ l got hinixcll into hot \xatcr in .r\mcrica. hut hix liliii ix a ccrchral thcological and philoxophical ltltllllt'} \\|iich tranxccndx criticixin. lidinhurgh l‘ilm (itiild. lzdinhtirgh.

Blue Planet t t ‘. ijooi l .-\n a\\cxomc mp around. ahm c and hc}oiid our planct on lhc l.\l.-\.\ giant xcrccn \xhich promptcd lltc llin/iincluu I’m] to “Illt'j ‘ll a picltirc ix \\Ul'lli a thouxand \wi‘tlx. onc iiiiagc lrom li’lm' I’lum'l ix north a /tllion'. l.\l.-\.\. (ilaxgou. Bowling for Columbine I I5. coco t.\lichacl .\loorc. l‘S. Illllli ll‘lmin. lhc all- conqticring .\loorc axkx thix qticxtioii ahotit .'\lllt‘l'lt';tl ‘x\rc \\ c a nation ol gun niitx ()r arc \\c 11th nutx," l’rmokcd h} lhc c\cntx ol Ill .-\pi‘il I‘l‘N. lhc da_\ thirtccn pcoplc \icrc xhot dcad h} tuo piipilx at ('olutiihiiic High School in l.itt|cton. (‘olorado and thc da} thc l’S condtictcd itx largcxt hoinhing action in tlic Koxoxan \Var. lhc lltt|lll\lll\ c liliiiinakci' and rcnotxncd xaliiixt lookx lai and \\idc to hard to liiid tlic aitx\'.ct‘x to \omc prclt} tough

Blowin’ off with The Banger Sisters

qucxtionx. ()n thc \ta} ltc mcclx (iollt rock tigurchcad .\Iai‘i1}n .\lanxon. mcmhcrx of thc Michigan Militia \\ ho arguc that ‘hcing armcd ix an .r\mcrican rcxponxihilit} '. and linall} l‘t'cxidcnl ol lhc .\'R:\. ('harlton llcxton. Sonic ma} lind hix xhock tacticx and tixc of dark humour rcprchcnxihlc. hut ax lhc Ill April I‘N‘) \llt)\\L‘tl. dcxpcratc timcx call for dcxpcratc nicaxurcx. ()dcon. lidinhtirgh; (’incttorld. l‘alkii'k.

Brief Encounter l l’( it coo ll)a\ id l.can. l'K. l‘l45i ('clia Johnxon. ‘l‘rcmr llouard. Stanlc} llttlltmu}. Soniin. Still uppcr lipx and cinotionaII) chargcd hi'tixhcx of thc handx arc all that .lohnxon and llouard \\ ill allo\\ thcmxchcx ax thcir c\tra-iiiarital ‘al'l‘air' docxn't dc\clop much l\c_\ond unxpokcn longmgx at a rai|\xa} xtation. l‘or xomc. lhc tcarx u ill xtill l‘lou; tor othcrx. thc ungix ing moralit} ix c\axpcratittg. (ii\ctt lhc rigidit} ol’ thix linglixh romancc. thc Rachinaninm xoundtrack ix untittingl} x\\CCl. .\lacRohcrt. Stirling.

Broadway, Black Sea ll’( it can i\'itali .\lanxki. (‘lcch

chiihlic./( icrman}/Riixxia. Milt 83min. 'l‘hink ol' a portahlc Blackpool xtrandcd xotiic\\ltcrc on lhc Black Sca coaxt. 'l‘hix ix Broadua}. aii arca uhcrc rclugccx l'rom thc ('aucaxian rcpuhlicx mcct tor a lth ucckx c\ci‘} xtimmcr and crcatc a \xholc holida}

\ illagc out ol dcad xpacc. .\lanxki ximpl} t'olloxt x lhc morc ccccntric huxtlcrx and oddhallx around thix makcxhilt touit \\ ithotit nccd ol narratcd conuncnt or intcgral plotlincx. It ix an a“ cxomc c\pcricncc. hcautilul arid hrtttal in cqual incaxurcx. (il’l‘. (ilaxgim.

The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari mm 0.000 tRohcrt \Vicnc. (icrman). I‘ll‘Ji \Vcrnci' Krauxx. ('onrad \cidt. l)ago\ cr. Utlmin. .-\ landmark ot' c\prcxxionixt cincma. lt‘;l\lllt:_' thc c} cx u ith hi/arrc. angular \ ixualx dcxpitc itx tcchnical crtidit). 'l'hc acting and dirccling arc xupci'h. and thc xtor} of a lairground h_\pnotixl u ho tixcx a xlccpttalkcr to cart} otil murdcrx xtill rctainx a lunatic xcnxc ol horror. Scc Rough ctitx. (il’l‘. (ilaxgotx.

Casablanca two so... tXIic-tiacl ('iii‘tix. l'S. l‘HZi llumphrc) Bogart. Ingrid Bcrgman. l)oolc_\ \Vilxon. llllmin. You muxt rcmcinhcr thix . . Bogart hcing impoxxihl) iiohlc. Bcrgman torn hctuccn tuo lt)\ crx. (‘latidc Rainx pla} ing hoth cndx agaitixt thc nitddlc. dc\ ioux \a/ix. a l'oghound airport. a piatto-pla} cr tinkling that tunc . .\ \xoiidcrl'ul hill ol hcanx. (il’l‘. (ilaxgou.

0 Catch me If you Can 1 12m «u ISIL‘M'II Splt‘llit‘l'g‘. l‘S. 3003i l.L‘olt;ll'tlo l)i('aprio. ‘l‘im llankx. ('hrixtophcr \Valkcn.

H l mm. lnxpircd h} thc Inc of l‘rank \V Ahagnalc Jr. lhc lilin lollo“ x Ahagnalc'x c\traoi‘dmar} c\ploitx circa WM 0‘). hcginning \\llll him running a\\a_\ from a hrokcn homc agcd xc\cnlccn and cnding \\ ith hix arrcxt h} thc l‘Bl. ln hctnccn. .v\hagnalc got h) paxxing himxclt oll ax a tcachci‘. airlinc pilot. doctor atid lau}cr. all thc \\llllt‘ caxhing million ol’ dollarx north ol' ll'dlltllllt‘lll chcqticx. ('axting charixtnatic l)i(‘aprio ax Ahagnalc ix inxpircd thc _\oung oiillau got ana) \tith xo much for xo long primaril} hccauxc ol' hix mnatc charixma. ('axting llankx ax :\hagnalc\ ncmcxix. lhc doggcd. huniourlcxx l‘Bl agcnt (‘arl llanratt}. ix cquall} inxpircd. :\n cnorniouxl} cntcrtaining comic adxcnturc. B} La Spiclhct'g'x hcxt film in _\C;tl‘\. Scc rcx icu.

(icncral rclcaxc.

Charlotte’s Web «1'» coo «(‘harlcx .-\. Nic‘liolx. l'S. l972l Voiccx ol' Dchhic Rt‘}litiltl\. llcnr} (iihxon. 35min. .-\nimatcd \Crslnlt of thc lili \Vltllt‘ Clttxxit' in which it l'arm)ard xpidcr hcl‘ricndx a xh) piglct. Not hadl} donc h) lhc llanna-Barhcra xttidio. MacRohcrt. Stirling.

Chicago 1 l3:\i .0. tRoh .\larxha|l. l'S. lellli chnc /.c|l\\cgcr. (‘athcrinc Xcta- Joncx. Richard (icrc. l l3min. .\larxha|l'x long- anaitcd xcrccn adaptation of thc cclchratcd muxical cxplodcx on to thc xll\L‘r xcrccn. l‘ollouing thc c\ploitx ol [\H) murdcroux ja/l hahicx - Roxic llart t/clhxcgcri and Vcltna Kcll} t/cta-Joncxi - and thcir dcl'cncc lawyer. Bill} l-lynn ((icrci. .\lo\ing hctuccn thc rcalit} of l’rohihition-cra ('hicago and thc intcrior l‘antax} norld oi Roxic llart. whch cach charactcr hccomcx an all-xinging. all- dancing poucrhotIxc. .‘xlarxhall xkill‘ull)‘ xticccctlx in a polcttliall} prohlcinatic xtagc to xcrccn adaptation. Lacking cnough xaxx and xcxual innucndo. (‘ulmn'r thix ain't. hut ('lu't-ugo noiicthclcxx docx juxticc to thc .xtagc muxical and thc da/lling \ italin of thc huxincxx knottn ax xlltm. (icncral rclcaxc. Chicken Run it'i 0000 (Nick l’ark/l’ctcr Lord. IX. 3000) Voiccx of MCI (iihxon. Julia Sanalha. Miranda Richardxon. 85min. l-‘or thcir lirxt l‘caturc Aardman .xttidiox hax c rc-nrittcn thc \\'\\'ll l’.(),\\'. cxpcricncc ax an ()rxxcllian xatirc. alhcit \x ith laughx. So. Stalag l7 hccoincx a hattcr} farm and thc camp commandant larincr 'l‘uccd} ‘x dominccring \iil'c. \\llllc‘ in thc hutchcx. (iingcr rallicx hcr l‘cllou hcnx to ll)‘ thcir coop. 'l'hough thc charactcrx arcn't ax cxtahlixhcd ax \Vallacc and (irottiil and thc l'caturc lcngth rttnning timc xltmx thc action. .-\ardnian continuc to work rcal nondcrx with thcir familiar l’laxticinc animation. ('incworld. l‘alkirk.

Cinemania tl’(ii O... i.-\ngcla ('hrixtilich and Stcphcn Kijack. (icrmany. 2002i 80min. 'l‘hix documcntar} ollt‘rx a uniquc inxight into thc ll\Cx ol' lixc xcvcrcl} ohxc‘xxctl lilm hul'l‘x. iiach protagonixt liax a xignaturc ohxcxxixc compulxit'c charactcrixtic. including one hclonging to a l‘cllow \x ho ix on a ‘no lihrc' dict in ordcr not to uax’tc Valuath cincnta timc in thc loo. (il-‘l‘. (ilaxgon.

0 City of God 1 1m .0000 tl-‘crnando .\lcircllc.x. Brazil. 2002) 139mm. 'l’hc intcrnational erurgcncc of Latin American cincnia \llt)\\’\ no xigttx of xltming tl()\\ll. l"ollou ing thc likcx ol' (‘i'nlml Station. .’llll(H'(’.\ l’t'rrm. l' Iii .llumu 'liunliii’n and .\'im' Qiu't'ns comcx an cxhilarating Bra/ilian drama. (in of (ioil. Baxcd on Paulo l.inx‘.x xpratt ling liOVL‘l and xpanning xoinc thrcc dccadcx. itx an cpic account of thc growth of organixcd drug- dcaling in a xltitii houxing project. thc .xo- callcd (it) of (iod in Rio dc Janciro. l'(}(’ chl'rc“ Strcct. (ilaxgou: ('amco. lidinhurgh. Cyberworld tl’(ii t\'ai‘ioux. l‘S, 2002) Min thc. .\'c\t .ll) film for thc giant .xcrccn l'caturing animatcd charactcrx from An: to ‘I‘lit' Simpwm. l.\l.-\.\. (ilaxgotx.

The Devil’s Backbone (El Espinazo del Diablo) t l5i ooooo t(iuillcrmo dcl 'l'oro. Spain. lelll ) .\iari.xa l’archx. l‘cdcrico l.uppi. liduardo dc Noricga. 107mm. ln dcl 'l‘oro'x c\pcrtly-cral'tcd ghoxt talc xct during Spain‘x (‘ix'il War a young (‘arlox ix brought to a rcinotc orphanagc prcxidcd mm b) an odd cldcrl) couplc tl.uppi and l’arcdcxi. and hatinch h} thc ghoxt ol' anothcr orphan. .-\ ptmcrltil political hackdrop ix .xcamlcxxl} intcrnoxcn “ith a xtrong rcligioux xuhtcxt. and thcrc arc numcroux cultural rcl'crciicc‘x including thc xtirrcal imagcr} ot' Salvador Dali and thc Victorian (iothic \tritingx ol‘ .\l.R. latitc‘x. (iloriouxl) photographed l1} .-\linodo\ar'.x cincmatographcr (iuillcrnio .\'a\arro. thix ix brilliant \ ixual. allcgorical xtorytclling. lidinhurgh liilm (illlltl. lidinhurgh.