In an occasional new column Dr Derek Norman takes a fresh look at the art-house cinema classics of yesteryear currently on re-release. We begin with Smultronstallet, better known as Ingmar Bergman ’3 Wild Strawberries.

it's in the title. l‘t/i/d Sfrawt)e.".':es: the summer ramble. fields of late Dainty dusky eiei’iiitgs ‘O lectiiig motiiitain homes in cardboard punnets. Yes. but no. The ‘.'-.':i(i xariety grows -n a tango o.‘ sp-ki, bramble. Withering unnoticed t)‘, a million hedgerows, waiting, blinkrng in a cantankerous tur‘y to be plucked and Sucked by a velvety t ngue.

So it is. and here are. in Bergman's film in the bedroorit of ProteSSOr isak Borg played by VlCtOt Siostroml. He is standing. staring into space. awake now from a nightmare. the thorns of a life MOO in ehiotiona! pertury now SCratchmg at h:n‘. He chokes on his Sleeping lite and tomorrow he goes to Lund.

It is the shadenfieuo’e denied. a ,iOumey tO retieiitption that flailltK-BS and beauties. Bergman. at the the of making this film, was at the height of his powers as a theatre director. It was: 'Strindberg this. Ibsen that. Bibi pass me another glass of Absolut. and while we are at it why don't we use this tax return for toilet ro::.' But that's all by the by. The previous year he had made the portentocis. much pai'odied Seventh Sea’t1956l. It was time to lighten up . . . but JUSl a bit.

Smiles On a summer's day. The professor and his daughter~in-iaw llngrid Thulinl travel by car to Lurid to collect his honorary degree. He reminisces. and the insights into his own shoncomings come flooding in. They pick up some beatniks and he comes closer to yOuth. thereby closer to a Vision of his own mortality.

It's a sweet tale. generOLis and warm. Many have perverted its message. most noticeably that filthy b0y Fassbinder :n Wildwechse/ H.972). also a mass Defl'erSlOH of Franz Kroetz's play. Jumped up little L0uis Malle even had to plunder Bergman. throwng suicide into the mix With his dyspeptic homage Le Feu Fol/et (1963i.

Like my Yiddisher friend Alain once said: 'Let the Sun fall where it will, even if it be onto the neck of a faSCiSt.'

I Wild Strawberries plays at the Filmhouse. Edinburgh from Fri 7 Mar.

Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

About Schmidt 1S» 0000

l.-\lc\.iiitlci lit} iic. ['8'. 3' NH» .lJc k .‘Jicholxoii. Kath} Bait-x. llopc I).i\ix 124mm, l’tittiiig .ixitlc .ill \.tlill}. .lllil cxchcxkiiig; hix killci xiiiilc .lllil \‘}t‘l‘iit\\ .tlc'lllllfJ. \ic’liitlwti tloiiiiimtcx CM‘i} ti.iiiic oi thix lilctik comctl} .ihoul .i iccciiil} i‘ctiictl itixui'.iiicc .ltlllllllhlldlitl on .i cioxx coiiiiti'} oil} xxc) :\x hc icx ixitx ilic [‘l.l\k'\ oi liix childhood. \Vtii‘icii Schmidt tlixcowlx that ihc mgip oi liix iio/cii human hc.iit ix coiiipi‘ixctl. likc liix mm c \t-lii.ixk.i. moxil_\ oi cmpt} xpticcx. 'l liix ix \icholxoii'x iilm. hut kiitlox ix .ilxo \lUC to thc coiitiollctl tlii'cctioii tiiitl xuhtl) comic olixcimtioiix oi t’thlL‘ .iiitl liix \c'iipllilg p.iitiici .lilll la} loi. u ho pi'c\ iouxl} coll.ilioi'.itcil oii thc x.itiiic.i| high xchool comctl} I./( t HHII ( l'L‘lk‘tl‘k‘.

O Adaptation 1 l5: .0. 'Spikc Jon/c. l‘S. lelHi Nicolgix (Ligc. \tci}l Sti'ccp. (‘hi'ix ('oopci' lem l'hc co c't‘L‘dlUt'x (it lit iiiu .ln/iii Vii/Lin It l'i. \\ i‘ilci (‘h.ii'|ic Ktitiiiimii .iiitl tliiccioi .loii/c. “illllll hm c tix ltclicx c thix xtoi‘) oi Kauiiimii‘x ciloi'tx to .itlupt Suxaii ()t'lc.iii'x popul." iioii tictlott hook [/H' ()I'( hill “in l to ltc iitic ()l coui'xc. it'x gm cl.ilioi.iic punk. thc llil\ oi tact and fiction. ictil litc .llltl iccl liic iii.ikcx lot ;i comoliitctl coiiiiiidi‘iiiii. But clc\ci clcwi‘ .‘l\ Kauiiiitiii'x xci'ipt ix. it Lickx lhc pl;i)liiliicxx thtit matlc thc mind liciitliiig; .lliilkoiit li xuch .i to} .'\lltl lllic'Uli\C|lllHii.1l ;l\ thc plot ix. it quick!) liccoiiicx pi'cdicttihlc. li‘oiiicull) ciiough lot it iilm xo obxcxxctl \tith plot. thc \ldlltlt‘lll clcmciit ix .i Pct'lt‘t'ititlltcc. ti i'ciiiui‘kahlc oiic h) thc gi‘caitl) tiiitlci‘uilticd (‘oopci' tix thc ctiiiziiititic i‘ui'c ilo“ ci collccioi'. Scc ic.ituic .ltitl t'C\ lL‘\\. Sclcctcd l'L'lLKIw

Adventures in Wild California lc‘L‘l'l thci ((ii'cg .\t.ic(iilli\i';i_\. l'S. Ztilltli Jmim} Siiiitx. J 1 mm. Spcclticulai' tlocuiiiciittii'}

Nicolas Cage as Charlie

iouiitl up oi ('tiliioiiiiaii .lll!.tclli‘li\ from xk} xuit'iiig iii Saii Hit-go to .i It'llc'l ci‘.t\lc‘l iitlc‘ m l);xiic-}l.iiitl llommioii. l tliiiliuigh Analyze That l“ O illizolti R.iiiiix. l S. I'M‘I lx’ol‘cit lic \lii‘. Hill} ('i_\ l ix.i Ktitliou ll‘liiiiii \\iih :ix ltl\]‘llt'\l paiiiiic ot l)c \iio'x ltc'llli‘llc mol‘xtci .Hl\l (‘i.\'x xtil\tiil\.iii \litilllx. l‘l‘l‘l'x trio/25¢ Itiix \\.l\ //:i \ir,'tt..i:.rx pl.i}c\l toi laughx Ilic iicu iiliii [‘k kx up \\llli l)c \iiii'x \'it: l‘oxx xutlciili; .1 iici\otix l‘icaktloxiii iii \mg \m; lhc l’lll iclc.ixcx him iiiio thc cuxtotl} oi liix ioimci [‘\}\llillllt'l.i[‘l\l \ilio'x chaigctl \\lll1 \lL'lClllllllllif.’ \ihcthci thc iiiolixici’x taking it \\ hcii liming I1:i\ c.iiiic out. ilx xiiiiil.iiit) to Hi: \o/imrrox \lhl it iio tlixcictlit lhix lilllL‘.tlUtIllil.\klik'ilI)C\lti"\t1i‘l xo \tixc cu} gctxa li‘t‘.l\.tu‘lhllllttliliil1.ilili‘l‘ lllk‘lllt'il 'l’\ xciicx. thc dc\ icc oiil_\ \llil\\ x .ittciitioii to ho“ pooi ihc iicu mo\ ic ix \cc icx icu (iciicial iclc.ixc

Artist’s Films (Becks Futures 2003) Iccit ilici iRoxalmtl \.ixh.ixhilii. IlNlli ll & viilllli. 'I’uo xhoitx ii} licck‘x t'lillltL'\ .‘llli‘ iiotiiiii.itctl (il.ix;_'o\\ luxul .ti'thl RUNlllllkl .\.t\ll.t\llil‘l. Villa-4 \.’ .llltl .Uu/Ht'\l I'lt'li/ (‘('-\. (il.i\}_‘ii\\

Auto Focus IN 0... limit Scliimlci. l'S. IlNlIi ( tic; l‘\lllllt‘.tt. \\ illciii I).iioc. .\l.ii‘i.i licllo Ill‘mm Hol‘ ('i.iiic \\;l\ illl :\iiici'ic.iii lioiixchold ii.imc iii ihc (illx .ititl “ilx. thankx to liix xi\ )c.u iolc .ix ('oloiicl Hogan ill \\.ii xitcom How/i'x llt’I'lNW to thc [‘lll‘llc' hc \\.ix .i xucccxxiul 'l’\' cclchi'it} .llltt iiioilcl t.iiiiil} lll.t|l. hut liix brutal mui'tlci iii I‘l‘h liioiight .i xiiiixtci doithc-liic iiito light llix olixcxxioii \iith xc\ .iiiil ihc iii) xtci'} xuiiouiitliiic liix muitlci mukc toi' ciii’ioiix .llltt compclliii; \ ic\\ iii: Scc I'CHL‘“. l-iliiihouxc. lztliiiliuiggli

Babe ll'i .0... i(‘hiix \ooii.iii. .v\uxti’.i|i.i. 1995iJtiiiicxt‘ioiiixxcll. \iith thc \oiccx oi (‘hiixtmc (‘.i\.iii.iii;_'h. \ \ttii'giil}c'x. llugo “caning ‘L‘miii \ii orphancd pig i.illx tiiitlci thc c)c oi .i kiiitll} collic .llltl hcgiiix to think hc'x tlcximctl ioi gloi‘} .it thc icgioiial ti'i.ilx talking .iiiiiii.ilx xuggcxt that thix Ix .i kitlx' him it‘ to .m c\tciit it ix and .‘t oiic hut thcic'x cnough xltciici‘ctl humoui ih.iil ilic iixic'liii micc'l toi .itliiltx to tlixcmci .m iiiic\pcctctl cult hit. .-\ triumph ioi‘ tlic iiiitlci'pig (ll-“l. (iltixgou.

,._Iw ,f 2? answer aumea= Malawi. . taste: zuma.

‘-' a!

"hex Film

Blue Planet l \.u.noux. t \. .‘ool \im ll‘t \l‘. .mc'xoriit~ tzip .iioutitl. .ll‘\‘\\‘ .iiitl 'tic\o:iti i‘tLI pi.-.iict oii :h: l\l \\ _‘..'t.'.lll xciccii \\lilcl‘. pzoitiptctl th.‘ Nova-Punt: l'ux.‘ to \ititc 'li .: pictuit‘ :x \\i‘tlli .i llli‘ll\.tll\l “ottlx. oiic iiii.i_~_‘c tioii‘. H .u l'fmri .' ix uoith :/illioii' l\l \\. til.ix_yo\\ The Blue Room ucit ilx v\tlli\‘ll\.l l'x. :iN'l \liii ilx \ti cwiiiiic oi xhoii tiliiix l\_\ iicu .lllil c-xialilixhctl llltlillldlu‘h. iolloxictl l\\ tlixcuxxioiix ot \\ Mums xccii ll \ou \\.llll \ittit lilil‘i to l‘c coiixitlcictl ioi tututc galliciiiiggx. thcii xciitl .: \ ll\ top\ tol lllll.1ll\i\l\l\.‘\ \ctcxx (L'iitic. I‘Xi \outh \\cxt lhixtic \licct | and l tliiiliuiyh. I ll.‘ ll \\ oi “all til it .‘Il'ilffl' (Liiiico. l tliiiliiiigh Blue Vinyl 'l’ti -l).iiiicl ll (ioltl t\ .hhlllh llk‘lltuhl. l \. Illtll ‘ll‘tillll li cxci _\ou lic .i\\.ikc \\oii} mt: .il\out ihc llt.t|llll.t\llllt'. uxc .tlhl tlixpoxal oi \ iii} l. thix tlotiiiiiciitau \\ill [‘titl‘.tl‘l_\ maltc toil iccl \\oixc l’.iit oi thc \hctiicltl liocuiiiciitai) l iliii l'cxti\.il (il 'l. (i|.ix§:o\\ Bollywood/Hollywood i l: -\- |I)L'k'[‘.l \lclit.i. ('.iii.itl.i. .‘i’llli RJlitil Kli.iiiii.i. I ix.i lx’.i_\. \louxlitiiiii (‘lLittciicc llHllllll lhc l .ixi lllill.ill ci‘llllllllllll} oi loioiito cct togcthci iii \k'lt‘l‘lJlli‘ll oi ihc llolliuootl illll\l\.tl m thix cilli'tllllll toiiguc iii clicck iiiclotli.iiii.i \xi.iii t mcma l‘lt'u'llldllflll l (i(‘ lx’ciiticu Sticct. (il.i\j._‘i\\\ Bowling for Columbine i In 0000 '\ll\'l \looic.l \. .‘illk‘i I l‘tiiiiii lhc .ill \i‘litltlc'lillj: \looic .l\l\\ tliix \Illt'\llt‘ll .iliout \mciita ‘\ic \M' .i ii.ilioii ol yuii iitiix t )i .iic \\c itixt iiutx " l’ioxokctl lit ihc c\ciitx ot .‘lt \piil I‘N‘t. ilic tlix llllllt't'll pcoplc \xctc xhoi tlc.itl ti} t\\o pupilx .il ('oluiiiliiiic High School in l ittlctoii. (‘oloimlo .lllil thc tl.i_\ tlic l \ \Ulltllklk‘il ilx l.ii;_‘cxt lioiiiliiii; .iciioii iii thc Koxo\.iii \\.ii. tlic iiitluixitnc\ci .lllll iciiimiictl x.itiiixt lookx t.ii .llltl \iitlc to llJlil to iiiiil thc .mx\\cix to xomc pictt} tough tliicxtioiix ()ii tlic \\.i} hc iiicctx (ioth ioclt ll):lllt'lk‘.ltl \t.iiil)ii \l.iiixoii. mciiilictx oi thc \lithigan \liliii.i \\lii\ .lllelt' that ‘liciiig .iimcd ix .iii -\iiiciic.iii lc‘\[\illl\ll\llll} '. .lllil llll.lll_\ picxitlciit oi tlic \R \. ('h.ii|toii llcxloii Sonic m.i_\ lllltl liix xhock tactic x .llltl iixc oi \l.iik huiiioui icpichciixililc. liut .ix thc 2H \piil I‘l‘l‘) xho\\ctl. \l\'\P\'lillC tiiiicx LJ” toi tlk'\[‘\'l.llk‘ lllL'.t\lttC\ St'lt‘c'lt'il lt'lk‘d‘k'

- or is it Donald? - Kaufman in Spike Jonze’s Adaptation

"79:, ‘1'.':'.V,,:THE LIST 25