Clubs listings

Glasgow Fridays continued

I Bughouse at Suh ('luh. Next date 14 l'eh.

I Burnin’ at ('aledonian l'nion. .\'e\t date the.

I Canvas at .-\rta. l lpitt 3am. £the. Weekly. 1)] Walter plays a plethora ol' l'tmk. soul and R&B at this heatitilul merehant eity hat.

I Cold at Riyerside Social. .\'e\t date the.

I Concrete at Soundhaus. .\'e\t date the.

I The Cathouse at the (‘athouse ltlfitlpm 3am. £l hel‘ore llpm: £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. Riding hiin on the iiti metal w aye. this is one ol‘ the htisiest nights in town. Roek. grunge. indie and a dash ol' hreakheat aeross three floors at (ilasgow 's top \enue l‘or rockers and alternateens.

I Coded at Vault. l lpm 5am. £5 (£4 l. Weekly. 'I‘hey 're from a i'eeord store. so the tunes are going to he lresli and highly limky. aren't they 1’ A rotating roster of DJs alliliated to 33rd l’reeinet supply house-led groin es at the new eluh. Stey‘eit Me(‘i'eery is the tnain man. htit the pool of talent ineltides Billy Kilkie. Billy Woods and Amanda l’riee.

I Crash at the Shed. lt).3()pm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. ('rash into the weekends eourtesy of this hugely popular night with the Southside set. Garage [)1 (ierry Lyons hosts the main hall with the ultimate eeleetie party soundtraek and DJ l)a\'e Mtilholland t('uhei takes the helm in the [oil upstairs with a night of elassie Refit. I Death Disco at the Arehes. .\‘e\t date l-l l-‘eh with the (learning Women li\ e.

I DeathDisco at the Barfly.

1 1pm 3am. £5. 7 lieh only. Alan Me(iee. BI’ Fallon and loeal legend 'l’am (‘oyle get the maximum roek’ii'roll out one more time at this garage. ptiiik. trash roek and anything else night dowti hy the i'iyer. Adrenaline eomes as standard.

I Fresh at the Polo Lounge.

llpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Miehelle and .-\ndy take eharge ol‘ the musieal duties in this delieious Merehant ('ity' mixed eltih. Whether you're iii the 'l’rophy Rooiti or on the daneellooi‘. the tunes will l’uel your happiness.

I Fridays in Bed at Bed il‘m-merly the Velyet Rooms). l lpm 3am. £5

t£5 i. Weekly. .\'aeem takes you oti an R&B and hip hop trip ey'ei'y week while Billy Milligaii hrings the fun to the trout bedroom.

I Fuel at l-‘uel (Bishophriggsi. ltl.3tlpm 2am. £4. Weekly. New eltih yenture from the (il group. who are attentpting to e\pand the an erage (ilaswegian's idea ol what w eekending means. l’aul Rea plays eluh elassies. Rth. tank and anythaiig with a

grooy e. Sotltliside and \oi'tliside it‘s starting to get like London in here. .\ W ee hit.

I Full On at l’riy ilege.

ltlfitlpm 3am. £9 t£7i. Weekly. (irand opening tiight ol‘ this hard house and ti'anee weekly on 3] Jan with l,o\'e liie. straddling the eharts at present with ‘Yoti‘re a Superstar. alongside Tom Wilson. (iekkohoy. Stew art (ii'eeii. William Daniel. (iay llotiston. Stu llirst and (iio l‘ei‘i‘i.

I Funhouse at Barlly. l lpm 3am. £4 t£.‘yi. Weekly. A night ol' w ised tip pttnk trash and eathartie nonsense pop. designed to eleai' all ol the shit out ol- your ears. Radio l's eharniing Vie (ialloway and Mr Paul Needles are in eharge ol~ the musie.

I Funk Room at the :\t‘elies. Monthly next date 3| l-‘eh.

I Gavin Pearson and Adrian Coll at .Media. I lpm 3am. £the. Weekly. l).ls Pearson and ('oll headline iii assoeiation with ('lyde l at this reyamped \enue. l’umpin' times and all drinks l'or £3. .\'ot had.

74 THE LIST .Jgii‘ 'f', F ‘rl/ L’

I Haptic at the Vault. Next date the. 0 Kinky Afro at the Sith (‘ltih. llpm 3am. £3. 5| .lan. Kinky .v\l'ro and Ayawara meet up with the (iodlathers of Balkan house. [than Beat. tor this mind-expanding night ol~ wonderl’ul musie. 'l'hese are the kind ol' nights that we shottld he shouting ahotit. Sm- lin'i‘l't'ii'.

I Hustle and Bustle at Baha/a. (rpm 3am tl).ls from I lpmi. l-i‘ee hel‘ore l lpm: £5 alter. Weekly. l’atil 'l‘t'aynor. Skud and Billy .lones rip it tip with some highly eharged RKB and hip hop mi\ed with l'unky and l'unkier tracks.

I In at the Deep End at .\d l.ih. llpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Ad l.ih elear the tahles away oiiee again as Riehard and lndiea take eontrol. .laekin‘ heats and solid gi'ooy es dominate while lligl‘oot Monkey pi'o\ ides the liiiest quality liye pei'ettssion.

I Life at life. ltlpm 3am. l'i'ee hel‘ore midnight: £7 alter. Weekly.

Key in .\lel‘ai'lane (Beat tum takes on the two rooms with a solid l'unk. soul. garage and old-sehool elassies \eleelion.

Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

See page 77 for details

Love Inc guest at the opening of Full On, Fri 31 Jan

I LiveVEvil til (ilasgoyy Seliool ol- .-\i't. Next date the.

I Latin Fever at llayaiia.

0pm 3am. Free. Weekly. l).l Keith I) spins tip some (‘olumhiatr ('tthan. .\'ew York and :\l'riean salsa. addiiig a twist ol‘ Latin ehat't. Rth and glohal heats to the rhythmical stew. 'l’asty.

I Keeping it Sound at the Medieiiie Room Bar. h’pm latii. l’ree. Weekly. 'l‘om ('hurehill and Matthew K present an e\ening of non daneel'loor musie. eoyering all styles in their 1)] set. lixpeet to hear amhient. downtempo and eleett'oniea along w ith soul. _ia// and reggae and any thing else they l'eel like.

I Life at the (‘orinthian ltlpm 3am. £(i. Weekly. Key in Mel’ai'lane tlieat tum plays the liiiest in soul. l'tmk. Rik”. house and old-\eliool elassies. 0 Medicine Wheel at the Suh ('luh. llpm 3am. £8. 7 l‘eh. Monthly. Mr He and lileetrol‘unky shit playotit at this searily innoyatiy e eluh night.

They 'i'e ealliiig the sound ghetto teeli. whieh prohahly doesn't help mueli. hut this is the real sound ol' Detroit's tmderground right now. so eheek it otit.

See I’rt'i'ii'ii‘. for Milk t/ulr' only '.l~I.I'sI'

t‘rll‘t/ llu/r/r'l‘y g't’l (I: “ll r/riill'lll’it't' lie/(ire "Millie/II.

I tll tlte (iltlsgoyy Seliool ol‘.'\rt. llpm 3am. £lhe. 3| .lan. Monthly. This time Midi lli l-‘i hi'ing in skilled hip-hopper Rah/el to hlow up the spot. e\pand their nitisieal remit

it they hay e one.

I Miscreat and Creation at Vault. ltlpm 3am. £5. l-l l’eh only. Martin from Barking Spider

Iileetronies. the ('onl‘usion I)Js arid Misereat tnake this a mighty Valentine's Day llidsstlel'e. (iet it] line. hoy s and girls.

I Jackin’ at MAS. 0pm 3am. £7 (UH. Weekly. \lttt'eello l)ella (‘roee. Billy Woods. Danny Sharkey are the hosts at this elass l‘ri house session. I Monox at the Soundhaus.

llptii 5am. £5. l-l l-'eh. Monthly. Join and erew for another thrilling instalment of teehno and eleetro mayhem. This time there's a guest appearanee l‘rom I)irty llospital aka Bis. l'rom (‘ontt'ol 'l‘ow er Reeot‘ds. \Vlileli l.\ niee.

I National Pop League at the Woodside Soeial. 8.45pm 2am. £3 «£2 t. 3! Jan. Monthly. (‘80. punk pop and indie hletitletl to your taste at this hetltllll'tll little eluh. I'M' l/ll'y’ {/(lll’ (III/y ‘.l-l.i\/'t‘(m/ lin/r/t'ry gel [.3 entry all Hie/II.

I The N00 Groove at Ad l.ih. ll.3()pm 3.30am. £5. .il .lan. Monthly. Niek and Brian take the diseerning eluhher on a journey through ja/x. l'unk. hroken heats. house and lunk. ()iie ol~ the hest musie nights arotmd.

I Nurture at (‘luh (it). Next date 14 l'ell.

I Off the Hook at the Glasgow Sehool ol‘..\rt. Next date the.

I Pressure at the .\rehes.

llpm 3am. £l.\’. 3| .lan. Monthly. llotise. rather than teehno. dominate this night ol‘ pressuri/ed era/iness. DJ Sneak. l‘(‘ Kahuna. l'mek. and. of eourse. Slam. play otit the ttinage on the ones and twos.