She took inspiration from Miro, Klee and nature

masses and masses nt' )nttng penple “hit cnuldn‘t all-(it‘d lhcsc lX‘llcl‘ designs:

.-\nd that's e\actl_\ what she did. tnming I‘rnni the recngnisahle inntil's nl' the Slts tn the abstract. gcntttcll‘ic designs till the (ill\. lIet' lttlcltls alsn stretched tn designing carpets. \\ allpapers and ceramics.

lla‘.ing the suppnrt nl Rnhin. \xhn “its equall} cnintnitted tn prnducing high qualit} and al‘l'nrdahle Iurniture. \xas imalnahle. "In ha\e sninehnd} tn \xltnin _\nu can slum a design at a \er} earl} stage \\ ithnut einlmrrassinent \xas \er} \aluahle.' she sat) s.

When the 7()s came alnng. |.ucienne still did sntne designs Int” Inrnishings but she \\as lnnking Inr a challenge. She and Rnhin new design cnnsultants Inr the .lnhn I.e\\is Partnership Irntn I‘m) “)87. tackling cnrpnrate design nn a amhitinus scale. It \\tt\ during that time that l.ttcienne “its asked tn cnrne up \\ith a pattern l‘nr a metal shutter in a .lnhn l.c‘\\is stnre. She hrnke the pattern dnxxn intn Itnri/nntal strips and game it an cinhrnider) qualit}. 'l‘his triggered her idea Inr silk innsaics \xhich prmided just the alternati\e a\entie l'nr her creati\e energies she was lnnking l‘nr. ‘l knexx I wanted tn gne up designing textiles] she stt}’s. ‘I had all this l‘eeling nl' creatiVit} and when I \xasn't prnducing an_xthing I Used tn get quite had tempered and I kneu that life uasn't right

The silk Innsaics marked an iinpnrtant change. I-‘nr )c‘ats she had been designing lttltt'lcs ultich required l‘L‘pL‘ttls. ltlll here she c'ttllltl prnduce nne-nl‘l' designs. The experience “as liberating. ‘It \VLIs \snnderlul tn he dning just nne-nl‘l's and. (if cnurse. ahsnlutel} against Ill) I'nrtner idealistic attitude because the) \\ ere e\pensi\e. due tn the fact the) tnnk sn lnng.’

l‘nr the ne\t 2t) _\ears. I.ucienne nrganised regular e\hihitinns and men ltt)\\' in her mid-30s. she shnn's nn sign nI‘ retiring. Altlinugh she dnes nnt design ait_\ninre. she still exhibits and gixes lectures. The l'nrthenming exltihitinn at (ilasgnu Schnnl nl‘ .-\rt is an nppnt‘lttnil} tn see e\'er_\tlting I‘rnrn her classic 50s designs tn the recent silk innsaics til the Xlls and ‘)()s. The shim includes nriginals and hiin quality reprnductinns printed in cnllahnratinn with I)a) at the nexxl} established (‘entre l‘nr .-\d\‘anced 'I‘e\ti|es at (ilasgms Scltnnl nl‘:\rt.

l‘nr nx'er halt a centur} Lucienne has been at the l'nrelrnnt nl' design. married l'nr n\'et' (ill years and tnanaging tn juggle a high-prnl‘ile career \sith inntherhnnd. dispelling the sterent}pical image nI' the 'hntneinaker' \Htlltttlt nI the 50s. Sn hn\\ did she manage it'.’ ‘\\'e|l l nnl} had nne daughter. and quite late.‘ she laughs. '\\'e had a dai|_\ nanny as I didn‘t \\ ant a lixe-in nann_\ I wanted tn k‘ntm' hnu tn lnnk alter in) daughter. During the da} l \\ as unt'kiltg and then alter (rpm I \\ as a mum again and I think it \snrked. I was able tn e\plain tn in} daughter that I \s'nuld ha\e been a tnuch less interesting mum it I \\ ere tn sit at linine all da_\.'

Alter 5t) _\ears in design. liti\\C\Cl'. l.ucienne has Inst nnne nl' her mndest). When I ask her it' she helie\ es that she and Rnhin are legendary. her respnnse is simple: ‘\\'e haVe been tnld it sn nl'ten that I suppnse \\ e ha\e tn start tn helieVe it.'

Lucienne Day: Silk Mosaics and Early Textiles is at Glasgow School of Art, Mon 7 ApraSat 10 May.

16 THE LIST .‘ ' ‘.'..-.' '. '


' :- Helen Monaghan

Hunting for originals is the fun part and there are several places to try. In Glasgow, try the Barras and Retro (Otago Street, 0141 339 8770). In Edinburgh, places include Retro Interiors (St Mary‘s Street, 0131 558 9090), the Bachelor Pad (St Stephen Street, 0131 226 6355) and Retrobilia (East Norton Place, "a 0131 661 3939). Try also antiques and crafts fairs, car boot sales, and charity shops. Here’s what to look out for.

(1) Mickey flip-top bin £60, Habitat (2) Roberts Revival Radio £99, John Lewis (Buchanan Galleries, Glasgow; St James Centre, Edinburgh) (3) Ashtray, Urban Outfitters (Buchanan Street, Glasgow) (4) Tea towels £9, Habitat (5) Midwinter tableware (6) Cruet set (7) Smeg fridge from £900, John Lewis and www.5rnegdcoom (8) Magazine rack (9) Dualit toaster £108.68, John Lewis, Jenners, Frasers, Grays and www.dualit.com (10) Tin robots - try the Robot Shop (26 St Mary's Street, Edinburgh) (11) Grey clock £25, Habitat
