


GLASGOW (continued)

I Queens Park. Friendly nxx lt'llldlk' ImIlmxuIII.II/\IIIIII-III In \lmn' I‘t'JllllIllI. \Imt lHIl\ ll.lI Ill (‘nim'rmllnn .\IL'.I I my IIIIL‘II klltllk'll. (K ‘ll. Inch Inungc & .III IIIHII Innx L3 I” pull IIII'IIIIIInjg ("I . InII\ 'II-I III-ll III ‘3‘".

I Dennistoun. Furnished double rnnm .l\;lll.ll‘lt‘ lll I\I'I;_'III IIIIIIICIII II.lI. In \Imn' “uh I IIIIIIL'\\lHll.II n/x .Illl\l\ I'Iu- lllllllllllL‘II lvnmllmml IIIICIIICI .It‘u'xx. (K ‘II. l)(i .\ \u‘un' cnlr} x) \Icm L.‘ ill Imn l Inllx. IIIIIIIL'IIIQIII' cull} 'II'I IITYI) W5 552.

I Bright sunny room ;I\.III;Il\Ic lll Al lI'IcnIII} \chl land Hal. 3 llIlllIllL'\ lI'nIn II)IIIII;InII 'I'I'uIn SIuIInII \VnulII Iw IIImI lnI' .I ll/\ lcnmlc \IIIIICIII. L330

Ik'ln + ltlllx. 'I'I'I: (II-II IN 5-1 W.

I Dennistoun flatshare. One Iwrxnn \nughl In \Ilmr \\lIIl nnc nIlIt'I' Ill \I)II\II lIuI. nnc Imlc lrnm ('II} ('cnlrc. IllL‘IllIlei— (K'II & 3 t‘;Il\. L2H“ [K'lll1 I‘III\..I-CI1III‘II 55h 2H2. I West End - Hillhead SII'I‘L‘I. Rnnm ;I\;III;Ih|c Ill ncxxl} It'lurhlxlwd Ilill lnI Ilng Inung lIuIIIIuIc, All Innd t‘nnx. (i('Il «k cnmmunul garden» L275 pun Including: (VI. It]: 07738 ()23 (W).

e wanted for lurmxhcd lul'gc I)cnni\Inun Ilul All Inle unnx. Ilnuhlc Imlmun. cubic l\. (i( ‘Il & Inunulmlc cnII'). .\'/\ lbmulc III'I‘lcrI'cd. III'nl'I-xxinnul nI' \Iudcnl. U05 Ixm + ("17+ I‘lII\ + Ilcpnxll, 'I'cl: Ill-II 5‘5 355-1 nI 0773‘) l"-l I55.

I Langside. Bedroom in \Imrcd II.ll In \Il.ll\' \klIIl [\kn HIIIK'I\ \\l‘llltl \IIII I‘ll‘l\'\\lllll.ll (i('lI.\II.III'III\1IIIII-nInungc. Imllnnnm \‘.llIl CICklIIk \IlHU-I'I l'.\u'IIcnI ll.Ill\IN>ll Imlo L355 Imn Int'IuIIIng ("I IcI H‘X‘NI Nlh _ V)

I Third person to \Imc II.II Ill Slmlhhunpn (I‘lllt'k‘lh link: (i('II .\ parking: \qul haw

nu n tlll\lt'l. L3 Ill Ik‘lll lll\ IllIIlIlj.) ("l 'lcl; «FA in “nn wt)

I City Centre. Double Innm .l\.lll;lI\I\‘ Ill III\III_\ II.lI “11h .lII IIInd I'nnx ,\ Ixnlnng Shaun}; \\llIl IIIcnIII} lI-nmlc \\UlIIII \llll c.I\_\;:n|nj.'. IIIIICPL‘IIIICIII IIIIIIC\\IUII.II I “III pun III “"30; X55 I III

I Bright double room .nuulnhlc lll \Imml II.lI lll I)Clllll\lIIllll Drum): Innnl. I'xllt'llt'll ,\ Inungc. In \Imu- \kllll l\\n IIIIICH ('nnwmcnl lnI SII‘uIIIcIyII' I 'mx L'lel}. I IIL' I<n}.II .\ (‘II_\ ('cnllc L35” pun +7 ("II 'l'I-I; II‘IMII 535 (III-I.

I Live in style! I';llll;l\ll\' lllllll‘lk'

Innm Ill I;ug_'c. cnIIIt'InIxuur}. L'CIIII'uII} Inmlcd II.ll mlh Immlc Ixu'kmg. \VnuIII \llll n/x. LXI} /(.ll lI‘IcnIII}. lllilllllL' Ik wnul III'nlt'xxlnnul IX'IMIII .-\\;III;II\II' le \lurt‘li. [3‘5 Ix‘m Int'IuIIIng \nmc I‘lllx 'lL-I: (l“"“) 030 Ix:

I Comfortable large room lll Ilc\\|_\ I'CIIII\.IIL‘II 3m} II'IL'IIIII} lI;II In \\'nnIII;mII\_ I'.\t'c||cnI IranxpnI‘I Illlln, \\IIlII\I \llll n/x Iar‘nlthlnnul In \lmxc .m cuxygnmg .Illnmplu‘rc. Dunn; I'nnnI. kIIcIu'II & \Imt‘lnux

lUlIIIL'L'. LZ‘NI Ik‘lll Including; ("1.

'l‘cl: (F‘Im 303 in“ .IIICI' 5pm.

I Hyndland. Spacious single Innm lnI )nIIIIS Iunlcxxlnlml. \II.IIIIIj.' I.II_:\‘ II.:I ‘-‘-IIII Im- nIIIt'h \\.'II IIIIIII\II\‘\I ‘.‘-IIII .III .II‘I‘IIJIIttW. I.:I:'v In} Inungc \‘.III1 Il.lI\I \xnnII lInnI

L 1‘5 Imn llltllIIIIlIL' InIIx IcI III II 155"‘\_‘.Illcl III‘III


I Sunny double room In Incl). InnIII'In lI.II. In \Imxc \‘.llII l'llt' ,\ II.III I‘lllt'l\ \II mnII Innx .\ yuan I.I\IIIIIL'\ 1355Ixm o ITIII\ III 5] llll) 5II\(\

I Room available in \I‘,l\ll‘ll\ .‘. \Inic} II.II lll \cmnylnn In \Imn- \\llll l It'l.l\k'\l lml IIII} II.IIIlI.lIC\ I‘lUlll ,\ lurk j.'.uIIcn Ix’tx'cIIII} Ilct'nmlul L315 Ixm I (‘I I lullx \\,III.II‘IC llII\\ lt'l III ;I If" I‘ll-I

I Double room in Imgln. \Imunm lIlIIIICl'll II.II Ill un Int-lull} III-\I'InIIInI-III Ill (inlfglc \ \ Inch-Hal. LI-Ill Ik'lll 0 Inllx. ‘lcl-Iflm< 1.1"“.‘nunlil IH ‘51 I Ik'\\'lllll_‘.'\l

I Double room available lr'nm I-clmmr} Ihlh Ill Lugc. IIII}. II’IL'IIIII} lllII\IIII‘ Sll't'cl II.II \\UIIIII \llll n’x IIIUIINHHIMI L30” Imn I ("I o lullx III III II 55" USN) Ill (I‘llul ~l.\.\_

I Double room in InummuI. II'IL‘IIIII_\ Ilmnlxllcltl II.ll. \Il.Illllj.,‘ \Hlll 3 IIIIII'I\, (l( _‘_‘.IIIII'lI I\ I‘ll hux Inuch L305 Ix‘m . ("I 6 I‘lll\ I IIL'INI\II \\IIIIIII \llll n \ [\l'UIL'\\IHII.II. III III 5I 33‘) 50 I: I Room in large lI;Il Innkmg: InI _\nun§_' cm) grnmf: PCIM‘II. Iuclcmlwl} \IlIIII'III. L20” Imn. 'Icl: IV“ I!» -I II 5-l I.

I Double room available In Ilzmlcm ILII m InIItInxx (II|‘\\' IN IIKJI .IIIICIIllltW II' \II.II\‘\\IIII.I:‘I1_\\\:‘III L.‘\" Ixm ~ h1le IcI 1"" ‘1 i5} 51% \\.lII.lI‘I\' III.‘ .‘IIII nl I CI‘IIIJI}

I Fully furnished room m .I .‘ Ix‘IIInnm IllIIlhIICII ll.:I Ill (‘IcIIIINnII IIIIIIII llmc .xIm \t‘I_\ \II\\\' III (‘I\II (5

I.“ IIIII\-\ .I‘~.IlI.ll‘It' \\.III.II\II‘ III.‘ \'II\I nI ICI‘III.II_\ LI III II. In

. I\|ll\ III ;|I‘ll\—‘(\ Iqllill III I] ff” :IIIII

I Large single room 111 \Im, II‘ll\ I k'IlIl II.ll. In \Im.‘ \kllIl .‘ \nt l.lI‘I\' 3H \nIncIIIIIIfj Icnmlm \IIIIII'III IIIk'IIIII) .\ lull} Illllll\III’II L3H” IRIII o I‘lII\ Icl n'\"n(.<1 “nu

I Double room available lInm III\' N \I‘lll III .III «\I‘I‘III'III ('II} (\‘IIIII' I|l\.IIlI‘II

1 “III INIII \\III\II Illt IlIII\'\ II‘III. .III lullx .\ ('I \Imnny \‘.lIIl nnc nIIIcI nqugnmg' I‘k'l\llll IK'I Iluu‘ll II: I (ill:

I Double room available InI .I Illll. \“\ I.ll‘IC III-Iwn lll Illk' I cIIlI \IInIc .nm \lll\l IV 11 \ [‘IIIII‘\\IHII.II L NIH Ik'lll Int Illtlk'\ ('I v VII-Ilium II-I II'MnI II5 "(m n1 n] 4| <41 film

I Roslin Village. Large L'll\llll\‘ IIIIIII‘II' InnIII. (i( ~I l. \Imlul Ln Illll\‘\. punk-n ,\ III-Ix \wltnmt' L W” Ik'lll o (‘I o I‘lII\ e III-pm” ch. H".\l" NI .I.\_‘

I Double room available Ill t'nInlannlIIc \Ilat‘lnux I III'IIInnIn lI.II lll Slnt'klmxlyt' ,\\.lll.lI\I\' IIIc 33ml l-I-lmml} I’IHIL‘\\IHII.II Inclcmhlv L3 H LIINI a ("I 9 In\\ I‘lII\ lt‘l' III II 330 :II‘HI Ill Ilflthl IN: IL“)

I Newhaven - Amazing deal. II.'.:' (luau: I.‘:I:1;II.II \IIII'IC Innzlu \‘-17.I‘ In‘.,-I\ \I.‘\l.\ I Inmxhcll II.II \tILIIcIII wl‘.l\. \II.IIIII:'\‘.IIII _‘1::.'IIIII\ It‘lll.:I\‘\ n x I I W I‘Im - I‘III\ IcI l‘1”. §\_‘ (\jII “I In '.‘«I HI I‘ I V‘ l I Morningside. Single room 1.‘5H I\ III. \II.IIII‘.}' Hill! llI.II\‘\ I nIHIrc. I\.II.nII\. leltlII'II .\ I)\\ In\.'I\ II.II III “I ll <"< \\I\' “I II ‘n 'l, nln In] ISunny flat in l «uh I .u;~.- \Injsl.‘ Innm. \I‘IMLIII- l.II\III'Il .\ IIIIIIIL'I‘ \Im II \ I‘II‘I\‘\\IHII.II 9. I\III - I‘III\ Isl HI ‘1 551 WI” Jug; III”). .q (I "IIII \\\ (Al

I Double room in \I.II\IIIIIHIII II.Il. \Il.IIlIl‘_' \‘~IIII Icnmlm \IIII Ill.Illll\‘ I‘lnlcxxlnn.xi nI IIan :.'I.l\IlI.‘.'.\’ INN! In III In, IIIIIIII‘.‘ (‘I I.“ III‘I hh.‘ 1'1; I IlIl\ III-gummy n! I .-I\III.n_\

I Double room in Im-xht. \IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII\II\'\I I llII Inxul


II.II. \Il.IllIl‘.' ‘.‘.III1\‘ll\'\‘.I\\ I'nlng' IIlIII‘I I: I‘ II. [II o (’I Inllx IcI HI {I .‘.‘H |"||\

I Master bedroom in luv”) II\'\‘. ,IIMIIIIIcnl (i(‘II. IInuth ‘.'I.I/Illf,'. llllll‘t'l IIIHIl\ IIIInuz'IInIII. Immlc IMIIJIIf.‘ .\ lIIII_\ IIIllIl\Il\‘LI IV“ Inm .( I ~ I‘lII\ \ \ Iunlcxxlnnnl l\ lk'tlllllk'll IcI H "\I i 'I,‘\ (III

I Room available in Inn-I} \IIIIIIlllf.‘\|\II‘ II.ll I IItaI \\,IlIIIIII\'\. .III IIIUII IIIII\. I)“ .\ Immlc Innkmg' \Imnnx' \‘-lIII 3 Ulllt'l\ \IIII Ill.II\‘ n1 I\'|!I.II_‘ [llIll\‘\\lI'll.II. I.II\' _‘Il\ \\.lll.lI‘Ik' nnu lnI Innv nI \IIHII IUIIII IL',I\C LY‘II [\Ill -( I - I‘lII\ ‘|,-| ll \Ili (VII if!)

Flatshare Hotline 09070 201 . 610

How to plaoea Flatshare advert

The List Flatshare service is for people offering a room to rent in a shared flat and is a reliable and successful way of finding a new flatmate. It is simple to use and here’s what to do.

When you telephone the Hotline you will be asked for

1. Your name, address, postcode and daytime number, including dialling code 2. Up to 30 words of description about the room, rent and type of person sought 3. A contact number for would-be-flatmates to ring

The List magazine comes out fortnightly on a Thursday and weekly during the festival. Your Flatshare advert will appear in the next available magazine and will be included for one issue only. Subsequent insertions must be telephoned in again. The deadline for flatshare is 12pm on the Thursday before publication.

Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes.

Calls from non-BT and mobile phones may cost more.

If you need help or are concerned about anything, please call our Helpline on 0870-120 1504.

Please note that Flatshare is only for people seeking a flatmate. If you wish to place any other kind of accommodation advert, such as Rooms Wanted, Property to Let or Property Wanted, you should use the booking form in the back of this magazine.

If you are unable to get through please ensure that your phoneline is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. In the event of barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone.

114 THE LIST ..‘ Pm 1.: Mm .163.

Only those looking for a flatshare should be using this service and as an advertiser you are advised not to give out personal details when recieving enquiries about your flat. Always ensure you have someone with you when showing people your property.