Film Index

Surprise Romantic Movie III-II Il‘t \IIII IIK (KIII'I ic.III_\ x3} .III}IIIIII;_' .IhnIII IIIIx llllll. th-IUVC. \wll. II‘x .I xIIIpIIxI- IxII'I II ()IIL' IIIIIIg. II'II IK‘ IIilllJllIlL IIInIIgII \II'I ("t-nun}. IleIIIhIIIgII

Ta'k to Her Isl ll’t'IlIIi .'\Illllitltl\.li. Spain. SWIZI JII\ICI (‘.IIII.II.I. I);Ii'in (II.IIIIIIIII-III. Rnx.IIIn l'IUIC\. II'nIInI \VIIIIIII; I IZIIIIII III-Iiignn I( '.IIII.II.II .IIIIl .\I.iIm I(iI‘.IiIIhIIcIIII Illt' III Inxc \\ iIII Inn “IilllL'II hnIh nl \Ihniii .II'I' IInprI.I|IchI Iii L'IilllIIIIixL' xl.IlL‘\ BL'IIIjJIIU I‘CL‘IIIIIC II Ilule' xii III.II hc I'niIIIl (.Il't' lull IIIIII: Ini hIx lenwd Iillg'c .prIIIIIg II.I|II'I'III.I '\|I(i.l I\\.IIIIII3_'I III IIiI- IinprIIII Inniii liL'\I Ilnni .\I.Ii‘cn \ ixIIx |._\tll.l ll'lUfLNi. .I lL'lllllIt' IiIIIIIIghIcI “Ilii \\.lx hiiIcIiI-I'cd Ili IIic iiiig. ()III nl Ilicxc II.I;_'II' I'IrciiiiixIJIII'Cx .I lI‘IcIIleIIIp InI‘iIIx thuchI IIlC HUI lllL‘ll III/k In [In ix III.IIIiIc .'\|lllIi\IU\.ll. SpIIIII'x Iiian IIIIIInux liliiiiiiakCI nn Inp lnI'III. III-xI‘I‘Ihiiig L'Ulllpl;'\ I‘IIIII‘IIL‘II‘Ix .IIIII (Illllpllt‘dlt‘tl cninliniiul xI.Ich in upon xInI'}IcIlIIIg_' l.ixIIinn I‘I‘nni Ihc gnigcnux plinlngiuph}. III-xign lliltl lllll\I( In Ihc xt’I‘IpI lllitl II'IIIIII‘kIIhIc pcilniiiigiiigcx. III/A In III'I Ix .I ll;l\\lt'\\ Iillll Illltl .1 “CI” lnI t'lllt'lllIl Inn-Ix. l‘(i('. IiIlIIihuI'gh.

A Taste of Honey I I_‘:\i COO. I'I'IIII} RIcIiarlenn. [18. I90] i “(lid lli'}.IIi. .\IIII'I.I) NIL-Inn. RIIII 'l'iixhiiigliuni. Rnhci'l SIcphI'iix. lliliiiiin. Kilrhcn xiiik I'c.i|IinI .IImIII .I Salinid girl “hn chx pi'cgiigiiil .lllt'l II'.I\ Ill}: Iiniiic. .-\IIIIpIcII lrnIIi Shelagh I)cl.IIic_\ ‘x pln} (‘(‘.«\. (ilzixgnw

Through the Window (Atraves de Janelai I Ih’i ll.lll/;l .-\\ icIIn. “I'll/ll. I‘I‘NI 32min. 'l‘liix Icnxc lilIii llUll' lInIIi nnc nl III‘II/il‘x iIIan pi‘nniixing lcnmlc lilIIIIIIIIkcI‘x cnnccrnx II (IC\UICd lllIilIlL‘l .IIIII III'I‘ xnii \\IIn IIIIcnipIx In excupc the [IC\ IIIIII hIIIII. I‘Ilnihniixc. IiIlIIihiii‘gh.

To the Left of the Father (Lavoura Arcaica) I I3) II.iIIx I‘ ('gii‘mlhn. IlI'.I/Il.

Zlilll i l7liniii. Sulnci‘xiw renniking nl Ihc psirnlilc nl lhl.‘ prmligal xnii Ill “Inch .I lgllllll} nl iiIiiIiIgI'IiIiIx ;Ii'c Ilix lllCtl lk'hH‘Cil Ihnxc “Iln xII nn Ihc I'ighl IIIIII Ihnxc \Ihn xII nIi Ilic Icll nl IIic l'IIIIicr. l-IIIIIlinuxc. IiIIInhui'gh.

Top Gun mm 000 I‘I‘IIII) SCH”. I‘S. IUXIII 'Inni ('I'uixc. Kcll) .\lL‘(il”l\. \LII Kilnicr. I IIiIIIIII. Sn} uliul )nu like IIhnuI IIIni. Scnll IIIIIIIIIIIIICIII} hIIx Ihc gnldcn Inuch I'll Ihc hn\ nl'l‘Icc. 'I‘IiIx ClllUlllillIL'\\ I'nI‘IInIIII IIIIwnIIII'c Iihnul IIIcn living; gi‘giiidl} IipxIIIgCIl h) \cr) l'IIxI. \Cl') C\]X'll\l\t' .IIIII \ci'} IIIIIIgCI'nux IIiI‘cIIIl'I. \\ IIII Ihc \Plt‘lltlltl .\Ix Mdiillix Ihi'n\\ii InI' |n\c iIiICI‘CxI. IIIIIIIc II l'anIiIic. C\[X‘L‘l&lll) in Ihc I'S. II IIIIII In he Ihnxc plum-x. nI‘ mail».- Ihc I'IIIIIpIIIII ‘.I\IIIcI‘IcII Ihc xIrnIIg' thnx nl Ihc lilIIi. Ichquc II IlncxII‘I haw IllllL‘Ii Iiini'c In nllci‘. l'(i('. IiIIInhuI'gh. Toy STOW II’U) C... IJnIlIl I.;IxxL‘lcl‘. I'S. I‘NSI \\'IIh Ihc \UICC\ nl‘ TUIH IIIIiikx. 'I‘IIII .-\Ilcn. l)nii Ricklcx. Sliniii. II Ixii'I iIIxI Ihc xIIIIc-nlllhc-JI'I iiIIIIng llllll Ilixlinguixh

l)ixiic_\ ‘x Iii‘xl cnnipulcr-gciicraIcIl IIIIIIIIIIIInIi l'culurc. iI'x gnl II cracking: IIIlwnIiII'c \lIil‘) inn. .-\ IIIII: nl’ l'i'IcIIIIxhip IIIIII xclllliclicl' L‘UllllilllCII \\ iIh IIII owning I'Cxcuc IIIIII IIgJIIixI-Ilic-clnck IL‘il\IIill. IIII SIIII'I Ix xpriiiklul “llll cnInIc Iiinlcx. l)nn'I he Innlcd IIiIn Ihiiikiiig Ihcxc In)\ Iirc jll\l l'nr IhI: kile. .\l;IcRanII. SIII‘Iing. Treasure Planet I I ' i 0000 IRIm (‘IcnIcnIx IinIl JnIIiI .\ill\k;lr. I‘S. 2003i \'nIcI‘x nl' Jnxlwll (inl‘dnli I.C\Ili. I);i\iIl II'HIC PICI'CL‘. IiIIIIIIII 'l‘hninpxnii. ‘inmiii. I)Ixii¢) 'x hack. Tlllll 'nlc magic i'L'lllril\ lll Ilicii IIIICxI. ;I I'cimrking nl' RnhcrI l.nuix SIM cnxnn'x cl.IxxIc IhIII ch'x II \Illli nl‘ Incniinll l'I‘nIiI Ihc high xI-Iix In Ihc xlzirx. .\'nl xiiicc I'III' [.Inn Kin: hIIx lIlCl'I.‘ Iiccn \llL‘Il an epic. L‘nnxuinnig plL‘IllTC in “Inch IIIc cgirlnnn churnclcrx li\c IIIIII hrcnlh nii xcrccn III iIIIIxxiw. Iwuuiiliill) pIIiIIIcIl chx. .\Ic;IIi\\hi|c. Ihc l‘uIIiriinc chIiIIg allniix l'nr \Hilltlt‘l'llll c_\hnrg crcuIIniIx Iic nIII: Jnhn Sihcri. :\lltl Ihc crculiirc \\Iin IIIlkx in IIIIIiIlcncc like niic hi3; hiihhl} I'IIrI ix real ;I \\ IIiIIcr \\ IIII lliC kiIIx. Scc Kidx IIIIII m ic“. (icncrul rclcmc.

The Tuxedo I l3.-\i C. IKm in DUIIOHlli. l'S. 2002i Jgickic (‘IIIIIL .Icnnilcr l.n\c IIcMII. JIIxnn l\;l;lC\, 08min. ('hIIiI IIan JIIIIICx Bniid. Shining nuI IIx II In“ I} chgiul'l‘cur l‘nr lllIlIlUllIllrL‘ IxIIucx. (‘hIIn xIIII‘II) ngIIIuIIII-x In inIcrnIIIinIIIII xupcrxp} \IIlllh “IIL‘ll hix hnxx ix injuer in II air accidcnl IIIIII Ihc liltll'llul IirIx cnIIIic Iiccidcnlzill} Iricx nn hix xIIII. “Inch IurIIx nuI In hc huering III the \L‘Illlh \\ IIh gudgcix. 'I‘hcrczil'lcr. (‘IIIIII Icuinx up “Illl

Ilc“ iII'x IIn\ icc xp) girl In crack II criiiic ring

38 THE LIST 13-27 Feb 2003


TWO Weeks Notice I.‘ \I 00 I\I.II\ I..I\\IcIIu'. I K I \. IINNI IIIIIIIIII \JIIIIIJ IiIIIInt'k. Hugh (II.IIII \\ III‘II cm IInIIIII;III.:I III\\)I‘I Int} KL'IM'II IBIIIIIKIU [.Ikcx .I InII \\ IIII (iL'IiIgc “.ulc I(iI.IIII I. IIII‘ In klcxx I‘llI (Ildlllllll; \tliill ni II IIIII_'I~ \cv. \nik Ic.II ’x'\l.ll’x' U'IIII‘JII} IIIII Ii} IiIx I‘II‘IIII'I. xIII~ IInIx-x In I'\p|IiiI IIII' IIIIII'x \IIIIIIIIlI‘IL' Illllil\ Illlkl (\InIctI .In nIII t'IIlllllllllllI} \Cllllk' Ilnucwi. hIx (I‘lhldlll IICCIIHIC\\ \IIIII\ jA'IIlllf.‘ Ull II'(‘ III Int} .IIIII xIIc II.IIIIIx III Ilk'l II-xI;II.IIInII. I‘III. .Ix IIIciI \xnikiiig: IcI.IIInIIinII\ \\l11\l\ \II‘\\I| I‘I‘III I‘t'jilll In IIIIIII‘I IIII' \\l\\II‘lll nI IxIIIIn; (‘IIIII.II|_\ Ini Illl L'.I\} gniiig: I‘lll xliglil InIII.IiiIII’ t'nIIII-II}. IhL'IL' Ix II \h‘dl‘l‘l'lnllng III I ni I.III;:Iix. llt'\[‘lIL' xcxcml “C” nIixI'IwII ;_'I.Itc IIUIC\ (it‘llt'ldl Iclmxc

Undercover Brother I: \I O. l.\l.llL'HIlli I) lual S. IINNI ItIlIIIc (illlllll. Dcnixc RIt‘'ll\ (‘IIIIx K.iII.iII .\|iIIIIi ILIxI'II nii .I I'IIII llllL'lllL'l xcricx. I III/I'll um I II’InI/II I ix .I hI.I\plniI.IIInn mm It' xpnni III.II liicx nII .i ch'ICx nl x|.IpxIIt‘k 3:.igx “Illliilll p.iIIxIII;_' Ini I‘l'L‘dlIl ni .I pInI I‘I'III' xInI}. \llell .Ix II Ix. t’nnccriix IIic I'llnIIx nl xII.IIIn\\_\ (’.IIII'.IxI.III \II|.IIii. ‘I'III' \IJIL In xiippicxx I‘IIIIIIII- I IS \ldlltlrlll‘ I‘niiiit' (iIIllIII Ix xIIII.II\|) Innl .IIIII laid-hack .ix III. “III \\IIIlc Ihc IIIIII Inigcil} llllllL‘\ pnp t'lllllllt‘ puxI .InII picxciil. IIx IicxI inka clicil \lllllt'\ iIIIIlCI IllIlll I.III;.'IIx SI'I'


La Vie De Chateau I IS. 000. IJCJll I’.iii| Ramiciituni. I'I.IIII‘I~. I‘Nfii ('.IIIicIIIIc Dcncuw. I’icii'c Ili.ixxI-III_ I’Iiilippc \nIIcI ‘Hiiiiii :\ IIan.II:_'II‘ lnnk In Ihc IIIIII Jllx. \\llIl Dcncuw .IIIII \IIIII-I xI.IiIIII;_- .Ix .I Iiit'kcring cnuplc \Ihnxc (ILIICIHI Ix .I Icliigc lInIII Ilic \\.Ii. R.Ippcnc.nI'x IlcliuI Ix .I (Ildl‘llllllg cnIIII-II} (El-'1'. (il.Ix;_'n\\

The Warrior I III 0... I:\\ll Ix'.Ip.IIII;I. I’K/IIIIIIJ. IINL‘I II‘l.IIi KILIII. XIIIIIIII \VIIIIC hauling: an .IIIIII‘Ix nii .I \IIIIIII'III IIIIII.I \ III.I;:I‘. l.;Ilc.'IIlI.I IKIIIIIII. IIIL' In}.II IlCllIL‘llJlll nl .I I‘lllldl II'IIII.I| InIII. p.IIIxcx. xit'kcnul h} Ihc hIUUtI III.II xI.IIIix IiIiIi Illltl Icnnunccx \ lUIL‘IlL'C. llul IIII' InI'II \ IxIIx .I IcI'I'IhIc I'cwngc nn hIx IIIIIIII). Rtllllt'l IIIIIII Ichiit‘kliiig Ill\ \\\Iiitl .IIIII Illl'lllt'l' IgiiiIIiIig: hIx .III'I'IIIl} \‘Illllpillllll\t'tl Inni‘IIl xIIIiIIIIIig. I..'III‘IIIII.I III-ox IIiIn IIII' IIinIiIIIIIIIix. I'III' III/II‘IIII'x inIIpthI} Innkex II xcciii like .In lll’t'llt‘lHilll }.II‘II. hiII II |i.Ix .I lK‘hUlldllI) IIi.II IK‘IIC\ IIx Lick nl Ili.i|ng_'uc. .-\IiIl. Ill .IIi .Igc nl Iniiguc iii-check |.IllllI\. iI'x I'cli‘cxhiiigl} Iiiit‘niiipiniiiixiii; III iIx \t'l'ltill\llt'\\ .IIIII I‘Cdlll}. l'(i(' chliux SII'ch. (ELngIm.

We are Skint - The Video Tour 2003 I ISI I\';II'Iniix. 2003i Ullniin. SIIIII I'ccnI'IIx l'niInIlcrx I).IIIII.III IIIII'IIx .IIIII Jnhii HAHN!)

lll\ IIL‘ )0“ In pciuxc IIII' cniiipun} t'.iI.I|nguc nl Illll\lL' prnIIInx. “Inch lllL'llltIC Spikc JnII/c'x ‘I’I'Iiixc Ynu’ iIIIIIlc lni' I'IIIlln} SIIIII. I|.II‘I'Ix .IIiIl I|.ixx.I_\ “I” he .II'nIiIiIl In IIIIL ;II\nIII Ilic liIiIix. (il’l‘. (il;l\:_'tl\\; I‘IIIIIIInIIxc. IzIIIIIIiIII'gh, When Valentine Meets Arlequin lt‘t‘l'l Ilk‘i .\IIII IIK‘, French “llll linglixh xIIhIIIlI-x.

The remake of The Ring still sends shivers up the spine

DI It IIIII.‘III.II} H'IIIIIII; nII IIIc I:II:.IIx.IIx. II‘III .IIIII IcIIt'tIInIIx nI I‘li‘tllltx'l I'Jlllxx' ('II:I:.III IIIxIIIIII I I.III\III\ III tnxxc. I IIIIII‘IIIgh The Wild Thornberrys II 000 I(‘.:III.\ \I.IIk.IxI.III .lIIII lcll \l\(ll.llh. I \ .‘INL‘I \nitcx \‘l Inn (0”). I )IIII RI'Ilgmu‘. RIIIwII | \cII-II “mm l Ikc Illk' pnpul.” IIIIIIIII‘IIx |\ t.lIIIN‘II_ IIic \In. II InIInxxx IIII- .llI'-\'IIIIIIC\ nl )nIIII; l II/.I IIInIIinII} \IIIIVx Iwcii gianlul IIII' pnucI In I.III. In IIIc .IIIIIII.I|x .I Il.lIl\I_\ Iiitk \xIII'II )I‘lll IxIII'IIIx .Iic \IIIIIIIII‘ IInIIIIIII‘nIJI} IIIIIIIImkI'Ix IIIIx Illllk' Ihcx .lt‘ iii \lll\.l “III-II- .I ICJIII nl III Ictli (‘I‘JLIICH Il.l\c IIII'II cx II nu" nII .I IicIII nI IIKNI clcphanlx ll} {Ulill‘llllll}.‘ II II.III I\IIIII;_' xInI} \HIIl .i x.IIiIc nl l.IIiIII} IUII‘IL‘\ IIIc IIIIII Ix t’Iill\l.IliII_\ digging: .IIIII IinI .l lllllk' l\'\\IlI\llll_‘_' (iciicinl it'lmxc The Witches II’( Ii .... \lt‘hnldx Rncg. l \. I‘l‘llli \lilt'lh'J IIIIxInII. \I.II /I‘III'iIIII;;. Rn\\.III \Ikinxnii ‘L‘IIIIII \Inc )mi nIII I ukc Ix “.IinI'II Ii} IIIx \Ul\\C“_‘l.lll :,_‘l.lllll} .II‘Iilll Illt' cwipicxcnl IIIImI pnchI h} \\II\'IIC\. \xhit'h Iin‘I lllllt’ll hCll‘ Iicmiixc “Illllll Ihc llt'\l II.I|I IInIII III' xIIIIIIlilcx nII IIIcII .IIIIIII.Il \I‘ll\\'llllUIl III .I xIII.III Ingliin hnII'I .IIIII ;_'I'Ix IIIIIIxI'II \h.lll“_'£'\l IIiIn .I iiinuxc \ phaixin; .iII.II‘lIIIII l‘l RIMIII I).IIIII\ t'IllIIIII‘lFx \IIII} li.l\ IIIII'I'InI Rnc; IIII IIIIIIxII.IIl_\ \Il.|l_‘._‘IlIIIil\\.llII III.IIIIII'I I L’Ik'JIIllj.‘ .i xIIpI-Iini kIIIx IIIInIc III.II II.Ix )nIi lIiIillll}: lnI Ihc IIin' .III “IV \\.I_\ \I.II‘RnI\cII. SIIIIIIig: :00: I.‘ \I 00 IRIIIII‘IIIII-n. I 8. .‘IIIIJI \ In l)lt'\Cl. \.IIIIIIc| I, .I.It'kxnn. \xI.I \Igciiln I.‘_~IIIIIII DII'ch. IIII' giiill I‘dltllt‘ xI.II nl I/II /ml and {III IIIIII'IH [\I.I}x \.iIIIII'I (Kigc. .III .IIIII'II.IIIIII' IIIIIkII- ulin IIIIIIkx Iic'x .In .Ill.ll\'lll\l I‘lll PIUI‘JI‘I} t.III'I cwn xpcll Ilic “UNI \\ IIcII Iic gclx iIiIn IlIillhlt' ‘.\lIIi Ihc I.l\\ Iic Ix gin-Ii .i chanu' |\_\ \S.\ .\3_-cnl (iilihniix IJ.I(kxnIIi In \\ Ipc IIIL' xI.iIc plum h) gniii; nii .III llllIlI'lt'I'H'l Illlxxlnll .illcl \Iilllc II.I\I} lL‘I‘lIIIlex III I’I.I;_'Iic. (‘III' k'lltllk'\\ .IL'IIUII xt'qiiciiu'x. “high. Ihnugh \wll cquuchl. III.I3_' nii llllt‘lllllildl‘l} Ilih IInI'in'I cwii |I.I\c Illt' Icquixilc I'.iII‘|IpIII.IxCx nI x.Ixx} IIIII'x III.II niic |i.Ix (mm In upm lI‘nIn IIiIx I0\\C\l (Ulllllltill IlL‘llIillllllJIUl gciiic. (ZIIIII‘n. IzIIIIIhIII'gII Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) I I.\i 0000 l.’\IlIillin (‘II.IInn. XII-\Itn ZINII I (idt‘l (i.IIcI.I “CIIIIII. “It‘in l.llli.l. .\I.Ii'ilk‘l \L'IIIII IIISIIIIII. III IIiix liliI‘L'lll. munch} I'n.III iiin\ Ic JiIlIn I Ilcrimli .llltl L'Illlllhllt‘tl lI'IcnIl TClllk'll II.IiIi.Ii t‘nm iIiI'c gnigcnlix nIIII-I Spanixli \\Ulll.lll I.IiIx.I I\'I'IIIIII in win IIII'III niI IIIc in.IIl In .III IIIprnIII Iwach kiinuii .ix ‘Ilcawn'x .\IniIIII'. 'I'III' IlIil'll} hn_\x' plan ix In gcl IIiIn |.IIIx.I'x panlx. “high. .'I\ it Illl'll\ nIII. xlic Ix qIIIIc Inipp) \\ IIII. ()l (l'lll\t'. “hon l.iiix.I xlccpx liixl \\ IIlI “it‘in .IIIII IIlCll JIIIIn. IIlC t'llllilllilid“) IIIIIIIIIIIII‘c Iiii}x I.I|I 001. and II'x It'll In Ihcii lllIil'L‘ t'\PCllt'llL'C(l p.II'IIIci In Itaich IIicIIi xnincIIiIng .IhnuI Inw 'l'hc (.le gnu (‘II.II‘nII lI.I\\ IC\\ Iwi‘lni'IIIIIngcx. “Illlt' Ihc IIIIu‘InI .inII Iiix I.‘n-\\I‘IIcr IiinIIIcr ('.II'|nx cnxurc Ihc (Il'llllld Ix III nncc Icntlcr .IIIII hnIxICInux. lcclgnnII .IIIII lull nl p.IIhnx. .IIIII \Ihnll) II‘cc nl cliche. I‘(i(‘ RCIIIIL‘“ Slit-cl. (i|.l\:_'ti\\.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Bombay Cinema: Glasgow

5 lni‘nc Slim-I. lhin\. III-II Jl‘) 0‘23 (5 I‘ 3i


I'Ul' IIIIx \wck'x pingi‘unimc Illllt‘\. pII'IIxI' cnIiIIIt‘I Ihc L‘lllt‘llld nII IIHI J I‘) 0732 lnI' IIL'IJIIx

CCA: Glasgow

35“ SIIIICIIIL‘IIIIII SII'L‘L‘I. (II-ll 352 4"”). (-1 IQSIII,


Loneliness oi the Long Distance Runner I|2.~\i IIIS.

ATaste oi Honey I I3x\i 8.15.

FRIDAY 1-1 I I ll

Romeo and Juliet I III II. I 5. City oiGod I 18» 8,45.

IUISIJAY III I I H The Curse of the Jade Scorpion I I 2.-\I (IIS.

City of God I I8I 8.30.


Citon GodII8I IIIS. The Curse of the Jade Scorpion I I2.-\I 0.00.

Ti IURSDAY :20 F [:8 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion I I MI


City oiGod I I8I 8.30.


ADay atthe Races mm + Allight at theOperaII’Gi IIIS.


A Right at the Opera Il’(ii + A Day at the RaOOSII’Ui (IIS.

SUNDAY 23 FEB Animal FamiIl'i IBIS.

Astenx and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra Il’(ii 2. l 5.

WEDNESDAY 20 HR 11’09'01-September11II2..\I IIIS.

The Caretaker (aka the Guest) II’( ii 9.00.

THURSDAY 27 FEB The Caretaker (aka the Guest) II’( ii


11’ 09’01-September11IIMI 3.30.

Glasgow Film Theatre

I2 Rnxc Slrccl. ()I-ll 333 XIBX. (Kilt/hair. .I\I| pcrlnI‘IIIIIIIL‘cx hnnkuhlc. ||)|. llil. Iiwningx: £4.75 (£3.50). Mzilinccx: £3.75 (£2.5(li. Wed Ihcl'ni‘c Spin): £3.75 IL'ZI. I)nuhlc hill £5 (£3.50). (il’l' \IIwrx: £I‘) IL' I-li Iixc Iickclx fur the price nl 4 Ivailid Inr IIIrcc Innnihxi.


1. The Man without a Past (Mies Vailla Menneisyytta) I IS) 300. 8.45.

The Lord of the Rings: the hue Towers IIZAI SIS.

2. Avalon II'I 3.30. 8.30.

The Man without a Past (Mies Vailla Menneisyytta) I ISI 0.30.


1. Revengers TI'agedyIISI 3.00. 035. 8.30.

2. The Man without a Past (Mics Vailla Menneisyytta) I m 3.30. 8.45.

In the Mood for love IPUI 6.30.