Psychic Night ()rcadia (’reatiye Learning ('entre. 3 Windsor Place. 00‘) 1075. 7.30pm. £3. Prepare to (1'th tn er to the other \ide ax Barhara Briggs. a medium and memher ol' the \piritualixt church. opens herxcll' up to the spirit world as \he deliyerx lllL‘\\itgL‘\ and oi‘t'erx pxy chic readings to yarioux memherx ot' the audience.

Other events

Wedding Exhibition Axsenihly Rooms. .54 (ieorge Street. 23045-19.

9am 0pm. Here come\ the hride. here come\ the hride . . . it may he the liappiext day of your life hut that tltic‘xlfl mean there ixn't tun. lrolicx and general trepidation hel‘orehand. (‘onie along and find ottt all you need to knoyy ahout photographers. carx. lloyycl'\. drewex and much more.

Record Fair Assemth Room\. 54 (ieorge Street. 320 434‘). ltlam 4pm. £1. Popular record fair for all ach and musical dixpoxitions.

Caledonian Canine Dog Show Royal Highland ('entre. lngliston. 335 0200. lllam. l’et poochex from around the country compete in a hoxt ol‘ L'Utitpc‘lllinnx. Real Bodies? l)can (iallery. Belt'ord Road. 024 (i200. l()am noon. £40 per 4 \yeek hlock. Workxhop running alongxide the larger than life Duane llanxon exhihition exploring the techniques artixtx use to make \culpture look real. Booking exxential for this 4 yyeek courxe. liarly \lot

5 7 year old\. late slot 8 l l year olds.

Other events

Wedding Exhibition :\\\cmhly Room\. 54 (ieorge Street. 330 434‘). 9am 0pm. See Sat l.


The Underbelly of UberReality National (iallery of Modern Art. Belt'ord Road. 02-1030”. ll-lSplli. l'il'c‘c‘. Ken Neil. head of line .-\rt at (iray'x School of Art in .-\herdeen giyes a talk.


Performance Poetry Workshop Quaker Meeting House. 7 Victoria 'l‘errace. 555 2797. 7 ()pm. Six week £40 (£50). :\ \eries oi [no-hour \y‘orkxhopx in tranxl'erring poetry from the page to the \tagc. led hy Jem Rollx and Anita (ioyan. ('all for more information. or entail jemrollsw higyyord.l‘

Tuesday 4

Book events

Mountaineering Evening Waterstone's. IZS Princes Street. 320 2000. 0pm. Free. Simon .\la\y er. author ol 'I'lir’ l’ull. discusses hix climhing experiench and the ln\pit';tll()li\ tor hix hook.

Readings by WN Herbert and Esta Spalding Scottixlt l’oetry l.ihrary. 5 ('richton’s ('loxe. ('anongate. 557' 2370. 7.30pm. l‘ree. The l.ihrary litixlx l‘L‘tltllllg‘x hy llerhert and Spalding. in ;I\\t)c‘lttllt)ti \yith Bloodaxc Bookx.

Conversational EFL Classes Borders Books. [hit 20. l'ort Kinttaird Retail Park. 057 404 I. 5pm. ('onyersational SL‘xxltilh l'or l’oreignerx wanting to immune their linglixh. lloxted hy‘ Bl'R(‘l'.


Magnetic Lights - a Guide to the Aurora Royal ()hseryatory Vixitor (‘entre. Blackl‘ord Hill. 003 840 . 7.30pm. liree. lati Shellield explainx lltix strange light phenomena. See preyicyx.

Civil Warrior St (iilex' (’atlicdral. Royal .\lile. 325 9442. 7pm. liree. ('ome and here Rohin Bell. ayyard-yyinning poet and documentary maker telling the tale ol the lirxl Marquis ()li.\1(lllil‘()\C.

l/\ Baton FOR THE suns

Edinburgh life

Look no further than our own fair shores for the infamous Northern Lights. With the likelihood of the Aurora Borealis occurring over the next year, Ian Sheffield explains this strange light-phenomena in Magnetic Lights: A Guide to the Aurora, courtesy of the Royal Observatory‘s fantastic array of evening talks.

Superman’s superpowers? So last season. X-ray astronomy is hot to trot on the catwalk of the cosmic world. Omar Almaini gazes into the depths of space and explains how it allows us to probe some of the most violent phenomena in the universe, from exploding stars to accreting black holes and quasars. Take a tour of the cosmos, as revealed by the latest generation of x-ray telescopes, with Almaini’s The Universe Through X-Ray Eyes.

At time of going to press, Friday night rooftop viewings at the observatory had been cancelled due to roof damage, so remember to give the observatory a call for up to the minute information. (Anna Millar)

I /‘~.4ag/iot/<; Lights: A (it/Kit) to theAt/ro/‘a. Tue/1 Fat). 7.30pm. Free; The Uri/verso iii/"()tlgil X Rat. Eros. 74/0 7 Fob. 7.30pm. Free. Hom/ Observzitor'y Visitor Centre. Blackford H///, (568 8404.

Wednesday 5

Book events

MacDiarmid’s Russian Contemporaries Scoltixh Poetry l.ihrary. 5 (‘richton'x ('lme. (‘anongate. 55," 287». 7.30pm. Annual .\lacl)iarmid lecture. giyen hy l’eter l‘rench.


Burns in Theatre Nether-him .v\rt\ ('entre. 43 45 High Street. 550 957‘). 7.30pm. £4 1L5 l. .r\cclaiined actor and author John (‘airney throyy \ neyy light on Scotlanth hard. Rohert Burnx and hix loyc ol' theatre.

Thursday 6

Book events

Travel Writing Evening \Vatcrxtone'x. UN l’l’ttttc‘x Street. :30 3000. 0pm. Free. l.ottl\c \Vatlgh dixcuwcx her dehut tray cl hook. llmrine Bin/x l-'/\': .‘l .lnlll‘llr’V 1/}! ()lllt'l' .i/UllL’U/Itl. “lllc'll \iyidly illuxtratex Mongolian lite and \olo tray cl.


Big Word Performance Poetry

Slam 'l‘he 'l‘ron. ‘) Hunter Square. High Street. 555 3797‘) llpm. L5 it'll.

Scarhorough'x \lam champ ’l‘im 'l‘urnhull

\talk\ the \treetx of poetry alongxide poetic

kerh crayy lerx .\lichael .\lc(iill. the ellcry'excent (ilaxgou laxx Jenny l.ind\ay and \tand-up \talyyart Sarah \Vilxon. Anita (ioyan and .lem Rolls compere.


After Hours National Portrait (iallery. l Queen Street. 034 (iltltl. 0 "pm. l’ree. See Thu 30.

From Postboxes to Polling Booths Royal \ltixcuin. 3 ('hamheix Street. 24." 42W. 0.30pm. £4 :8). Freelancer \y titer and hrmidcaxtcr. Richard Weight tll\c‘ll\\t'\ ;\llf_‘lt\-Sc‘ttlll\ll l't‘ltlllttlh and the decline ol Britixhnexx since World War H.

The Pianist: the Context The l-‘ilmltouxe. SS l.othian Road. 228 2088. 7pm. £5 tt-lt. Prior to a special \creening ol‘ the mo\ ic. (ieneral Sir Michael (ioyy

joinx hixtorian and hroadcaxter l)r l)a\ id

Sittllttt’tl lt) Ullt‘l' lk‘l‘xtttittl L‘\pt‘l'lc‘llct‘\ ;I\ they put the holocauxt in conte\t. See photo caption.

Creative Writing Society the l’leaxance ('aharet liar. on 'l'he l’leayance. 050 34‘). Spm. £3. lidinhurgh l'niyerxity \ creatiy e \yriting \ocicty \yith gucxt \peaker Diana llendry. \lttdcnl \\l'llt‘l\ and lllll\lL‘;ll itemx.

Graduates of the Scots College in Rome: John Gray and Frederick Rolfe (‘ity :\rt (’entre. 2 \lttl’kc‘l Street. 53‘) 5995. llitlpm. i'hl'L‘L'. ()\\ en Dudley lidyyardx giyex a talk. Framing the Face: Portraiture in Context 1700-2000 National Portrait (iallery. l Queen Street. 034 0300.

0.30 8pm. £50 [cur .-\n eight-\yeek courxe examining the changing character of portrait practice \ince the lSth century. Other events

The Redcoat Soldier lidinhurgh (‘axtle. Royal Mile. 225 084d LS It: UH. l‘ind out \\ hat lit'e “ax like for King (ieorge'x Redcoat \oldier in the lSth century.

'They’ve gone through more parental divorce, the ’ve been In contact Wit drugs, they’ve travelled.‘

Stuart Murphy on his target audience for the new BBC3, see Goods, page 97

“.Jr‘ "“w: .‘ ‘3 THE LIST 95