.0... ‘Excetlent 00.0 xecommendcd LJOOd O. r rowed

. pOOr


1 1 1 Laptops, Pink Poodle


1 1 3 Australian wine


1 15 Italy by train


108 IGI2: Covert Strike

Video/ DVD

109 Donnie Darko, La Spagnola

1 Books

104 Tim Lott, Magnus Mills


106 Rebel Visions


106 Evan Dando, Aphex Twin

1 10 The Planman

XBOX LIVE Mr ."7*,: >‘l :‘VZU CO.” GAMEBOY ADVANCE SP N"ttt"‘< 11> WW v‘i! 0.”.

rt'.'>rt(* who splashed orrt o" the .; «rt-er:

Dregunuztat .‘.’ll1l(}(l(i‘i. illll‘V: that <7"

:‘(lttt;()l(‘ ozt'r‘rng; Ml." ow tit; reunttrerng; rt"

we t?X[)t?'|(:ll’lt: élf; Trll‘tlllfil r" l">nt (*t the

rnterttt te-e‘.rs;.orr rtrlonr; \".'ell, (it; I'm metre nts; the f;tt<;r::;, tl‘e next oe". <'<)tlt;<>i(rtr .‘thl negro It) tollex‘. ‘r‘. those tutr: ltlztxrno footsteps Alter t're oat ‘ec. ll‘("‘i.’ltt et t;ll;‘(it?t;f;lttl new testrnq. Xbox Live '3 mnnenen :'r theliK (“Inn's-11g;(P‘JV‘JHV:WW):)‘.‘.’!t§; Mrerosott'i‘, 'l‘éltilllllt.‘ to lrnk up for one km; rte-tu'xorrxeo new";

lXtilltlltttttwflll§\-1(}f()'Ellle)f)Xlr‘.’(3K1f.IZ()YY‘lI'é}I(: ~.-.:tn headset, 1.” month solmnrptron and two games. ‘1er the world rf; yonrt; to rule oxer ()r :t l1(?()t‘r(‘(?\()t.ll;l‘.’(leltwillllmtlfl(:()!lll(?(iil:)tt.

lhe headset tr; your l'téllll rnethotl et rnte'netron tiltil (loet; {l lrne ;<)l> ot replzterno {l kmhogtrn \'.'t‘§,. t exen (utters; tor tltose .'.'ho hate the snow) of t"elr one ‘.’()I(‘(". l)lL“~.I(l|tt§) tilterf; to alter tour ‘.()I(i(? to ()l‘.(? e? nutrw a!tern;ttv.e&; Pretendrng to he serr‘eorie else 'utt; ne\.er been so much ttrr‘.

Am} the ottrr‘erf the moment. the\ (lo otter ssorr‘ethrng; lllll(l;r(? to

‘.".'ell. though sn‘nli In ntrn‘he' (if

evasole garners. Belreye rt or not. one o? the best \‘ornes; tree. ’Ltofo (N) If; speetgvxrlgtrrt gyeoo illl‘r when mung) ztottrntn hnrnrtn opponents and ‘.'.'rth ti}

ot \on mung; ztt onee. there r:; ne\.er n :ttril n‘orr‘ent

(3"033/1‘et‘orrrs;alsotztntastrt; (lnnrng;\,o:rrrrto;t

rrtlrttnlotrr; whrszoer \.'./hrle stalkrnt; \(Mll enen‘x [Se-reg; mooring not t,“.';?". t'xtt t3; and hit: (3 :" three loner.

forced to :7orr1rr‘rrrtr<:;tte through the headset er‘strress eolotrs. 't‘-(?I{lll.t‘ {titre 'ruttt {rock gt'm orattr‘nrr‘

that exert; ogtnre rt; personal. even tegtrr‘rrtgtte trr‘ No the v\ lie.’ tettarres (are these last. the nex'.

rrt‘rtttxlltlIPDUSIl'I(?'1(l{ltt(l(?\’er\ (tenth \(ert; or net. 'tll(i?‘.lll(i~it;'€?177ht?§]é?gll)r(h ‘51“ gr ltgttte", :lxé: gt

‘1 out wrent‘hrno loss. 'l‘<)t) (a .otr'l' net 13-} "1}.r't; ttgi't‘ltt;; gregtfstr'e fro." a It the gamer; keep <;().'r‘rn§;, )rgtnehrng; out ante git; three tour hon plunge:- Sei‘eWt 't furs; a r';;"t.

l'nklt‘ a warren of genres as; they ororr‘rse. the" Xt‘ex 'r‘ettnr'tt; no.2 we. at" eta, trr> (ti n. ;;l‘t patting;

l rue could he the rrutkrng ot' the nmssrxe lt‘;t'tf§l'1§t§tl‘. _r't;:e' .;>-_.' {unturuers

tron‘ Mrerosott Untri the PS? goes or‘llne K130? r" the l'te hes. ;‘:>"‘nt et :testgrn ant: totny‘ t»’1.".:~f;'."

\ettr ot eotrrse. ;)!:\te:‘tr:t't'r‘egtnrs .ot."<;e.er‘mayors" ‘1‘;I{)‘ll(_;lfl'i It's dltttOSI ‘:-1 years; tarnee Nrntenoo Ltmerled the tow amt onenet zt'tzz. .'.'tr‘ the :;::'eer‘, rt'ég ;: log. to

\er\ trrst (inneho; one got 21 generatron nookeo on out. l'te é‘tl.‘ rr'xte tag; \i’)ll[)(?(l .'..t" a: "trrr‘rrer :2‘

Terr/S. But Nrrftentle hasn‘t rested and thrt: n‘ont'i Sit? t‘tle:;'»:ive;t:;,t:-;l"i t'te tiil"‘1ll§;"."‘z"f.'lf$ Zena.

UK tldrnert; ml; he treateo to the ztrrrxal e‘ the nev. fet'ot: arm. A," reuse. Rimmy" "em I“:

Gameboy Advance SP. These lrttle :lztrlrnos; hone conxrnte neorne .-.n::' .e reseteo trxe Cohen), '5;

two new teattrres that wll have punters :nreerno ehgtrn‘s; trntrr‘ 'iov. mm t"e'e's: rte-.1138 the ‘gt' too

round the block for It's not the rrnormeo outer sensrhle gargrtr'r‘ent that men saw "one, or‘ eas‘rng to protect the screen. It‘rztkzrtg the Gamehey otttterres rlgtrt‘ Dauiosoo giltil lat" Ferret:

more lrke a mrnrature laptop. Nor rs rt that rt's s;r~.‘a||e' I Xoox I use oe- sto'es; ":W‘ 7/1, '15 and feels lrghter than the old GztrrreDoy Advance lt':; Ga'rreoor Atznt'tce SP flow F" 28

3-27 Mar 2007: THE LIST 103