Stevie forms one half of the pertectly formed purveyors of the best in classic soul, funk and 605 beats that are the Watt Brothers. They‘re the men with the master plan at the Barfly's longest running night that loves a curveball almost as much as the funk: Freeform.

Noonday Underground: ‘Boy Like a Timebomb‘ (Setanta) (5U; Soho lll()(l f;’,tlt‘.’l‘, l)l(}tl’)lll iii. t'; :latt: (,(llllli’:‘.. of Simon Hint: l)\,ii;iii1itt:7

Deep Sensation: ‘Five Track EP’ (Deep Jazz) .Jtix/ (lance tioin Glasgow}; own Cato and Hunter. A l~rootorin (lanotatlooi filloi Nico.

The Congos: ‘Congo Man (Carl Craig edit)’ (Honest Jon’s Records) Cail Craig (loos; tho husan 35.5; on lll|f§ 12in. making it "totthno ska' for tho I’lst Conttiiy Dig ll.

Mickey and the Soul Generation: ‘Iron Leg’ (Calitex) Endorsed by DJ Shadow. Cut Chemist and us. (308 Texan funk at its best. Shake yOt Wig at ll. Flip out!

I Stevie Watt IS resident at Reeform, the Bad/i; Glasgow week/y Sat. check //Slll7§]$ for details.

70 THE LIST BTFoh—13h1ai .‘t’t‘vd

I My Machines .ii (il.t\:_'ii\\ \tl‘awl t»: \it llpiii idlll L“ '11 1V \M-cld}

lht'} 'w had xoint' ot tht' git-.itt-x: l‘..tlll'\'\ lll tt't‘hno (“HIV and l‘lL'\\ lllL‘ll dt'th. xo thy} know liov. to iiiaxli ll up

I Papacool at \d I ih ll ‘Hpiri Knit 1‘ S \lai l'oitniglitl} lht- tincxt :ii i.i// xoul. luiik tlaxxit and l.llt‘ giooxt'. put down h} \M'lltlt'lllll l’apat'ool tollt'tlnt' .\iid ixio nightx tliix iuoiith git‘at'

O Progression Sessions .tl (‘lllk‘k‘ll \latgaict l'iiion lllpin I Want Ll: «Lilli .\ \lai oiil_\ \lll‘lllt‘l lll\l.tllllt‘lll ol tliix lt'gt'ndai} t‘ltih night u ith thc ditiiii A haxx piont't'i. lflfll Hula-iii llit- l titiitt' langiiit't'ix and .\l(‘ (‘oiiiad .tlt' .llxti in tlic houxt' at u hat \xill no doubt l‘t' a night ot uiixuipaxxahlc lllll\l\'.ll t‘laxx \u [in -. It l‘. I Rapture at Media llpiii Run Ltht‘ \\t't'kl) "llx and Mix t‘laxxit'x tioiii .laiiit'x Ruxxcll. and gucxt l)_lx twci} l\\t\ \wckx iiiakc thix .i tun night out

I Red and Gold Room .tl .\ii.i

lllpiii lain l‘lL't‘ lwloic llpin; LS .lllt'l \Vcckly l)l ,loiito and llill} \lilligan lll.tll lllL' dccltx [iii a llllt’ iiiglit ol latiii houxt' llll\ uill xt'iiouxl} \l)lt\‘ up )otii lllL'. ll lliat'x “hat'x it-qiiiit'd.

I Remedy at .v\d |.ih Ilpin -l.iiii {5 \Vt'ckl}. l)a\c_\ 'l'lioiiixon. ('oliii Haw} and xoint'onc \ktllltllll Haw} lll liix iiaiiit' ()\\L'll ('aldut'll gt‘t into my tt-t'h liouxt' gl'titnt' \\lllt lllt‘ '\tl l,ll\ lll.‘t\\l\t'

I Rub Down at .-\d lih \t-xi dait- ihtz I Saturdays in Bed at llt'd iloi'iiicil} thc \L'lwt Rtltllllxl. lll, illpin iaiii. L'" iL'Si. 'l‘lit' liiiikit‘xt Rtkll in tlic (ll) i‘ot'kx thc hig hack hcdiooin on a Satui'da} in llcd “ith thc lt'gciidai') R.i_\nioiid \\'oodx. Jiiii da llt'xt and hix iiiuxit‘al .intit‘x kt't'p Mitt auala' in thc li‘oiit huliooin making thix llt’\\ Sat night tlllt' ol tht- iiioxt populai in the (it).

I The Shack at lllt‘ Sllat'k

lll .illpiii Killain, t" it‘ii. “ct-kl}. l.t'l )otu' hair doxtn atid ll\t‘ll thingx up on lllt' datit‘t‘llooi' to tho xouiidx ol .ill )oui Sliat‘lx taxoui'itt'x.

I The Shed at tlic Slit'd. lll. illpin 3am. to. “ht-kl), l)ciiiaiid ix high loi' tliix onc. xo gcl tltci'c earl}. 'l'uiicagc dcploy‘d h} D] Ra}inond l)a\i'cii in lllt' main hall. Rtkll aficionado (’hi‘ix llL'\l\L‘lll in lllt' l,(lll.

I Sidewinder at .\d l.ih_ llpiii Jain. {the l .\l;ll'. \lottthl}. Sidcuindci lt‘llll'lh to .'\d l.ih in a ncu Sat xlot \\llll lllL‘ uxual mi\ ot Inc danct' l'looi' i.l//. and tank. \\llll i'cxidciit l)J l,tlt\\t'|(lllll\ pla)ing 5 dccadcx ti‘oiii x\\ ing to JaI/aiima. It ain't all about hci‘ctx. polo nt't'kx and xa_\iiig ‘llq l)addi-()'. though _\ou'i‘c \xt'lt‘oiiic to tollo“ that xt}lc it _\oti plcaxt' 'l'lit‘ t-iiiphaxix li'oiii Sidcuindci' ix iaH loi' danccrx. \\ ith tunk high on thc agcnda.

I Soulsa at .\l.r\S. llpiii .itllll. [8. Wall}. And} and Shac I) an- in t‘hai‘gc at llic club in Rota] li\c|iaiigt‘ Squaw .\ gi'cat xotilttil houxc xt‘xxioii on thix \xt'll (lL'SCl'\ t‘tl part}.

I Streetlife at liquid loungc. Nut dalc the

I Subculture at the Sub ('luh.

l lpm 3am. Utl. Wall}. The hcxt houxc night in thc counti‘} - na}. lllt‘-\\Ul'ltl' ’l‘hix tiiiic tlicrox a datc \\ ith tlic qllt't‘ll ot ltiiik. l)l llcathcr. on I .\lai'. l’tii'c hi‘illiant‘c. Suhh} xt}|c.

I Superfly at lllt‘ \Vtitltlfltlt‘ Stlt‘ltll. NC“ tlttlc thL‘.

I Syntax at Soundliaux. Nut datc tht‘. I Traxx at Soundhaux, l 1.3llpiii 5am. t“) (£7). 1 Mai: Monthly l'lll'lllL't' houxt‘ xhcnaniganx at thix hrilliaiit undcrgrotiiid chili. Simon (‘ordinci' and Bill} \Voodx arc in chargc ot thc iiitixical gcnitix.

I Vegas at thc chtt'cu l't'l't'}.

9.30pm 2am. L“) ti’i. I Mar. Moiithl}. 'l-ltoxc tlccmctl to lk‘ \l) ll\lll_\ tll'L'\\L'tl gut in tor chcap. xo iiiakc tltc ct’l’ort. 'l‘hix ix the original. the l‘t'Sl. \L‘gax.

I The Winchester Club at lllL‘ \Vootlfltlc Social. \L‘H tlalc the.

I Wired at .-\x} luni. (‘alcdonian l'nncrxit} l'nion. lllpiii 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. (ilaxgou 'x longcxt running altct'itatixc itidic night \\ ith drinkx pi‘omox aplcnt},

I Seduce at .-\i‘chaox. | lpin 3am. L'S‘ tun. \Vccld}. (’hart) dant‘c and Rtkll. not


People's Palace, Glasgow Green. Fri 7 Mar

Christ joins forces with Andrew Weatherall

Leftfield electronic music doesn't go through transitional periods - it‘s permanently in a state of flux. The self-reflective genre impacts on itself with every 12in released, and every MP3 downloaded. Such is the passion of those

working in underground electronica.

So what are the innovators up to today? Well, Edinburgh-based leftfield label Benbecula is home to a plethora of electronica artists, defining the sounds that will be cropping up on dancefloors countrywide in coming months and years. They inhabit a world where musical love is paramount, and terms such as ‘electroclash’ and ‘trance' are embarrassing, culturally bereft attempts at profit creation. It all sounds refreshingly candid, and it all rings perfectly true.

Beluga from Benbecula Records articulates a feeling that many people have with dance music culture today: 'Boredom made me move away from it about three years ago. There are a lot more openings in non-dance music.‘

And with Andrew Weatherall spinning alongside Benbecula and John Peel favourite Christ (live), the emphasis will be on purity of attitude rather than a desire to make the crowd bounce. Beluga acknowledges that the choice of venue will go a long way in enhancing the unconventional aspect of the music. ‘The Glasshouse on Glasgow Green is definitely a departure from the usual choice of venue, but that’s the idea. I wouldn’t have immediately put Weatherall next to Christ, but I’m really looking forward to hearing what happens when

they play together.’ (Johnny Regan)

to IllL'llllUll an unhcalth} xiiiattci'ing ol t'lit't'xt‘ on thix hugc Sat iiightci'

Glasgow Sundays


I Bennet’s .ii licnnt-i‘x.

I lillpiii .iaiii. £3. \Vcckl}. In \\lllk'll ut' ai't‘ coiit'i'ontcd h} a xti'aiigc pant}, loin pla}x tunt'x lowd It) |2~_\cai=old gii'lx. plux xoiiit: haiigiii' haiidhag. to cqtiall} appt'ct'iatixc ga} lllL‘tl. liuiiii} old \Ktll'ltl. I Bite at lllt' (‘atliouxu

ltlfitlpiii iain. l'lt‘t' ht'toi‘c l lillpiii; £2 (£1.5tli altcr. Would}, .-\ llllltlL'l' llll\ ol llltllt‘ and rock than )ou'll lind at lllL' (ll) ~x pi‘t'iiiit'i' i‘ot‘k white on l'l'l or Sat. I Club Tropicana at lllL‘ (iai'agt‘ (Attic). llpiii 3am. t3 it‘ll. \Vcclxl}. lndic. hotli claxxic and L'Ulllt’lllptll'ul'}. “ith a licalth) doxc ot lli‘itpop,

I Come to Bed at llcd tl-'oi‘iiit‘i‘|_\ thc \blxct Rooinxi. llpni 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. Scotti ll and Mark l)ottcll_\ art- )otii' hoxtx at thix ncu kai'aokc night. l't‘Plt‘lL‘ \xith lt'dl hcdx atid llllL‘l'UplltlllCS. lndulgcncc )ll\l i'cachcd llL‘\\ hctglttx on Sauchichall Sll'L‘Cl.


Your pass to great club nights in (Slag—ow 8 Edinburgh

See page 73 for details

I Cut the Crap .it .\l.\S llpiii ‘aiii £5 \Vt't'ltl) ('ut thc (‘iap laiint'ht-x my “CV. l\\l\lt'tl liouxt' and t'lt-t'tioiiit'a night at tliix

I Definition v Audio .tl llatll} \‘t-xi datt‘ tht‘

I Disco Badger at llainhoo Spin iaiii [5 it": \Vct-kl} ;\ iiiglil lltal \klll hiiiig togcthci gut-xlx lioiii all «net lllt‘ (ilaxgim t‘ltih laiidxt'apt' Solt'. lllt' nou dt‘t't'axt'd Volcano and a Plt’llltlltt ot Ulllt'l t‘luhx u lll ht' donating xpiiiiit-ix iii lllt‘ t'oiiiiiig iiioiithx l‘tll t'\aiiiplt'. tlic Stih'x llaiii ix It] on: Mai. and on ‘) .\lai it‘x .v\l Kt-iit ol \lillioii l)t\' l)lxt'ii

I Dream at Sti'auhcti‘} l‘lt'ltl\

Ill lllpiii iani t l S \Vt-t-kl} l'lllt't‘ll quid to gut Ill You'it' '.i\in' a laugh. ain't )a' liut \xait the hat ix t‘oinplt-tcl) tit-c all night. xo xtop moaning and gut drunk

I Fluid at thc liquid loungc

3 .illpiii 3am. lit-c, \Vct-kl}. l)t'\ ot \lixli .\ltl\ll. l.t'c \Vttlxtitl . lll‘t'lltlttll lllxliip ttlltl .\lai'lx \lilt‘licll aic _\oui‘ hoxtx at tliix Sahhalh xcxxioii \Hll] hip hop. xoul. tuiik and tall} ltotixt‘ :\tid il'x an all da} happ) lltllll'. [00'

I Kinky at 'l'raxh, l lpiii 3am LS tUi. \Vccltl) l’atil \‘Jit- pla)x liai’d tiiiik} will and hip hop. “llllL‘ Stu ic llrouii pla}x out thc part} ttiiicx clxculicrc on the prciiiixcx I Life’s a Drag at thc Nlcrt‘iir} Loungc Spin iain. l‘rcc. \Vcckl) .\ night ol iiiuxit~ troin l)J ('olin l)a\t'} plux rcgular drag pcrtorinanccx.

I Liquid Cool at llaha/a. 9pm 3am £5. Wet-kl). :\.l. Krix chgaii and laii ’l‘hoinpxon pla} top-notch \ocal garagc and hotixc to a club packed v. ith h}ch licdoiiixtit' l\\L‘tll}\tllllL’lllltlg rcwllcrx. all ol \xhoiii xccin to haw torgottcn that thc)