Music folk & world listings

Folk & world continued

I Ceilidh Dance Rl\L‘l‘\ltlL‘ ('luh. l"o\ Strcct. 24S 3H4. S ll.45pni. U». .\lu\ic lroin Rohhic Shcphcrd\ Nightmare


I Allan Taylor RUlllL‘S llallx. Kingdom ('cntrc. lll5‘)2 (ll I Hi]. Spin. [8 tUi £7). Britain'x \clcran. popular l'olk \ingcr- \ongurilcr.


I The Young Tradition: Male Vocals lhc l’iping ('cnlrc. IS? 55] I. lpin. to. (‘ontinuing lhc \cricx cclclirating lw} clcincntx ol' Scottixh lllllSlL'. \tHllL‘ ol' thc licxt currcnt _\oung male \ocalixtx includc Stew ll)rnc. Scott (iardcncr and Jann'x (irahani. l‘indla} .\'apicr. Krix Drum and .’\ngu\ .\lacl’hail. I’url u/ ('vllit' (‘o/im't'liom.

I Fergie MacDonald and his Family Dance Band Sli'illllt‘l)(lt' Suite. lptn. [7.50. .'\n al‘tcrnoon ol‘ Illll\l( and lun “ith the legend li'oni lochahcr. l’tll'l Ul (iv/Ill ('HIIIu't‘Il‘UIls.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage lixhiliiiion Hall. 5pm. l'rcc. .v\\piring \ingcrx and lllll\lt'lilll\ pcrl‘orm l'or a liw alidicnu‘. I’url of (‘r/m» ('oliut't'liom.

I Carlos Nunez and Band Main AlldlltH‘llllIl. 7.30pm. £13.50 U450. ('arlox \tmcl pla_\\ thL‘ gaita. llic (ialit‘ian hagpipc. and the rccordcr. cinhracing a rangc ol' inllucncm lrotn hix natiw ('cltic to thc llamcnco l'll}llllll\ ol' .\loori\h Spain and thc l.atin lllll\lL‘ of South .'\lllL‘l‘lL';l. l’rll'l (ll (iv/[It (.(tlIllt’t'Il-UIH.

I La Volee d’ Castors and Jennifer and Hazel Wrigley 'l‘lic Archcx. (Mlll (l2: llfitlt). Spin. £115“. Quclicc-haxcd hand tl’l} ing llcaxcrxi \\ ho uplorc thc traditional lllllSlL‘ ol‘ thcir l5rcnch«parking homcland. incorporating liddlc. accordion. guitar. mandolin. lianjo. ltaxx and piano. l’url u/ (‘t'llit' (‘o/I/ir'r'liom. I The Singer and the Song 'l‘ron 'l‘licatl‘c. 553 420“. Spin. U). \L‘lcran linglixh l‘olkic .-\llan 'l'a} lor Icad\ a \ingcr- \ongurilcr gathcring. l’url o/ (tint- ('unm't‘limrx.

I Concert by Candlelight: Breton Piano Trilogy (ilaxgou (‘athcdi'aL 553 SWS. Spin. Ht). \Vidcl} rccogniwd ax one of l’rancc'x tuoxt pionccring lllll\lL‘l;lll\. l)idicr Squihan pcrl'orinx thc \ccond part ol' hix \pcciall) conipoxcd Brcton l’iano 'l‘rilog}. l’url or ('r/m (ill/lllr’t'llullx.

I Kristina Olsen 'l‘lic l’iping ('cntrc. ZS" 55l l. Spin.

LS. ’l‘hc will} \xoinan u ith the liig blur-x} \oicc. \ingcr and guitarixt ()le‘ll rcturnx to (ilaxgou lrom thc l‘S. I’rlrl u/ (‘t'lm- ('nmit't'lrom.

0 Cara Dillon Strathclylc Suitc. Spin. U150. Acclainicd )oung lrixh \ingcr (‘ara Dillon sang it ith l)c l)anaan hcl'orc t'xtahlixhing a \ucccxxlul \olo carccr. l’url U! (if/Ill ('Ullllt't'limh.

I Alison Brown Quartet and Dean Owens and the Casey Neill Trio The Old l-‘ruitinarltct. 287 55l 1. ()pin. U4. l.;t\\}L‘l‘ turncd llllhlL‘lilll. .r\li\on llrou n ix a \ll'llloxol‘;ll1_lopl;t}L‘t’ \xilh l'oolx in lollx. lilucgraxx and ja/I. Support conicx lroin Scolli\li (ountr) \ingcr ol nolc l)can

()u cm and [lit (‘axq \cill 'l‘rio. I’url u! (iv/In ('ulim‘r‘limn.

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh li\hiliilion llall. lllpiu. £5. .\lu\ic lroiu lllL‘ \Vt‘xl ('oaxl danL‘L‘ hand lcd l1} l’crgic \ltlt‘lhilltlltl. ‘lilk'kk'l [H'lL'L‘ lllL‘lllth\ \pll'll and iniwr. a pint or a mill drink. l’ur/ u/ ('t'lllt' (ill/Illi’r'IIiHH.

I Festival Club 'l'hc ()ualil} (‘t-ntral llott'l. (iordon Strcct. III 0080. llHllpin. £5. l’ur! n/ (Tl/It ('unnvrliunx.

I Ceilidh Dance Rl\t‘l'\ltlL‘ (‘lulx l-‘m Strt'cl. 24S 3H4. S l 1.45pm. to. Scc l‘ri 3|.

I Scottish Friends of Palestine Ceilidh St .r\ndrcu '\ in tho Squarc. oll Saltinarkct. SI Audit-u \ Strt'cl. 548 Mill). (Split. L I ll (L5 l. 'lillt‘ (.lUlltl llo\\ L‘ (.L‘ilitlll Band lcad lhix cwning ol lllll\lt‘. dancing and \olidai‘il}. 'l'ickclx li‘oln l)a\ id \\'t'll\

58 THE LIST .lrz' i-~:


J 1/; 4 I" r' a i;.. From top left, clockwise, Eilidh Campbell, Karine Polwart, Emily Smith and Jennifer Wrigley play as part of the Master and Apprentice series at the Piping Centre, Glasgow, Sun 2 Feb

on “NI 53‘) 3335 tda} l or lll4l 334 V5." tcwningi.


I A Bhainis Taigh 'l'honia\ _\lorlon llall. l‘crr} Road. l.cith. 554 l4ll.\’. Spin. £30. lidinliurgh (iaclit‘ Drama (iroup pI'L‘xcntx .l li’litir/irx ling/I a traditional llighland \xcdding \\ itlt lllllSlC and \ong h} Margarcl Stcuart and Donald \lacRac. and dancing to thc (‘arn l)ulih (‘cilidh Band.

I Ceilidh Rudoll Stcint‘r llall. Sp_\ la“ Road. 35.“ 34W. Spin, L'" tL'5l. 'l'hc \\'ild (iccw ('t‘ilidh Hand pla} lor a Rcl'ort‘xting St‘olland lundraixcr. .v\l\o including organit' liar. \llilL‘le. rall'lc and Ncpalcxc dant‘c.


I The Young Tradition lllL‘ l’ipitig (‘cntrtx ZS" 55l l. lpni. u». Rounding oil the l‘cxtnal‘x Young 'lradition \t'rit'x. a \arict} ol' lll\ll'tllllL‘lll\ and talcntcd _\oung pla_\cr\ arc cclchratcd: liniil} Smith. actordion; .'\ngu\ \lt'l’hail. :n‘cordion: (‘clinc l)onoglitlL‘. banjo; Duncan l.) lc. douhlc ha“: .\lartin ()'.\'ci|l. liodhran: and Kathlccn Brnlc. multi-inxlrunit‘ntalixt. I’d/'1“,(if/Ill(iHIHt'f/llllIk

I New Voices: Gillian Frame Strathchdt' Suitc. lpiu. L375“. .-\rran~ liaxcd liddlcr/xingcr (iillian l'ranic “on thc Young Scottixh ’l'raditional .\lu\it‘ .t\\\ard in Illlll and pcrl'ornix thc linal comiuixxion in lltl\ )t‘ar'x (‘cltic ('oltllu‘liolh lt‘xllull. I’rll'l u/ (it'll/t ('omit't‘limn.

I The Best of the Festival with Ishbel MacAskill 'l‘ron ‘l‘hcalrc liar. 4pm. to. .\ \clcclion ol \oinc ol' llll\ )car'x ('cllic (‘onncction \tarx. I’ll/1n] (TI/It ('milu't'liulix.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage li\hiliition Hall. 5pm. l‘rcc. .I\\piring \ingcrx and musicianx [k‘l'ltll'lll tor a liw audit'nu‘. /’ttrl n/ ('t’llit' (‘u/i/tr't‘limn.

I Saltire Blue Slralht‘lylc Suitt'. Spin. U150. ('clt‘liraling Scottixh traditional inuxic at llUlllL‘ and alu'oad \\ ith St‘otland‘x lilxpclh (on it. .'\nnic (irat‘c. (‘orrina llcuat. (’larc \lclaughlin. \Vcnd} \Vcatht‘rli}. and .-\int'rica\ .'\|i\on llrou n and Krixtina ()lxcn. I’ilrl u/ ('r'lln (‘nnm't'ltuliy

I Master and Apprentice lhc l’iping ('cntrc. IS." 551 l. Spin. LS. ('ulniinaling lhc nun \t‘ricx in ('cltit‘

(‘onncctionx uht'rc wring lalcnh pla} nith old ll;llltl\. liddlcr l’ilidh (‘aniphcll play \xith .lcnnil'cr \Vriglt‘} and \ingcr liinil} Smith lk‘l'llll'llh nith Karint‘ l’olmrrt. I’url I” (if/Ill (llllllll't'llillIlL

I Breton Piano Trilogy Sl .'\lltll'C\\ \ in thc Squart‘. 54S (illlll. Spin. LES. llrcton piano \ irtuoxo and \‘tlllllltl\k'l'. pionccring lllllSlL'lilll. lhdtcr Stpiiltan pcrlorinx the linal. third part ol' lux \pccrall) cornpoxcd llrcton l’iano 'l’rilog}. I’ur/ n/ ('t'llrt (Milli-«Irwin.

I Final Party lllL‘ .\l’L‘llL‘\. ll‘)lll ()3: “Still. Spin. L‘l-l. (‘t‘llit~ (‘onnct‘tionx Illlli‘x linal lltng l\ It'd h} the \ln‘hat‘l .\lc( ioldrit‘k and John .\lt‘(‘u\l\cr Bandx and ltclpcd along It} (ilaxgou \ \\orld lllll\l\' hand /.ulta. .lolinn} K;Il\l and thc l)ho| l‘oundation. ’ur/ u/ ("r/In

(‘unm ( Ito/ix.

G Eddi Reader and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra Mam _\udiloriuiu. .\'.l5pni. (l5 Elll.l1\ll'ac\cnl addcd duo to pulilit' dcniand. lx’cadcr \ing\ the Songx ol' Rolit'rt llurnx \\ llll ort‘liutra and an lll\ll'lllllL‘lll;ll hand lcd It} liddlcr .lohn \ld'uxkt‘r. \\llll l’hil (‘unninghanr [an (air. Boo llcucrdinc and (’olui Rcid. I Blazin’ Fiddles and Finlay MacDonald ‘l'lic ()ltl l‘i'ullinat'kcl. 3.x“ 55| l. 0pm. L'l-l. 'l'hc llighland lllllllk‘ \lto“ \\ill1 lllL' hot _\oung pipt'r in \upport. ’trr/ u/ (if/[lit (ii/1m t’IlH/H.

I Festival Club Final Night lllL' ()ualit} (‘cnlral llotcl. 9‘) (iordon Slrccl. Ill ‘lliStl. lll.5ll[illl. L5 Izml u/ (‘r/l/t (‘oIrIm‘Ilu/lx.


I The Listening Room ’l‘hc liluc Illa/tr. Spitlal Strcct. 22‘) 503“. Spin. £3 \uggt'xtcd donation. .‘\\.llll\ll\‘ l'ndt'rground‘x l’t'tcr \lit‘liacl Rouan lioxlx thc unpluggcd cwnl.

I Scottish Guitar Quartet llcnl) 'x .la// ('t‘llar. .\lorri\on Slrcct. to" 53(ltl. Sillpiii. U».

I Wee Folk Club 'lllc lx’o}al ()aL. lnlirniar} Strt‘cl. 55‘ I‘lfio. Sillpiii. L5 \Vt'ckl) Sunda} l'olk t'luh lt'aturing St'ottixh and inlt-rnational traditional and lolk

Wednesday 5 G asgow I Ceilidh Dance Class Sl

.\ndrt'\\ \ in tlic Squarc. ol'l' Sullllldl'lxt'l.

SI :\lltll‘L‘\\ ix Sll‘L‘L'l. 543 (illlll. 7.30 0.30pm. £3.50. 'l‘ricia .\latthc\\\ lcadx thix \xcckl} danu‘ wxxion.


I Clare Mann and Aaron Jones lidinliurgh l-"olk (‘lulx ('aliarct Bar. lhc l’lcaxancc. (350 234‘). Spin. U) l £5 l. l‘iddlc. lillllL‘. L‘lllL‘l‘ll :llld \tiL‘ul tltln.

Thursday 6


I Kirsty McGee l.i\c at lllL‘ Stat". SI .'\ll(ll'L‘\\ '\ in lllL‘ Squarc. till Saltmarlxct. St Andrt‘u '\ Strcct. 548 (illlll. Spin. U». .\lc(icc \lllgx \t)!lf_'\ l'roin hcr ncu album Illlll('\'\l(('/\/(’.


I Out of the Bedroom \\‘a\crlc_\ Bar. St Mar} '\ Strcct. 557 l()5().

0pm midnight. l-‘rcc.

I Bilonga l’riw ('ouncil. llanoxcr Strcct. 235 8808. lllpni Rant. (3.


I Ceilidh St .-\ndrc\\ '\ in lllL‘ Square. oll Saltmal‘lwt. St :\ndrt'\\ '\ Slrccl. 54S ()(llll. 7.30pm lani. L'o.5ll. l.i\c hand. In aid ol' thc l’ilgrini 'l‘ruxt. 'l'ickctx H7700 ‘)‘)ll l ll

I Ceilidh Riu‘rsidv ('luli. l’o\ Strcct. 24S 3|44. S l|.45pni. to. .\lu\ic l'roni the l’cntland ('cilidli Band.

Saturday 8


I Ceilidh Dance l{l\L‘l\l\lL‘ ('luli. l’o\ Strcct. 24S .ll44. .S' ll.45pni. to. Scc l‘ri 7.


I Trio Serenata Burn-ll (‘ollct-tioii. l’olltil\\li;i\\\ Road. 3S7 3550. 3.50pm. £5 (£4). Soprano .'\ll\on l)onald\on. llutixl (icorgc Maclluhani and pianixt l)a\ id .'\lurra_\. pcrl'orni popular cl;i\\ic\ and loot tapping rcclx.


I The Listening Room lllL‘ Bluc Illa/tr. Spittal Strcct. 23950.1(). Spin. £3 \uggt‘xtcd donation. Soc Sun 3. I Gerry Cairns \Vu‘ l-‘olk (‘lulx l{o_\a| ()ak. lnlirniar} Strcct. 557 2976. Sfillptn. [3. Song\ l'roin thc liincrald lxlc l'roni thix c\~pat lrixh guitar

Tuesday 1 1


I A Celtic Collection l<;llll\llUt‘ll ‘l‘hcatrr‘. US lngrain Slrcct. 548 3444. .15 2pm. [2.50. .\lu\ic \tudcntx lroni tho uniwrxit) pcrl'orni an cclcctic nii\ ol' traditional and contemporar} |llll\lC.

Wednesday 12


I Ceilidh Dance Class St .'\llkll't'\\ '\ in tlic Squarc. ol'l' Saltiiiarlxr‘t. St .v\ndrc\\ '\ Strm‘l. 54S (illlll Emil) ().5llplll. £3.50, SL‘C \VL‘tl


0 The Tannahill Weavers lidinliurgh l-'olk (‘lulx ('aliarct liar. thc l’lt‘axant't‘. 050 234‘). Split. [S ([5 incinlwrx to). ()nc ol' Scotland'x longcxt running l'olk l‘;llltl\. lllC 'lannahill \Vcau‘rx \\ ith thcir tradt‘niark guitar rh_\thin undt‘rtou to traditional lllllL‘\ and \oltg\.

0 Mr McFall’s Chamber ()llk‘t‘ll‘S lltlll. ('lcrk Sll't‘t‘l. (iliS :(ll‘). Spin. [S tUil. ('ort‘ play‘rx lroni thc S( '(l pla} Ha“) arrangt‘un'ntx ol' mcr) \orl. hut locux on .v\rgt‘nliin‘an tango

\\ ith paxxionatc \ot‘al\ dcliwrcd It} ('liilt'an \ingt‘r \‘alt‘ntina \lontoyr .\lartint‘/.