ock & pop

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at

glasgow@list.co.uk, by post or by

fax on 0141 353 2803 and for

Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at

henry©list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings

are compiled by Mark Robertson,

Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Jll Saughichall Sli'ccl. 3.33 ‘Ni3' ‘lpm l'.lL'(llU pop liom lhc \lodci‘u (icoi'gc I The Kytes, Raul Duke and Eskimo Sun 'l'llC lilll \iilc ('.ilL‘. 5“ (ill Km; Slit-cl. 553 lo“ ‘lpm {3 Rock ll'lPlL' hill,

I A Fools Circle and The Times ltdggc Hal. (icoigc Squaw. 55h “(‘33

\ 3|lpm. {I l)iilll‘lt' hill ol indic

I Corrosion, 3 Days Born and The Stick Findlays ‘l'hc (‘cllai liar. Ramada Jan I\ ilugi'ami llotcl. lllll \lillt‘i‘ Sll't'k'l lulo: 55325158 31mm l‘l'L‘L‘.

I The New Blues Surfers Studio

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland . I :. i-


,J... '0 " .- Tickets Scotland '. i" Stun-f l’lifil " ‘. -' .. i. --'- Ripping Record " :; .°.'~ [5' ::-,~.

way Ahead -. . L.

()iic. (il'ii\\L'lll\l llolcl. (ii’oxwiioi' 'l'vi'i'at'c loll lino Roadi. 3.11 hill» 0pm. l'i‘cc.

I The Vagabonds l‘hc Smua.

I l: ll~l Siockm-ll Sim-i. 553 .\(i.\'l. ‘lpm. l'i'cc, I’opulai' (U\L'l'\.

I Open Mic lchai (him. 42 (Mayo lamc. 35" .1524. 8pm, l'i'cc.

I Live Music 'l'mdci'hoy IH‘) Bub Road. .3 3‘) 3 INS. 0pm. l'icc.


I Lobe and Maya29 Studio 3-1. ('allou Road. 55% 3‘58. 7.30pm. (-1 £5. l)oiih|c hill ol hard rock action,

I Carpe Diem, Cowala and The

Thursday 13

Glasgow I GBH, the Swell Bellies, the Dangerfields, Pencilhead and

Mutley Sli‘auhci'i') l'icld» 5o ()\\\;lltl

Sli‘cct. 08.15 053 028‘). 7.30pm. ladulllL‘L‘l. [7 (door). ()\L‘i'- l-lx \liim. ()Id punk lagx \llll on tho go.

I Locosea, Freeview, Saving Jayne, Ten Percenter and Phantom Riffage 'l‘hc (‘aihouxtx l5 l'liimi Sll’u‘l. .118th“ 7.30pm.

£31.50. ()wr- I-lx \hoxx. Rock/pop lino


I Without Face, Fractal Jack and Second Skin Km}; 'l‘ut‘x \Vah \Vah llut. 372:181 Vmccul Sli‘ccl. III 527‘). 3.30pm. U».

I Soul Trader, Azure and The Modern George Nicc'ii'Slcal}.

Chase (’iti'ii\ ('Iiih. 4t) -12(ii'iiidla} Sli'ccl. (i3: "om "7.30pm. {-1. 'l‘imc to rock ax nc“ cliih night l’dlllL' Iauucht-x \\illi llll\ li'iplc hill.

I Tyrant Lizard King, Par Avion and Krakhoar 'l’licc l‘udci‘uoi‘ld. li;iiiiiCi'iiiaii\. Xltltll'} Slim-l. 550 3354. 3.45pm. £4. lionc crunching: rock.

I John Watson and Adam \Vhixtlchiukitw. .l (i Soiiih lh‘idgc. 557 5| 14. 0pm. Rock and pop \\llll a l\\l\l \xhilc \lgiiicliL-xici‘ guilai‘ hand .>\dom

I Apache llumau tic-Iii. 2 .\' \cht ('i‘iixxL‘;ii|\L‘\\;i_\, ()(i: \',\'(i(l, 0pm, lll\ll'lllllL‘lll;ll acid ia/I iiiiai‘lcl \ll';l\\lll:_‘ on lhc [Duh ol' hip hop and mi \oul.

I Out of the Bedroom \VawrlL‘) liar. I St .\lai'_\\ Sli'ccl. 55" H5”. ‘)pm midnight. l‘i‘cc. ()pcu mic \L‘\\l(lll loi' lidiuhiu‘gIi-haxcd \ingcr—xong“ l'llL‘l'\. ()i'igiual muxic oiil_\ \\ illi llic chaucc lo

Aereogramme play the Venue, Edinburgh, Sat 15 Mar

48 THE LIST .i ' ‘.'.‘:' .‘

and the Garage, Glasgow, Mon 24 Mar.

iu'oi‘d a \cl on lom liat'k lll\l him; a

hlaiik lapc

Glasgow I Liberty X (lxdc \udiloiiiiiii. Sl-.(‘(‘. l'iniiicxloii()tia}.ll\—llll»1ll.lllllll No.5“ l‘i‘mh liom lhcii liiil \\\.iid loi llcxl Siiiglt‘ iiip agaiiN \llll (Ullll‘k'llllllll liom a mimhci ol \app} you‘i \Cl\li'll\l. l.ihci'l} \ lump on the Sugahahcx‘ l‘allil\\.if_'iill and gcl Righaid .\ lo \‘lL‘alC a ucu liagk loi‘ lhciii tiom iuo old \ougx ihc l'k'\llll. 'llciug \ohod} ‘. 1\ an amalgam ol ('haka lx'haii'x ‘\m'l \ohodi‘ and the Human l.cag_'uc\ .lit'lllg lillllk‘tl. I Opeth and Madder Mortem lhc (iai'agc. .Wll Salichichall Sticcl. 33: lllll, "pm. ‘41”. ()wi'» l-lx \liou. \loic diama-lillcd doom mclal liom Sucdcu coiii‘ttw} ol .\lu\it~ loi \dllillh i‘ct'oidx I Doberman and Cherry Falls Km; 'l'ui'x “ah \\ah lliil. I‘la Si Vina-iii Sli‘ccl. III 53‘” .\ 30pm L” \\'him\it‘al woin oiillil \\ ho cuchaulcd thc iiidic nation a L'llllplt' ol _\L‘.ll\ ago will ‘Shoi'lq \\all’. :\l\o giwu lo cu‘culi'ic lllll\l(.ll Ullll‘lll\l\ ui lllL' t‘L‘itiliahlc mauucr ol thc (Iu'diat‘x. I Detroit Grand Pubahs l)t‘.llll l)l\\'U. lllk‘ .'\l'(llt'\. Slum-L (Will “:3 H31)”. llpm. {Ill ()iil} lil'llhll datc llll\ )cai' loi' llll\ clccli'o oiillil knoxiu loi' lhc ti‘ul} iiiagulit'vnl dauccl‘looi' \iompci' ‘Sauduichcx' I Tycho, Reaz and Monkeytribe 'l‘hc Vault/Yang. 33 ()ucuu Sli’ccl. 3-13 5118-1. 8.30pm. [5. The launch ol (idauxk Rccoi'diugx. a lahcl i‘im h} ‘liidcuix li'om Slim L‘iillcgc. lllL‘ lliiiiiL‘ Ul lilct‘ll‘lt‘ lloiw) lamcd loi‘ licllc & Schaxliau'x liar/null, and i‘clcaw\ h} Bill} ('lii‘o and Suou l’ali'ol. (idauxk. iiiidcr ihc llllL‘lligc Ul (.I‘CL‘Pllig llclll'\ l)llll_‘._'lll\ .\l;lCllll}l'C arc inwxligaliu; allogcthu lllUl'L‘ L‘\pci‘iiuciita| ;l\L‘llllL‘\. 'l'hc llll'L'L‘ actx \hoxx cawd pi'cxcul lhcu' ouu tu ixlcd tala‘x on clu‘lionica. rock and hip hop. I The Drifters .\lolhcr\\c|| (‘oiicci't llall. (llh‘m 3”: WW. [13.50. .\lalc \ocal hai‘uion) group thc |)i‘il'lci‘\ cclchi‘alc lit'l} )Cill'\ ot' 'Kmmg m the Back Rim (ill lllL' .\lii\ lc\'. 'l'[\ on lllL' Riml" and ‘l 'udcr lhc Boai'dualk'. I lliL‘ l'L'lT). (lHlC l’lliL'C. 43‘) llllll. 0pm. to. 'l‘rihiiic to ihal hand ['3 )‘kuou. lliC old ('oldpla}. I The Towers, Spyre, Talent Show Dropout, the Line Changes and Franlo the Loser 'l‘hc ('athouxc. 15 l'uiou Sli'cct. J-lh' (i(i(l(i 0.45pm. I Mercury Tilt Switch, Solus and The Modern George Barri). loll ('l_\dc Sii‘ccl. 08'” 0H" Um)". 8pm. £4. [)iiudouiau cmo i‘ockci‘x pi‘oiiiolc thcii' nc“ \iuglc ‘Radai' Rmpouxc' l'i'om lhcii‘ l'a\oiii‘ah|} rcx ic“ cd dchui alhiiiii Bruin/Ir Kn]. SL‘L' ilillll l3 lill' lllL‘ \li‘ilcl'll (icorgc. I The Silver Pill, Pupkin and Julia Thirteen \icc‘n'Slt-a/y 431 Sauchichall Sti'ccl. 333 003". ‘lpm. Qllulll} liuc up ol' molten lc\lui'cd rock l'i'om thc Silwi‘ l’ill. ahl} ;l\\l\lC\l h} ixio ill (il;lxg0\\ '\ lliUl'L‘ l'L‘llllL‘il [‘lll'\L‘}i\l'\ Ul moouxonic indie llll‘llx. I Invain, Locker 30 and Limon lair} \liii‘i‘}\. .\la\\\c|| Sii'ccl. 32! (6| 1. 0pm. {-1. including L'lill‘} lo noxi— gig cluh. I Sundowners (ii'and ()lc ()pi‘). l’aile'} Road loll. 43‘) 530(i. ".3llpm. {-1 W3 mcmhcrxi. ('ouuii'). I The Counterfeit Clash .\l;icSiii'lc}\.-12 Jamaica Sircct. 3-18 85“. 0.30pm. l-‘rcc. ('oicrx. I Engine .\lc(‘huill\. 4o Hiin Sli'ccl. 553 3|35. lllpm. l‘rcc. Improx \oul-jaH- clccii'o madqu l'i'om lhi~ Iaudcd local outlil. I Life and Soul Samucl l)o\\ '~. ()5 fl Nillixdalc Road—13.3lllll". 5.30pm. lira: I Daniel B Shenkin (‘ai'c Hula. fill llopc Sircct. 353 limo. 8pm. l‘i‘cc. AcoiNic rock i'cxidcuc}.


Tenacious D k q t.:: "‘a‘a‘ftl "‘ “‘ 021"," '."t“

t" "51:; H-\\'.l\‘ \lacvx .i"

I 17‘" [r n\ \‘ ;f '1, ;r

Aereogramme l wanna:

II-\ \1 ~'\l I ‘\‘ll kl \I»‘ \‘t \l" ’\{"‘)\\\1'ki"\"\ll ' '. "ll3.'\'t.3§' l d‘. l‘li",l.'3\i .E’T\' g l'~‘.t‘ ‘. l‘, .it", ,l't'\""\ .".i""'.l'.t‘f~ '\\\l\ lltl'nl.‘ 4' 3'. l), .'. i. lilo .on, tillv"‘i'l‘; [l.i"" I...” Huh; x1, . .1'. ki.:'.i,i'i',

(ii’,3:;g;«".‘.. 'ii' Jimi Tenor Big Band l v n‘

aiiliiittiml Ania” tiriittlté' tr

Finland's (iiiiint [Sar‘w ii:;‘,;tl‘.aiui~yr;_ lorior walla “it. olot‘tioiiu a.'.' t‘v-‘WlihiW i'ito viii contaminantirzf‘ l a.» ,1 Ho, ‘17:. [Militia/oh. Sui" 73,17. Out of the Bedroom CD Launch ll‘ i; “Hillile tEl‘m‘.‘ ol unplug/igloo lotin lzlmlll glill'u'rt; pace a'i<l (:olotuaNe lltt‘ll tltfl‘ll'. (TOHllHILtiIOH ‘.‘.'|ill a ‘.('l."!('(l hull of titantit: iii'oitoiti<>iis;. (fa! amt Vo/ta/m, {ti'irrliiiiarx

.w'wl I. itiglr.

Raar l l()lll(?{ll'(>'.'.’l‘ (ilaziiiiiivik pi'ogiswtlii'ottk boasts; who lxll()‘,‘/ a thing; or t\'./ > about a good Tllllt}. And a giooo liiiia. Sm: l).'(‘,‘.’|(?‘.‘.'. Barf/L (-3/a:;;;oi'.. I" .1" Afar.

Degrassi, Foil, the Silver Pill and X-Tigers A (;(}l(?l)l£ll(>l'\, mash up of l()Lll o‘ Scotland's; more sophisticated l'()(‘,l\ ll()l8(}lll(’ll\(?l'f;. l lot/id [loo/ii. Painfully/2, In .1)! lily/I’ll.

Dirty Hospital illu: l)(>\,’f; lllll'l BIS have boon has, a li(:\.‘.' recording studio has boon lilllll from old susxoot \.'./'ai>i)(:is; and (:oko cans and llffl't‘: am lllt.‘ lll'Sl fruits; from it: (:xcollo'it oloxlro ‘v.“.’|lll an oaai, Sunny <1i:;p<)$;.tioii, Soo UFOVIQ‘JJ. Sta/12o, CI/a:;goi'.. Mon 24 Mar:

Hot Hot Heat aria Moving Targets For once SOHN: north Americans; who haw;- F(35$l(l(?fl in tho garage for a ‘.‘.’llll(? and not come out smelling of tlio Strokes. A double-(lose of lO‘JQEllJltf new u‘xave ftivikatcering. Barf/y, G/asgoa. file 135) fvlar‘.

Blood Brothers The latest bunch of Yank niontalisst lliClilllSlf; 'l)lCIUFGCll to be touched by the hand of producer Ross Slipknot. Glassiaw. At the Dill/alri' Robinson. Wild and wonderful. Cat/rouse. G/asgow. lt/od 26 Mar: