The Blag Bag, The List, E 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TB or The List, at the CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3.10 or email promotions®

WIN tickets WIN Fossil watches FREE tickets for The and goodies "““ . Magdalene Sisters and WIN tickets to the premiere

The L's.‘ has teamed up .-.«:t‘r‘ ‘r‘r’atch to give sow; t'ab ne.'.' ‘.'.ratches from Fossrl. Fossrl has developed the proprretary coIOur changrng technolog‘r“ Kalerdo. to prOvlde consumers the flexlbllrty tO change their watch dral wrth the push of a

button. Blendrng fashron wrth 5 fr

technology brrngs the wearer .fi, , h—J

a stylrsh yet technrcally 9.

advanced watch. We have two ~ - -- - - - women's and two men's Kalerdo watches up for Alex Cox's new lrirn. Revenge/f; grabs. To be rn wrth a chance. Just tell us:

Tragedy. rs on at t'rr: Glasgow t‘iltll

Theatre and Edrntlurgh's Frlmnotrse How many minutes are there

from V. —27 February and we have in one week? The Ls.‘ has teamed up t“ UCCI Cr'tt‘flnas and Mt‘rnelltu'n

ten parrs of tickets plus a 'rrr'r‘oer of P'ctur‘es to offer you the shame to see We 'l‘tlti.” antropated

soundtracks and WSW"; It) all“: Answers on an email The Magdalene stters on Monday 17 i—etruav‘, at (3 3-0pm at

away for the rrrrvrd-alterrng I‘llsror‘ of marked ‘FOSSIL' to ft‘t? UGC :n Ed'nburgh We nave ‘iiiis o.‘ trekets to glue away to

past and future that rs thrs arna/r'tg r)romotrons/Oilrst.couk or the trrst people who present t’rrs :top‘, or The Lrst to the

rnovre. To enter, Just tell us: on a postcard to The Eftrntmrgtl UGC box ottrce f'ron‘ Thursday 1.3 l'e't:r~.ra:y onwards. LrSt, M Hrgh St. We also have two parrs of trckets to the exclusrve pren‘rere

Which cross-dressing comedian Edrnburgh. EH1 1TE. for The Magdalene Sisters at the UGC Glasgow on Sunday 16

stars in this movie? Deadline for entrres rs February at 7.30pm. The first two names prcked from the lucky noon on Frrday 28 hat wrll be amongst the glrt/ and the glamour! \Just send an

Answers on an emarl marked February 2003. Please emarl to promotronsCllrst.( but by no later than noon on

'PEVENGERS TRAGEDY' to Include a daytrme Frrday 14 February. Please remember to

promotrons’ or on a telephone number and rnclude a daytrme phone number.

postcard to The Lrsl. 14 Hrgh St. Edinburgh, EH1 1TE. Deadline for errtrres rs noon on Thursday 20 February 2003. Please include a daytrrne telephone number and address.

address. See our feature on The I'rdagdalene Sewers. page 20. for more rnt( about the trln‘.

. . ,r' 1,1."- ‘- Ila-Iv -- "All u Terms & Conditions L1 L15

The offer rs subject to avarlabrlrty. There rs no cash alternatrve. Thrs voucher rs not

h valrd rn conjunction wrth any other

offer. Ma><rmum two trckets per reader.




The Lrst has teamed up wrth the Scottrsh Natronal Gallery of Modern Art to offer all list readers 2-for-1 trckets for Duane Hanson's Sculptures of ere at the Scottrsh Natronal Gallery of Modern Art. [Tdrnburgh untrl 23 February 2003.

Amerrcan artist Duane Hanson has long been known at the Scottish Natronal Gallery of Modern Art for hrs realist SCquture. 'lbur'rsts. ln rts only UK showrng, thrs exhrbrtron hrrngs :31 of hrs extraordinary works to Edrnburgh. Duane Hanson's sculptures are so lite-like that It's hard to tell the vrsrtors from the art. So whether you like looking at art or lookrng at people. thrs rs a must-see show. Thrs rs yOur last chance to see thrs ama/rng exhrbrtron as It closes on Sunday 213 i ebruary.

General engurrres: 0131 624 6200 Recorded rntormatron: 0131 332 2266 Websrte: www.rratrorralgallerresorg Admrssron 5.7/1 liflil


This voucher entitles two people to attend Duane Hanson’s Sculptures of Life for the price of £4 at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. Edinburgh by simply handing over this voucher at the ticket desk.‘


Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art 75 Belford Road

Edinburgh Terms & Conditions . , . Offer subject to avarlabrlrty. There rs no cash Open da'ly mam-5pm Iate n'gm ThurSday um" 7pm alternatrve. Thrs offer rs not valrd rn conrunctron

Admission £4 (£3)' under 12 yrs free wrth any other otter. Only orrgrnal vouchers are

(fulfill: 2-1; 114-31 Valid until 23 February 2003. Val'd- Val'd Um" 23 FeeraW 2003.

' 3-27 Fer, 273 THE LIST 1 1