

Retro goes full circle

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Adidas row lfo.'.< if .m; .'.arrt ‘1, ":I.‘;r|l' «rmllro'xl .'.‘ll",'l'r 'etur'rrnr; t', fraakres. Were", a nut/w .'.a. to actrexe retro «hr’.

KM". llzr' lrkes mt Strectrun‘ u’fll‘pufo’n‘, ar‘rl flaura": llartrera cartoor‘. stars i.",‘)l: tr, ,o...’ tea". .'.rt" the latest 'ar‘rde 0* l snrrts ar‘r': 'r..r‘.."r:r "rear s.'.'ealshrrts fron‘ (Ihurrk No: to kit;- ’filllli‘}(:(l .vrth tlxe (ilasgonafs 'frgrtal "‘Hllél agerwt, tltat shares the sarr‘r: nante Chunks l.|')'.l‘r|l‘.() leattlres rrrlades of the thrngs ,ou lope trorr‘ r-y,esler\,ear

lletro l’)y?3 and garnes lrke Speak and Spell and letrrs. ru‘rt characters :Ike Mrchael (Iarrtc- rr‘ (2e? (Ll/fer and (Llrnt l astwood :r‘ [July I la'rv. and 'toorts such as lop (lat. Hong Kong l’hooeg, anrl (Zaptarn ()avernan all feature In (Il‘rurik's desrgns.

l or the ultrn‘ate car lover ‘or geek.. Chunk sells gear that features ;conr<; .ehrcles how the l laynes rrtanuals. such as Jeeps. Beetles. (Zornettes. Mrnrs and ()aprrs. whrle the Vespa and l arnpretta desrgns prove the perfect gift for those who are not shy of a Paul Weller 'onr; player. lhe Hrrtrsh corr‘pany also sell I shrrts that hrghlrght the heautrful bodywork of the Chopper.

lhere's a large range of desrgns for men. hut less choice ; varlahle for the ladres. Stockrsts rn Scotland rnclude l larvev Nrchols. or you can check out therr styles and huy onlrne. l(Larolyn Aiken)

I / larvev Nrc/ro/s. 8! Andrew Square. [ (I/IlINl/g/l. (Hill 332-1 8388; www.churrk.ukcom

112 THE LIST '3 L‘ Mar Yi‘l‘.“

l ASl ll( )N PINK POODLE Looking pretty in pink

lhe f>f)s are hack :n style and I've found jllfil the shop to indulge \,or.r‘ penchant for [)orrs l)a‘,. l’rrtk Poodle has even,'thrrrg the lashron (:onscroas grrl should he wearing thrs surr‘rr‘er.

()wner Tracy Krnnarrd rs no stranger to lashron or retailing alter studyrng and workrng rn the fashron rndusm for rr‘any years. l ookzng for another challenge. she opened P'rtk Poodle an October of last year And Krnnarrd knows exactly, what the trendy West P nd shopper :s lookrrrg for she sold out of stock before Chrrstrnas had even Ell‘ll‘.’(?<l, ‘People seem to he led up wrth the high street.' she says. ‘Fasnrons (zone and go so wh‘. would sorv‘eone want to pay $900 for a top that the", nor“! want to ‘.'.'ear rn srx nonths'?‘

As .vell as reasonahre orrces. Prnk Poodle offers tun, frrvolous and funk, clothes. Desrgners includrr‘g Traffrc People. Funky, Fish and Pass‘, Deluxe hang. hrrght and r':olot.rfr.l. frorr‘ the racks. These clothes wane what Krnnarrd descrrbes as the ‘wow factor

So put a little /ar./a /u back l'ltt; your wardrobe. 'Jane Han‘rlforh I Prnlr Pood’e. '87 8‘. res Roar}. Gr’asgol'.. 031' .9557 Gil/1.:


Spend. spend, spend. . .

and Cuttrng edge desrgu wrll be on display for all to see at the Glasgow School of Art Fashron Show. Taking place at the Arches on Wed 19 Mar. students from the design school Will showcase therr work at three separate performances llpm for schools. 7.30pm all- seated show. and 9.45pm Including altershow party). The school has produced leadrng fashrOn desrgners who have gone onto work for the Irkes of Versace and Armanr. and organrsers recommend paying particular attehtrOh to the work of Jeanne Tan. a PhD student who mrxes traditronal and non-traditronal materrals rncludrng shower puffs. harr clrps and face masks. Tickets are priced at £10 and can be obtarned by phoning 0901 022 0300.

I POOR OLD HARVEY Nichols. Having invested millions on its first Scottish store in Edinburgh, it transpired last month that most of its sought-after account- card holders have G- postcodes. Surely this must be a huge blow for the luxury department store and will further vindicate Selfridges decision to locate in Glasgow. There again, could it be that Glasgow shoppers are more accustomed to the premium interest charged by such account cards? Only time will tell.

I ZARA WILL OPEN lTS first Scottish store in Edinburgh in July. The Spanrsh clothing emporium has b0ught the leasehold from Marks and Spencer for a three-storey site near the west end of Princes

Street Remodelling an the «15.000sd tt store has already begun and thrs offrce 2:; already preparrhg rts plastrt‘ fer sow-e serrotls credrt abuse

I TOPMAN HAS launched its spring/summer 2003 look. The new collection mixes three trends: superfly, a retro ghetto-dressing look of vintage street designs; urban utility, military meets jungle warfare and combat gear; and summer boho, a light, airy feel to natural materials, prints and designs. To see the whole kit

and caboodle for yourself 90 to

I DON'T FORGET Mother's Day on Sunday 30 March. Boots has put together a catalogue of ideas ranging from scented bath trrne products to pampering treatments, Therapies rhclude Relax and Revrve (£45). a Mom Wrth back. neck. scalp and shoulder massage; a Mrnr Mrracle Makeover (£45). with laCraL manrcme Or eyebrow shape: and Reflexology (C45). Alternatively. why not Invest rn theatre tokens (available from wvmtheatretokenscom as a variant on the old faithful M&S vouchers. Or for a less frivolous idea. why not Invest in some products from the new Denby range. FOr timeless and thoughtful rdeas. log on to wwwdenby. For more traditronal grfts. Safeway has a range of cakes. flowers. teddres and boxed chocolates to make sure you can't go too far wrong.