The Front


SCOTT MURRAY, forward for the Edinburgh Rugby team, tackles places in Edinburgh that can satisfy the appetite of a 16st 8lb sporting fellow.

As Jennifer Love Hewitt joins the ranks of actors-turned-singers with her truly rank debut platter. it seems approriate to salute those under the wild misapprehension that actors can be singers.

1 The Apartment, Barclay Place “, :' z' -

2 Mussel Inn, Rose Street Thr‘ay have huge portions of mussels that you can have tor a starter. A great treat when you fancy sorneththg a hrt (letterent.

3 Oloroso, Castle Street I' w

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4 Yo! Sushi, Rose Street At Yo! the food jUSl keeps eornrng and coming, and there if; no tllillal watt. Wlthll means Instant sattstachon.

5 Pizza Express t.'e»..: -- w ,t m:

/l .y t |' t 0 1: l t r 0 » .: »

1 "w Snail, emu-r w” ;,:>s;"w:: ;::)'psrng; of Eton was 11 A smutty duet \‘.’|llt unknown French slea/r: merchant. x ,' l!’ 2 .-;: ;:°. T"-:,- 8:::<:";:~;,- l 2;:t;or‘ Alt/(NUS; Not so Put It away. love. ' ;::~. ' 12 Unhinged. warbhng loon dressed up Ill (:ult hero shrrt 2 fé'w- "a. ';"::-:,- li-IL" the Hos-:3 not tints one should and trousers. Both mad and had. "‘ ";l.'_,' t;-:,--;,-'~ "w a (W: paw. Ma". ouertxxtroi 13 Gingers don't make pop stars. Look at Soma Y’m tm, http://idleWOVm~C30'Tl/nW5/2002/11/ir 31')<:~r'¥;:'::i ES ,‘1 an, slut-q r.<;\. "iean Broom: 7:)o"vg'>.‘,!tg; should know better. éqz-Smm' I a 5' an: 45.1,”: nae-3s the flutters mornpietev, 14 We're Sit“ waiting Burt . . . ‘- i "9 =' i” ' ftzté‘; 15 It might have been the food that got old Durntflrxlom I I * T" ' 4 A (2mm f';l;_;<:: :1. ,f' <:~.o::v I'lérf3é: 3.11:; one. but you'd hope fer a qwck and easy death after seven . V5“ '~ ~ w l 5 "gr: v". fé'V-T: .'.:,\::: st» (it: heating hrnL rntnutes Of lllIS. ~ .. 't~'_ 1 :3 Cu" u 6 t" artsy: . a :aeart to tucking; up cheap 16 Daisy Duke Curreo' Our ears thlt thrs horner eountn/ " " 1 .'-' ' '\ «an; ' ":1 5; :.-;::;t::-:: f"-:,- :mr‘t t'e, S'lihtm get 30 tale, The musrcal equalent of a tractor pull. \ " ' "'- " I "'- -= "f " :t:.:’.' ,' t" :2 :v 17 Stuptdus Maxunus proves he's a (left and serrattm: an'l "1 - 1 " I" " " ' 7 ix ‘:/;i."‘_. ,::"'.<:":t~::.' ‘::' 31:(:E3{)'ttlTCTYYUZY‘I’Zl really not a hrg lumbering. flattrlent oat .‘rrth ar attrtu'le .' a: " . ' .’ I _ 5‘ ‘4":;:; "six: "xx-"1 problem.

~.: :1," v '.’ 1: =32' ="1 8 :St: : . '. a. " ttfifutfi' "g; of Klaxmn't's t)£i!:{l(l but an over, ' A" 5" 7 5" - ' 3:“. 1' : '31)“? turf/lei}, "::"‘ tt‘t: "wan .'."to put the TRACKS . ' ~- - v '~ rt: ~.°, :' 1- ' -‘:_,‘,‘.h-,L:~ .~ ‘: Whitfinhzjt- 18 An moteatron of our stv/l/l, hot'tegroWM actor singer ;; -~ .. n g, d; v 9 ,-\._ we: a.» _ “1.1mm Clumtlgcfrorel “lackamd arnhtttons as thls (loortertro €1'.Itf]tl(: enjoys chart topper '.2‘~:~'.‘:". 2.:")'t2" " "\._:2' 1",. status. ' " * 1'" 7' " 10 i‘m'.’ E-Z' , nay-9'“: ‘U‘tES'tCU 5;,nehrng 19 They tOmlred us at T Irr the Park now retrve that path all

:-4'.'.' t: ~'. -.. '.' . . on, , y gyrgr agam‘ At least me My ‘1 He grew a beard Instead.

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