Disney was losing its way. And then it looked back to the future and discovered in TREASURE PLANET that some dogs should learn new tricks and others should be left well alone. rams: Ruth Hedges

t‘x animation. .liiii. hut not ax \\c knou it

cartooning l‘oi' tlic iic\t gcncration

ximulatioii ol' thc l'iitui'c. 'l'hix. at lcaxt. ix thc \xa} l)ixiic} ix pitching itx latcxt ci'cation. Vivi/slur I’lum'l. Drauing looxcl} on Rohcrt l.ouix Stcu‘iixoii'x 'Ii'i’iixiii'i' /\/(IH(/. tlic l'iitui'ixtic \ci'xion hax planctx l'oi' ixltiiitlx. [H'olopltixliiic pclx lioi‘ iiai'i'otx and gallconx xailiiig among thc xtai'x. .v\|| \xith tlic aid ol pionccriiig tcchiiolog} iii\o|\ing \ii‘tiial xctx. dccp

can\ax lL‘L‘llllltlllL‘\ and intcractnc lighting x\xtcmx. h b 5 Which xouiidx a hit t e

complicatcd and it ix. But in ximplc tci'mx (ic ax c\p|aiiicd to tcchnologicall} incpt joiii'nalixtxi. computcr programiiicx lttl\ c hccii dc\clopcd to ximiilatc .xcciicx in \\lllL‘ll charactci'x poxxcxx xculptui'al qiialiticx. xctx arc graphicall} coiixtructcd in 3|). lighting cl'l‘cctx can hc manipulach \\llli god-likc control and camci'ax x\\iitip ahout cincmaticall). 'l‘hc cllcctx arc xtiinniiig. hut thci'c ix :il\\;i}x thc daiigcr oi lL‘L‘llllUlUg} taking in cr thc human factor. Allan/ix \\ ax a flop hccauxc both cliai'actci‘x and plot \xci'c \\ cak. But it xccmx that l)ixnc_\ liax lcariit itx lL‘xxtitt. \xith tltl\tlllL‘L‘lliCltl\ iii c_\hci‘ xkill hcing halaiiccd h) a i'ctiii'ii to thc chai'actcr di‘a\\ing-


‘The more passion, the more emotion you put into it,

hoard l'oi‘ ’l'ri'mim' I’lum'l.

And on mccting thc aniiiiatoi'x ol' )ouiig .liiii and John Sil\ci'. xccing him tlic} xlip into charactci'. ph_\xicall_\ llittlillt‘Nllllg thcii' onxci'ccn ci‘cationx. )iiii undci'xtand that thc act of i'calixiiig charactci'x into hcing. ol hand drauiiig thoiixandx upon thouxandx of picturcx l'oi' xccoiidx ol l'ootagc. ix a ti'iic labour of iotc. In a Roll llai'rix kind of dcmonxtratioii. (ilcn lx'canc tSichri and John Ripa (Jim) hull and pull and than thcir altci' cgox into lil'c.

‘lt \\;tx thc moxt natural thing for mc to xtart acting it out.’ xa}x lx'canc. ‘thn _\oii arc animating )ou'i'c li\iiig in thc xkiii ol' that L‘liiit'ttL‘lcl'. IlillL‘ lk‘xl \lttll ix thc liitixl pci'xoiial. 'l‘hc inoi'c paxxion. thc morc cmotion _\ou put into it. thc lk‘llct‘.’

Ripa agrccx: '.'\llllllillltill ix a caricaturc ol lilic and that‘x uh} I zil\\;i)x go to thc xoiircc. l xtiid} a i'cal pci'xon. acting and li\'c action. .Iamcx l)can “ax a inaxxi\c llll‘lllCllL'L‘. \VllL‘li l ltitikc‘tl til /\’(’/)('/ nil/mu! (1 ('mm' I \\ttx hlouii a\\a_\. 'l‘hc tliingx that hc did \xith hix hod}

it \x‘ax a \VlltllL‘ attitudc. a uholc poxtui'c. You l‘cit thc pain. and I \\'LtlilCtl to iindci‘xtaiid that.'

Such dcdication ix morc than appai'cnt iii a film \xith xomc gcnuincl} touching momciitx. What .lamcx Dcan \Hillltl makc ol it ix anothcr qucxtion: l)ixiic)‘x iio i‘chcl. But it ccrtainl} docx hclich in making thc hcxt animation poxxihlc on itx qucxt for digital tilttxlct'} and li't'tlxill‘t' I’lil/lt'l ix onc (ll. thc lk‘xl.

Treasure Planet, general release from Fri 14 Feb.

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

/\(Ti|\.ii1t‘titiiiil i in GO Wild! lii ll lii.‘ l\l\~h

il.illi 1pm ii‘t'iti.“l [its l.ill \liip \ilii.i\1‘i'\\ ll.ttl‘\‘llI. IINI \h‘l‘tti'xx l\'w.iii. ‘.‘.‘ ,“l; iit‘l i\iit‘

hax ictciiih hct-ii t icamnv tlt‘ itx ad and \xiltliil.‘ ix :‘i.idii.:il\ iciiiiiniiz' lo Fit-iii tclcl‘iatc .iiid Iill\. thci.‘ an .t \.iii.'t\ oi .it ll\ll1t‘\ on ottci iii.ikc .. iiiiictoiic luidict'tk‘i .i tI'lt'lIIllll hiittcitl} \.lltl. .l pom pom littci hiit' lll.t\tt'l oi tlt‘\lt'Il .i lioxici

Back to School xun in I ch .\ xim .‘i l ch, _‘ ipm 1| *1! \totlanil \iicct \thool \liixciiiii. \liixciiiii oi ltlll\.lllt‘ll. I“ \totlantl \iicct ‘N‘ “\llli loin lt'.it‘lit'l \ll\\ li.i\lt‘t {Hi .i ii\lli:‘ lilleH \iiixc l‘ iiiinutcx call} to dicxx up lll l‘t'lliul

\ laxx xct lll \ it toiiaii tiiiicx

\t‘\llllllt' hctoic xcciiij: pioi‘x. .i :‘ciiiiinc

_-,'.ix iiiaxk .llltl thc tlicaiicd lit-It

Mic-aim 8. [)anco

Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends \at 1* .\ \iiii I“ | ch.

Ill 1H.iiii..‘i\iii.\ illluii till *H {lo \I (i( i. l miiicxton ()uat. ll.\"ii iilH “NIH \ll .ihoaid thc t’lllt‘lldllllllt'lll c\picxx .ix llioiiiax .llltl hix i.iilio.itl cliuiiix io|| iiito li\\\ll

Oscar’s Amazing Space Adventure \al |R l'ch noon .\ .‘iuii t-l ii * RIii Scottiin \laxk .iiid l’uiilit-I llicatic (‘ciititz \ lll Haltaiicx \\cnuc Kt‘lHlltlJlt'. H" (il.\R \lllll\t'l.llt' l’uppclx picxcni thc Lilc oi ()\\ .ii lltt' iiioiixc \xlio'x iiixt \l.tllt'tl xcliool. hut tan .il\\.i}x lind xoiiictliiiig hcttci to do than hoiiiig tlltl lioiiicuoik \o \\ licii .i

iii) xtciioiix ohicct landx iii Iiix _‘,'.tltlt'll xlicil_ lic \llllpl} li.ix to lll\t'\ll_‘.,'.tlt'. ol

Magic Bob - Hey Presto \il I-ch. noon tk 2pm Ll it i 5th \totiixh \laxk .llltl l’uppcl l’hcatic ( 'cntic. N I“ llalcaiicx \\ciiiic lx'cli. llltl.llt'. {W “15‘ Scotlaiid'x l.i\ouiitc lll.l_‘.'l\l.tll icluinx loi .iiiothci doxc ol iii.ij_'ic .inil llllllll The Nutcracker l‘ll ,‘I .\ \al l'ch. Winn. \at I *Hpin .\ illpiii 2}) IUH RS \\II) It") chiicu \iicci. N.‘ RHS". liallct \\cxt picxciit tlic xtoi} oi .i hcaiitiiul niitciackci tltlll \klltixt' lll.ij.' .id\ciitiiicx .iic playwl out to

lcllalkin xk_\ ix L'l.i\xlt' xt'iilc


Cats and Dogs ll)(il x..i Ii l't'l‘. lplli \ll llckt'lx L3 .‘5 (il.i\;'ii\‘. l lllll lllt'allt'. l: Ritxt' Sllt't'l, ii.‘ Nl.‘-\ \t’t‘ l‘lllll |iidc\

The Little Vampire ll ix.” 3.) l'ch. IH {Ham \ll lickch 13 3* (ilaxt'ov- l'lllll llicatic. l3 lx’oxc Sticct. i‘.‘ 3175 Scc l'lllll liidc\

Human Body ll)(il'. Everest it i. Dolphins ll l. Into the Deep ll I. Cyberworld tccit tht i. tiiiicx \.ii).. chcck l‘lllll lixtiiigx loi' \llt|\\lll_‘_' lllllt'\ L5 it" Sm l\l.\\ 'l licatic. (iiaxt'ov. Scicncc (‘ciitic. RH l’acilic (Jim). 13" Soon.

Activities and Fun

Beauty and the Beast Photo Op Sat 15 Sun lo l'ch. l'icc, ()ccan 'l'ci‘iiimal. l.citli. 55* HKHH, (‘oiiiciding \Hlll thc miixical xpcctactilai lira/11‘. (“14/ 111i li’uixl. lia\ c )oui‘ pictuic takcii \iith licllc and pick up xtilllt' [in ‘If gootlicx Handbag of Happiness and the Poetree Sat 15 l'ch.

lil. Wain l2 ‘Upm «k 2 inn, £2 iLli National l’oi'tiait (iallci‘). l ()iiccn Sltt‘cl. 02-10200 l'.\t'l’) Hl‘lL’c'l lt'll\ il xtoi'} or a pocm or a mug lot that inatth iii Sall} ('iahti'cc'x Handbag oi