llal‘lfllk'ss lilitk' .i link) dip and st't' \shat Inagital .idn-nturt's t'tnt'rgt'

Love is in the Air \al 1* lut- Ix lt-h. ‘Lrin 1 illprn L" IN ‘5». l.Illlll_\ Iitkt-I 2.3” L31§ll ludtnhnrgh /nn.

I ‘ni sti 'lplllllt' Rnad. “10]”! \.llt'lll|llt"\ Int all the l.irinl_\ urth a mural ll.Ill. .irI \siirksllivp .ind \lL'\‘- nI pcngtnns tit-sting .ind hnndrng Musket, Pipe and Drum \al IS lt'h. llam. rinnn. 3pm tk ‘ptn LIN

«L3 UH l.t1|lll‘lll_‘.'ll(dhllt'.1(0).” \ltlt‘. 33§ 0316 \cc lllL' t lntlit's \snrn and the \xt-apnns ll\t‘tl h} Iht- l"t|i (‘t'nlnr_\ \Hltllt'l

The Art Cart Sun l6 l't'h. 3 -1pnl l'lk't' l<n}.i| \ltiscuin. 3 (‘harnhcrs Slit-ct. 3-1" -13|‘) lllL' l<n_\.il \ltist'urn and \lll\t‘lllll nl \t‘ntland haw a nu“ rm ing .\rt (‘.:it \\ llll llk‘k' .iit Inatt'tials In the '|}tn_~._' Ill \Hlll lllt' lHtll\ nn tht‘

\llt it'nt l‘.j_')llll.lll (iallt-r) Iht'it' \\ Ill ht" .l t'hant'c lni mask making Artefactory \lnn I" ll! ll l'k'l‘ l'lt't' l<n_\al \ltist'tnn. 3 (‘hantht'ts Strccl. 3~1~ ~13I‘), \lakc )ntn imn rt-plrta lllllst‘lllll nhlct‘t lll lllL' \rtvlactnt}. rnatltt' .I ;l) ll.llll. .l lt)\\ll lingt'r puppt'l nr .i cairn \ tn start" nll Iht- Rninans.

The Medieval Archer Sat 32 tub. I lain. nnnn. 3pm & ipnt. (H ((3 L6). Izdtnhurgh (listlt'. l<n_\.i| _\li|t'. 335 0316. |.i\ing llistnr} St'ntland It'll tht' stnr’} nl the an“ and hnu \\llll dt'rnnnstiatinns and pit-suntatinns ahnnt t'lntht's. sa} rngs and lt't‘lllllt|llt‘\. Doodles and Tales Sun 3% l‘L'l‘.

3 iptlt. l'It't'. \tiltnttal (iallt'l') nl St'ntland. Iht' .\lnuni|.63~163llll. Slnrxtclling Using Iht' gallcr) is t'nllt‘ctinn as a springhnatd intn Iht' Irnaginatinn. lnctisnig t'spct'IaII) nn (ir't‘t'k rinths and St‘nlltsh stnr'lt's. l't't'hng Inspirt'dl'

l)ra\\ ing l||.llt’ll;ll\ art- .i\atl;ih|t‘ altt'ruai'ds In drau and It'll )nur n\\tl \lnt') \\ Illl ht‘txwt'n ipin and Jpn].

Theatre & Dance

Brunton Youth Theatre ‘l’lui l3 l'it‘l‘_7.§1llllll. L31; lannl} tickt't U5. llr'untnn 'l'ht'alrt‘. l.ad}ucll \Va}. \ltisst'lhurgh, 665 22.1”. .\ nu“ \llll\\ do used and pt'rlnrincd In tho new |_\ < lnrincd Hrnntnn tnuth 'l‘hcatr'u Int

13 1-1 )t'tll' Ulll\.

Beauty and the Beast 'l‘liu I3 l‘t'h Sat l3 Apr innt Sun). 7.30pm; \Vcd tk Sat 3..“lplll tk 7.3llptn. [0.50 [3-1. l’la)hnnsc. IS 33 (irt‘cnsidt' l’lat't'. ll.\'7ll 6063-13-1. This cnchanllng stni'} nl‘ .l girl and .in tigl} ht'ast cnint‘s In lilt‘

\\ IIh llisnt'} ‘s auardwxinning musical. The Little Lost Dragon Stll I5 l‘t'h. 3pm. [5 IUSUI. \t‘tltcrhnu .v\rts ('cntrt'. ~13 ~15 lltgh Slit-ct. 556 957‘). .‘\gcs .‘~ 0. ls'cnspccklc Puppets presents thc Ialt' nl an adwnturnns _\nnng dt'agnn \\ llll a It'ast nl glitter. innsic and cnlnur. l:xhibition

The Golden Ages of Toys l'nril Sat " .lun. l‘r't't'. .\lll\t‘lllll011(‘lllltllltlllt1. ~13 lligh Stt‘t‘t't. 530.1143, Share the magic nl \lt‘t't'ann. llni‘nh} tt‘atnst‘ts. chd) hears and thc “nndcrlnl aria} nl

In_\s that came In lllL' hut“ Gun 15")” and l‘Hll.


Kate’s Creative Kids’ Club t'niil \Vt‘tl 3h l't'l‘. slpltl. llnnlcrs Hunks. [hit 36 l~'nrt Kinnaird Rctail Park. 657 4(l-1l. limtlx l'llll for 7 l3 )t‘ttl' ultls.

Frosty February Fun Sat IS ‘l‘uc l.\‘ l-‘ch. llarn nmin tk 1 3pm. £3. |{n_\al Hntanit‘ (iardcn I('alcdnnian llalll. lnxcrlcrth Rn“. 5537l7l. Stnr)tclling and children's cntcrtainincnt In “arm up thnsu chill} l'it‘l‘l'llill'} da_\ s.

Outside the Cities

Activities and Fun

New Lanark Science Fair Sui

l5 Sun l6 lich. nnnn 5pm. £1.50 lt'l l. .\'t'\\ l.anark \Vni'ld Heritage Village. .\'t'\\ l..inark Mills. Ne“ l,anark. (“555

661315 l'llll and cducatinnal da) nut \\Illl t'lcctr'il}irtg \llll\\\ int hiding Iltt‘ Big ling shim Istntahlt' 6 plusi. rcal hIc t'\hihits and a Scrunct‘ (‘nt’ns

Theatre & Dance

The Princess and the Pea Hill |1 l‘ll l-l l-t'h. llatn t\ 3pm. t i. \lat‘Rnht'tI. l'tmt'rstt} nl \tnling. Stirling. “1‘56 166666 'l he dclitalt' pttnt't'ss \xhn cannnt ht'ar Iht' lll\t'l|lllltill nl a singlt- pm lll ht-r hcd is nld nuns .\lndcrn [‘llllc'thtW .irt- rnnt'h tnught'r. .is int“ l'l'lllll pindnt'tinns shnu lll Iht'n' lalcsl ptndtit‘ltnn.

Sing and Dance Along with Mr Boom Sat Ii l‘ch. llarn nnnn

[3.50 L ‘5”. 'l'n\\n llall. lln‘nt‘ss.

lll i3-1 SIIIiXSH. ‘l he spaceship lands lll llllillt‘\\ llll lll;l(l\ Hl slall} \Hllg'\. spact' .igt' inkt-s and audit-nut- [mt'ltt'lpatlnn

Wild Girl Wild Boy Sat l5 l-t-Ii. 3pm. t iflHLCSHI; lnut tit'kt'ts lni

I; ll), .\darn SiniIh 'l’hcatrt'. licnnnch} Rngtd. Klil’st‘illtl}.lll5‘l:~11:‘l3‘), Imp l'p prnductinns ptt‘st‘nls a suhxt'isnt' pla} Int 5 l3 )t'ar nlds. dt'lung InIn Ihc iinagtnalinn nl a child \\hn's

dealing \uth tht‘ In“ nl a parent. l’nctit'

languagt‘ and magical \uii'lds hulp In hlt Iht' charat‘tt'i' nut nl ll\ pain Happy Gang in a Fairytale Forest Sun l6 .\lnn I" l-t'h. Sun 3.30pm; .\lnn llain .k 3.30pm. £6. liasmimd 'l‘ht'atrt'. l'..'t\l\\tHltl l’ark Rntikcn (ilL‘ll Rnad. (itllnnt‘k. “Ill 577 .1070. Thu llapp} (ialtg ai't' hack \\llll tnnt't' magic It’t‘ats. l’t'lnt't' ('harnnng's ht-t'n tcnding Iht' lint't'st lnr )t'ars hut he‘s lwcnint- a hit \L‘lll\ll in lll\ nld agc stt'aling the Magic l)tist lnr hiinscll. \th can \;l\t‘ it'_’ ('ninc and

Wild Girl Wild Boy Sun 16 .\lnn l7 l-t'h. Sun I lain & 3pm; .\lnn I lain & 3pm. £3. MacRnhcrt. l'niwrsit} nl' Stirling. Stirling. Ill 7786 1166666. Sec Adam Smith 'l’hcatt‘t' ahm u. Journey to the Centre of the Earth Sun 33 li‘h. 3pm. [3.50 (933.5); lnur llt‘kL‘ls lnr L‘ ll). Adam Snnth lilt'dlll'. Bunnnch} Rnad. Kirkcald). (ll5‘)3 -1 1303‘). .r\f_‘C\ 5 plus. :\d;lplt‘tl l'I‘nIII .ltllt‘s \t't’ttds \L'ldl Classic. snlt‘ llL'l'l-Ul'lllt'l' Mark I’cncak nl' Blue linal 'l'huatrc pills the thrill rntn this Iht‘illcr \xith his spell-hinding pcrl’nrntancc. l'sing props. puppt-Is and a pile nl nld suitcases. the \lttl') nl' l'ntn' intrepid mplnrcrs as this} innrnt‘} In the earth‘s nut is hrnught In lil'c.

Jumpin’ Beans luv 25 Hi 33 lit-h. Illain & l|.l5ain; l3.3llprn tk 3pm; 3.45pm. £3. MacRnhct't. l'niwrsit) nl' Stirling. Stirling. (ll 7ts'6 466666. ()il} ('art prnductinns launch )ntl intn Ihc unrld nl' hnuncing nn halls. Ii'ainpt‘ttt's. Ihc l‘lnnr' there is nuwr a static rnntncnt. Ynu arc in\ ilt'd In jnin in and pla} in the \\ ihhl} \xnhhl} “ailing rnnin hcl'nrc lhc shim. llnnking t‘sst‘ntial. l’ii'st st'ssinns 6 tnnnths 3 )t‘ars. lllltltllt‘ \L'\\ltlll\ 3—4 )t'ar's and last st‘ssinns ‘1 6 _\cai's.

The International Purves Puppets liiggar l’uppct 'l'hcatrc. llrnughtnn Rnad. (DIX‘N 33(l63l. £5 tic-ll; l'antil) Iit‘kt‘ls £33 & [36. Bunk in ad\ancc as lllllL‘\ arc subject In change. Reductinns t'nr parties nt l'nt' nt' lllUl'L‘. Shnus nn nllt‘r met the next l\\n \\ cults AII'L‘Z

Cinderella Sat l5. Sun l6. 'l‘uc l8 & Sat 33 l-‘uh. 3pm. Ages 7~plus. l)id )nu knnu that ('indcrclla had a little Innusc called 'l‘iinnth) '.’ And that thc [\u) silly l'gl} Sisters had a nast) cat called (‘nr‘ncliusl’ Well. there are plum) man surprises in stnrc \\ iIh Pun t-s' \crsinn til the classic l‘air}Ialc.

Pips and Panda in Circus Land Sun 3-1 l5ch. 3pm & Mun 35 Feb. 10.30am. Ang 3 7. An unusual haskct sets off a m} stcrintis chain of m unts l‘nr the famous dun as the} cncnuntcr Jilly and Jal‘l‘} the limit) gccsc and Sugar the dancing hnrsc “hen the) spend a da} at the circus.


Chi! a 97

~ Classic Concerts

Gaelic Parent and Toddler Sessnons

In Scotland, the Gaelic language is all around us - in the names of mountains, rivers, towns, villages, music and literature.

jNould you like to share this sense of history With your child?

We are offering drop-in sessions for parents and toddlers to learn the language through play and song. Each session costs £1 and our main aim is to have fun in a friendly and informal environment.We are also running separate classes for parents with a creche available.

There is no need to already speak the language yourself. Most children in Gaelic medium education come from homes where parents do not speak it. Our research suggests children introduced to Gaelic language at an early age find it easier to go on to learn other languages.

Why 1101SUYPTI'si‘yOUYSt‘ll?

For more details of times and venues, please contact Norma Martin, Early Years Officer: 01 31 469 3307 or email: normamartin-faeducedingovuk


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