Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY t\\':\Sl’SI l’altiolhall Sllltllttx. till -1«\ Hamilton Place. 225 I2S‘) \Ved noon opm; Sat & Sun noon 5pm. Saum Matters Sat IS \Ved 3t» l'eh, i 'lhu l'll l opm; Sat -1 3pm. Still I 4pm".

\Ved I opm (ierman ;tl'll\l Joachim

Rolttt‘l plcwmx two lll\l;lll;lllllll\ lot the

\pace takmg Ithplldlltill trom endlexx

w alkx tn (ierman) and Scotland


25 \larchmonl ('reu‘ent. 22‘) 200 i.

.\lon l'ri ‘lam Sillpnt; Sat lilam 2pm. :

Mixed Exhibition .-\ photographic if

galler} and trammg \ktii'kxlltip teatut‘ing '1 iv" , range ol trained mounted tillagex with I . O

\pace tor local [tltologt'apllt‘h to \how o

lllL‘ll' \xtil‘k _\ . ‘3 THE QUEEN’S GALLERY l’alace ol llol) t'ootlltotlw. “2”? .i l 222.“. Hail} 0.30am 4.3(lpm, Leonardo da Vinci: The Divine and the Grotesque l‘nul Sun to Mar. H it'2 Ur; tamil} ticket L'lt); under 5x tree. l)e\igned h} Beniaiiiiii 'l'indall Architect» the Um ()ueen‘x (lalle) open\ with the largext e\hihition tlL‘\UlL'tl lU l.L'ttlt;It'tlU tlgt \ilttc‘l L‘H‘t' ltL‘ltl iii Scotland. l)rawn lrotn the l{o_\al ('ollection. which ltoltl\ the world\ tinext group of Da Vinci draw ingx. the c\hihition leaturex "3 works which e\plorc the Renaixxance artixt'x lite-long ohxexxion with the human torm. I-‘rom lll\ attempt\ to deline perlecl proportion lo hix dixtortton ol' llte human lace to Bird Stations by Mary Redmond features in the Travelling Gallery’s new show The Park

e\plore itx comic potential. the mhihition includex \llltltc\ tor tlnx ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE landxcape. tiew ahxtract paintingx h) maxterpiecc 'I‘lu' [mt Supper. xelt- ln\ erleith llouxe. lnxerleith Row. 552 Landings (ialler). l()() Princes Street. thix young lidinhurgh—lxtxed artist portraits and dexignx for texter 717i 225 |5()l. .\lon l-‘ri lilani ()pm. Anne Redpath l'ntil Wed 5 Mar. coxtutttex. Jim Lambie: Kebabylon I'ntil Sun Art to Go l'ntil In 1-1 lieh. Paintings. oils and w atercolourx h} one 23 Mar tlmerleith llouxe: Inc Sun Affordable paintingx. prints and ot~ the leading ligltlx ot' the lidmhurgh QUEEN’S HALL ltlam 3.3tlpnii. A solo \how ot~ new drawings by ttrti\t\ from Australia. School. Anne Redpath t 18% l‘HiSi. (‘lerk Street. (ioh' 201‘). Mon Sat work h) the celebrated (ilasgow-horn Bangladesh. ('anada. Malayxia. Winter Craft Exhibition l'ntil ltlam 5.30pm. artist Jim l.amhie. liCxl known for ltix Singapore. South Africa and the l'K. Wed 5 Mar. A mixed show of Hugh Walker l'ntil Sat 1 Mar. px} chedelic tloorx. hix imolxcinent in contemporar} crat'tx h) galler) artixtx Photographic \\ol'k\ h} llugh Walker the (llaxgow inuxic \cene llux had SAMARKAND GALLERIES inxpired h} a recent \ iin of Sheman in considerable influence on hix work as he In How e Street. 225 20“). Mon Sat SHIRAK north ca\let‘n ('hina. i\ fascinated h) the wax in which muxic. ltlam 5.30pm; Sun by appointment. 5 Baron) Street. 478 74-10. 'l'ue Sat like art. can transform a social Antique and Contemporary 10am (rpm. RIAS GALLERY emironment. Working with everyla) Eastern Carpets lidinhurgh'x Contemporary Scottish Art and IS Rutland Square. 22‘) 75-15. Mon l-"ri ohiectx. the \how t‘eaturex works made new est eastern rug and carpet gallery Design .-\ galler) and shop teaturnig a Want 5pm; Sat 10am 4pm. \pecilicall) tor the \how along with \et tip by Brian MacDonald features a changing \electton ot' hand-woven and You and Your Environment l'ntil other recent work. l.amhie is also line \election of contemporar) rug art embroidered rug\ and textile\ trom the hi 2l lieh. lmagex. original work and reprexenting Scotland at this Muir's from the littsl ax well ax antique rugx 'l’urkmen. l'lhek. Beluch and Arman te\t detailing the tirxt RI.-\S Millennium Venice Biennale. See rexiew, and tribal bags. tribes oi ('cntral Axia. Award pi'oiectx to receixe l'unding. Zones of Inhibition l'ntil Sun 23 l‘eh tlixhihition Hall: Mon l-‘ri THE SCOTSMAN SLEEPER ROXY ART CENTRE ltlam 3.30pm; Sat & Sun 108 llolyrood Road. l‘or more Reiach and Hall Architectx. o l)arnawa} 2 Ro\hurgh Place. 0773 6272256. noon 3.30me. .-\n e\hihition on t'ungi information call 556 7076 or Street. 225 84-1-1. Mon l‘ri 2 5pm. Mon \Vcd & l'ri Sun lllam 3pm; 'l‘hu from both a scientific and an artixtic ww Marianne Eigenheer l'ntil rm 2% lilam 3pm tk 7 ltlpm. point of \ iew. looking at both its identity Djinniditto - The Other Slide I-‘eh. Marianne liigenhecr create\ a wall Being Thu 13 'l‘hu 2t) l-‘eh. .-\n open and ll\ economic \igniticance. l'ntil Sat l5 lieh. See Paterson SA drawing [or the \pace. \uhmixxion of work h} lidmhurgh entr). ('ollege ot' .-\rt \llltlt‘lth encompaxxing a ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE THE SOUTHSIDE GALLERY wide range of dixciplinex. In addition to (it'ittdla) Street. l-"or tnore information SCOTTISH GALLERY SS Ratclil'le 'l'erracc. (m7 tum Mon tn the e\hihited artworkx. there will he call 556 7076 or w w lo Dundax Street. SSS 1200. Mon l-‘ri 9am (ipm; Sat lilam 5pm. eqwrimental electronica on Sun It» l-‘eh Djinniditto - The Other Slide Sat ltiam 6pm; Sat ltlam 4pm. Mixed Show l'ntil l‘Tl 2X l'eh. from 3pm plux an on-going programme 15 Sat 22 Feb. See SA l’aterxon entry. Alison McGill l'ntil Wed 5 Mar. ()riginal artworkx h} \arious artists or \hort lilmx. NFV‘. SHOW. Drawing inspiration lt'om aerial including new works h} Vin am

14 February - 15 March at 7.45pm . .

matinees at 2.30pm STUDENTS HALF PRICE


Scottish Special Sunday Show: 2.30pm 2 March Arts Council STUDENT TICKETS ONLY £2 Gigi/"5g. °<état~tévRQH . ART is presented by arrangement . with David Pugh and Sean Connery - . By Yasmina Reza . Translated by Christopher Hampton .. Box Office: 0131 248 4848 O , Theatre Starring Andy Gray, James Macpherson www.| f OmPanY & Forbes Masson Grindlay St. Edinburgh EH3 9AX .' ° ' " 8." R G -

92 THE LIST ‘3—2" F-ot‘ LOGS