

of booze. junk and sex-fuelled ~ ‘. . - campus parties that contain as many BLUE CRUSH lows as they do highs. director (12A) 104ml" .. Roger Avary (co-author of Pulp :~‘- 2 : ~ ' r

If you're a Sunday morning slob. Fiction and writer/director of Killing -.' : :

sorry, I mean a devoted fan of Zoe) attacks the material with gusto. . 2 .

Dawson ’5 Creek you probably Bringing his own writing flair to the ' - z 2. couldn't conceive of its eponymous project he creates a hard-hitting teen . 2 : - 2 . :' : hero smoking, drinking, dealing movie with some startling set pieces ~ 1.: - ' ' - drugs and having meaningless sex. and a strong ensemble cast that ~ ~ ~ 2 . '

combines up-and-coming young actors and seasoned hands

Hold onto to your hats. then. as James van der Beek, dear to our

hearts as Dawson Leary. does all this including Faye Dunaway and Eric : - - ' : and much, much more in this gritty Stoltz. '- :' z . '. 2 .; adaptation of Bret Easton Ellis’ The film however, albeit stylish and ' . : -- - ' ' . - nihilistic novel, The Rules of entertaining. only narrowly avoids ' 2' : ' Attraction. being as superficial and shallow as " : 2

The first rule. of course. is that the lives it depicts. Aiming squarely " - -..' ' 2 . there are no rules at Camden at shock value, the casting of Van ' 2 " ' College, an affluent New England der Beek as a self-destructive drug -2 . 2 ' 2 2 place-of-no-learning in which the dealer is all too transparent. as is the " - ' ' film sets its scene. This is ably scene where adorable Fred Savage r , ' z 2 communicated by the stylish (Kevin Arnold in The Wonder Years) : '- 2 2 :3 2 » ' opening sequence which uses Hard-hitting teen movie with is shown shooting junk into his groin. .- ' ' '. ' : 2 : . voiceover. rewind effects and split startling set pieces and strong In its attempt to echo the 805 mine“ : _ I z. . .. .. . . . .. screens to introduce the main ensemb'e 035‘ in which the story was originally set ' " '- t" ~ 2' 2 ' " '2 protagonists: Lauren (Shannyn with a soundtrack including Blondie. 2 ' " Sossamon), who wakes up to last time he had sex sober. The Cure and Erasure, the film 2: x - discover she's getting fucked from Those that know the coke-stained recalls to some extent Brat Pack 2' . ' - 2 . behind by a ‘townie' who pukes on prose of Easton Ellis, or have seen movies like St Elmo’s Fire. More than her while a film student videos the the previous film adaptations of his this. it’s like Dawson ’5 Nights a late proceedings; Lara, who's taking on work (Less Than Zero, American night version of the TV show where the whole football team; Paul, who‘s Pyscho), will know what to expect the clean cut kids get to do all the getting beaten up for hitting on an from The Rules ofAttraction - dirty things we always wanted them adamantly straight guy; and Sean namely the larger-than-Iife wanton to. (Catherine Bromley) (Van der Beek) an ‘emotional excess of young lives polluted by (hm umnw ": w i ' . 152' .83 «- vampire‘ who can't remember the privilege. Depicting an endless round Miran :agv 5--

MAH I IN AM i 3; t :< >r2.1t t w SHANGHAI KNIGHTS (12A) 114mm .0

Oh no. tht: (32m! Sit-al (:t ()hina liélf; how‘ ".|(ik(?1i. \‘Jarut: atiii. Hit) anal}; (itiarttiai‘ has; twin knltxt. Bat (lon't ‘.'.'<>n\,. titt- guardian}; son is; nunu other than ()lmn Wang; IJéttikIU ()han-. whom: pal 1:; HH, ()Hannnn i()\.'.'(2n Vilma". Ihi: ()(itl

couple Mart: lust intnxitmxl in Slizingha Nair; an: it's; hart: tn l)(?||(?\t: that such a lit'!tt?ltt£li)|(: 'ntmt: 2.2mm Shaun a flittitlltlfitt. but how TIE}. for hotter 0' ‘.'.’()lt;(: l'.‘tl(7l“ 2.'.'<>.':;<:.

Total wipe-out

ihit; tunt? (Ihnn \‘(ang Iat; in John \"Uaxnn gymltlnt': and "v '. 2 i O'Hannon Hum: a‘~.'.'a\ tmn‘ the mid 3.123! In partsuu t'w (“.22 CIA recruitment film ii i" M‘- ' [out liathhnini: :Aitlan (‘nllan- ai<>unti Vl(it()"|£llt l ()lttith. . ' H t’/ W at'w' 'w - :' lhmvm in l()l timtiti Hitflltillt: ;:; Ilit? tttéititrtahit‘: l ant; V‘lun at; H 1.2.: n: .

()hon t It), Sister at (Inan Wayne. ‘-.'.'h<: :; :;<>n‘.i2nt)'.'. HitX(?(i at; . UIT : H-f '.’ ' ; (12A) 114mm 0.

in the {11085; ()f \Z’.)'t‘.t)lllltt\'} plot that changing locations farm," .it, t .' '2 ' 2

than a lounrnnhxv. T"a‘. Il‘z: (Lt:"°.'a i"‘.e,-' g; :' i »\_;t' : i " 2" .t' t‘ °_' " »

SUllttf‘flfiltt‘flt‘Liltttitiiiit?l|'](?, thofilnmtamut;hantrtinnttirmti a" 2 "(2.'. my» latex-"1i- }.i'i'l'f~i~'.' 2 2..:".-"‘ 'w ' ’t' ' thuVitittmanlanttn'tt>t.Jat‘ktnt‘rlilnnw ~.'.'ttha<1<>innlnatinn .'.i:‘ .2:..:.;~:"x.. .ll:x.:"'2:'.:','. ;.‘-r-, . ,_..;',, :.,2".~-'!wx' v . (itt’1t2ta‘i'.’lngilng;(Stun? Huihaitl luster inmmzs vssnts/tll.'i't; Mn : 'f'az 2 " 2 ,, '1 2 f' ' w " v i" ' i "- {,121 : [In '3; Wig/2': anal a l t>n<tnn ttittiltit titlltiQEl)()t)k It}; a titltit? <>f .'.;i-..f': z»..- " a .17". '."-,-' ,' z».- i- "~ 2' '.'.i '2 -‘ aw I tot: mam tinnkt; similzngi tni: hmth. at; the rnixttim (27' 24223112" :,-’:"‘;; '2; '..'..,-2 t, ,' ‘a'w '~‘,.:w‘ :t'i-p‘v 21,. J ' wuatmn '(?it?l(?l‘.t7t‘il. tnhtitct; tn SUV-l". Yttt?\|(?f; a'tti lnkm .Ja'Wc~ 13.2.3)". 1' f"-.:‘ :w" -- I)" r i "‘ ahtmt tht? l Hilliah fallt; tn rnakt: a coherent .'.h:>tt,-. i ran A W: "v ' I ' 'vs; ' zu' ' 2 '2 (Zhanaittinnantt\‘2.’1|:;nnmtvan’t:;a'~.<>fi’nir‘g'xi'i\.'7;;"f:; Hm: 2"..."f; (jam. .2". 2 t. 2.2" 2 " ; .1 " ' 2'21‘ r 3' t " '

A:; wet with Chan. It}; \'.’()lilt ES'iillitl though the niair‘ vv‘ta'Ha'. :". a: ';..', 1' i, k V " 2 " '- ' ' . ' ' w ' t " ‘112 feature In ‘.‘.'a!t:h the outtakes; at the Otttl. But i112 startmi tt; i .2 svruf :2: 1. Va’ ' "- . '2' N ' . .' ‘" ' ‘4" Ir ' wonth that it tho\ t;'t<)\‘.‘(?tl tht‘: l.)t.i'.tll\t?:3 hvtnvi: t'tt; t2i1't. :. t:;»'«"":.'. .2522 f' u" " " I ,2 -,-' 2' 2..: f1 3: W" :4. how mam, phonic ‘.‘.’titi|ti hothtri 2.‘.'£‘.I;ilttl‘.gl thi» manna rnmw" it: ,"‘-..-u, " (18‘3":1 .‘ z, 3'. 2f, 7' a " “- tKaicoin Attahi 7'»: :,",I,»':" f" ‘23:. f, :2: " ':. 2". I," :4 if it ' IConcia/m/vaswf'amz",JAM ~,-':...;‘:e:"t' '»,-u'..‘_"w"'.‘ '.'~ '2‘ ,1. ’2' ' '

" ‘2 w' Elm- 12,.17‘2 : : f 2":'. " " "2 '1“ 2 '(i. " ' 2- 'K" .m." : " ' :t- '\"‘.2':'_ r A2 ' " -:' ' 2th.." "i2" i' '. '2 "I'l‘tJfll‘ "

. .. 2' ' ' 2' 2' .. '1 ' ' " z" '2 ' 't- 2 (2° ' I "‘:f,',:,' t V"

Sta" .v v. (v. ft: ° var i, {4. I. v. gym; . r' ‘«);' 2.2' “12.421214”: 2:: ' ' r Suez/2"!" '2‘: .3 v 1 “1.: “I vtv ‘v. ' ;v ‘< ' ‘r'iQf )' ". u.-‘ ' I

':;~_‘ “3'22 '-.~".: : ': . :- Ht; "tr' ;

.1.’: C/.".: . 2 r «LC/w ‘tr' .2. :2. . I'.’ r. i :r' I .8“ 't I H " /" Chan-action and Wilson-wit can't save it I (Es-"era amt-12w "n" r ' .’ ' l2 .1 AM

24 THE LIST .‘ ' Mt' ' iii"