

V I saw you xpcriii lit-ail. \y'c \ycrc huy mg n \xhulc oI .i trmc. l)on't hc guy Rtixx. do mc.... [7463/l [3

V I saw you .\Iuy lrom (‘("x xi\ and u hull ycut‘x ugo. llopcd to 111ch ugurn hut unothcr timc unothct' plucc. l,o\c Bchx. [7462/l [3

V I saw you til lhc l'illlllllouxc. You look lhc \yholc 9. .. mm. lkk“: \klllt xuhtillcx. [7463/l l4 V I saw you I didn‘t \L‘C you put r'cul hccllc on my hccllc. Would likc to xuy “'l‘hrmk you" in pcrxon. \Yhich xidc ol thc r'ond do you drry c on'.’ X\ [7462/I I5

V I saw you dixco

hurmy (II tucknol So \yunnu hc your Ruhhitl (ict in touch. djhhoy \\. [7462/l [6

V I saw you [ll I’luiici Out on 'l'ucxduy (U lhc quil. \yux xo cool in thc hlucl .\Ic & you till thc cnd ol' limc hig hiin X [7462/l l7

V I saw you Margo iii rlic ('itrux ('luh on l-‘ri 3 I xt Jun und gunc you my tcl no. l’lcuxc cull tor rcply to thix to gct thc numhcr uguin l. [7462/1 I8

V I saw you \yith your hcguiling qucxlionx. A quiycr up my lctx. .\'ot cnough unxyycrx, not cnough unxyycrx. [7462/] I0

V I saw you tlL‘tlI'c‘xI xIIIL‘lly pctul'. Looking good. low (.lICL'ItlI‘tI. [7462/l :[l

V I saw you Shcltcr gqu in l-"opp Bur. drinkin Stcllu. 'l'hunkx for thc Iiummux. (‘ [' uguin. I. [7462/I2l

V I saw you cuting xoup in (‘in ('ulc. .\Ic yycll hungoycr. ril'tcr u night ol' litc Bi'u/ilirm mcn. pu\o. yy inc and liurrcc. l.o\ c you .ltl/l [7463/l33

V I saw you in (‘(“x ('rimmy. lhrottgh Iriin cy cx. \‘l'hcn can I xcc you uguin‘.’ l.otx oI' loy-c Blunc \.\\. [7462/[23 V I saw you huy iiig ii l’crlccl Day with inc in ('ity (Kilo. haying lunch. drinking yyinc in ii rccord .xhop. You nrc my l'uyouritc kchuh. Xxx.

[7463/l 34

V I saw you lcnding lhc hur doyy n ut lhc ('uhut'ct \'oltuit'c - xhot't lilijuh Wood looking lud

\\ lIlI u tic «K lhc lk‘8l gltlxwx l'y‘c xccn. Bc my llohhit. [7462/l25 V I saw you gctting ot't' lhc 28 htix in,xtonc. You \ycrc lull. dark and hundxomc. I yyux in rcd. You mudc my duy Iikc gruyy oycr dumplingx - pcrlcct. [7463/50

V I saw you hroyy ii cycx. hlondc huir - un tintixtrnl comlyo. I llk‘L‘ II. \Yuntcd Io xlt'okc IllL‘ \clycty :il‘ro on your chcxt. but I tlltln'I durc. [7463/5l

V I saw you in tlic ’I‘ruycrxc doing Hurry l’ottcr skills... [7463/52

V I saw you I);l\\ll trom(iunn. You loxt rny

numhct' .’ (iccx [I phonc‘ .'\\ [7463/53

VI saw you \yorking ;ll thc ( )piil loungc on Sui 22nd l-chr‘uzuy Yoti. l‘rcnch \yuitrcxx. t‘cully xprcy rind loycly. .\lc. \yrth my Incndx in thc mcrnhcrx tucii. (lin't xlop thinking oI yott. [7463/54

V I saw you lhc tltty hclorc you lclt. Your xmgtng ix xo good. Long liyc (‘urol King I'or'cycrf .\lixx you my piil tippiixitc_ [7463/55

V I saw you long Ich. xc\y hluc cy cx. hody l'or xm. hruin I'or htrxincxx. minc I'orc\ cr. (Kit. [7463/56

V I saw you (ll lllc .-\hhcy. \yutching l'oothull. You xc\y und xmilcy. mc trunxliycd by your C} L'\ - gcl in touch lot‘ xomc Iun‘.’ [7463/57

V I saw you on lhc no. 14 htix. you hud hlond huir. I had hr'oyy n hair. You louchcd my hund. you may not huyc noliccd. I‘ll likc to touch you uguin... [7463/58

V I saw you iii SttIlHl. xciirt' uround your \yuixt. You urc lhc xhurpcxt nccdlc in thc cluhx. \Vllll loyc. [7463/5‘)

V I saw you curch up likc lhc onccut you ru'cf ()n lhc xcltcc. xtoncd und hcuutilul. Sing mc u xong xomctimc. xomcyy hcrc oycr thc t‘uinhoyy plcuxc - lotx lttt'yc \\. [7463/60 V I saw you It'lplc '(i‘. l’lL‘x. picx. picx. Audrcy llcphurn only nccdcd u couplc ol' picx in hcr. ch'.’ ny [7463/61

V I saw you (irccn .\lonkcy (” Polyphonic looking Ioncly. gct it on on lhc Ixt March. [7463/

V I saw you ('hi-ix tlc‘t'oxx thc hiology luh \y ith your xupcrmun otllllll l.o\c .\l\. [7463/63

V I saw you in I’lunct (hit my l‘cc l‘cch. 'l‘hunk you for thc othcr night. You yycrc luh. [m c you ulyyuy x. your “KW. [7463/63 V I saw you .\I;imni;i Jticoh. What thc l-‘runcc you doin in thc nighthth Walking uround \yith u Iucclikc .luck l’uluncc - I want my Vitamin (E. I'll hc your ('oldo Bugginx. [7463/64

V I saw you Rilchic 'l‘. liycryonc .xuyx hi. Loyc lorcy cr. Linda. I.inx. l.o\ clucc AKA Lindu l.oy clucc. [7463/65

V I saw you pop icon from liiy c 30 liuxt. lluy c you hccn yyorking out'.’ (‘un I touch your hull“? [7463/66

V I saw you 3.30pm 2nd Murch. ‘:\rl‘ pcrl'ormuncc.

I.y ccum 'l‘hculrc. You - xitting xlzillx (i8. hlond huir. gluxxcx. mohilc phonc. .\Ic - I5] 3 xtullx. xtunding ncur hur' ultcr‘ xhoyy. hluc/grccn chuttu .iuckcl waiting for Iricnd. l'uncy u dt'illk/colilco.’ [7463/67

V I saw you tn l’ltinct ()ut - you yycr'c tn r'cd < (‘hc/ " \Vollltl lo\ C [U lllCL'l you xonictimc .\I.iy hc on .i .\lolltl;l_\, [7463/68

V I saw you xIt-cpiii' on _\CI xolu loycctit. yotit xnotcx \yctc llL‘;I\L‘Ill_\ [Illtl yout chchx ;uc “NC [Hill \ ["4636"

V I saw you hlondrc. \yot‘krng ltchrnd lhc but at l’luncl. Ill.ll l-xlllt'l \o Ilglll. loyt' you lxrhy. .\. [746371)

V I saw you .-\d;nn K iiiiil I Iuncy you. .-\rid your hig printx [7463/7l

V I saw you my darling l)utllcy. You ur'c my only chtnnprunxlnp tltunugct‘. rny ttgcr pruyyn. I on c your mounx. & your yulcnlmc. [7463/"3

V I saw you llu/Iu looking mcrcdihly xcyy hchind lhc Inn. [' Incun lhc \yot‘ld. [7463/“4

V I saw you loycly hlondc. trcndy huir. you ohyrouxly don't [I\ c llCl'L‘. gol‘gt‘oth cyt'\. lo\ Cl} thighx - lctx gct II togcthcr' [7463/75

V I saw you in u hluck tunktop. \yhitc [-\lllI‘I und jcimx (u lhc 'l’ruy hur. You xtolc my look. Don‘t do ll riguin. [7463/76

V I saw you ()l’l‘iccr (illlxkl. you \ycr'c lhc gr'cutcxt dunccr'. lhc good timcx Roll Sixlctl Yc‘tlll Ycuhl [7463/7-V

V I saw you and | \yuntcd to uxk you (}()()I) tguy qucxtion ol' lhc day If lloyy lo\y can you 11“? Kixxcx .\lt‘x. X\\ [7463/78 V I saw you [ll lhc I-ootl l’lgmtution. l loycd you Auxxic ucccnt und I'lyuyyuy huir. llc min Kunguroo Boy? 'l‘cll mc thc ct'u/y \yhitc—huir'cd girl ixnt your loy cr. [7463/70

V I saw you in l’lunct ()ul. bully. llcl l can do lhc Shamrock uguin. l.o\c I-‘i By. [7463/80

V I saw you ‘I'oiiy M. iii (‘t‘ Bloomx looking lath? \Vunt lo xhoyx you \yhul l'm mudc ol'. hig hoyl l.o\ c J. [7463/8l

V I saw you looking llkL‘ It monxlcrlff l low you Iotx. “cc R \\\. [7463/83

V I saw you IL'IItllng lhc hur nl lhc ('AB. Squur'c glgixxcx und und lily ix ('oxlcllo xyyuggcr. Your charming huntcr ix totail ('riry (innit. I’our mc unothcr hipxlcr main. [7463/83

V I saw you looking fly (for u \yhitc guy It hurtcndcr git Iixpionugc. Jumic I think your numc \yux. Scc you nc\t Sunduyl llot xlul'l'. [7463/84 VI saw you xx ith your xcyy gt'ccn xhiit und lltc xcyx u up pockct yy ith lhc hur logo. Think you :u'c onc Iinc 'yy cgiunl lloyy uhoul \\ c xhukc coc'kluilx togcthct‘ ul :\hxorh. in l’ollock llullx‘.’ ltx onc linc \cnuc and l \yux xmittcn \y ith thc xtrill '.-r [7463/87


"I'm really glad I came along. Where else can you go out and meet 25 single women in one night? You'd have to be stupid not to give it a go" —Matt Lawson, marketing manager. aged 34

V I saw you. you x.m me I hcrpcx but you g.r\ c it to Inc .my \\.i_\' \ou \\ ith yottt xprkcx .md mc \\l[ll my lyoh l xcc you rc nukcd undcr your c‘lolllt'x' [ 463 85

V I saw you l\c.mttlu| hluck mcdtcmc hoy' Still croppcd. turnkly. mtrtgmng .md .idotcd hy humhlc [lurk htmcd m.ilc. l’lcuxc l.llk' \\ot\I c'.l\L‘ xccnutio ' You gct .m mtcrcxlmg. gcnumc ncyy lrrcnd llcxl cuxc xccnul'lo " [3463 86 V I saw you I.I\;t .ii lhc l‘clyruruy 'luckno. I \yiix lhc Lid you xpcnd lhc l;ixt hull hour \yrth on lhc duncclloor gcttmg \cry cloxc. xorry your pulx dtriggcd you .muy hcloic \\ c hud lhc chuncc to xyyup numhct.

([III “C \‘llllllllllt‘ lllllll \\llk'lk' \\ C

lcll oll \yithout your lttcndx. NL'Il [7463/88

V I saw you (inl lrom Nottingham l).uk lltlll tn lhc l)cnim l)rcxx and thc hootx .il lhc .\loIo\\ n 'luckno. l cntoy cd lhc l;er duncc \y rth you. can \\ c t'cpcul II it you cyct' conic luck up again"? [7463/80

V I saw you xhukmg up cocklutlx in .\l\xot'l\' comc out \yrlh mc und I'll put xomc colour In your chcckx'll

[ 7463/0 I

V I saw you baby pp. looking hot and xcyy. lx mullic coming out to play xoon _’ H yyuntx xomc uctionl [7463/03 V I saw you moxt morningx [\tlx \Iop - \chlct'n (illcxlllollxt'. Roxchurn. [\lltllly irround 8.30/84“. You \xomun \\Illl rcddy hi'oyyn llttll'. I think you‘t'c gorgcouxl “nut to go out lot' :l drink'.’ [7463/03

V I saw you m hluck. xporty pcugol outxidc tollcr‘oxx lirc xtution. \y c mudc cy c contuct..l yyould likc to mukc nior'c lh;il thrill? [7463/04

V I saw you ("hur'lcnc \y ith l‘ionu. out xidc nupoli pix/u. hunoy cr xtrcct. xuturduyt Ixti night. lorccx ol' nuturc mudc u'rc [til/ii lily out rlx ho\ - \x c \\ L'I'L‘ [Ntl'llllg loo xoolll \lugic’.’ lhcrcx xomcthing morc....c;ill mc. ('hrix [7463/05

V I saw you l.;rur;i llpxlflll'x ail ()pium. 3 .\I;u'ch ux you \yct‘c lcuy ing \yilh your l'r‘icndx tind I cumc oy cr and chuttcd to you. Would [m c to mcct you ugurn [7463/06

V I saw you .-\nn;i. mct Ill llcn'x birthday party in Junuury. \y c lulkcd uhout lruqi :ixy lum xcckct'x und your lilm. und hud u luugh too. didn't gct your numhcr "l)'ohl". .’\l;m [7463/0" V I saw you xtuprd punk girl luughing rit inc \xhcn l trippcd on xomc rcc und lclltgcorgc l\‘ hridgci tcurmg u hig holc in my huxchull hootx. “I” you hclp mc mcnd thcm [7463/08

V I saw you \\.i\rng lll 8rncl.ut l’l.icc [lllyl tuxl to lick your nnm cggx \\hy dont \\ c gct do\yn \\lIll xontc Il.llll‘t\ .md tnuddy lhc llooix ‘[ 463 00 V I saw you looking gorgcoux m .\l\xorl\ \\ ith your xprkcy hluck .inx \Ilcrxhock | xhnt. Lincy .i cockt.iil ' 1' .lol Ion

V I saw you xc\y in clcplmnt xullicrcncy \\lll you my collcc ' You .itc xo linc .oi [' 463 [Ill

V I saw you h.i\ mg .i puntx mtc lll (.olotttx. lhrty \cg.rx inotr" u loycly xcyy xmrlc. .md hugc. xpurkly cycx You \ycrc out giying rt [‘['.III\ \\Illl lttcndx Iront l crth .\lc lumpy duncrng Ill my \\oi|d. htit | noticcd you. [I kno\y I drtl' l ctx xh.itc lhc Lin hloyyct. \y.itcr .ind _\l.ulhoro .ig.nn xomclrtnc’ yyhul .m ollct"' \ [' 463'lll3 VI saw you \.ii.ilit-. t "nit-i lullcr .\\rtl l .iyignc look.t|tkc

\\ ith xtukcx .ix tuldcd homix on 3‘ box on y\.ry huck Irom Studio 24 [why night .ll‘l‘lll .i month luck Sorry I \\.I\ xo rudc \xhcn l \\.I\ glycn xo m;my ch.mccx l llnrrk you'rc gcor'gtoux. rc.illy cool .ind yyould hkc logo mothg \y rlh you. lhc lgillmg ;I\l[‘t'll xloncl' dtidc thrit \yux “curing .m ()xx;irri.i II 1' Shirt [/46 3/lll3

V I saw you I‘m l-t-h III lltixcmcnt But. You hl.tck lumpci' tmd gl.ixxcx xrttrng on your oxyn rciidrng IMIPL‘I. inc .‘Il h.u lrymg not to xtutc l'uncy u think togcthci ncyt trmc’

[746 3/ lIl-l

VI saw you ttI \L‘yy \[I'k'k'l SI. [It-c I000, \xho yyonld huyc thought II \yould conic to lhrx ". ( Im II cycr' hc right noyy " llclp' tum/Ins V I saw you lgm. looking \cr‘y unultr'uctiy c III lhc .v\t'gy lc 37 In. \\\ [746 VII)?

V I saw you Kiiio. I him- L‘llt‘ckctl L'\L‘I\\llt'lt' lot yottt numhcr. und thix ix my only chuncc Io gct you. Sorry about lhc dcluy xo \yc'll huyc hurry into lo thingxlllchc [7463/Itl8 V I saw you riding xrdc xuddlc ut lhc hut in l’uncho \'r||;ix on Sriturduy Ixt l‘cltt‘uur'y. Smull. durk. xc\y xcnor'ttu In lilrick \clyct ttouxcr'x. You lookcd xtunnrng. l thmk your numc \\;l\ (irirl. l,ct'x x;ilx.i [Ill night long and yxulch lhc lcqullu xunrixc togcthcr. [/46 l/Ill‘)

V I saw you iiillixh tlIII'l'x ponytuilcd yyrth .i xilycr churn \yor'kmg out :it .\'c\t (icnct'ntion 'l‘hui'xduy nightx. 'I'lic tullrxh dut‘k \ylntc loppcd guy. gold chum \xould loyc to knoyy you \yhocycr you urc. In In rx on I’rmccx St. You \yct'c rmprcxxcd \yilh my cool xhocx. I mix imprcxxcd by your cool. l,ch go yy indoyy xhoppig logcthcr‘. [7463/1 ll)

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