e\hibition ol posters on mer Fl) plaptrightx front the pa~t 3H _\ear~ oi contemporar) lirench tlteatre

Le Jeu du Regard: European Theatres l‘ntil Sat 1 \lar. lirench photographer l'abien (‘alcaiechia prewntx a photographic tour of wine of tlte rito~t elegant ll;tllttli-~l}lC theatre\ in lzurope

ITALIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE 82 Nicolxon Street. ooh 3.3.32. .\lon I'll ltiarn lprit «it 3 5pm,

Stanze Veneziane Wed 5 Mon 31 Mar. ()\ er 4t) photograle b} Kilto 'l’rhellato documenting Venetian palaces arid residencies.


()6 Cumberland Street. 553 92372. .\lon l-rr 10am 6pm; Sat 10am 4pm,

Peter Blake - Alphabet t‘ntil Sat 29 Mar. A xeriex of 26 ~creenprintx orte for each letter of the alphabet printed rrt 1991 b) l’eter Blake. a prornrrtettt figure Iii Britain'x contemporar) art \cene \mce tlte 5()\.


()5 The Shore. l.eith. 553 5355. Tue l‘rr lltililr 5pm; Sat l laiit «ipm.

A Discerning Eye t'ntil Sat 2‘) .\lat'. .-\ rtti\ed exhibition of paintings featttring \xorkx b) Jo} ce Borland. (ieorge liirrell. Dar) Bronn. l’eter Sardinr arid Deborah l’lilllips.


lienr)‘ Duncan liouxe. 120 (ieorge Street. 558 |3()(). Dail} 10am 6pm.

A Wealth of Vision t‘ntil Thu 3 .-\pr. Digital arid photographic “ork b} )oting people front West l'il'e thioihSi. (il;l\g(l\\ (Right Track l. .-\lnexx tl’athna) to Inclusion) and (ialttdiicls (Borderx Production l'niti. inspired b) tlte l.lo)d\ 'l’SB Scotlattd Year of Photograph) exhibitions at tlte National (ialleriex of Scodand.


33 Broughton Place. 557 88-1-1. .\lon Sun 1 lain-7pm.

Antiques Sat l Mar. | larit. A \pcc‘liillxl sale of antiques.


S7 Broughton Street. 558 8778. Wed Sat noon—(rpm; Stirt noon—inn.

Mixed Exhibition .-\ changing \Clcclioti of work b} 20th centur} artists including norks by Pat Douthnaite. l)a\ id lloxie. Steven Hood arid (ieoff Roper.


Belford Road. 624 (i200 trecorded information 332 220m. Mon-Sat lt)am~5pm; Sun noon 5pm. ('afe. Warhol to Koons: International Contemporary Art from a Private Collection l'ntil Sttri S’ Jun. .-\n exhibition of works on long-term loan including .-\nd_\ Warhol. lid Ruscha. Jeff Koons. Bill Viola and (iilbert and (ieorge. Blood Scotland Thu 27 Feb. (1pm. :\ new series of monthl} talltx introducing contemporar) art to a [10“ audience. Construction, Collage and Carving: The Early St Ives Works .\lon ll) .\lar. 12.45pm. ('urator :\llCC Dexte} gi\e.\ a talk.


The Mound. 024 (i200 trecorded information 332 3266i. .\lon~Sat 10am—5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

The Print in Italy 1550-1620 l'nttl Sittt 27 Apr. lingrtn ingx. etching\ and “Uttdc‘llls produced irt Ital) during the period 1550 to loll) on loan front the British Museum's collection. Artixtx inclttde l-‘leming (‘ornelis (‘ort tcl533 r73). l-‘ederico Barocci ( I535 loll i. the brollich Agoxtino t l557~ 1602i arid (‘arraccr arid Francesco \‘illamerta t 1505* loZ-l i.

A Tale of No Titians t‘ntil Hi 33 Mar. Titian'x Diana and (til/ram. one the National (Baller) of Scotland\ bext lo\ ed

paintrng~ goex on tlhl‘la} together ‘A iii: an lilitiil}llltttl\ earl} cop} on loarr hour the National 'li'tl‘l 'l‘he cop} r~ thought to h.-.\e beert parrtted tn the loltu uhen the original hung ill the pr‘nate .il‘alllll'e‘llh oi King Philip l\ of Sparri

After Hours 'l‘hu I" l el‘ a [hit I? \lar (\ "pin 'lhe galleryx doors ~ta_\ opeu rust that little bit later for a ptogi‘arnrrte ot ta lilthlc‘. reading\ and oi eourxe. art

The Adoration of the Shepherds in SS l-eb 1245pni. l)e~rrtorid Shaue 'l'a}lor. director oi the l)ul\\ ich l’ieturc (ialler) dr~cu~~e~ l)oiiteritehrno'~ painting


(ieorge lV Bridge. 2:“ 4.531 .\loll Sal lliam 5pm. Sun: 5pm.

Theatres du Monde l'ii \lar \\etl 30 Apr: :\n e\hibition oi pliologtaplix b} Marie-Noelle Robert documenting tlte .\l;tl\till dex ('ultur‘ex dti .\londe\ l extoal de l‘ltnaginaii'e.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 034 (Col) It'ccordcd information 333 33M». .\lori Sat

lilam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. ('aie Navigating Stevenson: Digital Artworks by Sara Gadd t'nul Sun ll Ma}. .\'tne large-\cale digital art \torltx b} Sara (iadd liltil'lu the iirxt computer generated e\hibition at the National (iallericx of Scotland. ang the latext technolog). (itidd hm created it \t‘t'lcx ol

\ ti'tual \pacex “hrch t‘eci‘calc\ the celebrated author Robert I.ttlll\ Ste\en\on\ tourney to the South Sea lxlandx in ISSS. Robert Louis Stevenson t'ntrl Sun ll Ma}. .-\n accompan} tttg \ntall e\hibition of [liilllllllg\. dran lligx pl‘llih attd \c‘lilpllll'c‘ celebrating the life oi the renou tied author. Robert l.tttll\ Slc\cn\on,

Mad, Bad and Dangerous: Lord Byron Thu 13 Mar .\lon Io .\la_\. .-\n e\hibition e\ploring the ritanner in Much the literar) fante aitd \ttc'iitl notoriet} oi the poet Lord Boon \iax ltrelled b} the \\ rde tllSSClllllittllUli of lii\ portrait. \E Lord Byron: The First Celebrity Thu 13 Mar. 12.45pm. li}ron\ biographer. l-‘iona .\lac(‘arth} drxcuxxex the lite arid uork of the Romantic poet.

Queen Margaret of Scotland \Veti 5 Mar. l2.45pnt. Jttllic\ llolltma}. director of the l’ortratt (ialler) gnex a talk.

After Hours Thu (1 Mar. (i "pin. The (i;t|ler‘}'\ doot‘x \ta} open iuxt tltat little bit later for a programme of talk. lilli\|L'. reading and of cotirxe. art.


H \'e\\ Street. .558 "(ill-1. .\loii Sal

llant 6.30pm. l‘ntrl late on Bongo (‘lub nights.

Beware ‘ium Ill 25 Mb .\lori l~ Mar: .\'e\\ \tork b} Barr} .\lcl.aren arid Jamie Mc‘NL‘lll e\ploring mentor) aitd nature

N :‘.'.' SHG‘.'.


15a Penn)“ ell Court. .315 3|5l.

That Gemmil Goal trail in 14 Mar. l)e\t\ed b} :\lcc l‘inla} and pocketboon 'l‘lltil (ic‘lllliiil (ioal pi'exetilx (“it partrctpato e Pl'tiIL‘L‘h “lilcll )oung people front (’raigmtur l’rrniar} School ha\e taken part ttt.


75 7‘) ('utnberlartd Street. 55.“ Hill! .\lon l'ri ltiani optn; Sat lllalll 4pm. Leon Morrocco t‘rttil Wed 13 \lar: Sketch lliltli\\ and a \ilittll \election ol paintingx b_\ Leon .\lorrocco.

Jennifer Wall t‘ntrl Wed 13 Mar. Xe“

jett eller}.


l7 1‘) Barcla} Place-1"! 3933 'ltic Sat llarn (iptii.

Mixed Exhibition .-\ changing xelection of painting\ including reproduction art

Van (itigli. Dali. .\IUIlL'l. KillikIIII\I\_\. .\lll‘o originalx arid \xork b) up-and-cotittng local til’ll\l\.


(ieorge Street l or rrrore rrrtorrriazrorr call .55“ “ll-h or u out thrrrrtrthtto \i‘ uh Djinniditto - The Other Slide \it: S Sat 15 \lar See \pe\ ('rt} llotel r‘illU


lothtarr Road lot more tiiiortriatroit \.'.ll 55o "ifo or a u \\ tlrrriiirthtlo to trk Djinniditto - The Other Slide ltttrl Sat 1 \lar See \pe\ (it) Hotel. eiiti}


t\\ \Sl’St l’attiothall Studrox oil ~1S llaiittltori Place. 335 11W \\ed

itooii oprit. Sat t\ Sun tioori 5pm

Tim Taylor: Folds and Erosion Sat S \Ved 1: .\lat \ lll\l \olo \hoo for lidrnbutgh ('ollege oi \rt graduate lrrit lit-\Ior [Silly e\er_\da) obieeh \tleli ax bu~ ticketx. car trtdicatotx. ice. \itap arid burnt lli.tl\'llc‘\. lil\ ili\l.tll.tllttli\ e\plore the hcattl}. parti and humour inherent iii

the e\er}da} .E ..


35 .\larchritont (‘teu‘eriL 33‘) Ilio3

,\lon in Want 5 3liprii. Sat lll.tlll :Pltl Mixed Exhibition \ photographic gallet) arid li'aiiitrig \\i‘ll’\\ll\l]‘ teattrrrug a range oi iiaiited mounted iriiagex \\ tilt \pace ior local [‘llttltig‘lai‘llt‘h to \hoo their \torlt.


(t lia\tci\ l’lace. l.cilh \\ttll\. 5:4 llllol The Drag Queens Sal t .\ion it .\lai. l)ocuriteritat‘} arid portrait photographer \oiriiari \lclleath loolu at the preparattorh tor a gathering on \\otld .'\itl\ l)a} ax part of III\ \llltl} on hie in the Scotlrxh capital

PORTOBELLO BEACH l’ot'ioltcllo. (ll-H30 3‘3350 lot more

rrtlotinatron L'lliatl'

National Galleries of Scotland.

trrrelebol‘ll‘5' hotrrtarl tort: Washed Up \it x a Sut‘. it \lar. "arr: 5pm: lt‘rlt‘\\ll‘r_‘_'t‘1‘.lit‘illillt‘ \uetev ol li'r \rll‘IlIISSlt‘l‘. oi \notk held :eeerttl) at the lx’o\_\ \t: (errtre. l drrtl‘trrght oilece of \:t \tuderih prexertt periorzttartcex arid

\t ttlpture orr l’ortoheilo Heath \xeathe: l‘t‘llllllllllg‘l Sotrr‘ arid t .rkex \\ :il ai~o he \oltl dtrrrrig the \\eel\etiti ' '

.il‘r t‘i‘e'I‘r


Room :3\. l drrrhrrtgh ('ollege ol \rt. 5" lhe (irawiriarket. I.‘l ofhl \\ed Strtt

l hpiti

Sunday Sessions at protoacademy Suit _‘ t\ Srrtt " \lar

I -lptti ('ortteritporar} art hawd texearth trrirt protoatatlerrr} prewrrt a l‘lt'\t‘tll.tllt\ii oi ite\\ with to .Itrharra ('apex lolltm ed b} art attorirparotrig drxtuxxtort group on Strrt I \lar \e\t tip r\l hike l5llj..‘lllt' liiderii on Suit " \lar

THE QUEEN'S GALLERY l)rtl.t\ t‘ \‘I lt'titlllt‘ll\t‘. “3" 5 Hail) ‘l Warn -1 3tiprtt Leonardo da Vinci: The Divine and the Grotesque t not \utt lo \lar til it: Lit. iaritil_\ ticket 2, Id under 5‘ tree llexigttetl h) llentarittri lrridall \rehitet t\. the L 3m ()treeriK (iallet opertx \xrth the larj.'e\t e\hibition tlL'U'lt‘tllitlt'til1.lltltltl.i\llltte\t‘l llt‘ltl rrt Stotlatid l)l.i\\ll hour the Roial ('olleettoti. \xhteh lllll\l\ the \xorld\ llilt'Sl group oi lla \ lll\l dia\\ lll}'\. the e\hibition lt'.tllllt'\ 5‘ \ioth \xhreli e\plore the I\)k‘ll.il\\.illec' artrxt‘x hie long Hl‘\t'\\lttli “tilt the human hunt I roitt hrx tillt‘llllih to tleiirte perlect piopoitioit to lil\ tlhlttillttll oi the litrriiaii tat e to e\plore rtx cortiie potettttal. the e\hibition irtelutlex \ltrdie\ tor llll\ tiiaderprece llrt ltrxr Sup/u I. \eli ptil'llalh and tlt'Slleh for textual

\l \\

Now open later on Thursdays.

National Gallery of Scotland Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art

Dean Gallery in Edinburgh


e National Galleries of Scotland are no n in some of the regular events we‘re ho 'ng. or just enjoy our eXhIDllS. whatever you prefer. now work doesn't ething a little more spiritually uplifting.

it our website www.nationalgalleries.org o c d out more about scheduled events.

Thursday until 7pm.

pen late on Thursdays. You can

ve to get in the way of seeing

{0131 624 6200 to

~;..; , -THELIST83
