1 They weren’t always ‘chili’

‘afor‘ ("“a'x'ar‘ f'v‘: eri M“ '. LI" POM ("8, a 'é-gyvi‘.

{l‘H‘f' 53(‘("‘Ll f"(L‘ "(1" ('

“V‘l ...‘ ‘llfx

y my. about t'w SRlV‘I‘ "a

2 It’s not easy being a Chili Pepper (1)

Tum (21> ‘:)r' guzféi" 3:28 \.'.'r‘-at 8;) mi Tart :m for (ira'wwtew: (20M? broatr‘ H '0 Simak. Jam Shor'mar‘. Hz‘ 0' S <:\.arx eagam J<:"." FmSC'a'Ito.7;!"(101 Sch! )538. Am

Marsha Jesse} lbhas. [)axc- Naxarm anm Jaw" V'aavantv agar“, That's; Spun” SIX-5;!" Hgo's «'1 I/fL‘ mam; \‘utl‘ Simak a";:' Fmsmar‘tv L?\)".‘.l'lg

t), (7k 3'0» more av‘g‘o


3 If there’s a consistent heart to the band, it’s Tony and Mick Chul' Popper Qatar 318 came a'x'l go (rat AWN“); K‘OU'S lav 'Antva‘ PP, Suza'“ as We \as mom" .n H 3 UCLA aa\ ("(1 Mishap! ‘Fioa' Bazzavx Ham a maxs twov at the em c," t"(*' muse“ a" 'fum "ask stovm F ea 1.80;} to play m Ca for". a" mums FEAR mm was offereu Jan Hort 9'8 bass, po 1". P L I); Joham R0128" l3“?

ILIr"‘€>G it don“.

4 They’re not averse to a bit of flesh exposure T'eroeI @083 EP :0 1988 was a C'Weem Irlbtzte to we Beat‘es. ‘eatur "g the Suarte: straopea 30:." :c

5 They competed with strippers for attention

I‘; (l. \I

N "z L. \l ‘1' (Ify’.

n', I t!‘(?:\(:v : Lg. : n

AVA/51‘ "1"" z :1.“

6‘.“ 'l‘m \ “II n '

{mum} at :‘a (‘2’: f'ww Kt Kat :7 .~ Sh'”‘-‘.Cl£l"". 6 The Chili Pepper name is synonymous with high livin’

Hv'; " "ax r agave:

"‘0 ram: U' a."a

autavst l' I) Scua‘m I“ 'x 1"}::’(‘: “'“8 run I

i';:":: 5,.t\s;<>;n.<v‘t'\ (Eff. ‘var'fl. ti"a‘. Kain, ....\‘\I!\/i ‘(\,7v(\‘.'. Sli“.&i"\ "to a" 0am, gl'aw Kimhs; 'tsifnaa um"? min renal) Job“ F"L.::<:a"1‘.c" {lu'i

l"("' '=\ ’1" a

aaharivsw t<\.' "

l\.'fl\.(" a tam (arm: ~40 was»

L! o ' 010.! Fm 'eur'w: " v98.

7 They an t all

angels now

T), .r I", .wnww ’Nv)!

va\ .‘l\ :lx(“ 1").1":'E‘\


"\"' ‘Ix'I \ Q p90, ,\ 1;

8 The hard-knock life did give them some cracking material

9 Call them the ‘special guest stars’

\' I\ .\I "

‘.' .' :I' Am I“ H‘ Is a'v: ' au

DCQ'I' i( t( (il\1 h \;; .;(I'«'f"(- Ix'v'h ' p I"

10 It’s not easy being a Chili Pepper (2) " ~ H

“Wm” x5; amulx. a'xw'i-

1 1 Not big on international relations though We :ra'x: "aur- eéxzwsszn: a a 3;: ":‘t as m" ‘0' Swat

{3' {a " " 2W?- :‘as.

E€",;a";: " itavt : aa' a'aaw '1' 3‘ 2 ‘K.«’ I" . ~' »\ CCVW'" w :L/ ',< : \Jatus (' .8

12 If nothing, they are honest

Ga"; 7‘ Fax/VS 5v a. G. :H': a 'I~< I‘lSt ‘v .0 tr; {‘éi'XE gléi " ' " E‘: Q' ' c‘l‘i'z'dl ,‘th‘,

13 Anthony Kiedis is something of a

ladies man

14 Others are recognised for their musical


"52’ 1‘ :I'. c_ _O :0 I 1%. 'I "11‘. I :u«« «1'»

15 It’s not easy being a Chili pepper (3

“Iv~‘;r \ .' ~'

16 Its not all bad though \Ja‘a‘w y":'I- :

? J . (a . J ' I SI i ' I A! ,‘\\I I\ '

17 It’s highly appropriate that All Saints should have got a hit from a cover of a Chili’s song . . .

LIL?" .'. ' ' ' ' 325'“ "‘7 ;; {5' S .l r,» :3: | '. Q.

18 The silver screen loves them, kinda (1)

\I 0' 'o ' .l 21.. "T - .I ’iI 2 , fl .' i iIii I 1' i‘ f; '. I t

19 The silver screen loves them, kinda (2)

V<b 1 00 D

20 They have over 40 tattoos

IN ,/\,_ I \ ’i'g ‘I I I~"." ‘I '<’. K. \ I

21 Associated as they are with California, they're in fact really all tourists

22 They take a lot out, but try to put something back

23 Warning! Warning! Drum bore in our midst!

24 Forget the elastic funk rock, it’s the mellow ones that sell

25 Don’t fret if you can’t see their SECC shows

- 5—4,’ I LII ' I

'.'::' r " THE LIST 13