Take comfort in Feeder, a band able to turn tragedy into glory like even they never imagined. Words: Camilla Pia

t's a dreary winter's morning

after the night before. (irant

Nicholas saunters into the hotel bar in lidinburgh we arranged to meet in IS minutes ago. Plonking down his guitar. l"eeder's singer/guitarist and lyricist takes a seat before removing his ha/y hangover- curing rock star shades. ‘Sorry I’m late. I'm feeling absolutely awful.‘ he groans before laying into the mineral water. The party after his hands acoustic gig at the Liquid Rooms carried on until the early hours of the morning. he tells me. and if you were one of the lucky 250 fans to witness Nicholas and bassist Taka llirose's low-key Scottish appearance. ten months alter the tragic suicide of their friend and drummer Jon Lee. you'll know that it was a spellbinding night definitely worth celebrating.

With tickets for the forthcoming mammoth UK tour speedily sold out in a matter of weeks and rave reactions to the superb new album. (‘onrfurt in Sound. the softly spoken and ruggedly handsome frontman is clearly thrilled at these devotional responses and is proud that. in spite of all that has happened. lieeder are still a force to be reckoned with.

‘The highpoint of the year for tne was getting the album out. because ten months ago it was all over. People might say we've come back too quickly but when you've got something. and it feels right. you can‘t bury it. This record wasn‘t planned. I was just getting back into doing something positive that I enjoyed. Writing music started off as a hobby and a

dream when I was a kid and l still love it. it's a way of

expressing yourself and it was also a way for tne to deal with everything. I kept away from it all for six months but hearing ‘(‘ome Back Around‘ on the radio was such a buzz. It was like: “We‘re back and we're still here."'

Everything about the band's third record. (‘omfm’t in Sound. from its heartfelt lyrics to the majestic choruses. graceful (iil Norton co- production and delicate artwork emanates warmth and Nicholas is visibly delighted with it. as well as at the prospect of taking it out on a hectic touring schedule that will see them head to Australia. Japan and liurope before returning to the [K for the festival circuit. However. the year's most important development will surely be the installation of ex-Skunk Anansie drummer Mark Richardson as a permanent member of the band. ‘Mark will become part of Feeder soon if he‘s happy with it. because so far it's been going really well. We just needed more time to make that commitment. I don't think technically we'll ever find someone who can do what Jon did but Mark is a really great drummer. and l

44 THE LIST 13—2." Fob 20C3

The highpoint has been getting the album out because ten months ago it was all over.

Taka and Grant try to take it all in

like the fact that he's been through it all before. It’s also important to have a drummer in this band with a strong personality to be able to follow Jon. That loss is always going to be there.‘ he continues. ‘the satne way as it is with the Manics. but I don't want it to go away because he was an important part of my life and always will be. Hopefully I‘ve proved with this album that we are going to continue and there's a lot more to do.‘

Much has been made of ('omfort in Sound’s more sensitive side compared to the riff heavy rock act of the past. yet Nicholas claims if you’ve not seen it before. you haven't been looking hard enough. 'That side has always been a massive part of l-‘eeder if you listen to our earlier records. Don't get me wrong. I love heavy guitars and we are a rock band but we’re not about three- minute pop songs. There‘s a lot more to us than 'Buck Rogers‘ and I don't think people have realised that until now. When we get out on tour it‘s not going to be about people jumping up and down. it will be about them actually listening to the songs as well and that means more sometimes. I'm not turning my back on old l-‘eeder stuff and we will play all the favourites but we also need to move on.‘

We leave the passionate and pensive force behind the band more determined than ever to prove l"eeder‘s worth to those foolish enough to write them off as

simple chart fodder. unaware that on the strength of

their most eclectic and sonically stunning album to date. he's already done it.

Feeder play Barrowland, Glasgow, Sat 22 Feb and Wed 12 March.

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MORE FOLKS ON THE UP AND up are the Silver Pill. who are entering the studio to lay down some tuneswith producer Gordon Raphael. the man responsible for twiddling the knobs on the Strokes’ Is this It.

Transelement rock Sub City

Mllll HISTORIC/Xi SOCIE, TY play. an acoustic set at a (20"!(le and "wrist; extravagan/a tantttltxt Stand Ur; tor Shelter at the Stand (buttle ()ltit) ll‘ l dinlmrqn on it") lobmar, Des Clark. Def; Met ruin. Raymond Mmtns; and Jot: Hoor‘an are ammo tnom mooning the laughs, Tickets art; £l‘/lei£ll}l(f fro": the Stand on 0131 53:58 )"Q/Q. MORE GOOD NEWS: IN ITS 30th anniversary year, Edinburgh Folk Club has become the first club in Scotland to be awarded the accolade of Folk Club of the Year at the BBC Folk Awards. SUB CITY RADIO RF“ JRNS

from 1.6 F Cbmar; It'll]! t?) lvlard‘. transmitting int; tnrrxrilvxn Glasgow on this VF M and um,- rxtltne at .'.*.-.*.-.n5;:Knight/r; T‘nw;

.’lll be ween, mow/s; from the moot”: my; bring such .‘mndroo‘; (21le nights; at; Opttr'to. Misti lt/lasn. Traxx. L..r\/r:“/e.'=l_. MUHQU s Ht-Fl and Bebadc as well as rxzttxnancm from bands including Dogs Die in Hot Cars. Transtséynmt and Crime Beat Club This. .r‘ addition to lug recordings of co-pmmottons mtb local "mete tat/3's Adamo and St- Pecords
