ax niuch tnr littlc Imp ax gll'lx.'\l1\ltttltlll\[‘l.t}lllg chiltlrcn tapx intn \nnicthing (llllkl’llhk‘ inxiclc all nt tix.‘

'l'hc nral ti\atinn nl' Succticlantl llL'\ in ucatl} \\ ith thc \htm'x tacit acknn“lctlgtncnt nt hutltling puhcwccnt tlcxirc. '()t' cntthc Succticlantl lta\ tlitt'crcnt cnnnntatinnx tnr l\l\l\ antl ilklllll\.. llnurnc i'cxpnntlx. 'lt \tartx \cr_\ hunt}. and gctx \cr} nrgiaxtic antl hnhcinian.‘

.\‘1(It‘rm‘l\cri' ix an c\ccptinnall} hun_\ant. all agcx ticat \\ith a clc\cr. crntic untlcrctn'rcnt. likc tnuch nl Hnurnc'x \\Ht'l\ il c‘tttlltl l‘L‘ c‘ttlhltlL‘l‘L‘tl thc tlaltcc \\Ht‘ltl‘\ .ttt\\\ cr [0 Spiclhcrgian pnpulixni. inicctctl \\llll a \lH\L‘ nt camp tlcllgltl. llC tli\;t:_'l'L‘c\ \\illt lltc‘ .ttllccll\c. ‘l \l\‘ll.l l‘cttll} rcatl rc\ic\\\ nnxx. hut \\hcn l \cc quntcx. thc \xnrtl "camp" ix ll\L‘kl quitc a Int. I \xnntlcr uh} It |\ l;tl'_‘_‘cl' than lil'c. Hut pcnplc arc inuch ninrc ninxctl h_\ it than thnxc nl u\ [in thc prnl'cxxinnl \xhn ina} hc ninrc iatlctl. 'l’hc \intlllicit) nl thc duct hctuccn thc \utcrackcr antl ('lara. nr thc \nnxx \ccnc. can hring tcarx tn thc c_\c\.‘

Bnurnc hax \xnrkctl \xith tnp tlircctnrx \uch ax 'l‘rc\nr \unn tnn an auartl-uinning .lli' I'im' Imit. \till in thc \cht lintlt and Sam Mcntlcx tnn an ()li'i't'r.' \tairing Jnnathan l’r_\ cct. Inungctl Pt)t)l\ltlL‘ at l.i/ 'l‘a}lnr'\ llnll}unnd pad and tlinctl \xith an admin; Shirlc} .\lacl,ainc. .'\l'tcr rccching an ()lll: lnr \cr\icc\ tn tlancc in thc Ztllll .\'c\\ \carx llnnnurx lixt. hc pnppctl rnuntl lnr lunch \xith hcr ntaicxt}. Rcccntl} Hnurnc pickctl up l\\n ()li\‘icr :\\\‘1tl‘tl\ l‘nr l’lur nil/tun! .‘lH'tl/‘(lh a \c\\ .-\tl\cnturc\ cnnnnixxinn wt in winging-nth l.UlltlUll antl

\tagctl at thc \atinnal 'l‘hcatrc t\\hcrc

‘rr it's likcl} tn rcturn latc llli\ _\cari. llc nncc unrkcd at thc hnnkxhnp thcrc

'l‘hc ilL‘L‘Ulélth\ tlnn't \cctn tn haw

cnrruptctl him. :\n autngraph hnuntl

in hix )nttth. Bnurnc l‘cllltttlh a

gcnuincl} plcaxant man mm a tlccp

ln\'c nl‘ thc magic nl‘ thc thcatrc antl

itx pla)cr\. ‘l’cnplc \till \xant tn clap antl chccr uth a hit nl cnnl'ctti

c‘ttlllL‘N tlnwn.’ hc saw. ‘()r \xhcn thc)

\cc thingx tranxl’nrnictl l’rnin nnc thing tn annthct‘.‘

Bnurnc lt;t\ aluap hccn linncxt ahnttt hix chnrcngraphic liinitatinnx. rcgartling himxcll' ;t\ tint and l'nrcninxt a \a\\_\ tlircctnr. ‘l‘in

Lll\\tl_\‘\ tr_\ing tn iniprnxc.‘ hc say. ‘and makc lhc tnnx'cmcnt richcr. l alua'u lxnnu thc ltllhlc‘ l'in uxing insith nut. But I ll\L‘(l tn alxn think my chnrcngraphic jnh uax tn \t'nrk nut all thc \tcpx in (lthilllCL' in lrnnt nl' a inirrnr.’

As his cnnlitlcncc hax incrcaxctl. hix unrking lllL‘lllt)tl\ haw lnnxcncd. ‘l surrnuntl nuscll' uith pc-nplc uhn‘ll niakc \nnicthing \x'nrk. and nnt ncctl tn hc lHltl \Vllill tn (lt) all thc tinic. lt‘x ahnut lcctling thcin ax inuch inl'nrinatinn ax pnxsihlc ahnut \th thcy arc and thc hackgrnuntl nl “hat \x'c'rc tlning.‘

Bntn'nc \a'u hc‘s thc antithcxis nt' an n\cracltic\cr. ‘l'\'c Itchr lclt tcrrihl} ainhitinus. l cnultl'w tlnnc a film h) mm. hut l \t'nn‘t th) thingx tltllc\\ l lch thc}'rc truc and right l‘nr inc and haw a gnntl artixtic cnnccpt.‘ Altcr lcngth) ncgntiatinnx hc \\llllkll'C\\ l'rnnt a \tagc \crxinn nt l)i.\nc_\"\ 'I'ln' Lin/c .Ut'rmuitl. But linurnc’s pl't)p()\L‘tl li\ c takc nn 'l‘ini Burtnn‘x lit/nun! .S't'i'swr/ium/x ix hack nn track \Vlll] \\'()l'l\'\l]t)p\ \cltc'tltllctl l'nr Illc \tltltlncl‘.

l'nr thc tnnmcnt hc'x hasking in .Vulr'l‘ru'kr'r.’ glnr}. 'l'x'c ncwr had a \hnu' that'x thHIL‘ thix pltClttHllL‘llitll} \\cll.' hc says. 'rccnuping itx cnsts in \ix \xccksf

Bnurnc claims hc'x nnt inuch ln\'()l\'L‘(l in thc huxincsx \iclc nt' \cu :\tl\'CllltlfL‘\. ‘l tlnn't want In knnxx lhc ins and t)ltl\ nl (lCitl\. ()t' cnursc l'in happ} \x'hcn cxcr}nnc gets thcir mnnc} hack. But haVing a lull hnuxc. \xith pcnplc ha\ ing a gnncl tiinc - that\ thc rcal plcasurcf

Matthew Bourne’s Nutcracker! Edinburgh Festival Theatre, Tue 25-Sat 29 Mar; King’s Theatre, Glasgow, Tue 29 Apr-Sat 3 May.

".' 2'. THE LIST 15