


A (tnaszypx; fif>:':.;zl’)" 'o' t,- :tt‘

Must- ave buy:.‘ "

:"E‘t.'\§>'l‘\w H . 2- U 2' .‘.’ - "‘2" i' 'l'l) I " .2," ' ' I." I . 7" x; {\1\\: 7. \:v(i v a, . . (it). FOCUS A skate shoe I x ., .t a tn w :l. mm; emponum \ux’Xlt 4"): \:t.'. t}. t rx tt~ t ' t‘ ' ,' v " mm M t' "‘ tw’ .;:. E t" .2“:

t V.(:ars. I! ha Juw .'.as i)tt(,‘(} .o(;at<>:t a::'::s§; ('10 “a: 2" “no”

TH" ~ '.:";lt' Yz'tt'ufll'l.) \l

Show. .l‘a; .'.as. u'l'. tilt: but cl (:.l(1(,.'.t‘>. NW. l"'.,\>r"<:v fnflH/LAH’YA. " ,'l€t.ef;:'t1'z:tt\l.. '. l'tzs ;: dtmx: sho; Law ‘3 . "\' a“! Wuwrw: : ' l' ... _, .,.' ,t . .\ t. . /‘ ‘9\ . .. ,. \. V f)tr/\r,'\f>(l'(1H(IQ/I ) (A/HYL‘IHKXEHHA. J'Kjd-r‘ 1,l(,\lh|”() K," \/KI'-‘)x(;|"-{3’f) \K't’ .\ [J5 -' :'-'\7 ‘/\'!'\(‘.|v \ \l» <\) '\ A "1". ' '\ l". .1" ti' it\?..v.\\ '(t t I"

Ham) (t(:.’“()<_;'ét[:'tt(i. a-twtuo." oat'ahs o .ts <}()‘.‘.’t18‘.£t'f§ skate shot: ":tl "v :o.°.a'<:s V.::.;' <:<x>'.

skattr, I<B<)Y‘.;t(;(: typos.

Perhaps the 't‘ost :l'stmgtnst‘lrtt; ftz-atu"<> of tho ‘.'.'ar(ai'i’:us<:- (j(353lg"(}(} stgt't: ts go'ttrtaxt out?

<:at:‘(,~:.f‘ao<; (:ruwu (t'tft 't‘at<:;"'"~g; >r:"t changing} t()<)tY‘ (:urtat‘ls


Excluslw: tz'atrrts st::(3<:t<r<: :7,

l ad; Soul Tm: shot; also stocks a "‘-(Z"(E(l!t>l(} s(:-;(:-<:!Io" of skate shows a":: ggr‘txt :;' ;;.. .r*-‘

a trolling, of 41mm, <:u:;'“o.'ts. llgt'lto's {Wt} wallets. Must-have buy: f::":[)81 ()<)ff‘,'»\"'t foo «WM. é‘l‘fi.

I f'lhdet/"Kl. 1.713%)" Show. Glasgow“ {l'J' 5:32 .0, ca.


Tho ottttomo of all t".rt;;s f§T\3.:;tt and funk). ()ohm‘utt: t’fiuttortlg has; sollo "ooutatmn to' l"t‘()‘.£tt|‘.(i (i()l|(?(?tl()tlfl aho' a=.‘.<,--.r‘.s;).uho (toslghs. 'l'roats "~<:;uoo amazing; lighttug. glitESES‘JJLtHE. Scahott' «warrios. (NM ‘ost we totoot the t'a'ttastm: 'oo

lsokah .ou'tgors av‘a (:otfoo tahlos. Sootnstlcattoh art tho may.

Must-have buy: Alt huh! Pahol. la Evolumoo, $7325). I Coho/oft) Buttor‘fld. (3771379 Con gate. Politburo”. (J '37 13:38 [730. tum-.1comm>tot)./ft0rfl.z(:o!" NANCY SMILLIE ‘Fahcy goods orohatzl‘, host (luscr'lhos tho (‘outohts of Nahm Stl‘IHIO Shop and Art Gallon. Aho that‘s Ell no way a ttlss<>t\.l<:0. The home lhtouor shop ls chock-full o‘ sluxply oxqulsm} furniture. ltghtlug panels. \asos. soft tur'vushu‘gs and kvmtk

khattks. A thorougm Classy

om. ".()t.".‘tlg)".18£1‘,. Must-have buy: tht)o'~.-.l pvt} flame fut}. 92-109

I ."\.a”<:\./ Stat/fro. :33 Cross»: 2/ Shoot. Gatsgt 1) ’47 .th10.

I"1'3L'vuqéf'ywtfrnru 42):)r’v‘()A’/\.:.(;‘.\4k

You<2ou|<1 happll‘! while a ‘.*.a\, a whole EthUr'tOOtt Ht ths

r'otr'o sartctuar‘, Beautiful (:ut

giass. twp olcturos aho smash

(:rotrkom and a". array of "otro [toms (ion the walls. floors and shoiuhg Friendly staff and a central location ensure that tho nonco and '(EI'O-(T()ttt‘()'§38()tlt' almo CEN‘. onto; the (tellghts .h store. Must-have buy: Rod (:ut glass vase. £24. I Retro, 83 ,‘vfar'jt '5 Street.

Ed aha/gt). f) '3’ 5:38 9090.


\‘v’nh ts vtt-t'o o‘orx‘es. t'u'tk', Hg“: f:'.’.s".g;s. ‘ntstth rooms. .u‘usua' ttt‘aws and ()M’tl shaped toiewslorx the Bacholo' Pail effortossu ;>;:<:u;>:<:-s a slow} 't‘ath-t ‘o'

.lesnahtt‘: ahu :toi' X‘ttjlo

Iurhltu'e tror‘. the vGo.


flu, trndhu ‘t i!\ Ht) Mr (NHL

it‘tg- gunk, st; f' moluuo Kat/oh Haus. :'>.%.“"u‘f:. Patstrt‘ arm

th'ougth the ifl"f)‘.[it|‘.0

Heston of the 3.0:; and 50:3. to the sophisticated vagam of tho (Bits and 1702;. Must—have buy: plfSTlllC Ilghtlhg. E‘IS€'>()~S‘:'>-Ilil though he a-:l\.s(><t ocooio. February ls 'htako 'N: a.” offer .mo'tttt'. so go get yoursoi‘ a hargalu.. I 7"‘0 Ba<:"o.o' Paul 36 Sf St<3;)."<3"'s 8700?. EU '?.')ur';;". )73' 226 ($5955.

Cut glass vase, Retro

"iartagto' t.'.;\ mars at}? smtt Int. thwflv oat '_lt;n"\i~. latwrs tanks aw: .‘Jtzms a: u't'...

Must-have buy: (Luv :t‘tlu

soc." as 52v

Psalt KANJ/L. a'o stun/Mn),

Pvmy‘ hag}. S .’:> l’u't‘anat v "Y‘.tt"".(?tt'. .'~.a' .‘att‘. a

want/u: .: t>at>. lshvts

trauw:.:‘lat;<> oat]. I [(NUS. -1.1‘t'.rusf/)(>'t.

[C."".'}\u'_('.'l, (l f 993-) Wt

'.-.:‘.t\ att.tu;:<:. Braho N022. Must-have buy: Gsus; gt'ttt‘

'mtpw orlht Tsttzh. 1.x». .'.l.'.‘.'..t>t,./.,.' an aim o .m


Thus 'ttuooh. {iii/:(ESSFS=IJ!(; (:tt1;;<).’tttt" as sormttwgg of an wutoreo'u

DJIJCC. LJLSHJIH) f)r.().'v'<,(ig('if) (xt‘.(185N100(:frdtlfiflrttr‘fll; (I

‘u'hltate mt” 53(:(37Y‘l.'lil:~, st,ltsh spootarucfi, mm: the lower floor

;:la§.s host to colourtu Eh sho.'.f;asl't;; so'twe of the cams lea/1mg; rr‘ahutactu'cm :rn ‘..r"~'..."<: aw: (yttwg ~ marvel; Casstoa. Draoe. Zamafta. MUM».

Artu'tnzto ~ ITTHQL.S¢’:(:2181!, C".€1:l(3s'lg(:f3’.l‘.€:“Ottl’XyfllOUS 't\.t‘.€;r;h;;s '3? t"£i:r‘st'<:art‘ counterparts 1w; Hamtat and Ikea Aha exam-rs Btll arm 8, gaa Potter art,- resoutt; to their éitlllltl‘18 to

offer a tank, sitte'r'1at'.<; to the rtor't‘: ‘T'lc mm; ES that we offer a

hmos, rtnrrors. Cutler, £1’L’lt0,‘;.

sarv‘et’tlag armor: for the canteu‘porag mom-f That the, do. I l'Vfoase'; Home Street. Eds/TDLJ’Q'T, O ' 37 225 2888; 2-4—26 “4.50" Street. Gaston, (L 7-17 552 5962: manna,l,",'1ous(;.(;

x. ' ‘12:; ": My .7, J: THE LIST 101