BBC1, Thu 27 Mar. 8pm .00

Op. 1:7./ . Ir ,-\1‘ i "vi-llx‘ll‘. ~

MINT! l, t’l’l " "i

20-; .itf'r‘w'rt'. lkl." whyrtw’l .'tl t'--':~-‘ .gtlrnt? It‘ll tl'w- 3.7m" haw, Auufralrr Itr .42 l'tlirrwl‘ir‘, .ir‘z't 'll‘. art", Parirrithrtitttn; H .--' rt,.1t"l't} the ear?" ()rtz. llrotlmidv' Hwtwrrt '.".’It“.t' l". ('t urizl (tel .l‘.'..i. .'.rtl‘ giroiw lltll’. rug thpnr- lll‘llliitlt‘ti'ltil‘llirill 'iarr‘l-m .tllti it! )i :;-. 1-H? Im- g: LL", lh‘t‘h’fl‘. at, l:«- a t'l. r'_'.’(‘(i tr :hta ". t‘ra "‘thh'liiii‘lltf’11”“:.(Ifii 'YYZ‘ :t;tarihe upoh an -:rl«lug.irzl

Alli" ah t'il(ilt,‘f~fl|\. 'r‘eahllerrhg r'ttrmtur‘fmh to the show itlllil Tltfllt'fig llrol Hob}; tllitflltKleUlHl oh tiarriera bet tlil‘lt: irlrir<%;t:;rrtgi‘, iritrt.:;r'.t-. tit?t1ilt)\|lll} am :sehne :>l 'llelhg there .'.hr<:h the lust t.'.ro :‘wuet; tr‘ahagett to halt £1(Iill(?‘.'(} with rt:. illrlt'llt‘ <‘arr‘era morn ant" layrug harrator Ktrl‘» llrahagh poulrtrttate ell

Hut where does all iiltf; 'Y‘M’illlt) our ancestors :ltulf eutl';’ \‘Jorth til)llt§l(il‘llllt_] that rt thr- HHC keeht; ti gorhg. around the year .ltltlt‘ we'll get l'llr/Awg .'.,.'.'7 lumen

rlirrah Dorialtlsohr

illiw‘ltfllltiAl [MAMA THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL BBCZ. Fri 28 Mar. 9pm 0...

it's difficult to see hov. anyone (foulti breathe Irle rhto one of Henry hitter}; rriatr‘rrriortral sagas. Dor‘tor David Starkey rer‘er‘tlv tried rh 'ilr: own barbed.

104 THE LIST .‘7 Mar 1

3' ‘. ' 1"“ '3". 1' "' t :‘»' .' " " ' '1‘ .z z; ' t ' z w y ' m t r, 0" )J/t' ’y-(}r :10 ,l : v y 0 :r- "~' ' 'il' ' ' 12' . " I l "l " 'i "T ' .rr' ' ' i'fl l '«i 'r t 'ng, r l a: 10 " "l i '1' i ' i'i'd' "' ‘(H' ""':t '1" ,2 li ' -' "'l, 'l ' "' ' 2' l I" ' f‘ii‘r ' l ’l' " 1" (1.“ ' I " ll, U‘w'o '3 'r ll"' "it" 'r' 'Ilt ' 'r ll-l " " r"' l, " lo ' l'Ti' ° ti 7 it" .' , i” ll; '7A;H"* ~t’,l/!' l': l" ’i- i r. in :3 a wig: r".:;t N' H. - ' l Iv" 'H'lrl {‘j'w," "t it 'ir t: {1" i " 'l lirn‘ ' ltll’i ".t‘.’v iltrl“) t t it. )l Hr. ' l“ ’l i'irll‘ r‘i ' "N I‘. ‘1 "'..I.']‘I".‘;|1“ ".t‘i'. ...ri., Klutlv "wheat aurt liar" i)’/l‘..lltif»tl'l

. ,.'"ltt:‘;.".|l‘(]ll‘l it lwt?’ Hour

:;i l( Lt ,t.':

STILL GAME BBC1, Fri 28 Mar, 9.30pm 000.

)tfill'ill‘» [’lr' 1/’/>.'.c‘l'(I‘./tl.l'.‘. NEH," “lee /\'r‘ or; the 'l‘.t'l, UN eileh' twrlrlr'r‘t-rt; hen-are Nafatlt'ha Mei 'l‘mhe -Mary, .larwt llarut‘, -li-,‘llt‘, Abru- r;tuheri<iz us. heazrrlg Nehrot therr‘

rr‘::;:; .1 heat rl’aut Hater

anti .,'t H tilt Wu 1‘.



[till in Mail,“ hl/xlx‘v’ THE MAN WHO PAINTS THE FUTURE

Five, Fri 28 Mar. 9pm 0...

int: beat thrhg about .‘Jtr/r (Ea/he A; hot the taught; but the poignant (Lil‘;t:t‘.£lit()ll. Now Ill lit; St:(1()ll(l series. thrr; (,‘hez'urrr' the / at sprr‘ otl 1;.art; l ()ltl Krerhah autl

Danni Marltletl lot)le HM: a kttttil‘,, it -;:(i(‘l?lti.’ltl olo gee/er, Hat if, he~ :h fact. a rriotlerh <la\, (Ereg llerhhhrll as two rough talkrhg ()l(i bogs '.'.rhr|rug away their

Nontrarlarr‘ut; ‘.'.'ilt me :trearr‘:; haul;- |(:(i hurt to l)ltf(i|(ii rr‘arr, retieht retirement years; oh a lizaastt’rtl'.’ l ‘.e.'\,'thrug (Elasgov: scheme iil(}1()k(?lf3 rh therr

upturhrhg ot the (iltfi(il‘«,’

from the [)uhhlaue rria:;t;at:re tr: the (Lou. whit: :illiltll‘ll‘.. grarttltlatl stereotype. Vulgar, rahuy ahtl at>u:;r.'e. they take a tlrrhk Will] the” youthful

th'ough To the lok‘,(: :;at‘r.‘.a, gassing artti ll Seritt‘thhe-r haxe t‘tuphetl ab (turrhg ill); lust for Irle ooh, l)£tlilél||‘,' illittfl)‘. illl‘t‘. harrtpereti t», then

Ami he hat; agerhg i)()(l|(?f§. lhe‘. are.

Does this man see dead people?


Channel 4, Tue 8—Thu 10 Apr. 9pm 0

u\ - - begins With 40


With the recently and dearly departed Buried. things began to look up in the Channel 4 UK drama department. But then along came 20 Things to do Before You’re 30 which slowed down progress tenfold and. continuing the numerical theme, 40 has brought the bandwagon to a shuddering halt.

The cast is rammed with hot properties such as a post stand-up Eddie lzzard, the ever smouldering Hugo Speer, the always reliable Kerry Fox and the 805/905 screen goddess Joanne Whalley. Yet. somewhere along the line, 40 has lost its plot. Bryan Elsley made a fine stab of adapting The Crow Road but when he tried his hand at an original script, the pitiful The Young Person’s Guide to Becoming a Rock Star was the result. And here

his script flounders badly.

This tale revolves around a set of old friends gathering for a school reunion (yawn). One is an arrogant ad exec, a second is a frustrated trouble-shooter and another is watching his own company go down the tubes. And all the women are being maltreated in some way. Many people foolisth baited Real Men as exploitative. But 40 makes few attempts at tackling its own horrors, even when lingering over soft-focus shots of

scarred women.

lzzard should return to his comedy career as soon as he can, Whalley would be better leaving us grateful to have memories of happier times and the story should have been left in the hastily arranged ‘ideas‘ meeting it appears to have risen from. Appalling. (Brian Donaldson)

rh short. fill“ game But (itffitilil' the ilttt;ttltillt‘(}tit£l| portrayal. there}; f;()rh0thrhg loveahle about them. their (:orrtrhrtmeut to each other is; lit the double a<:t tradition of laurel ahtl Hartl‘, wrth ar‘taohu speaking louder than their words. £l|l()‘.'.’lltt] the SHOW to explore comedy no go areaf; such as; depres;5;rorr_ (teath. illness; and IOHOIIHCSS.

It means; that If it's; not the ttl()f3i hilarious; progyamrrrta. It's; alts/aw; griorl thoughtful (ior'it)art‘,. 'Mark Fisheri

ll()t;ll DRAMA KILLING HITLER BBC2. Sun 30 Mar. 8pm .00

‘You cant rust kill f§()ll‘.(}()ll(} because of what they rr‘rght (to Hi the tuturef remarks a character rh this

(lrarr‘atrr; ret.r>ri:;trar:tir;h 1? Operation l oxleg. the recerrtlv, trueoxerefl British rm)! to (iSSIleHltZlit? Hitler Its a larrirlrar argument in theme urteertarr‘. Ila/t; ()i ore errtptrye merribat. whreh It; [)lf}l$tlll‘.ili)ly fish, the BBC t'.‘/hl(:h loves a goori .‘JEll; r; airrrig the film at this; time

Sorr‘ewhere, buried Ill this; (trawrtout rrrelahge of a {)tt)()’€ltl‘lt‘.(: m the ‘L‘Xitéflfltillléir/ (Z()ttit()‘.’(:l‘;/ surrounding the ‘.£ttl()ll.‘; aseaimoatron 'tt(:iil()(if) worsened Hater, a borr‘ftJ throxm at a rho/trig train. a Polish sniper; coosroerett at the height of World War II. Unfomrnately, an ever- zealous (“rector opts for distracting. giddy carrieran-mrk triterCuttrhg Wliit perroo Stills and (:Ontrrbutions from“

H .lrtar', "mt/mar /\’i’i i’) "lili.

taut, aar'wx. .r',':

;; {gm «,l

Kenneth ’,r;tttlt;tl" a' '1 Keith Alien law the

(it‘léi'1Tt’J‘l'.ty' trainer:

(jih'l‘flitl ( i'iiIiarl‘a ('1'

,ol. rlegrr‘ tr, mall 9r ha’l tleerl .1 rr ore atrargh'lo'nan!


'Allélrt itér’i/,J:ii‘:,r