I Tackno a! .\la\\a (l'iirnicrlx (‘luh \lcrcadm. .\lunlh|_x ncx! dalc 23 l‘ch.

I Taste a! Ihc liquid RUUIII. llpni 3am. £5 hcliirc l l..illpni; £3 alicr i£(x incinhcrxl. \Vccklx. 'l'hc capi!al\ lllltlllllllh Sun nigh! xcxxion conIinuc\ apacc. l‘ixhci' and l’ricc \upplx a progrcxxix c mix (it llUll\L‘ and garagc in !hc main mix!!! xx hilc Marlin ValcnIinc and 8ch c \\'anclc\\ xxixxxx Ihc rnixcd/gax cmxx d xxilh hix liinkx l'S hnuw gcinx lhrnugh Ihc hack. Spccial gucxl. !hc (iallci'x 'x. .v\|c\ .v\ndcrwn dmpx h} 3 l-‘ch. /'ii/‘ 3 (C- ‘/ I‘i'li UII/_\' ..I'l.I-\Il(i(ll'(l lin/i/i‘l‘x gr! 13 (ill i/unr priu' licliu‘i‘ Inn/niu/II.

Chart & Party

I Devils’n’Angels a! (‘axcndixh/lhxa. llll‘ln 3am. £ihc. \Vcclxlx. Sauc} lun a! mix ncxx Ix rclillcd cluh. xx i!h a hcaxcn and llL‘ll lllL‘lnL‘. ICC] “CC [0 the“ l!) \llil and hongic In char! dancc all nigh! long.

I Mood Live a! Mood. 0pm 3am. l-‘rcc hcliirc l Ipni; £3 al'!cr llrcc In incinhcrxi. \VL‘CH). \liixid iipcnx !l\ Ll(l()l\ lo a \clcclinn ol‘ !hc cnun!r_x \ lop coxcrx handx. xxhilc l).l\ \pin hilx l'rnm acrim Ihc .xcaix I Peppermint Lounge a! l’cppcrinin! loungc. lllpin 3am. l‘rcc. \Vccklx. l’cpjwrinin! l.n!ingc\ l)J \quad including ‘l‘nhx Salcnxlall. Roh 'l'in‘nhull and .~\|an l.orrainc plax on! Ihc char! and par!) L‘l;l\\lL‘\.

I The Subway a! Suhxxax. 7pm 3am. E l. \VL‘L‘lxl). SL‘L‘ ilihll.

I Sundazed a! Suhxxax \ch! lind.

“pin 3am. £2 !£l l. \Vcclxlx \Vind doxxn allcr a hchic xx cckcnd xx ilh plcn!x 0! drink proinux and char!) luncx

Edinburgh Mondays

Club I Bebido a! I’m Na Na. lllpni 3am. £4 (£3i. \Vcclxlx. llrand ncxx nigh! ul' Ihc hcxl in hip hop and lunk lrnin local Icgcndx MN} I’ and l’ S!) |/. .'\l\(i lcaluring |i\ c pcrcuxxinn li'nni 'l‘imlialcrnx l(i|a\giixx lliiuw Illt'Ul'} i. lmdx pain!» danccl'x. .\lL‘\ican loud and a l'cxx Ulllt‘l' \urprixcx. I Blooms ;!l ('(' liliiiilllx. “Lillle 3am. l‘rcc. \Vccklx. Illlllg‘x incllnxx on! (or w !hcx claim! a! !hi\ ga) cluh. xx ilh an uphca! dixco \clchinn. I Merde L’amour a! I’m c (‘uuncil lllpni 3am. £3 (£2 l. \Vccklx. \iin on unclaxxiliahlc nigh! lrnin Ihc Djinnidilln crcxx ixx ho clxci nl' ‘gliIch. \lUlllP. hcalx. hi‘cakx and hlccpx' and li'cc l‘lnxx ing cucklailx. (iningi I'm" a llUlI-I'L‘II'U NYC Inl'! par!) lch l'ocuxing on !cchno|ng_x haxcd cxpcriincnla!inn li‘Ulll Ihc rcxidcnh ('hoxx. lnl‘ac! and Sunni. (‘hic and \lllll} pcrl'cc! lixr Ihc \lar! ol‘ Ihc xx cck. I Secret a! Ihc lix!ah|i\hincn!. lllpin 3am. £3. \Vccklx. .\ ncxx nigh! lor Ihmc 'l‘nkxohlu lcllax (John llulchinwi! and lain (iilani Ullt‘l'lllf.‘ a l'rcxh llUll\L‘ llll\ l'ron! acro“ Ihc glohc. I Spanish Fiesta Night a! lil Barrio. Illpin 3am. l-"rcc, \Vccklx .\ righ! old knccx-up l'ur Ihc Spanixh and Spanixh-loxing coininunilx hmch h_x l).l\ l-‘clix and lidu and l'camring l'laincnquilo \lraigh! lhrough In llixpanic char! hilx. I VOd: Bull ;!l Ihc Liquid Rimln. Illpni 3am. £4. \Vccklx. Sliidcntx lnxc lhix all ncxx hip hop hoolcnannx. hmch h_x 1.xch iScralchl and hoaxling ahxurdlx chcap drinln promm all nigh! hing.

Char! & Party

I Decadence a! RL'xnlllllUll.

llHllpin 3am. £-l i£2i. \Vccklx. ()k w lair cnnugh il‘x Mon. h!!! !ha!\ no cxcnxc. chccxx luncx and chcap drinkx all nigh! long.

I Flare a! \th Nul'.’ lllpni 3am. £5 i£~li. 3 I‘ch. lininighllx. ('hccxx char! and dancc llllllllk‘h xx ith a good l'cxx 7ll\ claxxicx lhrnxxn in l'nr good lllt‘;l\lll't‘.

I Peppermint Lounge a! l’cppcrniin! loungc. lllpni 3am. l-‘rcc. \Vccklx. Scc Sun.

I Subway West End a! Sulxxxax \Vi‘xl l'illd. 7pm 3am. I'il't't' ht‘lilll‘t‘ 9pm: [3 ullt‘l' (£3 I. \VL‘L‘H}. SL‘L‘ ill)“.

I The Subway a! Suhxxax. 7pm 3am. £ l. \Vccklx. Scc ’l'hu.

I Tasty! a! Mood. 9pm 3am. l‘rcc hclorc l lpni; £2 alicr (li‘cc In lllL‘lllliL‘lNl. \Vcckl). Rcsidcn! 1)] l)ax id 8 plaxx !hc hcxl in hi!\ from ()()\ In Ihc prcxcnl da_x xx i!h a licallhx tlU\L‘ iil' clicmx claxxicx lhruxxn in for good lllL’;l\lll'L‘.

I Toss the Boss a! Win Nui'.’

lllpni 3am. £5 !£-l il' drcxxcd up). ll) lich. l’nrlnighllx. lrrcxcrcn! \uidcn! nigh! rcxclling in chccxx lill\ lhmughn!!! Ihc )L‘;ll'\.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Motherfunk a! Ihc llnncxcmnh. ll)..i()pm 3:111]. I'il'L't'. \VL‘L‘H}. .\lL‘\\!'\ (iinu. lir_x cr and Spcclruni l'rcak lhc funk l'anlaxnc a! lhcir consislcnllx rainincd nigh! nl' claxxicx old and ncxx. ()n 4 Nb xx clcoming lhrcc lll‘\l gucx! ol Ihc )‘L‘ul‘ Ihc dix inc .\li\\ Shing-A-ling xx ho'x hringing hcr dccpcxt. dirlicxl lunk all lhc xxa_x l'runi .\'Y(‘.

I Opal Lounge a! ()pal Loungc. lllpin 3am. £3. \‘x'cclxlx. .~\ niixcd hag nl' l'unkcd up xucal linuxc. Rikli and L'l£l\\lt‘ dixcn lrom 'l‘ohx Sahonxiall.

I Punk Ass a! ()pium. llpni 3am. l'rcc. \Vccklx. \c'xx 'l'uc nighlcr as 1)] l’xxanlx dixhcs nu! lhc hcxt in hardcorc. dam and punk.

I Rhythm! a! Mood. 9pm 3am. lrcc hclnrc l lpni: £3 allcr ll'rcc lo incinhcrxi. \Vcclxlx. .\ \lllUUlll llll\ ol' Rtkll. hip hop and will from rcxidcn! l)ax id 8.

I Vibe a! ligo. llpm 3am. £2. \Vcclxlx. .\'cxx ga_x nigh! xxilh .llllllL‘x l.nngxxnr!h on lllL‘ (lL‘L'l’xN. lllL‘ l)ancing Suid Mullinx. lhc Singing Hair} lllnkc and lhc \linxing .\'un. l)on'! \a_x xxc didn'! xx arn x;!.

I Yerba Buena a! l’!) .\'a \a.

lllpni .iarn. lircc. \Vcclxlx. .v\n cclcclic llll\ nl glnhal l.a!in linuxc and funk. hrcalxx and licalx. rarc grimxcx and ho! \alxa in :ichiaIiun xxilh Bacardi. l'rixin rc\idcn!\ .\lar!in \"alcnlinc. 8ch c \Vanclcxx and .lanicx ('oinhc.

Chan & Party

I Nursery a! ('axcndixh/l)ixa.

lllpni 3am. £3 l£2; l'rcc xxilh Snaplax lxcl'orc inidnighli. \Vccklx .\ pla_x arc lixr adullx (xx i!h clinihing lraincx clci and !hc llltlllhll'L‘qu char! and Rikll action. I Peppermint Lounge a! l’cppcrniin! luringc. lllpin 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcclxlx Scc Sun.

I Subway West End a! Suhxxax \\'c\! lind. 7pm 3am. l-‘rcc hcl'nrc 0pm; £3 LII-[CI (£3 l. \VL‘L‘H). SL‘L‘ ‘l'llll.

I The Subway a! Suhxxax.

7pm .‘xam. £l. \Vccklx. Scc 'l‘hu.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Big Bad Jive Device a! (‘alxarci \ixllairc. lllfillpni 3am. £3. 5 l-‘ch. l'iiil'llllgllll}. BL‘llL‘xC lliiingic .\ln 1)}lltlllllll and .\likcx .\lagic plax a lhrcc dcck Ill;l\ll up oi~ hip hop. hrcalxx old and ncxx xx M! a much of drinn & haw on Ihc \idc. \Vhilc ('hidi prox idcx an undcrgrnund llll\ 0! Will. soulful Rtkll and connoixxcurx hip hop in room lxxu. I Bling a! I’m .\'a .\'a. lllpni .iani. l‘i‘cc. \Vccklx. l)ax id ('raig la_x\ dnxxn Ihc lincx! Rikli and hip hop li'nm Ihc lax! lcn 'xcarx.

I Bootylicious a! (‘aharcl \iillairc.

l lpin 3am. £4 l£l donach lo chari!_x l. I: l‘ch. Mumhlx. .\ lhrcc dcck ll'c;!|\\l!nxx ul' Rik” a cappcllax cu! up and \cralchcd nxcr hip hop hrcakx li'oni Richic Rul'l'lnnc and l.} lc_x. l.ixc gral'l‘ \C\\lUll\ in room 3.

I Club Tropicana a! l’ullcl‘l'iixx Sludcn! l'ninn. llpni 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcclxlx. .\ lull on !a\!c ol' Ihc Sllx. lh‘l'rcxhcrx ’l'rnpicana \pccial on 5 lich l'ulluxxcd h} a Valcnlinc'x \pccial on I: I'it‘h.

I Cousteau Creates a! Himgu (‘hih lllpni .iani. £1 (£3). l3 l‘ch. .\ llll\ nl~ lixc nnixic and Mix. |ix c hand drumming and juggling.

lisliiigs; Clubs

DRUM & BASS OBSCENE The Venue, Edinburgh. Thu 13 Feb

E; “ii

g; 17%;.

Drum & bass don Ray Keith

Screaming fits, jelly, chipolata sausages on sticks, projectile vomiting: all things associated with first birthday parties. We can’t promise the sausages or jelly, but one thing is for sure: it’s going to be a noisy affair at Obscene’s first birthday bash. Started as an avenue for the more underground aspects of drum & bass, Obscene has been busily creating a welcome platform for new DJ and vocal talent at the sadly missed La Belle Angele.

The first birthday party of the club that brought us Nicky Blackmarket, Dylan and Ritchie Ruftone comes complete with gifts of its own. The night has booked drum & bass don Ray Keith to reward the loyal fan base. And he’ll surely blow the candles out of the birthday cake by means of the speaker system alone.

As head honcho for Dread Recordings, Keith has an awe-inspiring CV. He’s been behind too many releases to mention, so let’s just leave it at ‘Dark Soldier’ and ‘Sinister’. His stature and musical output are dark and menacing and, as he turns up the chaos levels, he’s sure to bring some of that to Obscene.

Joining him is MC Profisee from Edinburgh‘s own Scotland Yard crew. Profisee is, of course, no stranger to hard work himself, with a three-track 12in on its way back from the pressing plant as we go to press and an album due for release in the summer. His rapping skills will be put to full use as he battles it out with the drum & bass backing, provided by the residents Dub Project, Sola Perplexus, DJ Calvin and B-Burg. (Stewart Dalley)



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