It's not been that long since the Minnesotan trio last made the hop across the Atlantic to play Scotland. But theirs is such a singular brand of live escapism that they‘d still be a must see even if they played these parts on a weekly basis.

Their latest album, Trust, is a by-now familiar torrent of self-doubt and ' affirmation and in

Edinburgh, at least, they‘ve found the perfect

venue for containing that elegiac brand of holy spirituality. Here‘s hoping they throw in all but the kitchen sink, in fact, because they've vowed to take the rest of the year off - so buy a ticket and enjoy a special band while you can.

(David Pollock)

I Low play Queen '5 Hall. Edinburgh. Mon 3 Feb: QMU. Glasgow.

Wed 5 Feb

I Ibotripper lllc l3llt \otc (‘at‘t‘x 50 60 King Slrccl. 553 I638. 0pm. £3. lndic l'lk‘l\.

I Flite, Bert is Evil, Emberhall and Kicking Buckets Suimlwi-r} l'ilL‘ltlS. .56 ()suttld Stt'cct. ()345 055 028‘). 7.30pm. £4. ()wr- l4s slit)“. l’unk linc-tip.

I Country Band (irand ()lc ()pr). l’aislc} Road loll. 42‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £4 lL‘3 mcmbcrsi.

I The Cobramatics 'l‘lic Scolia. H2 H4 Slockwcll Slrccl. 552 SliSl. 3.30pm. l'i'cc. Rtkll Rcsidcnc}.

. Big Blues Jam Sllltlin ()nc. (irosxcnor llotcl. (iroswnor 'l‘crracc. 341 65l6. 6pm. I'i'cc. lloslcd b} thc .\'c\\ lilucs Surlcrs \\ ilh contributions from Studio ()nc rcgulars such as Rc\ l)oc and thc .\'immo lirothci‘s.

I Jam Session .\l;icSorlc_\ ‘s. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 24S S5Sl. 2 5pm. l‘hl‘L'L‘. \Vcclxl) jam.

I Live music MacSorlc) ‘s. 43 Jamaica Slrcct. 248 S581. 7pm. l’rcc. 'l‘hrcc unsigncd local bands.

I Phil’s Sunday Session l'ixgc licatha. 232 Woodlands Road. 564 l5‘)6. 6pm. l‘rcc. Bring )otii‘ own instrumcnt.


I Tuuli, Wayriders, Playtone and Alfonzo ’l'hc \cmic. l7 2| ('allon Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £5. l‘i\ c piccc all~girl rock band dirch ‘l‘uuli hcadlinc dirch li'oni (‘anada

I The Listening Room lllL‘ Bluc lila/cr. 2 Spittal Strch 22‘) 5l)3l). Spin.

£2 suggcslcd donation. Scc Sun 2.

Monday 1 0


I Rumours of Fleetwood Mac Ro}.tl ('oncci'l Hall. 2 Saucliichall Strcct. 353 Slilill. 7.30pm.

£1 l.5l) L445”. ‘l'ribulc to thc .\l()l< combo.

I Kinesis, Reuben and Miss Black America King 'l‘ut's \Vah \Vah llul. 272a St Vinccnt Slrccl. 22l 527‘). Spin. £5. ()\cr l4s show 'l‘riplc bill of tip coming lii'it allcrnalixc i‘oclxcrs. 'l'ccnagcrs Kincsis introduccd

lllL‘IHSL'l\C\ with thc 2l)()l mini-album Hinds/tip )i’lll'\('//.

I Tuuli, the Wayriders, the Cherrykicks and The Alpacinos Bat”). 26” ('l}dc Slt'ccl. 0870 70‘) (NW). Spin. £4. Rockin' bill. licadcd b_\ (‘anadian all-girl quartct 'l‘uuli. promoting lll'H’ lli’ (in.

I Templeball ‘I‘hc l3llt \olc (are. 5() 6() King Strcct. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. \lctal.

I Rev Doc and the Congregation Studio ()nc. (iroswnor Hotcl. (iroswnor ’l‘crracc loll B}i'cs Road). 34] 65l6. 0pm. l-‘rcc. 'l'rad Rtin \\ ilh sonic dcmon harmonica pla} ing.

I Acoustic Jam \icc‘n‘SIt-ax}. 42l Sanchichall Slrccl. 333 0637. 9pm. l‘rcc. With a l'rcc drink as inccntn c for participants.


I Acoustica (’abarcl Voltairc.

36 3S Blair Slrcct. 220 6176. llpm. l'i‘cc lxoltmtar} contributions on c\it i. Scc Mon .3.

Tuesday 1 1


7.) Sigur Ros Bai'i-owland. 244 (iallowgalc. 552 460]. 7.30pm. L'l3.5l) ()\cr-- l-ls \llll“. (‘L‘lclil‘ttlcd lL'L‘ltllttllL‘ quartct who sing in tlicir own inwntcd languagc. callcd llopclandish. 'l'hcir sct tcnds to bc di\ idcd bctuccn l_\ rical piano picccs and clhcrcal guitar soundscapcs.

I Dennis Locorriere - The Voice of Dr Hook Rt)_\al (‘oncci-t Hall. 2 Sanchicllall Slrccl. 353 Slllll). 7.30pm. l.'l2.5l) L'l6.5(). l.ocorricrc pcrl'orms his 7(ls hits.

I Cave In and Eska King 'l‘ut's \\'ah \Vah llul. 272a Sl \'inccnt Strcct. 22l 527‘). .S’pm. £7. I)a\c (irohl‘s linouritc altcrnalnc rock band. w ilh vagucl} progg} lcanings to somc ol‘ thcir matci'ial. Supportcd b_\ local guitar-w iclding noiscniks liska.

I My Legendary Girlfriend Slcrco il'ormcrl} \Vcsl l3thi. ll l3 Kcl\ inhaugli Strcct. 576 5lilS. Spin. £2. I‘rolh} indic pop.

I Drawn, Frayed and Kromium ’l‘hc l3lh Notc‘ ('alc. 50 (ill King Strcct. 553 I638. ‘lplll. £3. .\lclal bill. I Soulweaver 'l'cliai ()\ na. 42 ()tago l.anc. 357 4524. Split. l-‘rcc.

I Phil’s Session t‘isgc Bcallta. 232 \Vtmdlands Road. 564 I506. 0pm. l'ircc.


I The Grim Northern Social Bongo ('lub. l4 \cw Slrcct. 558 7604. 8pm. £5. Scc prc\ icu lot" this (ilasgow indic rock li\c~piccc just signcd to ()nc l.ittlc Indian.

Wednesday 1 2


I Waterdown, Transgression and Funeral for a Friend King 'l‘ul's \\';ili \Vah llut. 272a S1 Vinccnt Slt‘t‘cl. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £7.

0 Sole and the Grand Buffet iarl‘l}. 26l) ('lylc Slrcct. 0870 70‘) (NW). Spin. [6.50. Amcrican a\ant hip- hop hill \\ ilh Solc's laconic but \ itriolic sl}lc carning him much brownic points. Album .Si'lliuu 11w llilll’l' is out soon on Anticon.

I The Shine, the Symbolics :llltl Pew Slt‘l‘t‘u lllll'lllL‘l-l} \\'csl l3lhi. ll l3 chinhaugh Strch 576 5lllS. .S'pm. £3.50. licnclil gig to raisc l'unds l'or thc (ilasgow llospilal Broadcasting Scr\ icc.

I Muwk, the Aforementioned, Minus Three, Regular Joe and Given 'l'hc (’atliousc. l5 l’nion Strch 243 ()(ill6. 7.3llplli. [4. ()\ct‘~ l-ls \lllt“. l’unk.

I Son, Ampersand and As It Gets Dark 'l'hc l3lh .\‘otc ('alc.

5H 60 King Strch 553 I63S. “pm. [3. lndic l'tiL‘K

rock & pop listings Music

I Kain Brcl. Ashton l.anc. 342 4966. 8.3lll’m. l'i'cc. Acoustic sct l‘rom thc local rock‘n‘rollcrs.

I The Alternative to Silence, Mydas and Bad Obsession 'l‘hc ('cllar Bar. Ramada Janis llotcl. l()() .\lillcr Sti'cct. lnl‘o: 553 2515. 8.30pm. l‘rcc.

I Acoustic Open Stage The Hall Bar. Hill \Voodlands Road. 564 I527. 0pm. l'ircc.


I Mr McFall’s Chamber Qttccn‘s llall. ('lcrk Strch 668 201‘). 8pm. £8 (9.6). World prcmicrc of a ncw piccc commissinncd by thc ('hambcr. scorcd l‘or piano. doublc bass and string quartct. Scc prcvicw.


I Hell is for Heroes and Violent Delight ()uccn Margarct l'nion. 22 l'nix'crsit} (iardcns. 33‘) 9784. 7.30pm. £8. Nu rock combo who have riscn from thc ashcs ol‘ indic tysz S}'llipt)slttltl. but arc a much hcaxicr proposition. Scc Sat X for \‘iolcnl l)clight.

I The Sleepy Jackson, Cannon and Skin on Skin King 'I‘ut’s Walt \Vah llut. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 22] 527‘). S.3()pm. £5. Anothcr .-\ustralian band for _\our considcration. 'l‘hc Slccpy Jackson arc a morc mcllow indic consideration than thc Vincs.

I Malcolm Middleton Brcl. Ashton l.anc. 342 4966. 8.30pm. £5. Billcd as ‘thc .\liscrablists'lhis is an acoustic sct from Arab Strap's guitarist as part of thc (’it)‘ ol‘ l.o\c l‘cstival. llis Strap compadrc Aidan Mollal I)Js.

I Echo 20, Who Shot Jonson?, Dirtbox, Minor Defect and Tearjerk ’l‘hc (‘uthouscn l5 l'nion Strcct. 248 6606. 7.30pm. £4.50. ()xcr- 14s show. Skatc punk linc- up.

I Olympic Lifts, Kasino and Hoboken Barll). 26() ('l_\'dc Strcct. ()870 70‘) 099‘). Spin. £3.50. Rambnncious Bclt'ast band with an iiil'cctious scnsc of humour who haxc pla} cd with a numbcr of hip hop and L‘t‘tissOVCI‘ dancc acts and won oxcr thc hcarts and hcads ol‘ many on thcir li‘cqucnt trips to Scotland.

I Smoper, Brezhnev and Cholo 'l'hc l3th .\'otc (Eric. 5() 6() King Strcct. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. Smopcr arc a South Korcan clcctronica duo. supporch by Krautrockcrs Brc/lincv. I Desolation Yes and Insular Strawbcrr} liiclds, 56 ()swald Slrcct. ()845 ()53 028‘). 7.30pm. [4. ()\cr- 14s show. Altcrnativc rock.

I Freeview and Regular Slinky 'l’hc ('cllar Bar. Ramada Jarvis llotcl. |()() .\lillcr Sti'cct. Info: 553 25l5. 8.30pm. l'i‘cc.

I Met 'l‘indcrbox. lS‘) Byi'Cs Road. 33‘) 3|()S. 9pm. l‘rcc. Acoustic sct.

I New Blues Surfers Studio ()nc. (il'usVL‘llUl’ llotcl. (irosxcnor 'l‘crracc loll l3)‘t‘Cs Road). 341 65l6. 9pm. l'rcc. I The Vagabonds 'l‘hc Scolia.

ll2 ll4 Stoc’kwcll Strcct. 552 8681. 9pm. l-‘rcc. l’opular co\ crs.

I Jam Session Samucl l)o\\ ‘s.

67 7] Nilltstlttlc Road. 423 (llll7. 8.30pm. l-‘rcc.

I Open Mic 'l‘chai ()\na. 42 ()tago l.anc. 357 4524. Split. l‘i‘cc.


I Zealous Gig Studio 24. (‘alion Road. 553 3758. 7.30pm. £3 £4. Mol‘c mctal and rock from /.calous linc—up still to bc conlirmcd.

I Ninkasi, Jiva and Tergazzi llcriot«\\'all l'ni\crsit} l'nion. Riccarlon. 45| 5333. 0pm. l-rcc. 'l'riplc bill ol local indic acts. Studcnts and gllL‘sls Ulll}.

I Out of the Bedroom “kiwi-Iv} liar. I St .\lar_\ 's Strch 557 lll5l). 0pm midnight. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 3().

‘u‘ 3-2! THE LIST 55