


I Double room in \lolklulllgc IIal. axallahll' Hmnclllall'lx lol IIIII. Illl'lllllx. II \ ploll‘\\loll.ll (i( 'II. I)( i. Pl)\\k'l \lllixx l'l. llL'l' lk'\lllk'lll\‘ palklnj: 135“ pl Ill x (‘I ~ lullx 'll-I HI *I 3.?!) 3" ii oi ll“.\ll -I {ll xx:

I Lovely room in molll-m lIal Ill \llnnx Inlh \\ou|lI \llll pa} llll‘lllllx malc lo \lldlk' xxllh onl' olhcl Shall'll lelllj: loom. kllx‘hl’n lk halhmmn. II( ‘II .\ l)( i, (x x lllonlh yonllal‘l. L35“ l‘k'lll #- ("I 4 lullx rt xlx'l‘mll. ll-I HI <l SSHle a. (Forum 31" I Room in large lulll‘um IIal lo \hall' xx lIlI onl' lllaIl‘ l\ lxxo Il'lnall'x. (‘onxl'lllcllllx on'all'll. x‘loxl' lo alI Ill.’l|Hl l‘ll\ IUlIIL'\ k [‘lllh. Spax'lollx lelng: mum & l.llj_'x' Illllx cqlllppcll lIllllllgg/klll‘hl'n. L35” lu‘lll + lxlllx Il—l‘lllll IlIl-l 5] i (ll WWIH (x53 ‘Sll.

I Hillside. Sunny double loom lll golgl‘oux. ll‘l'xhlx llx'l'ol'all'll. \'lx'lol‘lan Ilal, III3_'hI_x Ill-\Il'ahll' x'llx u'nll'l' Iol'allon. laxl‘cllcnl local alllcllllll-x, l’l'UIL‘\\lUll;ll lclnall‘ pl‘l'lcl'll‘ll. Axaulahlc l'nll .'\Pl'll. L' III pun lllx'llllllllf.‘ ("I k lullx + tlt‘l‘ll\ll. I'l-I: Illfil 535 0002.

I Large double room m l.cllh Ilal Iol‘ pl'oll‘xxlonal. \hal‘lng xx llll onc UlllL‘l' male. \xallahlc le .'\pl'll. £235 pun +- ("I' + Iullx + llcpoxll. ’l'cli IIPHIII TI 74 l.

I Large sunny room oxcrlooking Illlgc gal‘llcn. l5 mlnulcx xxalk Il‘oln I’l‘llll'cx Sll'l'cl. lug lelx'hcn. Io \hal'l'

xx llll onc olhcr. n/x. £350 px‘m + lth. 'I‘cl: 07884 350 85l,

I Single/twin/double room axailahlc Iol' 3”}l' Ulll\ m xl'rx lll\lll‘lllll\ Ilal Ill

.\'cxx inglon al‘ca. Icn llllllllIL‘\ ll‘oln (ll) L‘cnll‘c h} Iulx. l'l'Ulll [I‘M pull. 'l-L'l: liq/"5'3 7H :34. I Bath Street Housing x‘ll-npcl'allu‘ \cckx lll‘xx lncmhcr. ()xx n room in k'\lill‘ll\llk'tl communal llllll\L‘lIUltl \hanng Ial'gc (icorgian llUth' III l’ol'lolu'llo

xx llll I'ollr Ullk'l'\ & onc L‘lll. Run on \lilling \x‘alx'. 'I'cl: 0| SI (16‘) 3034 or L‘ lllllll

liaxxlx nn‘MI Ilollnallulm.

I Box room in I'lal oIl l.Ulllloll Roglll. (i('ll «k \\'.\l. lo \hal'c xx ilh lxxo olhclx. U5”

pcm + lullx. ‘I'cl: 0| 3| (xlxl (llxll‘.

I Double room available Ill Il'icnlllx Morningxlllc l'lal lo \hal‘c xx llll lxxo UlllL‘h. \Voulll \llll prolx'xxloml. ll/\ lcmalc. [33“ pan + ("I + lullx. Icl: (IIRI 44" $25!.

I Large single room axallahlc III lllollcm (iol'glc Ilal. \hanng xx lIll onc olhcr. lull} llII'III\lICll. \Voulxl \lllI ll/\ Icmalc. LINN) pun Including l‘lllx. lL‘l: Ill.” 4h- 2303.

I Spacious bright room m Blackl'orll l‘lal lo \hal‘c xxllh lxxo olhcrx. I.arg_'c klll'hcn/hx in; arca .\ all mod conx. .-\xal|ahlc lmmcdialclx. £225 pcm + lullx. l‘cl: ()l 3| (x5l) am}.

I Double room in bright. \pacioux. ga} l‘l'lcnlllx I‘lal. (}('II N all mod com. parking axallahlc. {3-H} pcm + ("I + lullx. 'I‘cl: (ITT'Xh 028 (I55.

I Double room in l’ullolu-lla xxllh all IllolI \Illl\. \ll.lllll_‘,_' xxllh Iolll olhl'lx L3H“ [\lll lullx o (‘l M (I‘ll-H WM 33‘)

I Quiet, sunny, n/s onllhlx' loom Ill xl'nll‘al llal Ix'lxxl'l'll l‘x‘\Il\.ll llK'JllL' N I lll\L'l\!I). \hann; xxllh lxxo lcmalc» l’llill'\\lxill.ll olll} LI5II|UII o ('I o lullx It] HI ;I (xlx.\ U-lhh all“ (xpm

I Double room in \lJIL'llllll'llI llal. axallahll' lxl Mull, UH“ pun lullx. ll'l: Ill ll ll“, 5 ill) or Il"| I 23‘) 5"I ILarge dodfle room .l\.lll;ll\ll' lloln le .-\|ulI (‘l‘nllal llk'dlll‘ll lII qlnl'l hlol'k. ll'opolll I’Ial'l', Shaun; xx Ill) 2 olhx'n. .v\II lllolI mnx N

(i( ’ll Slnl lllalllll- \llllll‘lll ax ( 'l \llX'UUIIU I'L‘leIL' Ix lll\\ll‘lk'. .'\ll llllll yonxlk ( i('II. L‘Illplm l lull»

IL'I: HI *| 55" ISM.

I Friendly student required lo \hall' xxllh 3 I'lnal _\x‘;ll \lllllx‘llh. l’ll‘.l\.llll \lllgll' room Ill alll'ax'llxl- lIal llx'dl 'lollx‘low. L‘IIII pull 6 lull» 'll-l: (rum ll" Mix,

I Stockbridge. Young professional \\.l|lll'll lUI \lllgll' l'oonl Ill lulghl. \pax‘lollx It'll-lull} lIal. L‘INI pun + ("I -+ lullx, Il‘l: (II ;I 330 3-7-10 alll'l (uun. x\xal|ah|c cnll oI .\lalx'h. I Leith flat. Double Iu'lllooln HIM pull lk \lllglc Iu'lll'oolll £25” pun. Sllll lllall‘. 'Icl: H704" "In U55.

I New Town. Great Slllal‘l Slll'cl. ()nl' \lllglc loom {351) pun + lullx. onc lIouhIc loom I435” pull + lullx. Spacioux lllll_\ llllIlhlll'tl Ilal. UIIC llllnlllc'x xxalk ll'UllI l’l'lllx'x‘\ SII‘L‘CI. .’\\‘L'C\\ lo 5 gal’llcnx, \Voulll \llll )ollllg [\l'lill'\\loll;ll. ill‘li (if-7*: 287 IN? I Female wanted to \hal‘c a Ilal xxllh a malc lk lcmall‘. olllx ll) llllllllll'\ ll'om (‘ll'x (‘cnllo (llNKl \l/cll l'oolll xx llh alllolmllg hox loom «k oxxll lMIlIIUUIII. (i(‘II & I)(i. £35” pun + l‘lll\. 'Il'l: IIIKI 553 73l5. I Sociable, young professional, n/\ \ollglll Ior room In lllleL‘l'lI llal. (‘Iavx x‘oln'lxal‘ll llL‘\ClUPIllL'lIl. (il'cal .Illllclloll Sll'ccl. I’oxxcl' \hoxxcl. grcal nclghluun'x. (low lo Show llcxclopmcnl. BIN) pun Including; ("I lull» 'IL'I: IFSIH (L13 5-13, Ismdent wanted ton-mm ln Ila_xmal‘kcl llal xxllh all mod com. plllx lull llxc ol \\\ llllllllllf.’ pool. gxlll N \;lllll;l. {I‘ll pun + l‘lll\ + llcpmll. III Ill 3] 337 I007. I Large double room m Iu‘lghl. \pax'lollx llal ll] llroughlon alca. .-\xallahlc Iol‘ Il'lcnlllx.

oulgolllg lcmalc. \hal‘lng xxilh onc

olhcr «k onc cal. {3‘5 pun + lullx + IlL'IX‘\Il.4lL‘l:(rag-l"-11:27.

I Flatmate wanted for onclx lulh l.IIIl\\ ('olomcx l'lal. Sharng xxllh onc olhl-r lcmalc. \lxll-xllllikcl' pl‘clcllul. I)ollhlc Iu‘lll'oonl. (SIN) pun plllx \hal‘c ol lullx. ('aII Inc} on (V—‘Nl (Ill5 UIJ,


A 5”


I Intelligent, witty, attractive, l'lllollollall} Illl'lalx' xxolllall axallahlc lol l'qllallx lllll'lx'xllllj; gloxxn up man Slllnlllallongllalallll'cll Shall- xxllh IIIL' ll’~1(»l'li

MEN SEEKING WOMEN I Male, 405 lots ol

llllx'lx'\l\ \Illxll‘. lhl'allc. UPCIJ. l'llllllilil\. \[Hllh plllx xclx xl'lx lk‘IIIIIllIlL‘ lllcnlllx SCI-Io lnll‘ll'xlln; xxolllall Iol lL'l.lIllllI\lllp ll’ Jul/3;


Glasgow male, gay, .1 K. \llalghl al'llllg. llocxn‘l llllnk. looking Iol \llllll.ll llcpcnllahll' l'olllpamon lol plalolllx‘ ll‘lcnllxhlp lagul *5 lo 4M Izluoxx (ml-ma aml callng oul


I Charlotte seeks Carrie, Samantha. Miranda lol Iaughx allll (Ill-(km): oul gllxx. .\lll\l lu- ill-r. \mglc. \ox'lal. \ll\\}. “llhlk'\ \\ L‘lx‘ollll‘.

l,l'l\ plll \omc SI'H' ll’/~I()2/-ll


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