Clubs listings

Glasgow Fridays continued

I Cold al Rnci‘xidc Social, \c\l dalc llk‘.

I The Cathouse .‘il llic (.alliouxc. Ill,3ll)iiii iam. Ll liclorc llpm; £4 iUi allci: “cc-kl}. Riding high on lhc nu lllL'liil \xaxc. llllx Ix llllC Ul llic lillxlcxl mghlx in ioun Rock. grungc. indic and a daxll ol lu'cakhcal acioxx llu‘cc lloorx al (ilaxgoxx 'x lop \cmic lor rockci'x and allcrnalccnx.

I Coded at VaiIII. l lpm iam, [5 HA). \Vcckl}. 'l llc} 'ic lrom a rccoi'd xiorc. xo lhc luncx aic going In lic lrcxli and luglil} lunk}. ai'cii'l lhc) ’x\ rolalmg roxicr ol l).lx allilialcd lo 3 ii'd l’rcciiicl xuppl} liouxc lcd gromcx al lhc nc“ cluh Slcxcn .\lc(‘rccr'\ ix lhc mam man. liul lhc pool ol lalcnl mcludcx Bill} lx'ilkic. llill} \\'oodx and Amanda l’l'lc't',

I Crash ai lhc Shcd. llHllpm Jam. [3 (£3), \Vcckl}. ('raxh mlo lhc \xcckcndx coiii'lcx} ol lhix liugcl) popular mng \\llll lhc Soullixidc xcl. (iaragc l)c| (ici‘i‘) l,_\onx hoxlx llic main hall \\llll lhc ullimalc cclcclic pail} xoundlrack and DJ l)a\c \lulholland l( 'uhci lakcx lhc hclm in lhc l.oll upxlaii'x \Hlll a iiiglii ol claxxlc Rik”.

0 Death Disco .‘il lllc :\i'clicx.

l lpm 3am. till. |~l l-cli. l)calli l)ixco himgx iix ‘a night ol clcclroclaxli lica\cn' \kllll l‘inland‘x (‘lcanmg \Vomcn. /.cilgcixl-dclimng dadaixl l)J gcniiix. oi' |uxl lilola'x di‘cxxcd likc clcaning \miiicn _’ Work il oul liil‘ _\oui‘xcll'. for tho (lillt’ IUI/\ 'xl-lJiI'uml lll’l(/('I'\ cw! III [or liul/ pru'c lu'lort' Inn/mull]. 5w [’I'r'l’lr'u.

I Fresh al lhc l’olo l.ouiigc.

l lpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .\lichc|lc and And} lakc chargc ol lhc muxical (lllllL‘x in lliix dclicioux Merchant ('il) iiiixcd cluh. \thllicr )ou'rc in lhc ’l‘i'opli) Room or on lhc daliccllool‘. lllL' lllllL‘x \xill l'ucl _\our liappincxx.

I Fridays in Bed al llcd il'oi'mcrl} lhc \L‘lu‘l Riiolllx). l lplll 3am. £5 lbil. \Vcckl}. Naccm lakcx _\ou on an Rtin and hip hop lrip cxcr} “cck \xliilc Bill) .\li|ligan hriiigx lhc l'un lo lhc l'roiil licdl'oom.

I Friday Street al lilackl'riarx.

3pm lam. £4 (£2). 23 l‘ch. .\lonihl_\. chidcnlx pla) lhc \ci') lincxl mod, iioi'ihcrn xoul and 'lamla Moloxx n luncx. \\llllL‘ gllcxl l)J [lilioillzlx l.ii\c ol licll‘axl \iill bring a nc“ xlaiii onio lhc l-‘i'ida'x Sll’L‘L'l.

I Fuel al l‘ucl (liixhophriggxi.

lll..illplll 3am. £4. \Vcckl}. Ncu club \cnlurc lrom lhc (il group. \xhich lx aucmpiing lo c\pand lhc awragc (ilaxxxcgiaii‘x idca of “hill “cckcnding iiicanx. l’aul Rca pla}x cluh claxxicx. Rtkli. Milk and ainlhaiig Hill) a gi‘ooxc. Soulllxidc and Nol'lllxldc il‘x xlarllng lo :31 likc London in llL‘l'L‘. :\ \\ L‘L‘ lill.

I Full On al l’rixilcgc. ll).3l)pm 3am. (911:7). \Vcckl}. ’l‘om \Vilxon. (ickkoho). Slcuarl (irccn. \Villiain Danicl. (ia\ llouxlon. Sui llirxl and (iii) l-‘ci'i'i arc _\our hoxlx al lliix \\ cckl} dancc nigh! do“ n on llopc Slrccl.

I Funhouse at liai'll). l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl). A night ol \xixcd up punk iraxh and calharlic nonxcnxc pop. dL‘xlgncd lo L’lL‘al' all ol lhc xliil out ol )oui‘ cai'x. Radio l‘x charming Vic (iallona) and Mr Paul Nccdlcx arc in L'llul'gc ol lllc‘ lllllxlc.

I Funk Room ill lllC .-\I‘L‘llc‘x.

llpiii 3am. £6 ([5). 2i l-‘ch. Monthl}. Simon Bighcal and Andrcxx l)i\ inc arc _\our mercurial hoxlx al lhix cclchralion ol lhc 45. Special gucxl on lhix night lx l)J Pogo. \ilioxc iiamc acniall} comprixcx


Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

See page 81 for details

76 THE LIST 13—37 Feb 2003

a damc xi} lc. in caxc yin liadn'l iioliccd loi l/Il\ i/uh oil/i 'l ll\i' ', (,u.’ how} Ix L’( I lid/I [ll/(r ( no". In Ion Hui/1:101!

I Gavin Pearson and Adrian Coll al \lcdia llpm iam Lllx

\\cckl_\ 'l'lic [no l)_lx uho adoiii lhc lop ol lliix lixlmg. m axxocialion uilh (lnlc I. al llux ncul} icxampcd \cmic l’umpiii‘ Iimcx and all drinkx loi :3 \ol liail

I Haptic ill lllc' \dllll \c'\l ilalL' ll‘c

I Heads Up al llic Suli ( 'luli

llpm iam L" H l-cli \lomhlx chidcnl l’aul (".mlc} lx )omcd on llllx \xondcrlul niglil ol cclcclica Ii} old clium .r\nlhon.\ lcaxdalc. Rcal lllll\l\ loi ical PL'llPlL'.

I Kinky Afro al lhc Suli ( ‘luli \'c\l dalc ll‘c.

I Hustle and Bustle .ll lial‘a/a (ipm iam ll)_l\ lioiu llpmi, l'icc licloic llpm; £5 allci \Vccld) l’aul lia)iioi. Skud and liill} .loncx rip il up \x llll xomc liiglil} cliai'gcd Rtkli and hip hop mixcd \\llll lunk} and limkicr lrackx.

I In at the Deep End a! .\a I ll» llpm ‘am, 15. \Vcckl}. ,-\d l.ll‘ clcaix lhc lalilcx aua} oncc agam ax Richard and Indica lakc conlrol. ,laclan' licalx and xolid gi'omcx dominalc \xlulc liiglool \liiiikc} pi'o\ idcx lhc liiicxl qualil} |i\c [it'l’c‘llxxliill

Jiwlrl 'anM‘L)


I Life at l ilc lllpm Iam l icc lwloic midnight. 1—.lllc‘l “cc-kl} chm \lcl‘allallC Ilical lllfn iakcx on lllc luo ioomx with a xiillil luuk. xoul. garagc and HM xclliN'l claxxlcx \t‘lt'clli'll

0 LiveVEVil .ll (il.l\:_'\‘\\ S\llt‘|‘l l‘l

\il llpm ‘am :5 «UN 35 l cl» loilmglill} \loic maxxnc drum .\ l‘axx mglux liom l i\c\l \ll. ax llom .\ Roland ol \lo\mg \hadou \ixn (ilaxgim 1:3 lcln. lliix \\lll lic lolloxxcd up h} anollici liugc l i\c\ l,\il mglii \\llll l)oc Scou m llic \ci} ncai lllllllk'll‘1\i.lll.\|l llicxc gu}x lia\c gol ll ucll and hid} lockcd dou n chidcmx \loipli}. (icco, l’aul chcl. \cloccl and .\l( 'x (iulu\ and l axlliom makc lhix a lull lo lic icckoncd \\ llll. \ir ['Ii'l I! l'.

I Latin Fever al lla\ana ‘lpm 3am

l icc. “cckly l).l lx'cilli l) xpmx up xomc ('olumluan. ('ulian. \cu York and \liican xalxa. adding a l\\l\l ol 1 alm cllall. alid glolial l‘calx lo llic rh_\llmiical xlcu. laxl}.

I Keeping it Sound al llk' \lc‘illclllt' Room liai. 8pm lam l'l‘cc. “ccklx 'lom (‘liuiclull and \lallhcxx K picxcm an cwmng ol non danccllooi muxic. co\ci‘mg all xl_\lcx m llicii l)_l xcl l-.\pcci lo licai amliicnl. do“ iilcmpo and clccuomca along \\llll will. )a// and icggac and amlluiig clxc lllc} lch likc,

Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Fri 28 Feb

Doc Scott

Contrary to popular belief, Scotland isn't barren of quality drum 8. bass clubs. There’s Manga, Obscene and Mischief in Edinburgh, and the behemoth of frustrated beats that is LiveVEvil, based in Glasgow. Each club offers its own skewed approach to the genre, and so dramatic are the distinctions between one club and the other sometimes it’s hard to recognise coherence in this most frenetic of scenes.

LiveVEvil’s particular niche is the conveyance of breathtakingly severe but always sophisticated beat technology. Its next couple of dates bring scene legends Dom & Roland (28 February) and Doc Scott (14 March) to the Glasgow School of Art. The reputation of Dom & Roland (a pseudonym for Dominic Angus) has been secured through years of quality record production, and his fervour for live action is as fierce now as it ever has been. A prolific producer, his album Industry fully redefined the genre, and its influence is still seen to this day in the dark futuristic feel of modern

drum 8: bass.

Metalheadz Doc Scott drops by for the second big-name night and is equally keen to recognise the people who make the genre as vital today as it ever was: “Dance music mags like to preach about what is going to happen next, and what is dead. As ever people need to find out for

themselves.‘ (Johnny Regan)

I Life at lhc ('oimlluau Illpm 1am to \\cckl} KcHIi \lclailaiic ilicai lllhi plap lhc lincxl in will. luiik. lx’t\li. lli‘llK' .lll\l i‘lxlwc'lli‘i‘l cl.l\\lc\

I Medicine Wheel .11 Ilic .x‘uh (‘luli \C\l \l.llk' ll‘v

I ill lllc' (ll.l\:_'l‘\\ \clli‘ill i‘l \ll \C\l iltllc‘ ll‘c

I Miscreat and Creation .il \aull lllpm 3am 1" l~1lclionl} \laiim liom liaikmg Spidci l-lccliomcx, lhc (‘onluxion l).lx and \lixcical llicmxchcx makc lhix a might} \alciiliiic\ Ila} maxxacic (icl m lmc. l\o_\x and gulx

I Jackin’ .il .\l.\,\ ‘lpm 1am 1“ iuii \\cckl} \laiccllo llclla ("iocc. llill} \\i‘\‘\l\. l).lllll} Sllallu‘} .llL' lllk' lli‘\l\ .ll lliix claxx l'll llouxc xcxxion

I Monox al lhc Soundliaux | 1pm ‘am to tun Il l'cl\ \lonlhl} l'pal Soundliaux li\\\t'l\. \li llamcl \lono\ l‘.\l|l|llL‘ hax liccn liaxmg \xuh mcmlicix ol lhc lcchno and acid lialcimlicx lo aiiangc llux inglil \\llll l'gc liam \axi li\c_ .lcc\c. ~\‘marlic. .lackili.ulcr and \laik \mglcloii all ripping up llic xpacc \claiioiix young hoodlumx lhal llic_\ aic

I National Pop League .II lhc \\oodxidc Social .\ -1*pm .‘am t i :13) :5 l'k'l‘ \li‘llllll} lllk' liliixt‘ llll\ ill [\iixl punk. (IV) and nidic pop xci\cd up lo all )oii licaulilul cluli goch h) lhc l caguc loi National l’op lilicialion

I The N00 Groove .ll \a I ll‘ \c\l dalc llk'

I Nurture .il ('luli (i‘l \c\l dalc l l l‘L‘li

I Off the Hook .ll lllk' (ilaxgiuk School ol .'\l‘l ~\'c\l dalc llic

I Pressure al lhc .-\iclicx llpni iam H‘), 23 l'cli. Month!) Big mng loi all lhc old xcliool l’icxxuic hcadx lhix monlli. ax Slam liiing mold la\cx.lcll \lillx and (icnc l'ari'ix. alongxidc .\lichac| l)c llcn :\ hcallli} xmallciiiig ol gical gucxlx. a L‘I‘iMdcd daiicc llool and a gu‘al almoxplicrc makcx llux a lug onc

I Public Spirit al lludda, llpin iam )4" HS). “cc-kl,» Jon [M Silxa lx onc ol lll(l\L' l).lx \kllo \\Ill. lol' lllc chI «ll lllx da)x. liiid lhc \Hil'ilx 'lhc lt’gc'iiil;ii'}' lackcd on lo llic xlai'l ol lux namc llc and lhc :\doi'plii|iacx arc ha\ mg llicii “cckh pan} al llux iniglil) \ciiuc. xo lic llicic I Red and Gold Room al .-\rla lllpm 3am l'rcc licloic llpm. £7 allci \Vcckl}, l)J .\llcliacl ()‘Slica popx up lo xpm onl} lhc lincxl xalxa and l.alin luncx ll) ii \L‘l‘} \\ cll llk'k'lk'tl .'\l'l;i (fund.

I Rockit al Bamboo. 5pm *am. L" (U), \Vcckl). .\'c\\ club and hai \culuic ilial lirmgx xomc ol lhc llliixl uoi'lh} i'cxidcnlx m (ilaxgim logclhci' loi lunk} lioiixc and Rtin xcxxionx (icoll .\lonlloi'd lakcx carc ol llic lormci. \xliilc Paul MN dcalx u llll lhc lallcr. goddammil.

I Tantra al 'l'i'axh Illpm iam, £5 «Hi \Vcckl}. \Villl-lll-“illl drunk pcoplc \xahc}' l,ixa l.iIl|c\\ood and Iain ‘l'homxou pla} upli’onl liouxc lo a packcd dancc llooi'. mill [)1 Rohci'l pla}mg lunk} lioiixc. dixco and indic in room

I Test at (ilaxgou School ol .v\rl \cu dalc llic.

I Tidy al llic Shack. In lupin l, mini £5 iUi. \Vcckl}. ilial iiilcclioiix l'l'l lccliiig lakc liold ol )ou uhilc l)J lain llanlon lakcx conlrol ol llic dancc llool‘. I Lick Ital lhc .\lci‘cur} l,oungc.

()pm 3am. £4. \Vcckl}. land ol lhc \icck xoundx and an :iii}lliiiig gocx approach “1” makc llllx a popular mghl al ilic iicu ga_\ cluh. ()n l4 l'ch lhcrc'x lhc mcxilalil} incxx} Valcnlinc'x xpccial. \xhicli. llllx )c'ai' ix in lhc lorm ol a li'allic liglil part}. \Vaxh )our handx.

O Tronicsole and Tracktion Sessions al MAS. llpiii 3am. £7 (Hi. \Vcckl). 'l'lux cnucmg ucu I-ri xiarix on l4 l‘ch. and ix xurc lo allracl a llL'll} crov. d M rci cllcrx in lhc cil} ccnlrc. (‘hrix llarrix. .\larl}n Jcngahcad. .\lilioii Jackxon and (iordon laigzin arc _\our iiiuxical lioxlx. pla_\lng oul lhc liiicxl lripp}. lunk} x()llll(l\ for /4 Irb nII/\ '.rl~ I.I\I ' ('(m/ huh/(rs gr'! 1.? of] door pru'r' ul/ mgr/u.