imhuing it “uh hotli \xarmth and humour and countcring thc halancc hctuccn \xorth} polcmic and highl} \xatchahlc drama. \ortli lidinhurgli .v\rtx ('cntrc. lidinhurgli.

A Taste of Honey 1 12M 0000 I'l'on} Richm-dxon, l‘K. tool I l)ora Br} an. .\lurra_\ .\lcl\in. Rita ’l‘uxlimgham. Rohcrt Stcphcnx. l(l(lmin. Kitchcn xInk rcalixm ahout a Sallot'd girl \\ ho gCtx prcgnant attcr lca\ mg lionic. Adapth l'rom Shclagh l)L‘l;tllL‘_\ 'x pla}. (‘('.»\. (ilaxgmx.

Ten t l:.'\l 0.... l.'\l\litl\ Kraroxtaml. lran. 3002i ‘lJmIn. \Vhat \\L‘ haw licrc arc tcn xcan‘x ol a hcautrl'ul carccr “oman III lchran dri\ ing \arioux pcoplc lrom onc placc to anothcr. In each inxtancc thcn' conwrxationx l‘L‘CUlIlC llllL‘l‘t‘Ugtlltu‘. Ul' conlt‘xxional. \\ llll lllC woman ximIIltancouxl} lcarning about. and [caching UlllL‘l'x. ttxpu‘lx Ul lllk'. Klat’ttxlalttt lilmx philoxoplt} \\ithout ncgatmg rcal Inc. and lilmx it in xuch a \\;t_\ tlial tlicrc'x no intcllcctual hicrarcli}. .lllxl a numhcr ot' prohlcmx cach ot' IIx poxxCxx hut that otlicrx can help ux to xolw. lior all tlIc xcnxc ot apparcnt acxthctic inl‘ormaln}. 'l‘cn Ix a rcmarkahl} lull} acliim cd \xork. ('arnco. lidinhurgh.

The Third Man Il’( it .0... I(’arol Rccd. l'S/l’lx'. 104‘): .loxcph (‘otton. ()rxon \Vcllcx. ltltlmin. Sct III an unxtahlc poxt World War ll Vicnna. lloll} .\lartrnx liax hccn lll\ itcd to the cit} h} lIIx old cIIuIn l.llllL‘. \\lio Ix mm in thc grand-xcalc drug-dcalmg huxIanx. mil} [0 Lllxct“ L‘l' lllttl ltC l\ \lcatl. l‘:\L‘L'[\l. ltC txllil til courxc. and a llllllll-l;t}t‘l'k‘tl cat and mouxc xccnario ix lt‘iggcrcd. So. \xhat'x xo good about it .’ \Vcll. )ou haw a xtn'ring /llllL‘l' \L‘ttl’L‘ h} Anton Karax. thc l'crrix \xliccl and thc ‘cuchm clock' xpccch }ct [\I‘\\ll\l} It'x grcatI‘xt triumph ix to cram xo much \xondcr Into xo littlc timct .\lacRohcrt. Stirling.

Top Hattlit O... t.\larl\ Sandricli. l’S. I‘HSI l‘rcd .-\xtairc. (irngcr Rogcrx. liduard liwrctt Horton. ltltlnnn. :\ hout ot metakcn idcntit) lll;tGC\ l’rcd and (imgcr'x path to truc lo\ c \ia London and \cntcc a litth niorc circuitoux than thc} might ha\ c lrkcd. hut thcrc arc plcnt) ot cl.IxxIc lr\Ing licrlrn



l llltl\lll<

Irreversible, a long night’s journey into day

numhcrx along thc \\a} to lIclp tlicrn ltccp tlIcir xpiritx up. Splcndid xtul't'. (il‘il‘. (ilaxgow The Transporter: IS» 000 Ivor) Yucn. l’rancc. 21MB! .laxon Statham. film (Jr. Matt SclIuI/c. 02min, l‘rank \lartrn'x an m- llritixli militar} man. no\\ rctIrcd to thc xoutli ol' l‘rancc \\ hcrc hc carnx a \CI'} nrcc ll\ mg ll';tll\l‘ttt'lttlg tltttlg} gtttulx lttt‘ tlmlg‘} L‘t'nttl\\. no qucxtIonx axl‘cd. But \tlrcn .\lartin IStatlIamI l‘rcakx hIx tlnrd goldcn rulc and opcnx a packagc containing hcautit'ul (‘hrncxc \xoman l,ar l(‘)l I_ hc landx hImxclt III tlIc tht \\ Ith gangxtcrx opcrating .In tllcgal

Immigrant x|a\ c tradc huxIanx. \Vlldl l'olloxtx Ix a \L‘l'lL‘\ ol ridiculoux action xct-picccx: .\lartrn kickhoung a down opponcnlx In an oil xIIck. dctlccting .I mexIlc \\ llll a hrcald'axt tra}. th. Statham lookx at homc \xrth tlic action and dncctor Yucn maka lull uxc ot lIIx da} Ioh ax a martial arlx mo\ Ic chorm\graphcr. /'/I¢' IrIIIn/mrII-I 'x xtuprd and lorniulaic. hut tlt‘L‘\ tlL'llH‘t‘ lltc gtttttlx. (iL'IIL'l'dl lL‘lL‘tth‘I T-Rex 3D Il’I .\lIn thc. .-\ ncxx il) pI‘CxcntaItron l.\lx\.\. (ilaxgoui

Trouble Every Day 1.x» .0. ((‘larc

l)cnIx. l'rancc. Itllll I licatrrcc l)allc. Vinccnt

(iallot lelllmin. l)Cnix‘ lilm. In “Inch l)al|c and (iallo arc caxt ax kind ot' \L‘\l|;tl cannrhalx ot' the dark Ithc itllL‘l'llldlll ol onnc duhroux I'Cxcarch \xorking in :\l'rIcaI. incorpoI‘aICx numcroux gcnrc clcmcntx \amprrc. hcaxt ol chcncc. |)canthrop}. 'l‘lic tilmmakcr ix licrc hlcndiug \arioux lIorror gcnrcx to tind tlic lirxt prmcrplc lrom \thclI thc) luncttotl. But \\llllC l)allc Ix mccllcnt ax a Roman uho'x grxcn hcrxclt o\cr to thc dark xrdc ot' hcr plcaxurcx. (iallo Ix lk'\\ conuncing. Suhxcqucntl}. tlicrc Ixn't much tcnxion nor rational licrc. mcrcl} man} a :JHI'C momcnt \xhcrc horror‘x o\\n Id Ix gncn a lrcc rcm. (El-'1‘. (ilaxgoR.

The Tuxedo I l3.-\I le'm III l)ono\an. l'S. .Tlltllu Jacldc ('han. .lcnnitcr l.o\c llcxx lll. Jaxon lxaacx. 98min. (’lian docx .lamcx Bond. Starting out ax a lo\\l} cliaullcur tor nnlhonanc lxaacx. (‘han x\\Iltl) graduatcx to Intcrnational xupcrxp} xtatux \xhcn lIIx l‘tixx Ix Inlurcd In a car accidcnt and thc martial artx comic .Iccrdcntall} lrch on lnx qut. \\lll(ll turnx out to hc hurxting at thc xcalnx \xrtlt gadgctx. 'l’hcrcaltcr. (‘han tcarnx up \\ llll llc\\ Itt‘x nm Icc xp_\ girl to crack a crunc ring Intcnt ol world domination. L‘lc. (icncral rclcaxc.

index Film

28 Days Later l 13: .0. Il)ann) lioflc. l'K. Itltlli ('IllIaII .\lurph). \aoniic.

l 13min. 'l'lic latI'xt proIcct lrom thc lilmmakcrx \\ lIo hrought Il'IIIIH/mlllllu to thc lug xcrccn rhcrc collalmratmg “till I‘III Ilmt II author :\lC\ (iarland. opcnx \\ Ith xornc I‘atlicr carclI‘xx animal rightx acti\ Ixtx \\ ho llll\\llllllgl) unlcaxh a ‘ragc \ Irux’ on tlic lirItIxh populacc. 'l'ucnt} crght da)x latcr.

c) clc couricr .lim t.\lurph_\ I \xalwx up trom a coma l0 tind lllC \lt'L‘L‘lx Ul~ lattttlttlt CL‘l'll) dCxcrtcd. 'l‘liat Ix until thc 'inlcctcd‘ xtart cliaxing him. Shot cntircl} on digital \ Idco. thIx poxt-apocal} ptIc chrllcr lookx lantaxtrc. llut dCxpitc xomc gcnutncl} tcrril'}ing xcchx. thc xcrIpt lackx cohcrcnt dcwlopmcnt and thc dialoguc ain‘t mactl} SIIakapcarc. (‘(‘.'\. (ilaxgou; l’l‘ll (‘incma. l‘alkirk.

No Weeks Notice t 12m 00 I.\tarc l,a\\rcncc. [8. 3m”! llugh (irant. Sandra Bullock. .-\licia \VItt. llllnun. \thn

cm Ironmcntal la\\_\cr l.uc} Kclxon Iliullockt ldle‘x a ioh \\ ItlI (icorgc \Vadc I(irant I. thc lccldCxx hut charming chon ot' a hugc .\'c\\ York rcal cxlatc compan} run h} hIx hrotlicr. xhc lIopr to C\ploit tlic lirm‘x clIaI'ItalIlc lundx and prolch an old conimtlttil} ccntrct lloucxcr. lIix conxtant IIchIIICxx xtartx gctting on top ot Inc} and xlIc liandx in her erignatIon. hut. ax thcir \torking rclationxlnp \\ Iudx do“ 11 both hcgin to doubt thc u ixdom ot~ partIng. (‘I'ucIallx tor an cax} ~goIng hut xlIglIt rornantrc comcd}. tlicrc Ix a dixappomling lack ot laughx. dCprtc xcxcral \xcll ohxcrwd gracc noICx Scc rcucu, (it‘llL‘t'al l‘L‘lCIIxL‘.

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (PHI 0... IJacquI'x Hun}. l‘rancc. WM! ('atlicrrnc l)cncu\ c. :\nnc \crnon. .\'mo ("axtclnuo\o. 03min. Roniancc lR‘t\\ccn a xliopgrrl and a garagc attcndant Ix I'Ckindlcd \xlicn IhC} mcct again al'tcr _\carx apart. Dchghtlul xcrccn opcrctta uxing onl} xung dialoguc. \\ Ith dcttncxx ol camcra IIon cnicnt and dclIcIoux production dCngn maintaining tlIc Intcrcxt \xlicn thc plot crcab. (il’l‘. (ilaxgou.




1 \I III \xttt


o lnixizr was

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l-I lH Iitrx‘



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.La" '3 i It THE LIST 37