I Rapture al \IL‘IIIQI. llpm iam. Uhc. “Ct‘kh. "(ix and .\'o\ claxxlu lrom Janit'x Rilxwll. and gucxl I).I~ cwr} l\\o \wckx Inakc IIll\ a Inn night oull I Red and Gold Room al :\l‘la. lllpm 3am. I‘rcc hcl'orc l lpm; LN allcr. \Vcckl}. I)J .Ioi'llo and Bill) \lllllgan man lIk‘ ilcckx for a linc nighl ol Ialin houw. 'I'Inx \\ III \ci'ioilxl} \pn‘c up )our IIIL'. ll' Ihal'x \\ha1\ requirch I Remedy al .'\\I l.|h I Ipm -lam. £5. \Vcckl}. Haw} 'I'homxon. (‘olin Haw} and xomconc \xilhoul I)a\c_\ m Ill\ namc ()\\ cn ('aldncll gcl Inlo lhc lech- houwgroom-“11hlhc.’\il lih maxxiu‘. O Rub Down at .‘\kI lih. | Ipm 3am. (511.450), l5 .\laix Monthly .\'c\\ rcgnlal' night Iroln Boah and 'l'inn Bacon. pla) in; hip hop. clcclro and bass hcau luncx al llnx dchglnlul \cnuc. 'I'lic) Kc got a custom built ’I‘anno} sound ~_\ man. so lhc} sound a hit holler lhan mml clubs. I Saturdays in Bed al Ilcd normal} the Vclwl Roomxi. IIHUpIn 3am. If (95». Hit l'nnknwl Rtkll Ill lhc cit} rocks lhc hi; hack hnh'oom on a Salunla} Ill Ilcd \\ nh [he logcmlar} Raynond \Voodx. .lnn «Ia Ilcxl and his nnmcal antics kccp )ou a“;in 1n th‘ Iron! hcdrooin making lIll\ nc“ Sal nigh! onc ol' lhc lllU\l popular Ill lhc k'll)‘ I Seismic al .MI I.ih. llpm Jam. in. 22 Mar. \lonlhl}. Seismic rc-wicrgcx I'l'nlll lIlC iIL‘Cp ilI-ICI' it \Ulllc lllUlllIl\ Ul' InIk‘rnallon Io hung _\on qualil} umlcrgi'ouml clcclrolnc dancc music ranging: from clcclro. lcchno. houw. hoot}. hrcakx and mqu Mull Dadd) and Hui-Bo} ICIL‘cli‘ic aka 'I‘hc \Voi'ld Krak ('arlcl Il‘K L‘Ict'lro duo) Hun cl from I.omlon Io makc lhcn' lirxl aplwarancc in (ilaxgon. In London th‘} run Sprungcarlcllnachs. a round Iahcl specialising in clcclronic Inachinc funk and along mm the rccord Iahcl (he) also run .\lc(iroin Holdings Inc a Rccord Distribution ('olnpan} xpccialixing In clccn'onn~ music and all olhcr \UlllL‘ lllL‘L‘llC\. I The Shack al lhc Shack. Illfillpm .ilfillam. L“ ([5). \Vcckl}. I.cl )our hair down and liwn thing\ up on [he danccfloor Io th‘ sounds of all )our Shack lamurilm. I The Shed at lhc Shcd. 10.30pm 2am. in. \Vcckl}. Dcmaml is high for [his onc. so gcl lhcrc call}. 'I‘uncagc dcplo} cd h} D] Raymond

The Detroit Grand Pubahs play Death Disco, Fri 14 Mar

l)a\1'cn Ill lhc main hall. Rik“ aficionado (’hrlx Ichkclh lll lhc lo“

I Soulsa al .\l.l\.\f llpm iam LN. \Vcckl}. :\nd_\ and Shac I) arc Ill (ILHjJL‘ al lhc (Iuh In Rinal Izu'hangc Squaw. .\ gi‘cal \oullul houw \k‘\\lUll on llnx \xcll tIL‘u‘l'H‘iI pull}.

I Streetlite al I.I\|lIl(I loungc.

‘lpln 3am L‘.\ iL'SL 15 Mar. \IonlIlI}. Sliu‘lhlc hung nx lhc lincxl ll‘om lhc Liquid loungc’x «Iangcllooi onv mow lnnu Il‘x a nnmual In It“. and HM“) anard lllcmvau‘x nu- hig \Illll) I'ul \lul‘\. l'l'I'I/IH Julio/1h Tl /.I\l'i (ml [Ill/(li'IN 1.“('Illl'\ all lug/II.

I Subculture al lhc Sub (‘Iuh

| 1pm 3am. I; ll), \Vchl}. Ham. and Indeed Donn-nit: rcltnn lrom playng a\\a_\ from homc cal I'almt‘. no chu. Slill lhc IkNl hoin nighl lor nnlm. nohod} dog‘s ll hcllct:

I Superfly al l|1c\\'oodxnlc Sot‘lal. lllpin Jam. {59‘}. IS .\Iar. .\lonIhI_\. 'l‘hc wconil lll\l;lIlllClll ol' th‘ pyh‘hcdcln‘ caharcl’x hn'lhda} lale Innl month. It's an ou'axion Ioi' lcncnl cclchralion and gcncral Incn'} making. I Syntax al Sonnilhan» .\'i'\l dalc (In: I Traxx al Soundhaux. .\'c\l \IIIIL' lht: I Vegas at lhc RL‘llll't‘“ I'cn‘).

0pm 2am, £8 (UH. 2‘) Mar. \lonlhl}. ()nc ol’ lhc most charming. Iunn} and haxicall) cnioyihlc cluh nighls Ill rcccnl manor) rcun‘nx lo makc lIiC chlrcu I’crr} x“ in; onc niorc lunc. Iicaulil'ul croml. grcal (IKII‘AICICIN al lhc hclm and a linc \cnuc. Somcllnng \pccial all round Drcxx lo nnprc“ or yarn“ lhc \xcmlo. I The Winchester Club al lhc \Voodxldc Soulal. Nut dalc lhc.

I Wired at .-\x_\ Ium. ('alulonian I'niwl‘xll} I'nlon lllpm 3am. U. \Vcckl}. (ilasgim \ longml running allcrnalnc imhc mghl \th \Il'lllI\\ promos apIcnl}.

I Seduce al .v\rchao\. | lpm Sam. {5 (UH. \Vcckly ('hai'l} «Iancc and Rikll. no! lo mcnlion an unhcallh} \Inallcring ol~ chccxc on this hugc Sal nighch

Glasgow Sundays


I Bennet’s al Bcnncl'x.

llfillpni 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. In \\IllL‘Il \\ c are conl'l‘onlcd h) a \Irangc pain}. 'I‘om play lunc\ lo\ cd h} I2-_\car-o|d girls. plu~ \HlllL‘ hangin‘ handbag. lo cquaII) apprccialiw 31a} mcn. I-‘unn'x UILI \H‘l'ItI.

I Bite at my ("alliouw

ll). {llpm ianL I'Icv lwlolc I l illpln; [I it I Slh allu. \M'ckl}, .\ IIIlIiIt‘I nn\ ol nan and lock Illan _\ou'll lind at lhc (II) '\ picmm liK'Ix \cnuc on In or \al I Club Tropicana a! (lit (I.ll.l_‘_'k' I.-\lln'i. I lpni ialn U 1L3» \M-ckl) IIIKIIK'. holh \‘I.l\\l\' and \‘Ulllx'IIIIHHJU.

\T "as Clubs

\\|II1.:I1(.:III1\ \quc MI Ilixig‘op

I Come to Bed al Hal iI \‘llli\‘lI\ lhc \CI\\‘I I\)~N‘IH\ llpm Mn: 8'.

'9‘.‘ \\\‘\‘I\I\ \u‘lll II.III\I\I.13L\ Iloln'Ih .nchnn I1\‘\I\.:l II‘.1\IT\‘\\ kaiaokc Ill-.‘IH. Icp'lclc \th [cal Ixx‘lx .HhI mnwphwncx Indulvcmc inst Icatliuil qu. In'xz'IH\ on \am I‘.n'I1.:II

I Cut the Crap .n \l \\

llpm iani 2‘ \\\\'I\I\ ( n1 Ihvk xap I.llllI\Il\'\ lIIc ll\‘\\ [u Mini Iionw .nnI clullonna mle al IIll\ \mall winn' I Definition v Audio in Haim llpm 4am “ix-kl} \\h.:l lumps Ih‘lmlllon alnl \lnlio hwclln‘r I\ .: \Ilalnl i'llllmslaxm lo! plaunz' lllll\l\ Ihal 111.1kc\_\o11\\alll loilanu'wnnnh lhal sou \IIHI‘ .l \Il\'\\ \1/c_ \\Ilhonl Iln' IUIIIIJIII} ol Ila\ HI‘,‘ Io \Il\‘\\ .1 “Main “as \o nccil lo \I.lll\I on \ clvmonx In'lc \\III1a \nmnlll.n k In \wm \nn Ilka' lIn» lolvvl \Ion mmnmw .nnI \onn‘ \Ioun lo Iiallls Iol lhc palm! \‘IlkI IN IIIC \\ \‘x'Ia'lhI

I Disco Badger al Ilalnlmn

*pnl iam 1* «I, V \\\'\'I\I\ \ mle IIl.ll \\1|l Iain}: loyclhcr t‘l|\‘\l\ lion: all H\\‘l IIk‘ ( II.'.\;'H\‘. \ IllI‘ I.HI\I\\.1[‘\‘ \l'Ix'.

IIIk‘ lli\\‘. \Ik'\ \‘.!\\‘LI \HI\ .llli‘ .llli .1 plclhola ol olln'l \ lulu ‘MII Iu' ilonalxnt' \[lllllli'l\ Ill lln' \onnnv monlhx

I Dream a! \lnmluau I IK'I\I\

Ill illpm iam fl‘ \\u'kl\ Iillm‘n quid lo fut-l Ill ' \on'ic 1n In' a Ians'h. aln'l_\a’Il1n\\.nl lhc Inn l\ x'UlllllIx'lx'I} llcc all lllt'IlI. \o \lup Illoanlny .nnl g'cl \Ilunk

I Kinky al Il.I\Il llpm ;am I‘ It in “ct-kl} I’anl \' ln- p|a_\\ haul lnnki \HllI and hip hop. \xlnlv \lm xv IiIUHH plah will [In pain Ham's L'I\k'\\IIk‘l\‘ on [In picnnxux

I Life’s a Drag al lln- \IK'I\ nu I.”llII“_‘k' 5pm iam Ilk'k‘ \M‘ckl) \ mghl ol lllll\l\ Iltllll I)| ('olln |)a\\~\ plnx li‘p,‘llI.ll (hay [K'IIUllll.lll\\‘\

Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow & Edinburgh

Valid from: 13/03/03 Until: 26/03/03

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