Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow©, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Glasgow Thursdays

Corrretly Giggles \Icrtur} lourrgt'. ll: Halli

lairc. 115 V“ ‘lprrr *arir leroxx \larh

at ‘) illprrrr Ll “ct-kl} ,\l.ur ,\rrrlcr~orr kllIllllk'IC\ on llru l§.\lar iirlrotlut'rrrg \lrxx liarhara \rt'c \xlirlc a\ part ol llrt~ (rl.l\:grr\\ IIIIt'IIIJIIUIIdI ('orrrctl} lolrxal .\irra ( 'orrlr and lint) I’orlt'r \xrll lrt' rrrlrotlut‘t-tl l\} .r \pt't’ral gucxl (Ullll‘t'lt'.


All About my Mother Alrrrodovar's saga of rrrother love. See Film list/rigs. page 2/.

Death Disco Gay trrerrtlly slea/y techno-lurrk at the Arches. See Clubs. page ff.

Far from Heaven Julianne Moore and hidden sexuality. See Film listings. page 2)".

Five Blue-Haired Ladies Sitting on a Green Park Bench Una McLean plays the part of a lesbian. See 7/reatre list/rigs. page (if).

God’s New Frock A young boys longing to he a girl. See [heat/e listings. page (5:3.

The Hours Story of Vrrgrnra Woolf. See FI/m listings. page 27.

Tracy Chapman Folk chanteuse. See MUS/C list/rigs. page 48.

Health and Suppon

Body Positive 3 Park ()uarlr'anl. 333 50]”. Support tor llloxc .rllcclcrl h) lll\',.\ll).\'.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 S.rrrtl_\lortl I’lacc. Ill (Wilt) lrrlo lor uorrrcn .IlItI \pccrlu‘ \cn it‘cx lor‘ IC\I‘|.III\ Colours LGBT Youth I‘m Barlr Sr. 348 |.\'4_‘ 'l'uc (r50 ‘l..§llprrr. No“ councrl lurrtlcrl group lor )oung l.(ili'l' pooplc agctl lo 25 Drop in lor‘ lrrcritll} clral. atl\ rcc or rrrlorrrratrorr. Scc paricl Glasgow Lesbian Line PO Box (130,“.5 N-I- (IS-I“. .‘\\I\ It}? Glasgow Women’s Library IlN 'l'r'ongalc. 552 $345. Open Inc In

1 (rpm; Sat 2 5pm “onicn'x lrlcralurc ttlltl IIIC It‘\l‘l.lll arclrrw. .lerl lli\\l IU rrrcctrrigx ol lhc l.ll’.\' group lor It'\l‘l.lll\ and I‘l\L'\U;tI munch untlcr 35 rlor‘trrrglrtlxr

Homophobic Crime Reporting (‘onlact 54“ UM“. ()pcri " Illprrr tlarl} Phace Scotland .10 Bath Sin-cl. 332 3335'. 'l‘lic rirarrr \cn rec rrr the “or ol Scotland lor' lhmc allcctctl h} ll|\’x.\ll).\',

74 THE LIST . ".‘qz' .’

Glasgow Fridays Clubs Lick It \It'rtur) lourrgt'. l1: liallr larrc. _‘~1\ PH" lllprrr Iarrr lrt'c lx'lorc l ‘Hprrr. Lelaltcr “ct-kl} \lrxtlrrt".ou\ lauglrx .lIItI crolrt rrralc pt'rlorrrrcrx


Revolver’s Second Birthday BaSh I{t‘\rll\t'l. (Lt _lrlllll \llt't‘l. 5;; 3~l5tr In H \lar 5pm larrr lrcc llrt' popular har krth oll llx l‘llllltla} u'lt'lualrorrx \rrtlr .r|| tIlIIIl\\ .rt LI 5“ hour 5 .\prrr \xllcu I).l \Ir\ \lagoo lakw owr

Glasgow Saturdays

Clubs Lifeboy \lt'rt'ui) louugt'. ll.‘ Halli Iauc. I-lh lqfl. lllprrr iarrr Irt'c l‘k'll‘lk'

ll. 5Illllll'. L5 .rllcr “ct-kl} \rglrl ol t'llllrrrg t'tlgt' tlarru' rrurxit'

Burly \lt'rt'ur} lounge. l-l.‘ Iiallr I..Illt'. 2.15 I‘M. Sal I5 .\I.rr. lllpru iaru t‘ rlrcc IIIt'IIll‘t'I\IlIPl Rulilrcr. lL'JlIlk'I. IIltIlI\l|I.lI. tlt-rrrrrr. r’uglr) or kill) Luvely \Icrt‘ur) loungc. l-l.‘ liatlr lanc. 2-15 |“". Sat 32 Mar

lll. ‘llprrr ‘xrrrr, L'.\ rrorr IIICIIII‘L'I\ it" irrcrrrhcrxr. 'l'lrc curlwranl hoin parl_\ Bennet’s *lll ( II.l\\lUItI Slr'ccl. $53 5501.8.”23 .\I.rr. llprrr i. Warn. U Ur it: [5| \\rllr girl harrtl lt‘rrroncwt'rrl


Revolver’s Second Birthday Bash cholwr‘. ha .Iolrrr Slim-l. 553 1150. Sat l5 .\Iai'. -l (rpm. I'I‘L'c. lirr‘llrtla} qur/ “Hit a \tlllll'hL' 'tla} oul' up lor’ glalk. l).l .lolrrrhcar prox ItIC\ \rllllL‘ tlt'L‘P. \I(‘\\ ll .lIltI tIIl'l} \Ulllltl\ through to larrr.

Glasgow Sundays


Revolver’s Second Birthday 888.1 Rmolu‘r'. (til .Irtllll Sll'L‘L'l. 5.5.5 3450. Sun In .\lar. 'l'irrrc the l'r'cc. |.cg\\.u'rrrcr\ lo IIlt‘ lor‘c ax l).l Ilatlpupp} takcx llrc \ountllr'at‘k liat'k lo llrc Mix.

Glasgow Mondays


Revolver’s Second Birthday Bash RLWUIH‘I‘. (Kl thllll SII'L‘L‘I. .555 2450. .\Ion I" .\Iar'. lurlc llk‘. l‘r'cc. ll‘x St l’atr‘ick'x rirglrl. \o upu‘t good trait:

Glasgow Tuesdays


Pink Pound \lcr'uur'} loungc. HI Halli lanc. 3-18 I"? lllprrr .iarrr. l'rcc lwlor'c llfillprrr; L'l altcr'. \Vcckl}. [I drink prouiox and DJ \Irt‘lrt'llc.

Sandyford Initiative Sauclrrclrall Slr‘ccl. Ill (r‘lltl, 5M) .\'prri. .\ rangc ol \cr'\ rccx urclutlrrrg a \wckl} lcxluarr health clinic rllru r.

Steve Retson Project 2 Santhlor'tl l’lacc. 3| | fitrlll. ()pcrr luc «k lhu

5..‘~l) 8.30pm. Smual licalllr atl\ rm" and counwllrrrg lor' ga} rrrcrr. Strathclyde Gay and Lesbian Switchboard l’() Hm Rs. (;2 Iota. M" (Ll-l“. ()pcrr " lllprrr daily (‘orilhlcnlral atl\ rcc.


Centre I I I)l\rlll Sll't‘t‘l. ::l -303. .\l.rrn ga) ccrrlrc hoxtrrrg Humid liar'r‘rcr'x rclrallcrrgurg hornoplroluar. Slew Rclxon ga_\ rrrcn'x \c\ual lrcalth .I\I\ ru- lIIIll 5.30 .\,.‘llprnl. Ilolhlrc llcalrrrg (iroup r.\lorr "fill lllpnrr. l’crlorrrrarrcc (iroup I.\Iorr "5llprrri. ()l.( i.r\ xocral group loi' oltlcr‘ losltrarrx rrrrorrllil) l. lt‘clir'cakcrx lor' lltoxc no“ lo llrc \u'rrc rrirorrllrl). al\o at Satlrc l-r'oxl'xr. lir (Il.l\:_'ri\\ rlllollllll} l. (‘rrr\\l_\ri\ (iroup irrrorrtlrl} r. Out on Surrtla} rrrlorrual group lor .rll Hill I'\ rrnorrllrl) l. l.l(' lcxluarr \ocial group rrnorrlhl} r and Spcalxcax) poet and when group llllollllll) r

Lo‘a'r' YOUTH

A new survey says LGBT young people are four times more likely to suffer violence or harassment in school. 40% of them will also have experienced a violent attack in school. These statistics highlight the reasons why these young people are ten times more likely to attempt suicide.

It is therefore welcome news that an Edinburgh youth charity has been awarded £25k at the GlaxoSmithKline International IMPACT Awards. Stonewall Youth. Scotland’s largest group charity working with 13-25 year olds who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. strives to empower young LGBT people with support. information and advice. ‘It is a prestigious award and is great to be recognised as a leading organisation in developing health issues,‘ says Jamie Rennie of Stonewall Youth. 'We are intending to use it to reach a wider range of people around Scotland.‘

Another boost for the young LGBT community has happened in Glasgow with the first ever team being employed to work solely with 16—25 year olds. The 14-month £40,000 Colours project is run by John Paul Fitzpatrick and includes a weekly drop-in meeting offering support. information and

advice on sexuality and sexual health. (Jane Hamilton) I:§.'.>'*r-.'..: "(fifv‘x- J .1 .5 :' : "' ‘-"

l.,.i.',’_ tit, {Err} \:.:.«.y,'t ..

Glasgow Wednesdays


Write Up 'I'lrc .'\|L'Ilt‘\. 25: Mg) lt- Str'ccl. (Mlll ill: «Hun \M-tl It) .\I.rl. "pm. I'Ik't'. \Iorrllil}. 'l'lrc lirxl ol It'll \rr'rlcr'x \rorkxlropx It‘ll It} .lolur lirrrrrrc

Edinburgh Saturdays


Eye Candy .\I;r\\a. Vi 3‘) Mark! Slrccl. 220-1224. Ilprrr iarrr. Llll rt'hr. \Vu'kl}. (ilarrr lrouw part}.

Men Only ('lar‘crrront. l.H I ‘5 Izaxl ('lar'crrroul Slr‘ccl. 55h 5(r(r2. Sat 15 \lar hprrr. l'I‘cc. l'or'lrrrglrll}. \lcn orrl} rrrglrl Mingin’ Slutlro 3-1 rupxlarrxl. (‘allorr Road. 55.\ V55. Sat 33 Mar.

lllfillpur 3am. [5 below rrrrtlrrrglrl; Ur


Gay and Lesbian Badminton Group truss rel H5". 1 Int. “ct-ll}. Glasgow GOC Swimmers MW 58%). "Ml Uprrr. ‘llru. “Wkly lrrlor'rrral \L‘\\ltlll.

Gay Rambling Group *lSrl lust. .\lorrllil_\.

GOC Cycling Group Mu ism» Monthly


Health and Support

Lesbian Line 55‘ (PSI, \Itlll .\ 'l'lru "fill lllprri. llclplrrrc.

LGBT Police Link l.( ‘rlr (‘t-nrrc. (rll Ilr'orrglrlon Slr'cct. .\lorr (r "prrr. \Vcckl}. (‘all (CH 5 l .Wlhlll 5l-1ll rl _\ou “ant a chat with )our t'llllllllllllll} illllt‘L‘l'.

Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard .550 Jil-l‘). 5., {ll llllrin t‘\t‘l} tla}. IIL'IPllIlL‘.

Stonewall Youth Project (‘orrracr (r33 33m» r()ll'ru'r rrr liNJ5 lltri nos rioullrlrircl. Social cwrrlx lor l.( rlil untlcr' Sh. Scc pancl.

Waverley Care Sulax. 3/4

allt‘r l‘orlruglrll} (la) lrrcrrrll} t'lulrlurrz' Joy Igo. l’rtairl} l’lau'. l".\ 5' l ;1 \al l5 \lar llprrr larrr Llllrmr \lorrllrl) \I.I_L'_‘_'It'. \lari. lrt'rrtl} “with .IIltI \all} I

Edinburgh Sundays


Taste 'l Ilk' l ItIIIItI lx’oorrr. ‘K \ rt'lorra Slrt't'l. 335 35(r-l llprir ‘arrr L5 l‘t'IUIC ll ‘llprrr. LN it'll Illt‘llll‘k'l\l allt'r. L Ill rrorr rrrcrrrlrcrx on gut-st I).l rrrglrlx \Vt‘t'kl} 'l.r\l_\ lut'u ol lrouxt‘ .tllrl

Edinburgh Tuesdays

Cluhs Vibe lgo. l’rtarrl\ I’lau'. ‘lW ".l {-1 llprrr 5alll t: “ct-kl} \parkl} part}

\lilrmrrrourrl. Nil ll‘).\_‘ lin- \.lllrlll\ \L'I\ ru‘s rrrt‘lutlrrrg lurt'c. a wall} \m'r.r| group lor ga} Illt‘Il allt't'lt-tl h}

Ill\ .\ll).\ rl rr _‘ ~lprrri


AD (‘orrlat‘l 55!» llll‘) Ior It'\l\l.lll\ owl lll \Ik't'l\ rrrorrllrl} to plan \ot ral cu-rrh. ("all lor irrort- \It'l.llI\

Dykes’ Night Out M) Ito\ Im. Inlll ;H X Sot'ral cu-urrrgx lor xxorrrt'rr LGB Centre (ill liroriglrlorr \lrt't'l. ~1".\ "lllr‘l. Irrrporlarrl ga} LL'IIIIK' lll>\llll_‘.' IIIL' \\orrrcrr\ (iroup Drop [ii i llurr. (la) I).ItI\ Scotland rurorrllrl} r .1\ null .r\ Iii latlrrrlurrglr llrc \otral \upporl group lor I‘I5t‘\IIIII\ .IIItI llrow qucslrorrrrrg IIIL'II \t'\ll.rlll) rirrorrllrl}r Scottish TV/TS Group llrt- I’lrocrrn (‘cllar liar. -1(r lirouglilorr Slrccl, 55“ ll: 5-1 \Irbllllll}.


Gay Men’s Swimming Group 2264-1—50. \Iorr .\prrr. “ct-kl}, GOC Cycling Group rrs‘rr til 5S‘M. \Iorrtlrl}

Gay Outdoor Group Sin VH5. \lrrrrllrl}.