I Bargain Hunt .II \I.:\\.x 'Iwmu'rlj. ('Iuh \Icnmlm III “Ipun Run I rm Iu-Iwrc I Ipm. L3 Am I‘) \I.u Inrlmghll} \cu mqu In .xxwmulwn ‘.‘.III1 I mh \u I \I v.III1I).I\I’Im- Illa .quI III.- Iumhp plan”; nut IIu' wal III RAH .mll my IIHI‘

I .II I’M \.1 \.I IIII‘III 5.:III I ICC \M'UH} I).1‘.uI (Lu; 1.1} \ \IIII-I-II IIu' quxl RIKI‘I .lIIll Iup Imp IInm III'C I.:\l Icn )t'ulx I Fleamarket Funk .u (hInm'l \hIlum' Ilpm 5.1m In'c \M'L-kl} ILL'III Im'ul nuIIII plug”: IIu'H mm I\III(I HI In; ImmI Iunk III Iqu ucu \wcH) chulrlu} \'.IIII u \III.IIIL'IIII;‘ HI III \lIPPHII\ .qu nIIu-I luv .uI\ In! /‘I A 30l/u1::11/\ "I /.I\[ 1 (ml [It'll/l I \ 21¢ I hull [II/ll (III! 2


Pre-Club Venues:

I Air Organic ‘h ISI'IHIISHWC SIM'I. 50-1 5:0]

I Blackfriars 3!» Hell Sum. 55: 5U}: I Bar 10 III \IIIQIICII I..uu'. 5": I-I-IS I Bar 91 ‘II (qullt'ligyx. 553 5_‘I I

I Bar Ce Lona I”: Suuyluchull Sum. ID ‘R35

I Bar Jedi 3W \UIIII Illulgc. JIM Ihlh I Blacktriars In lIt-II Sum. 553 5*)2-1 I 5‘) \\IIlHIl I..llI\‘. 5~13 ~I‘Nih

I Cuba Norte I" John Slit-cl. 55: 5505 I Cul De Sac \ququ I .uu'. HI I‘m I Elliot’s 31H 3H5 IIJIII .SIIL'CI. 3-35 :IIIIII I Below 5I‘L'IHllglnu‘ SIICCI. 5.5-



5 | "I.

I Groucho St Judes Nu II.qu Sim-l. HI 5|"l

I Havana 5U IIUPC SIIL‘CI. :lh ~l-l(\()

I The Living Room 5 Imcx Rmul. “0 x5! I.

I The Medicine Room HI I: ('uIImIrul Squaw. 553 ‘5 I‘)

I Moloco IZS‘.‘ :\rg_\lc Sll‘ccl. WI ~15] i. I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy .IZI Suuyluchull Sum-l. HI um?

I Polo Lounge KI \VIIWI Sim.

5.5i IZII

I Soba ll \Illt‘hcll Sliccl luuc. III-l NIH.

I Spy Bar I5I IIth Slln'l. 23! “I I. I Tchai-Ovna 4: (Hugo I.;uu'. *5" I534.

I Variety Bar -IUI Sum‘luchull Sllu'l. “I II-I‘).

Club Venues:

I Ad-Lib III Ilupc .SlIL'L‘l. l-IS (\(LIS.

I Archaos :5 (‘lllk't'll .Sllk'k‘l. :II-I 5IX‘).

I The Arches \Iulluud Slrccl ml! .Luuuu‘u Sll'ccll. (Will “33 (NIH


in Inn MIMI/Iluiz.’

I Joko .:I my IIHIIQquII‘ Hum: Run

:1 \\;‘;'I.I} \.'\-. ‘.|..'.'I.I} :11;;I1I.:ITII.' IIHIIC‘MHIIII‘ .:\ III I I play II‘..- I\'\I zu Iug‘ hup .unI RAH

0 Low Gravity .II III.‘ I u;qu anm

I” 1Hpm Run L5 '13. In." In Suhlzmc IIIL'IIII‘CIV “cl-H} (Lu) \Iu. 1\HI1\.‘ mm.- quIuI h} III: Hmnxlu SuI‘Imu‘ .uhI \nzumI chpctllwlp Don't nun II11~ mnI \‘uch. :cul II )uu Ilkc :H'lll qucx [IIIuI .uui Iunl} \nuIIu'I In: mqu In! I (i 'MIII .1 Inc \huu. lwmI).i\1\IIIquu-xuuduu'IIuc \\\1'\I.IIIHII I” \I.u. I‘Icmc unu- mil} 1Hpmuud LIchu} IUI IIII\ mqu will} u l‘IIHlI‘.’ mil} mu .1th )nli umct knmk


I Asylum 5’“ ( “\M JlIlIk'II\ RILHI. I5: INth

I Bamboo 5| \M-u Riga-m SIIu'I. H3 lIIhq .\

I Barfly _‘hlI(I\«Ic \uccl. .‘3I will

I Bed 5:” hullyIIICIIJII \IICCI. I5: IIN<< I Bennet’s (m ( i|.x\\IunI sum.

as: 47,]

I Budda I13 SI \ mu'ul \IICCI. .‘II ‘()(\II_

I The Cathouse I5 l ulnn \nm. In (THIN)

I CCA ‘5” Suluhu'hull Slu'cl. 553-101") I Cube 5-1 ()uu'u SIn‘cl. 33!) .\‘NH

I Fury Murry’s on \I.I\\\cII Sum. III (15H

I The Garage .1tmx.m.Im-II.III Sum. “I I If”

I Glasgow School of Art In” chlicu Sllm'l. 55: (INII

I Glasgow University Union If. lulu-NI} \u'nuc. 55‘) MN"

I 92 ~I"-I .Sulk’IIICIIJII SI thcluml Iiu- (iumgw, ‘51 ;I I I

I Life IImwuu-nl ml ('nnnlluuul. I‘II Inglum Sllccl. 55.‘ lllIl.

I The Lighthouse in \quhcll Sim-i. :II (15“:

I MAS 3‘) Royal I‘.\\'II;III;_'C Squuu'. 331 "USU.

I Media I-I: Rk'llllt'lll .SIIL‘L‘I. 5H: IIIIIII I Mercury Lounge II: II.qu lulu". IIS‘ 1"",

I Privilege (N IIupc Sum.

Jul 52 I I.

I Queen Margaret Student Union 33 l'mu'ml} (Lu'dvux. HI) IFS-I.

I Reds. V5 Suut‘Iuchull Slim-I. Hl


I Renfrew Ferry ( Inlc I’luu'. 55% (INN).

I Riverside Club I-m Sum. 50*)


I Rocksy’s Basement .m \t'“ .SIICtIlIUII SIICL‘I. I’;II\IL'}. .55: 555‘”.

I The Shack I03 I’m SI. 3.12 "533.

I Soundhaus I“ II_\dcp;u'I\ Sum. 33! 405‘).

I Sub Club 32 Juluuu‘u Sliccl, JIS JOIN),

I Tempus (‘(':\. 55H Suuchlchull Slru'l.

\cc uhm a

'f‘t' \I\‘\l\\ 1.1It‘? .LII- I‘Ic . IuI‘ \cxunu .:I (fix (’.:I.‘

.‘ u.th II?II\I.II.I?II\III.‘I\C}.1IIII III; Ii.:u.I1'u I Opal Lounge .I: I mi 1 nun}:

I‘II‘III 1.1!!1 :5 “mini; \IuIv..‘.‘I. \cxxzwn RAH.

II;III1;:I:II.:I..'I~ \\II.’I .‘.

Hum Iwh} S.:II\~:I\I.:II .uhI I11~ .IMm quk .:u\I II-um' III.I\II up

I Salsa . . . Salsita! .u I 1 mm.» I'Il‘m 5.1111 In“; \\.'.'I.I} Sc.- III

3mm. <8 Part; I Planet .II (flxn'ulIIxI‘. I)1\.|

IHpm 5.1m 1‘ '17. Izcc \‘-IIII Su.I;\I.:\ Ix'InIc muIIupIII. \M‘cki} (’IIJI‘. .unI p.uI_\ \hcu.u:1;_xm\

I Note 3"” I 'I‘MIC \IIK'CI. I; II“

I The Tunnel M \Iudu-ll Sim-i. .‘UI lllllll

I Trash 1‘)“ I’m Sim-I. 5": H“:

I Vault 3.5 ()uwu Sliu'l. III-1 ilS‘l

I The Velvet Rooms <3“

Sum Im-Imll SlicuI. “I “"55

I The Woodside Social Club *3” \HIIII “UNLIHIIC l\’l‘.IlI 55— Ih~15

I Yang 55 ()uccn Sle 315 SISI


Pre-Club Venues:

I Bam Bou (‘0 I)" Snulh Illnlgrv. 55“ IIJIIII

I Bar Union 35* 35h (‘mxpuuz 55" _"‘.\II

I Beluga 50.1(‘ILunIu'Ix Sln'cl. (III 15-15

I The City Cafe Bluu Sllu'l. I]! HI35

I Cuba Norte I‘L‘ \Iumwn Sliccl. III MW

I eh1 I‘)“ III;_'II SIIL't'l. 33H 53“

I The Human Be-ln Six \M-u (‘Iinxuulxcwuy ()0: XXIII)

I Iguana ‘II Inlluuu Slim-I. 33“ USS I Magoo’s Basement 3” \M‘xl l’uu. JJI IIIx

I The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) Iillx't‘ICllL‘II .SIIL‘CI. (\(ifi mu"

I The Outhouse Hmughlnn Slim-l I.;IIIC. 55‘ ()(ihS.

I Oxygen i 5 Iulil‘nw'} Sliu'l. .55 ‘l‘I‘l-i

I PiVO I (\ (XIIIun RmuI. 55* 3935 I The Pond 3.3 3-1 Hull] RHmI. III" “25

I PopRokit 3 I’qud} I’lgu'v. 55h ~1‘q‘

I 0 Bar S/I I I.\‘IIII Sll't't‘l. 55-5 535i) . Y0 BBIOW (m Rnw SII'L'CI. 33” NH” Club Venues:

I Berlin. 5 (Jun-INN!) Sin-cl I uuc. II)" a: I 5

I The Bongo Club H No“ Sim-l. 5.50 520-1.

I Cavendish/Diva \Vm IUIIL'IUxx,

-35 ‘35-.


'Scuse me, have you got any pulls?

'Scuse me, have you got any pills?

o make ou look like a tit

'Scuse me, have you got any pills?

Ves, I sold you five an hour ago.

‘8’. ".18 Clubs

I Subway West End .u \uhmx \\.-\1 I mi "gm! 1.11% I we IwInIc “I‘m. L 5 MIN -i.‘~ “with Scc IIILI

I The Subway .u \III‘\\.I\ “pm Mm LI \\.‘.'I\E} Sm“ Hm

I Sugar Blue .z‘. \\ In \ul' I‘II‘III :JIII 15-11- .‘h \I.u (InuI. I\'\\Ii .qu J.un .uIqu .u Iqu III.IIIII_\ \Iudmm IIlg‘III

I The Sunshine Club .u I'cmx'mmu I nurtz'v I'lpm Run :1 '15 “11h IIM'II \M'ckh I’.uIy \II.uI\ \I.x\\1\\ Hum I\llI_‘._'\I\‘III I \I'\ I I.I\\‘I \upm. \KlIII I’mnunh “ICC/Ch .lI um :1 5” .III mphI I Tasty! .u \ImuI "pm 1.11:1 In'v Iu'lnzc I Ipm. L.‘ .IIIK'I :Izcc In nu-mlwiw \k‘C \l\‘ll

I Cabaret Voltaire m A III.” \um. _‘_‘u n] "h I C.C. Blooms .‘1 31 (in-cnmic I’I.I\c. «h u :11 I The Citrus ( mnum \ucct. (\.‘.‘

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), I’lihI} I’Idu‘, 11\ 5‘ I 51

I The Commplex ( 'nmuu't. LII Sllcvl. I (III). 555 5h?)

I Ego I’ltuhI) I'Imc. INS .151

I El Barrio IU»I\\.-\1I’nn.Swwn

I Eros/Elite I'nunlum I’.u'i\. Ilumlu' SIIH‘I. :35 IN‘I

I The Establishment l \cmplc Sum. 3.“) H

I Gaia I\Ile.' SIJI‘IuW RHJKI. .‘f" NIX“

I The Honeycomb I5 I" \nIIIn SIIu'I, 5 4H 55 In

I The Liquid Room *I. \ Mum \‘Im-I. .‘35 .‘5M

I The Mambo Club \\\‘\I IHII\IH\\. II” “HI

I Massa (formerly Club Mercado) 5“ 5" \IJII‘CI Sllx‘k'l. III) 1311

I Opal Lounge 5] (it-myt- Sllccl. .330

I Opium "I ('mxyulc. 335 x 1x:

I Peppermint Lounge I.I (‘huqu-u .SIH‘CI. 53”"

I PO Na Na ‘I {II I It‘llt'llxlx SIICCI. 3.?“


I Potterrow Iillxln Squuu'. (NI ‘II‘I5 I Prive Council -I~ Iluumw Slit-cl. 335 33le

I Revolution 1| I uihmn Riklll. 23‘) “hall

I Studio 24 ( {.IIIUII RmuI. 5.53 P55 I The Subway ( 'uugulx'. 325 (Fm I The Subway West End InlquH Rn.uI. 33‘) “W”

I The Union llt'IIUI “all lulu-ml). RIUIJIIHII. ~15 I 5 i ii

I The VenueMIum Rmul. 555 5”"5 I The Wash 'I'Iu- \IHIIIHI. 33.5 (\I‘)5 I The Watershed II SI \‘u-phcn Sllk't'l. 33” 55ml

I The Wee Red Bar Indmhlugh ('ullcgc (H .'\II. I..IlIII\lnlI I’luu'. 23‘) I-HZ. I Time 2-1.1 I'I’L'lIL'IIt‘k Sllk‘L‘l. 33“ I23“ I Why Not? I~I (iL'quJL' SlI'L‘L'l. “.11


'Scuse me, have you got any pulls?